html5/html-xhtml-author-guide WD-html-polyglot-20120925.htm,1.2,1.3

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In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv15128

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Index: WD-html-polyglot-20120925.htm
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/html-xhtml-author-guide/WD-html-polyglot-20120925.htm,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- WD-html-polyglot-20120925.htm	15 Sep 2012 19:14:30 -0000	1.2
+++ WD-html-polyglot-20120925.htm	8 Oct 2012 12:01:51 -0000	1.3
@@ -3,11 +3,473 @@
 <html dir="ltr" lang="en">
 	<title>Polyglot Markup: HTML-Compatible XHTML Documents</title>
-	<meta name="GENERATOR" content="MSHTML 8.00.7600.16588"/>
-	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
-	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
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+    /*****************************************************************
+     * ReSpec CSS
+     * Robin Berjon (robin at berjon dot com)
+     * v0.05 - 2009-07-31
+     *****************************************************************/
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+    }
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+    }
+    /*.idlException*/
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+        font-weight:    bold;
+        color:  #c00;
+    }
+    .idlTypedefID, .idlTypedefType {
+        color:  #005a9c;
+    }
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+        color:  #c00;
+        font-weight:    normal;
+    }
+    .excName a {
+        font-family:    monospace;
+    }
+    .idlRaises a.idlType, .excName a.idlType {
+        border-bottom:  1px dotted #c00;
+    }
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+        width:  45px;
+        text-align: center;
+    }
+    .excGetSetTrue, .prmNullTrue, .prmOptTrue { color:  #0c0; }
+    .excGetSetFalse, .prmNullFalse, .prmOptFalse { color:  #c00; }
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+        font-weight:    bold;
+    }
+    dl.attributes, dl.methods, dl.constants, dl.fields, dl.dictionary-members {
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+        font-weight:    bold;
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+        font-family:    monospace;
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+    .attributes dt code, .fields dt code, .dictionary-members dt code {
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+        color:  #005a9c;
+        background:  transparent;
+        font-family:    inherit;
+        font-weight:    normal;
+        font-style: italic;
+    }
+    .methods dt code {
+        background:  #d9e6f8;
+    }
+    .constants dt code {
+        background:  #ddffd2;
+    }
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+        margin-bottom:  1em;
+    }
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+        border-collapse:    collapse;
+        margin: 0.5em 0;
+        width:  100%;
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+        padding:    3px 10px;
+        border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
+        vertical-align: top;
+    }
+    .parameters tr:first-child td, .exceptions tr:first-child td {
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+    }
+    .parameters td.prmName, .exceptions td.excName, .exceptions td.excCodeName {
+        width:  100px;
+    }
+    .parameters td.prmType {
+        width:  120px;
+    }
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+        border-spacing: 0;
+        border-collapse:    collapse;
+        width:  100%;
+    }
+    /* --- TOC --- */
+    .toc a {
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+    }
+    a .secno {
+        color:  #000;
+    }
+    /* --- TABLE --- */
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+        border-collapse:    collapse;
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+    }
+    .section dl.attrs dd, .section dl.eldef dd {
+        margin-bottom:  0;
+    }
+    /* --- EXAMPLES --- */
+    pre.example {
+        border-top: 1px solid #ff4500;
+        border-bottom: 1px solid #ff4500;
+        padding:    1em;
+        margin-top: 1em;
+    }
+    pre.example::before {
+        content:    "Example";
+        display:    block;
+        width:      150px;
+        background: #ff4500;
+        color:  #fff;
+        font-family:    initial;
+        padding:    3px;
+        font-weight:    bold;
+        margin: -1em 0 1em -1em;
+    }
+    /* --- EDITORIAL NOTES --- */
+    .issue {
+        padding:    1em;
+        margin: 1em 0em 0em;
+        border: 1px solid #f00;
+        background: #ffc;
+    }
+    .issue::before {
+        content:    "Issue";
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+        border: 1px solid #f00;
+        background: #fff;
+        padding:    3px 1em;
+    }
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+        margin: 1em 0em 0em;
+        padding:    1em;
+        border: 2px solid #cff6d9;
+        background: #e2fff0;
+    }
+    .note::before {
+        content:    "Note";
+        display:    block;
+        width:  150px;
+        margin: -1.5em 0 0.5em 0;
+        font-weight:    bold;
+        border: 1px solid #cff6d9;
+        background: #fff;
+        padding:    3px 1em;
+    }
+    /* --- Best Practices --- */
+    div.practice {
+        border: solid #bebebe 1px;
+        margin: 2em 1em 1em 2em;
+    }
+    span.practicelab {
+        margin: 1.5em 0.5em 1em 1em;
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+        font-style: italic;
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+        position: relative;
+        padding: 0 0.5em;
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+        p.practicedesc {
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+            top: -2em;
