html5/spec-author-view style.css,1.15,1.16

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv24028

Modified Files:
Log Message:
updated css to fix contrast and other issues

Index: style.css
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/style.css,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -d -r1.15 -r1.16
--- style.css	14 Feb 2011 23:12:44 -0000	1.15
+++ style.css	1 Mar 2011 19:56:03 -0000	1.16
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   background: #ffa;
-  color: green;
+  color: #556b2f;
   outline-offset: 4px;
   outline: solid green;
@@ -114,25 +114,49 @@
 /* Resets */
-h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, a, ul, ol, dt, dd, table, caption, th, td { font-weight: normal !important; margin: 0; padding: 0; color: inherit; font-family: Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", sans-serif; }
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, a, ul, ol, dt, dd, table, caption, th, td { font-weight: normal !important; margin: 0; padding: 0; color: inherit; font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode','Lucida Grande','Lucida Sans','DejaVu Sans Condensed',sans-serif;}
 ul li, ol li { list-style-type: none; }
+dl, dd, dt {border:none !important;}
 a:link, a:visited { color: #366; text-decoration: none; }
-a:visited { color: #099; }
+/* added link change on focus same as hover (couldn't find where hover was specified)  */
+a:focus, a:active{background-color:#FFFFAA; color:#366;  }
+/* change color from #366 to #1C3838 */
+a:visited { color: #1C3838; }
+/* added link color and added link change on focus same as hover (couldn't find where hover was specified)  */
+p.strong-note a {color: #ffffff;}
+p.strong-note  a:focus, p.strong-note  a:active, p.strong-note a:hover  {background-color:#FFFFAA; color:#366;  }
 html { background-color: transparent; } /* Override whatwg.css */
-body { margin: 2em auto; width: 33em; font-size: 1.05em; line-height: 1.45; background-image: none; background-color: #fff; }
+body { margin: 2em; width: 40em; font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1.45; background-image: none; background-color: #fff; text-align:left;}
 div.head { position: relative; }
-div.head:before { content: 'W3C'; background-color: #9cc; color: #fff; border-radius: 0.25em; -webkit-border-radius: 0.25em; -moz-border-radius: 0.25em; position: absolute; top: 2em; left: -5em; font-weight: bold; font-size: 0.6em; padding: 2em 0.7em 0.25em; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: right; letter-spacing: 0.1em; }
+/* change color from #9cc to #003333 */
+/* div.head:before { content: 'W3C'; background-color: #003333; color: #fff; border-radius: 0.25em; -webkit-border-radius: 0.25em; -moz-border-radius: 0.25em; position: absolute; top: 2em; left: -5em; font-weight: bold; font-size: 0.6em; padding: 2em 0.7em 0.25em; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: right; letter-spacing: 0.1em; }*/
+div.head h1:before
+ {
+	content: url(HTML5_Logo_64.png);
+	float:left;
+	padding-top:12px;
 div.head hr, div.head > a, img[src*=""], div.head dl { display: none; } /* Hide hr, the logo, logo alternate and the dl list in the head section */
 div.head h1 { font-family: "ChunkFiveRegular", Helvetica; line-height: 1.4em; margin: -0.2em 0 0.5em 0; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; font-size: 3em; }
 div.head h1 span.edition { display: block; font-size: 0.5em; line-height: 0.25em; }
 div.head h1 span.rcsrevision { display: none; }
 div.head h2 { margin: 0 0 0.5em 0; }
 div.head h2.maturity { color: #666; font-size: 1em; border: 0px; }
-div.head p.copyright { color: #999; font-size: 0.8em; font-style: italic; width: 80%; line-height: 1.4em; }
+/* change color from #999 to #5E5E5E */
+div.head p.copyright { color: #5E5E5E; font-size: 0.8em; font-style: italic; width: 80%; line-height: 1.4em; }
 div.head p.copyright a { color: inherit; }
 h2, h2.maturity, h2.principal { display: inline-block; font-size: 1.6em; margin: 2em 0 0.5em 0; border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc; padding: 0em 0em 0.1em; }
@@ -142,37 +166,43 @@
 p { margin-bottom: 1em; }
 div.example { margin-bottom: 1em; }
-ul { margin: 0em 0em 1em; }
+ul { margin: 0em 0em 1em; list-style: none;}
 ul li { list-style: none; position: relative; margin: 0em 0em 0.25em; }
-ul li:before { content: '\22c5'; font-size: 2em; color: #9cc; position: absolute; top: -0.35em; left: -0.65em; font-family: lucida; font-weight: bold; }
+/*ul li:before { content: '\22c5'; font-size: 2em; color: #9cc; position: absolute; top: -0.35em; left: -0.65em; font-family: lucida; font-weight: bold; }*/
 ul li ul { margin: 0em; }
 li li { margin: 0em 0em 0em 1.2em; }
-code, pre { font-family: "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Andale Mono", Inconsolata, "Lucida Console", Consolas, Monaco, "courier new", courier; color: #066; font-size: 0.9em; display: inline-block; }
