- From: CVS User egraff <cvsmail@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 16:30:56 +0000
- To: public-html-commits@w3.org
Update of /sources/public/html5/html-polyglot In directory roscoe:/tmp/cvs-serv11777 Added Files: html-polyglot-disposition-comments.html Log Message: First draft of disposition of comments --- /sources/public/html5/html-polyglot/html-polyglot-disposition-comments.html 2014/06/02 16:30:56 NONE +++ /sources/public/html5/html-polyglot/html-polyglot-disposition-comments.html 2014/06/02 16:30:56 1.1 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>Polyglot Markup Disposition of Comments</title> <style type="text/css"> body { font-family:Helvetica; } h1 { font-size: 1.6em; font-weight: bold; } h2 { font-size: 1.3em; font-weight: bold; } h3 { font-size: 1em; font-weight:bold; } table { border-width: 1px; border-spacing: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-collapse: collapse; } th, td { padding: 2px; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; } th { background-color:#dcdcdc; } th, table { border-width: 2px; } .draft { background-color:#ff99cc; } .atrisk { background-color:#ffff00; } .underdev { background-color:#23b8dc; } .agree, .satisfied { background-color:#9acd32; } .disagree, .not_satisfied { background-color:#ff6a6a; } .compromise, .unknown { background-color:#eeee00; } tr.even { background-color: #e0e0e0; background-color: #ffffff; } tr.odd { background-color: #e6e6e6; } </style> </head><body> <div id="content"> <h1>Polyglot Markup Disposition of Comments</h1> <p>During its Last Call phases, the following changes were made to <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html-polyglot/">Polyglot Markup: A robust profile of the HTML5 vocabulary</a> based on public review and implementor feedback.</p> <p> There was one issue raised, <a href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/status/formal-objection-status.html"> Advance HTML/XHTML Compatibility Authoring Guidelines to Last Call</a>, based on bug <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12725">12725</a>, <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12725">Document should be on the Note-track</a>. The HTML WG declined to make any change based on this issue and explained the rationale to the commenter. </p> <h2>Resolutions and Responses</h2> <h3>HTML WG Resolutions</h3> <p> The <strong>Resolution</strong> column specifies the resolution to the issue, as determined by the working group and implemented by the editors. </p> <h3>Commenter Responses</h3> <p> The <strong>Staisfaction</strong> column specifies the response, if any, of the person(s) reporting the issue to the working group decision, and may contain values that indicate: </p> <table title="Legend for Responses"> <tbody> <tr> <th class="agree">Satisfied</th> <th class="unknown">No response</th> <th class="not_satisfied">Not satisfied</th> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h2>Disposition of Comments:</h2> <table id='_issues' title='List of issues'> <thead> <tr> <th>Bug ID or Issue Number</th> <th>Title of Issue or Bug</th> <th>Date commented or date bug opened</th> <th>Commenter or person opening bug</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Resolution</th> <th>Satisfaction</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=9961">9961</a></td> <td class='title'>View Source: Please base the markup of the polyglot spec on the polyglot spec</td> <td class='date'>2010-06-20 </td> <td class='commentor'>Leif Halvard Silli</td> <td class='status'>CLOSED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Request incorporated into publishing steps</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10152">10152</a></td> <td class='title'>[polyglot] i18n comment 5 : Mention lang and xml:lang </td> <td class='date'>2010-07-13</td> <td class='commentor'>Richard Ishida</td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Requested changes incorporated.</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10788">10788</a></td> <td class='title'>@srcdoc in polyglot documents</td> <td class='date'>2010-09-28 </td> <td class='commentor'>Leif Halvard Silli</td> <td class='status'>CLOSED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Example added to illustrate @srcdoc in polyglot</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11055">11055</a></td> <td class='title'>BOM confusion</td> <td class='date'>2010-10-14 </td> <td class='commentor'>David Carlisle </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Changed relevant passage to clarify BOM use</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11057">11057</a> </td> <td class='title'>doctype about:legacy-compat, t </td> <td class='date'>2010-10-14 </td> <td class='commentor'>David Carlisle </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Added note that using about:legacy-compat may result in unpredictable parsing</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11058">11058</a></td> <td class='title'>xlink elements</td> <td class='date'>2010-10-14</td> <td class='commentor'>David Carlisle</td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">fixed the typo</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11064">11064</a></td> <td class='title'>unstated requirement to be valid. </td> <td class='date'>2010-10-15 </td> <td class='commentor'>David Carlisle</td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED NEEDSINFO</td> <td class="response agree">Requested clarification about what should be changed</td> <td class="satisfaction unknown">Unknown</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11152">11152</a></td> <td class='title'>Polyglot spec should mention accessibility </td> <td class='date'>2010-10-27 </td> <td class='commentor'>Tony Ross [MSFT] </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED NEEDSINFO</td> <td class="response agree">Requested info specifying areas of accessibility that polyglot spec needs to specify</td> <td class="satisfaction unknown">Unknown</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11259">11259</a></td> <td class='title'>Use "MUST" consistently to express normative requirements </td> <td class='date'>2010-11-08</td> <td class='commentor'>James Clark </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Removed any RFC 2119 language, UNLESS it is required by an original normative specification</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11260">11260</a></td> <td