Re: Link relations in RDFa (Was: Re: Guidance on publishing in multiple formats)

at, Nov 12, 2011 at 9:59 PM, Jeni Tennison <> wrote:
> I've written up the issues with link relations in RDFa as I understand them at:
> Please take a look and let me know if I've missed anything.

Why does RDFa want to interpret link relations as part of the RDF
graph while not also importing <meta name=foo content=bar> into the
graph? If it is about maximally importing HTML-native metadata into
RDF, why isn't HTML-native <meta> data imported? If it's not about
maximally importing HTML-native metadata, why bother with rel at all?

Henri Sivonen

Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 11:03:11 UTC