+            padding: 0;
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+    /* --- SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING --- */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode {
+      background-color: white;
+      color: black;
+      font-style: normal;
+      font-weight: normal;
+    }
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_keyword { color: #005a9c; font-weight: bold; }           /* language keywords */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_type { color: #666; }                            /* basic types */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_usertype { color: teal; }                             /* user defined types */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_string { color: red; font-family: monospace; }        /* strings and chars */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_regexp { color: orange; font-family: monospace; }     /* regular expressions */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_specialchar { color: 	#ffc0cb; font-family: monospace; }  /* e.g., \n, \t, \\ */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_comment { color: #A52A2A; font-style: italic; }         /* comments */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_number { color: purple; }                             /* literal numbers */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_preproc { color: #00008B; font-weight: bold; }       /* e.g., #include, import */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_symbol { color: blue; }                            /* e.g., *, + */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_function { color: black; font-weight: bold; }         /* function calls and declarations */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_cbracket { color: red; }                              /* block brackets (e.g., {, }) */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_todo { font-weight: bold; background-color: #00FFFF; }   /* TODO and FIXME */
+    /* Predefined variables and functions (for instance glsl) */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_predef_var { color: #00008B; }
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_predef_func { color: #00008B; font-weight: bold; }
+    /* for OOP */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_classname { color: teal; }
+    /* line numbers (not yet implemented) */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_linenum { display: none; }
+    /* Internet related */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_url { color: blue; text-decoration: underline; font-family: monospace; }
+    /* for ChangeLog and Log files */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_date { color: blue; font-weight: bold; }
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_time, pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_file { color: #00008B; font-weight: bold; }
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_ip, pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_name { color: #006400; }
+    /* for Prolog, Perl... */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_variable { color: #006400; }
+    /* for LaTeX */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_italics { color: #006400; font-style: italic; }
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_bold { color: #006400; font-weight: bold; }
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+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_fixed { color: green; font-family: monospace; }
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_argument { color: #006400; }
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+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_math { color: orange; }
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_bibtex { color: blue; }
+    /* for diffs */
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+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_newfile { color: #006400; }
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_difflines { color: blue; }
+    /* for css */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_selector { color: purple; }
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_property { color: blue; }
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_value { color: #006400; font-style: italic; }
+    /* other */
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_section { color: black; font-weight: bold; }
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_paren { color: red; }
+    pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_attribute { color: #006400; }
+	</style>
+	<style type="text/css">
 			.stability {
 	     position: fixed;
@@ -35,10 +497,10 @@
+	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
-<body style="display: inherit;">
 	<div class="head">
 			<a href=""><img height="48" width="72" alt="W3C" src=""/></a>
@@ -47,7 +509,7 @@
 		<h2 id="w3c-working-draft-25-september-2012">W3C Working Draft 25 September 2012</h2>
 			<dt>This version:</dt>
-			<dd><a href=""></a></dd>
+			<dd><a href=""></a></dd>
 			<dt>Latest published version:</dt>
 			<dd><a href=""></a></dd>
@@ -299,7 +761,7 @@
 <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">3. </span>Specifying a Document's Character Encoding</h2>
 		Polyglot markup uses the UTF-8 character encoding, the only character encoding for which both HTML and XML require support. 
-		HTML requires UTF-8 to be explicitly declared to avoid <a href="">fallback to a legacy encoding</a> [<cite><a href="#bib-HTML5" class="bibref">HTML5</a></cite>].
+		HTML requires UTF-8 to be explicitly declared to avoid <a href="">fallback to a legacy encoding</a> [<cite><a href="#bib-HTML5" class="bibref">HTML5</a></cite>].
 		For XML, UTF-8 is an <a href="">encoding default</a>. 
