html5/spec Overview.html,1.5295,1.5296

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Remove remaining editing section stuff as there are bugs tracking it. (whatwg r6603)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.5295
retrieving revision 1.5296
diff -u -d -r1.5295 -r1.5296
--- Overview.html	30 Sep 2011 00:24:38 -0000	1.5295
+++ Overview.html	30 Sep 2011 00:33:33 -0000	1.5296
@@ -1104,9 +1104,8 @@
      <li><a href="#making-entire-documents-editable:-the-designmode-idl-attribute"><span class="secno">7.5.2 </span>Making entire documents editable: The <code title="dom-document-designMode">designMode</code> IDL attribute</a></li>
      <li><a href="#best-practices-for-in-page-editors"><span class="secno">7.5.3 </span>Best practices for in-page editors</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#user-editing-actions"><span class="secno">7.5.4 </span>User editing actions</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#editing-apis"><span class="secno">7.5.5 </span>Editing APIs</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#spelling-and-grammar-checking"><span class="secno">7.5.6 </span>Spelling and grammar checking</a></ol></li>
+     <li><a href="#editing-apis"><span class="secno">7.5.4 </span>Editing APIs</a></li>
+     <li><a href="#spelling-and-grammar-checking"><span class="secno">7.5.5 </span>Spelling and grammar checking</a></ol></li>
    <li><a href="#dnd"><span class="secno">7.6 </span>Drag and drop</a>
      <li><a href="#introduction-7"><span class="secno">7.6.1 </span>Introduction</a></li>
@@ -52848,81 +52847,7 @@
    and should the two words be split at the end of a line, the spaces
    would be neatly removed from the rendering.</p>
-  </div><div class="impl">
-  <h4 id="user-editing-actions"><span class="secno">7.5.4 </span>User editing actions</h4>
-  <p class="XXX">This section will be removed shortly. What remains
-  here is simply what has not yet been merged into Aryeh's spec.</p>
-  <p>There are several actions that the user agent should allow the
-  user to perform while the user is interacting with an editing
-  host. How exactly each action is triggered is not defined for every
-  action, but when it is not defined, suggested key bindings are
-  provided to guide implementors.</p>
-  <dl><dt id="contenteditable-wrapSemantic">Insert, and wrap text in,
-   semantic elements</dt>
-   <dd><p>UAs should offer the user the ability to mark text and
-   paragraphs with semantics that HTML can express.</p>
-   <p>UAs should similarly offer a way for the user to insert empty
-   semantic elements to subsequently fill by entering text
-   manually.</p>
-   <p>UAs should also offer a way to remove those semantics from
-   marked up text, and to remove empty semantic element that have been
-   inserted.</p>
-   <p>In response to a request from a user to mark text up in italics,
-   user agents should use the <code><a href="#the-i-element">i</a></code> element to represent the
-   semantic. The <code><a href="#the-em-element">em</a></code> element should be used only if the
-   user agent is sure that the user means to indicate stress
-   emphasis.</p>
-   <p>In response to a request from a user to mark text up in bold,
-   user agents should use the <code><a href="#the-b-element">b</a></code> element to represent the
-   semantic. The <code><a href="#the-strong-element">strong</a></code> element should be used only if
-   the user agent is sure that the user means to indicate
-   importance.</p>
-   <p>The exact behavior is UA-dependent, but user agents must not,
-   in response to a request to wrap semantics around some text or to
-   insert or remove a semantic element, generate a DOM that is less
-   conformant than the DOM prior to the request.</dd>
-   <dt>Select and move non-editable elements nested inside editing hosts</dt>
-   <dd><p>UAs should offer a way for the user to move images and other
-   non-editable parts around the content within an editing host. This
-   may be done using the <a href="#dnd">drag and drop</a> mechanism. User
-   agents must not, in response to a request to move non-editable
-   elements nested inside editing hosts, generate a DOM that is less
-   conformant than the DOM prior to the request.</dd>
-   <dt>Edit form controls nested inside editing hosts</dt>
-   <dd><p>When an <a href="#editable">editable</a> form control is edited, the
-   changes must be reflected in both its current value <em>and</em>
-   its default value. For <code><a href="#the-input-element">input</a></code> elements this means
-   updating the <code title="dom-input-defaultValue"><a href="#dom-input-defaultvalue">defaultValue</a></code> IDL attribute as
-   well as the <code title="dom-input-value"><a href="#dom-input-value">value</a></code> IDL
-   attribute; for <code><a href="#the-select-element">select</a></code> elements it means updating the
-   <code><a href="#the-option-element">option</a></code> elements' <code title="dom-option-defaultSelected"><a href="#dom-option-defaultselected">defaultSelected</a></code> IDL
-   attribute as well as the <code title="dom-option-selected"><a href="#dom-option-selected">selected</a></code> IDL attribute; for
-   <code><a href="#the-textarea-element">textarea</a></code> elements this means updating the <code title="dom-textarea-defaultValue"><a href="#dom-textarea-defaultvalue">defaultValue</a></code> IDL attribute
-   as well as the <code title="dom-textarea-value"><a href="#dom-textarea-value">value</a></code> IDL
-   attribute. (Updating the <code title="">default*</code> IDL
-   attributes causes content attributes to be updated as well.)</dd>
-  </dl><p>User agents may add DOM changes to the <a href="#undo-transaction-history">undo transaction
-  history</a> of the <a href="#editing-host">editing host</a>'s
-  <code><a href="#document">Document</a></code> object each time an action is triggered.</p>
-  </div><h4 id="editing-apis"><span class="secno">7.5.5 </span>Editing APIs</h4><p>The definition of the terms <dfn id="active-range">active range</dfn>, <dfn id="editing-host">editing
+  </div><h4 id="editing-apis"><span class="secno">7.5.4 </span>Editing APIs</h4><p>The definition of the terms <dfn id="active-range">active range</dfn>, <dfn id="editing-host">editing
   host</dfn>, and <dfn id="editable">editable</dfn>, the user interface requirements
   of elements that are <a href="#editing-host" title="editing host">editing hosts</a>
   or <a href="#editable">editable</a>, and the
@@ -52939,7 +52864,7 @@
   interaction of editing and the undo/redo features in user agents is
   defined by the UndoManager and DOM Transaction specification. <a href="#refsEDITING">[EDITING]</a> <a href="#refsDOMRANGE">[DOMRANGE]</a> <a href="#refsUNDO">[UNDO]</a><p class="XXX"><dfn id="undo-transaction-history">undo transaction history</dfn> is currently
   defined in <a href="#refsUNDO">[UNDO]</a> but this spec hasn't been
-  updated to make sense with the new definition</p><h4 id="spelling-and-grammar-checking"><span class="secno">7.5.6 </span>Spelling and grammar checking</h4><div class="impl">
+  updated to make sense with the new definition</p><h4 id="spelling-and-grammar-checking"><span class="secno">7.5.5 </span>Spelling and grammar checking</h4><div class="impl">
   <p>User agents can support the checking of spelling and grammar of
   editable text, either in form controls (such as the value of

Received on Friday, 30 September 2011 00:33:39 UTC