Re: @itemid and URL properties in

On Nov 5, 2011, at 11:51 AM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

> On Sat, 05 Nov 2011 18:28:48 +0100, Jason Douglas  
> <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 11:50 PM, Jeni Tennison  
>> <>wrote:
>>> On 4 Nov 2011, at 21:28, Daniel Dulitz wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 14:17, Jeni Tennison <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> I'd love to know whether there are any consumers of markup
>>> that are or plan to aggregate data across different sites to create a  
>>> view
>>> of information about the same thing, and indeed whether there are any
>>> publishers who are generating markup with common @itemids or
>>> urls…
>>>> One could imagine that consumers like search engines might do  
>>> something
>>> like you describe. :-)
>>> One could *imagine* so, yes :) I suppose I was fishing a bit because of
>>> course if a search engine *was* doing that then it would picking up
>>> information in different languages about those things, and it would  
>>> want to
>>> preserve the language of the information so that they could present
>>> something useful back to the users. And that would be a good example for
>>> Hixie on the bug on microdata language handling [1]...
>> In as much as Hixie's response is it's "up to the vocabulary" and what  
>> most
>> everyone seems to want is the same -- use the existing DOM mechanisms, so
>> overall page language with @lang for overriding specific nodes -- should  
>> we
>> just state that's what processors will do (I know of at least
>> one implementer who had that expectation :-)?
> The spec currently says: "It's important to note that there is no  
> relationship between the microdata and the content of the document where  
> the microdata is marked up."
> To curry the extracted microdata with extra information from the DOM would  
> be in violation of this, so if you want to use lang="" it'd be best to  
> push for a spec change, IMHO.


JSON-LD shows one possible way of associating language information with values. (As well as datatype information, useful for capturing @datetime information, now that <time> seems to be back).


> -- 
> Philip Jägenstedt
> Core Developer
> Opera Software

Received on Saturday, 5 November 2011 19:06:47 UTC