 		As such, character encoding <em title="may" class="rfc2119">may</em> be left undeclared in XML with the result that UTF-8 is still supported [<cite><a href="#bib-XML10" class="bibref">XML10</a></cite>].
@@ -645,7 +1107,7 @@
 			<a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-polyglot-markup" title="polyglot markup">Polyglot markup</a> maintains case consistency for these values 
 			because, for the purpose of selector matching, attribute values in XML are all treated case sensitively;
 			however, HTML treats the values of these attributes as case insensitive
-			(See <a href="">4.14.1 Case-sensitivity</a>, in the HTML5 specification). [<cite><a href="#bib-HTML5" class="bibref">HTML5</a></cite>]
+			(See <a href="">4.14.1 Case-sensitivity</a>, in the HTML5 specification). [<cite><a href="#bib-HTML5" class="bibref">HTML5</a></cite>]
@@ -757,7 +1219,7 @@
 		<div id="newlines-in-textarea-and-pre" class="section">
 		<h4><span class="secno">6.5.2 </span>Newlines in <code>textarea</code> and <code>pre</code> Elements</h4>
 		When <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-polyglot-markup">polyglot markup</a> uses either a <code>textarea</code> or <code>pre</code> element, 
-		the text within the element does not begin with a <a href="">newline</a>.
+		the text within the element does not begin with a <a href="">newline</a>.
 <!--End section: White Space in textarea and pre Elements-->	
@@ -834,7 +1296,7 @@
 			For the mechanism to actually set a fallback language, however, it has to locate either an <code>http-equiv="Content-Language"</code> declaration on the <code>meta</code> element 
 			or an <code>HTTP Content-Language:</code> header, either of whose content value is no more and no less than exactly one language tag.
 			Note that although the mechanism can locate either the meta element or the header, the meta element is considered first. 
-			For more information about determining language in HTML5, see the <a href="">language determination rules</a>. [<cite><a href="#bib-HTML5" class="bibref">HTML5</a></cite>].
+			For more information about determining language in HTML5, see the <a href="">language determination rules</a>. [<cite><a href="#bib-HTML5" class="bibref">HTML5</a></cite>].
 <!--End section: Language Attributes-->
@@ -850,7 +1312,7 @@
 		<h4><span class="secno">7.3.1 </span>The <code>id</code> Attribute</h4>
 				<a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-polyglot-markup" title="polyglot markup">Polyglot markup</a> does not contain any space characters within the value of an <code>id</code> attribute.
-				This is because values for the <code>id</code> attribute <a href="">may not contain space characters</a> in HTML5. [<cite><a href="#bib-HTML5" class="bibref">HTML5</a></cite>]
+				This is because values for the <code>id</code> attribute <a href="">may not contain space characters</a> in HTML5. [<cite><a href="#bib-HTML5" class="bibref">HTML5</a></cite>]
 		<!-- End section: The id Attribute -->
@@ -1016,7 +1478,11 @@
       &lt;rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" style="fill: yellow; stroke: black;"/&gt; 
       &lt;a xlink:href=";type=svg"&gt;
         &lt;!-- Note that the following attribute contains no newlines. --&gt;
-        &lt;path  transform="translate(60, -175)" d="M153 334 C153 334 151 334 151 334 C151 339 153 344 156 344 C164 344 171 339 171 334 C171 322 164 314 156 314 C142 314 131 322 131 334 C131 350 142 364 156 364 C175 364 191 350 191 334 C191 311 175 294 156 294 C131 294 111 311 111 334 C111 361 131 384 156 384 C186 384 211 361 211 334 C211 300 186 274 156 274" style="fill:white;stroke:red;stroke-width:2"/&gt;
+        &lt;path transform="translate(60, -175)" 
+                 d="M153 334 C153 334 151 334 151 334 C151 339 153 344 156 344 C164 344 171 339 171 334 
+                    C171 322 164 314 156 314 C142 314 131 322 131 334 C131 350 142 364 156 364 C175 364 191 350 191 334 
+                    C191 311 175 294 156 294 C131 294 111 311 111 334 C111 361 131 384 156 384 C186 384 211 361 211 334 
+                    C211 300 186 274 156 274" style="fill:white;stroke:red;stroke-width:2"/&gt;

Received on Monday, 8 October 2012 12:01:58 UTC