class='title'>Constraints on comments </td> <td class='date'>2010-11-08 </td> <td class='commentor'>James Clark </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Added text to indicate charaters that cannot be used in opening and closing comments</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11261">11261</a></td> <td class='title'>Bogus reference to CDATA attributes </td> <td class='date'>2010-11-08 </td> <td class='commentor'>James Clark </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Added text clarifying CDATA use</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11313">11313</a></td> <td class='title'>e7kaya.com </td> <td class='date'></td> <td class='commentor'>hekaya </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED INVALID</td> <td class="response agree">No action</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">N/A</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11367">11367</a></td> <td class='title'>1.10 - Typo - missing "a" </td> <td class='date'>2010-11-21 </td> <td class='commentor'>Glenn Adams </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Typo fixed</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11516">11516</a></td> <td class='title'>sample document not well formed </td> <td class='date'>2010-12-09 </td> <td class='commentor'>David Carlisle </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Added the missing tag in example page</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11522">11522</a></td> <td class='title'><mathml> </td> <td class='date'>2010-12-10 </td> <td class='commentor'>David Carlisle</td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Fixed mispelling of element name</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11523">11523</a></td> <td class='title'>xhtml namespace declarations on html nested within in foreign content </td> <td class='date'> 2010-12-10</td> <td class='commentor'>David Carlisle </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Rewrote Section 5.1 tp account for html elements used as children of foreign elements</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11524">11524</a></td> <td class='title'>valid XML documents. </td> <td class='date'>2010-12-10 </td> <td class='commentor'>David Carlisle</td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Rephrased Introduction to be more accurate</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11525">11525</a></td> <td class='title'>Missing tbody element </td> <td class='date'>2010-12-10 </td> <td class='commentor'>David Carlisle </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Added tbody element to example</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11526">11526</a></td> <td class='title'>newlines in attribute values </td> <td class='date'>2010-12-10</td> <td class='commentor'>David Carlisle</td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Added two notes about newline characters</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11529">11529</a></td> <td class='title'>inferred start tags </td> <td class='date'>2010-12-10 </td> <td class='commentor'>David Carlisle</td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Adjusted Section 6.1 (now section</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11578">11578</a></td> <td class='title'>whitespace in pre </td> <td class='date'>2010-12-20</td> <td class='commentor'>David Carlisle </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">section 6.5.1 (now section 4.7.1)</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11754">11754</a></td> <td class='title'>Should clearly indicate that Web authors don't need to bother to make their content polyglot if they don't know they have a use case </td> <td class='date'>2011-01-14 </td> <td class='commentor'>Henri Sivonen </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Adjusted the ontroduction to reflect this concern</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11755">11755</a></td> <td class='title'>The introduction should be clearer about use cases best addressed by polyglot markup </td> <td class='date'>2011-01-14 </td> <td class='commentor'>Henri Sivonen </td> <td class='status'>RESOLVED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Edited Introduction to meet concerns</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11904">11904</a></td> <td class='title'><plaintext> and <xmp> in Polyglot Markup </td> <td class='date'>2011-01-28</td> <td class='commentor'>Leif Halvard Silli </td> <td class='status'>CLOSED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Deleted section about <plaintext> and <xmp></td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11905">11905</a></td> <td class='title'>Escaping of "<" and "&" in Polyglot Markup </td> <td class='date'>2011-01-28</td> <td class='commentor'>Leif Halvard Silli</td> <td class='status'>CLOSED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Added text about escaping "<" and "&" when they are used as characters, except in CDATA</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11909">11909</a></td> <td class='title'>The principles of Polyglot Markup - validity? well-formed? DOM-equality?</td> <td class='date'>2011-01-28</td> <td class='commentor'>Leif Halvard Silli </td> <td class='status'>CLOSED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Added the "principles" of polygloy to the Introduction</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="odd closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11910">11910</a></td> <td class='title'>@id values in polyglot markup should be XML-valid (or not?) </td> <td class='date'>2011-01-28</td> <td class='commentor'>Leif Halvard Silli </td> <td class='status'>CLOSED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Created the section, "Attributes with Special Considerations," and within it, the subsection, "The id Attribute"</td> <td class="satisfaction agree">Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="even closed"> <td class='issue'><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12062">12062</a></td> <td class='title'>UTF-8 BOM should not be forbidden in Polyglot Markup </td> <td class='date'>2011-02-14</td> <td class='commentor'>Leif Halvard Silli </td> <td class='status'>CLOSED FIXED</td> <td class="response agree">Extensive editing to the section, "Specifying a Document's Character Encoding"</td> [172 lines skipped]
Received on Monday, 2 June 2014 16:30:58 UTC