-pre { margin: 0em 0em 1em -0.6em; background: #eff; display: inline-block; padding: 0.25em 0.6em; }
-dt { color: #6cc; }
+code, pre { font-family: "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Andale Mono", Inconsolata, "Lucida Console", Consolas, Monaco, "courier new", courier; color: #2f4f4f; font-size: 0.9em; display: inline-block; }
+pre { margin: 0em 0em 1em -0.6em; background: #F6FBEC; display: inline-block; padding: 0.25em 0.6em; }
+/* change color from #66CCCC to #376F6F */
+dt { color: #376F6F; }
 dd { margin: 0em 0em 0.5em; }
 table { border: 0px; }
 table th, table td { border: 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid #acc; padding: 4px; vertical-align: top; }
 table th li, table td li { margin: 0px 0px 0px 1.5em; }
 table caption, table th { text-align: left; color: #6cc; }
-table th { color: #099; }
+/* change color from #099 to #006F6F */ 
+table th { color: #006F6F; }
 table td { vertical-align: top; padding: 0.25em 1.25em 0.25em 0em; }
 table tr, table tbody { border: 0px; }
 hr { border: 0px; height: 2px; background: #acc; margin: 2em 0em; }
-strong { text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff; }
+strong {  }
-ol li { color: #9cc; }
+/* change color from #99CCCC to #336666 */
+ol li { color: #336666; }
 ol.toc, ul.toc { list-style: none; }
-ol.toc li::before, ul.toc li::before  { content: ""; }
+ol.toc, ul.toc li:before { content: ''; }
 div.subtoc { background: transparent; border: 0em; }
 body .toc, body .subtoc { background: transparent; border: 0em; margin-top: 1em; }
-h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { position: relative; }
-div.section span.tocnum, .secno  { background-color: #9cc; color: #fff; border-radius: 0.25em; -webkit-border-radius: 0.25em; -moz-border-radius: 0.25em; position: absolute; top: 0.7em; left: -6em; font-weight: bold; font-size: 0.6em; padding: 0.25em 0.25em; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: right; letter-spacing: 0.1em; }
-a .secno { background-color: transparent; color: #9cc; border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; -moz-border-radius: 0; position: static; font-weight: normal; font-size: 1em; padding: 0; font-family: inherit; text-align: left; letter-spacing: 0; }
+h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { position: relative;font-family:Constantina,Georgia,'Nimbus Roman No9 L',serif;}
+div.section span.tocnum, .secno  { background-color: #405840; color: #fff; border-radius: 0.25em; -webkit-border-radius: 0.25em; -moz-border-radius: 0.25em; position: absolute; top: 0.7em; left: -7em; font-weight: bold; font-size: 0.8em; padding: 0.25em 0.25em; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: right; letter-spacing: 0.1em; }
+/* change color from #99CCCC to #546666 */
+a .secno { background-color: transparent; color: #546666; border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; -moz-border-radius: 0; position: static; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; padding: 0; font-family: inherit; text-align: left; letter-spacing: 0; }
 h3 { margin: 2em 0em 0em; }
 h3 span.tocnum { top: 0.2em; }
@@ -181,7 +211,30 @@
 /* Specific Overrides */
+dl.domintro {background:#f7f7f7; border:1px solid #D0D0D0;}
+dl.domintro dd {color:#003000}
+.element {background: #f9f9f9 !important;}
+.warning {color:#dc143c !important;}
+table {font-size:.9em;}
+h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {font-weight:bold !important;}
 a.internalDFN { color: #366; border: 0px; }
+p a:link, p a:visited, dl a:link, dl a:visited {text-decoration:underline !important;}
+pre strong {background: #fffacd}
+pre.idl {display:none !important;}
+p > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]), li > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]) {
+h1 {font-size:300% !important;font-family:Constantina,Georgia,'Nimbus Roman No9 L',serif !important;}
+dl.element {border:none !important;}
+.example {border-left: 1px dashed #3cb371 !important;}
+.note {border:1px dashed #5f9ea0;color:#405023;margin-bottom:1em;}
+li {list-style:none !important}
+p.alt {display:none}
+#status-of-this-document, #status-of-this-document + p, #status-of-this-document + p + p, #status-of-this-document + p + p +form, #status-of-this-document + p + p + form + p, #status-of-this-document + p + p + form + p + p, #status-of-this-document + p + p + form + p + p + p, #status-of-this-document + p + p + form +p + p + p + div + p, #status-of-this-document + p + p + form + p + p + p + div + p + p, #status-of-this-document + p + p + form + p + p + p + div + p + p + p, #status-of-this-document + p + p + form + p + p + p + div + p + p + p + dl, #status-of-this-document + p + p + form + p + p + p + div + p + p + p + dl + p, #status-of-this-document + p + p + form + p + p + p + div + p + p + p + dl + p + p  {display:none}
+#named-character-references-table {font-size:1em !important;}
 /* Small (iPhone) */
 @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {

Received on Tuesday, 1 March 2011 19:56:07 UTC