html5/html4-differences Overview.src.html,1.148,1.149

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content models

Index: Overview.src.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/html4-differences/Overview.src.html,v
retrieving revision 1.148
retrieving revision 1.149
diff -u -d -r1.148 -r1.149
--- Overview.src.html	2 Mar 2012 13:38:25 -0000	1.148
+++ Overview.src.html	2 Mar 2012 15:07:37 -0000	1.149
@@ -719,9 +719,6 @@
       <li><p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>dl</code> element now represents an association list of
       name-value groups, and is no longer said to be appropriate for dialogue.</p></li>
-      <li><p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>head</code> element no longer allows the
-      <code data-anolis-spec=html>object</code> element as child.</p></li>
       <li><p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>hr</code> element now represents a paragraph-level
       thematic break.
@@ -970,8 +967,133 @@
       and <code data-anolis-spec=html>pre</code>.
+    <h2 id="content-model">Content Model Changes</h2>
+    <p>Content model is what defines how elements may be nested &mdash; what is
+    allowed as children (or descendants) of a certain element.
+    <p>At a high level, HTML4 had two major categories of elements, "inline"
+    (e.g. <code>span</code>, <code>img</code>, text), and "block-level" (e.g.
+    <code>div</code>, <code>hr</code>, <code>table</code>). Some elements did
+    not fit in either category.
+    <p>Some elements allowed "inline" elements (e.g. <code>p</code>), some
+    allowed "block-level" elements (e.g. <code>body</code>, some allowed both
+    (e.g. <code>div</code>), while other elements did not allow either category
+    but only allowed other specific elements (e.g. <code>dl</code>,
+    <code>table</code>), or did now allow any children at all (e.g.
+    <code>link</code>, <code>img</code>, <code>hr</code>).
+    <p class=note>Notice the difference between an element itself being in a
+    certain category, and having a content model of a certain category. For
+    instance, the <code>p</code> element is itself a "block-level" element, but
+    has a content model of "inline".
+    <p>To make it more confusing, HTML4 had different content model rules in its
+    Strict, Transitional and Frameset flavors. For instance, in Strict, the
+    <code>body</code> element allowed only "block-level" elements, but in
+    Transitional, it allowed both "inline" and "block-level".
+    <p>To make things more confusing still, CSS uses the terms "block-level
+    element" and "inline-level element" for its visual formatting model, which
+    is related to CSS's 'display' property and has nothing to do with HTML's
+    content model rules.
+    <p>HTML5 does not use the terms "block-level" or "inline" as part of its
+    content model rules, to reduce confusion with CSS. However, it has more
+    <span data-anolis-spec=html title=concept-categories>categories</span> than
+    HTML4, and an element can be part of none of them, one of them, or several of them.
+    <ul>
+      <li>Metadata content, e.g. <code data-anolis-spec=html>link</code> and
+      <code data-anolis-spec=html>script</code>. <li>Flow content, e.g. <code
+      data-anolis-spec=html>span</code>, <code data-anolis-spec=html>div</code>,
+      text. This is roughly like HTML4's "block-level" and "inline" together.
+      <li>Sectioning content, e.g. <code data-anolis-spec=html>aside</code>,
+      <code data-anolis-spec=html>section</code>. <li>Heading content, e.g.
+      <code data-anolis-spec=html>h1</code> and <code
+      data-anolis-spec=html>hgroup</code>. <li>Phrasing content, e.g. <code
+      data-anolis-spec=html>span</code>, <code data-anolis-spec=html>img</code>,
+      text. This is roughly like HTML4's "inline". Elements that are phrasing
+      content are also flow content. <li>Embedded content, e.g. <code
+      data-anolis-spec=html>img</code>, <code
+      data-anolis-spec=html>iframe</code>, <code
+      data-anolis-spec=html>svg</code>. <li>Interactive content, e.g. <code
+      data-anolis-spec=html>a</code>, <code data-anolis-spec=html>button</code>,
+      <code data-anolis-spec=html>label</code>. Interactive content is not
+      allowed to be nested.
+    </ul>
+    <p>As broad changes from HTML4, HTML5 no longer has any element that only
+    accepts what HTML4 called "block-level" elements; e.g. the <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>body</code> element now allows flow content. This is
+    thus closer to HTML4 Transitional than HTML4 Strict.
+    <p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>address</code> element now allows flow
+    content, but with no heading content descendants, no sectioning content
+    descendants, and no <code data-anolis-spec=html>header</code>, <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>footer</code>, or <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>address</code> element descendants.
+    <p>HTML4 allowed <code>object</code> in <code>head</code>. HTML5 does not.
+    <p>WHATWG HTML allows <code>link</code> and <code>meta</code> as descendants
+    of <code>body</code> if they use microdata attributes.
+    <p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>noscript</code> element was a
+    "block-level" element in HTML4, but is phrasing content in HTML5.
+    <p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>table</code>, <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>thead</code>, <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>tbody</code>, <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>tfoot</code>, <code data-anolis-spec=html>tr</code>,
+    <code data-anolis-spec=html>ol</code>, <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>ul</code>, <code data-anolis-spec=html>dl</code> are
+    allowed to be empty in HTML5.
+    <p>Table elements have to conform to the <span data-anolis-spec=html>table
+    model</span> (e.g. two cells are not allowed to overlap).
+    <p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>table</code> element now does not allow
+    <code data-anolis-spec=html>col</code> elements as direct children. However,
+    the HTML parser implies a <code data-anolis-spec=html>colgroup</code>
+    element, so this change should not affect <code>text/html</code> content.
+    <p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>table</code> element now allows the <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>tfoot</code> element to be the last child.
+    <p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>th</code> element now allows flow
+    content, but with no <code data-anolis-spec=html>header</code>, <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>footer</code>, sectioning content, or heading content
+    descendants.
+    <p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>a</code> element now has a <span
+    data-anolis-spec=html>transparent</span> content model (except it does not
+    allow interactive content descendants), meaning that it has the same content
+    model as its parent. This means that the <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>a</code> element can now contain e.g. <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>div</code> elements, if its parent allows flow
+    content.
+    <p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>ins</code> and <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>del</code> elements also have a transparent content
+    model. HTML4 had similar rules in prose that could not be expressed in the
+    DTD.
+    <p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>object</code> element also has a
+    transparent content model, after its <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>param</code> children.
+    <p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>map</code> element also has a transparent
+    content model. The <code data-anolis-spec=html>area</code> element is
+    considered phrasing content if there is a <code
+    data-anolis-spec=html>map</code> element ancestor, which means that they do
+    not need to be direct children of <code data-anolis-spec=html>map</code>.
+    <p>The <code data-anolis-spec=html>fieldset</code> element no longer
+    requires a <code data-anolis-spec=html>legend</code> child.
     <h2 id="apis">New APIs</h2>
     <p>HTML5 introduces a number of APIs that help in creating Web

Received on Friday, 2 March 2012 15:07:46 UTC