html5/spec Overview.html,1.5057,1.5058

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv17738

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Log Message:
Move some Document concepts to DOM Core. (whatwg r6329)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.5057
retrieving revision 1.5058
diff -u -d -r1.5057 -r1.5058
--- Overview.html	26 Jul 2011 23:44:43 -0000	1.5057
+++ Overview.html	27 Jul 2011 00:00:57 -0000	1.5058
@@ -2908,10 +2908,14 @@
      <li><dfn id="event"><code>Event</code></dfn> interface</li>
      <li><dfn id="eventtarget"><code>EventTarget</code></dfn> interface</li>
-     <li>The <dfn id="concept-event-type" title="concept-event-type">type</dfn> of an event
+     <li>The <dfn id="concept-event-type" title="concept-event-type">type</dfn> of an event</li>
      <li><dfn id="dom-event-target" title="dom-Event-target"><code>target</code></dfn> attribute</li>
+     <li>The <dfn id="document-s-character-encoding" title="document's character encoding">character encoding</dfn> of a <code><a href="#document">Document</a></code></li>
+     <li>The distinction between <dfn id="xml-documents">XML documents</dfn> and <dfn id="html-documents">HTML documents</dfn></li>
+     <li>The terms <dfn id="quirks-mode">quirks mode</dfn>, <dfn id="limited-quirks-mode">limited-quirks mode</dfn>, and <dfn id="no-quirks-mode">no-quirks mode</dfn></li>
     </ul><p>The following <code><a href="#domexception">DOMException</a></code> codes are defined in
     the DOM Core specification: <a href="#refsDOMCORE">[DOMCORE]</a></p>
@@ -7335,11 +7339,7 @@
   document's current address</a> in their user interface.<p>When a <code><a href="#document">Document</a></code> is created by a <a href="#concept-script" title="concept-script">script</a> using the <code title="dom-DOMImplementation-createDocument"><a href="#dom-domimplementation-createdocument">createDocument()</a></code>
   or <code title="dom-DOMHTMLImplementation-createHTMLDocument"><a href="#dom-domhtmlimplementation-createhtmldocument">createHTMLDocument()</a></code>
   APIs, <a href="#the-document-s-address">the document's address</a> is the same as <a href="#the-document-s-address">the
-  document's address</a> of the <a href="#script-s-document">script's document</a>.<p><code><a href="#document">Document</a></code> objects are assumed to be <dfn id="xml-documents">XML
-  documents</dfn> unless they are flagged as being <dfn id="html-documents">HTML
-  documents</dfn> when they are created. Whether a document is an
-  <a href="#html-documents" title="HTML documents">HTML document</a> or an <a href="#xml-documents" title="XML documents">XML document</a> affects the behavior of
-  certain APIs and the case-sensitivity of some selectors.<p>Each <code><a href="#document">Document</a></code> object has a <dfn id="reload-override-flag">reload override
+  document's address</a> of the <a href="#script-s-document">script's document</a>.<p>Each <code><a href="#document">Document</a></code> object has a <dfn id="reload-override-flag">reload override
   flag</dfn> that is originally unset. The flag is set by the <code title="dom-document-open"><a href="#dom-document-open"></a></code> and <code title="dom-document-open"><a href="#dom-document-open">document.write()</a></code> methods in certain
   situations. When the flag is set, the <code><a href="#document">Document</a></code> also has
   a <dfn id="reload-override-buffer">reload override buffer</dfn> which is a Unicode string that
@@ -7376,10 +7376,6 @@
   readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-referrer" title="dom-document-referrer">referrer</a>;
            attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-cookie" title="dom-document-cookie">cookie</a>;
   readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-lastmodified" title="dom-document-lastModified">lastModified</a>;
-  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-compatmode" title="dom-document-compatMode">compatMode</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-charset" title="dom-document-charset">charset</a>;
-  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-characterset" title="dom-document-characterSet">characterSet</a>;
-  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-defaultcharset" title="dom-document-defaultCharset">defaultCharset</a>;
   readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-readystate" title="dom-document-readyState">readyState</a>;
   // <a href="#dom-tree-accessors">DOM tree accessors</a>
@@ -7631,75 +7627,6 @@
   the last modification date and time are not known, the attribute
   must return the current date and time in the above format.</p>
-  <hr></div><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-compatmode"><a href="#dom-document-compatmode">compatMode</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>In a conforming document, returns the string "<code title="">CSS1Compat</code>". (In <a href="#quirks-mode">quirks mode</a>
-    documents, returns the string "<code title="">BackCompat</code>",
-    but a conforming document can never trigger <a href="#quirks-mode">quirks
-    mode</a>.)</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><div class="impl">
-  <p>A <code><a href="#document">Document</a></code> is always set to one of three modes:
-  <dfn id="no-quirks-mode">no-quirks mode</dfn>, the default; <dfn id="quirks-mode">quirks mode</dfn>, used
-  typically for legacy documents; and <dfn id="limited-quirks-mode">limited-quirks mode</dfn>,
-  also known as "almost standards" mode. The mode is only ever changed
-  from the default by the <a href="#html-parser">HTML parser</a>, based on the
-  presence, absence, or value of the DOCTYPE string.</p>
-  <p>The <dfn id="dom-document-compatmode" title="dom-document-compatMode"><code>compatMode</code></dfn> IDL
-  attribute must return the literal string "<code title="">CSS1Compat</code>" unless the document has been set to
-  <a href="#quirks-mode">quirks mode</a> by the <a href="#html-parser">HTML parser</a>, in which
-  case it must instead return the literal string "<code title="">BackCompat</code>".</p>
-  <hr></div><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-charset"><a href="#dom-document-charset">charset</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the <a href="#document-s-character-encoding">document's character encoding</a>.</p>
-    <p>Can be set, to dynamically change the <a href="#document-s-character-encoding">document's
-    character encoding</a>.</p>
-    <p>New values that are not IANA-registered aliases supported by the user agent are ignored.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-characterSet"><a href="#dom-document-characterset">characterSet</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the <a href="#document-s-character-encoding">document's character encoding</a>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-defaultCharset"><a href="#dom-document-defaultcharset">defaultCharset</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns what might be the user agent's default character
-    encoding. (The user agent might return another character encoding
-    altogether, e.g. to protect the user's privacy, or if the user
-    agent doesn't use a single default encoding.)</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><div class="impl">
-  <p>Documents have an associated <dfn id="document-s-character-encoding" title="document's character
-  encoding">character encoding</dfn>. When a <code><a href="#document">Document</a></code>
-  object is created, the <a href="#document-s-character-encoding">document's character encoding</a>
-  must be initialized to UTF-16. Various algorithms during page
-  loading affect this value, as does the <code title="dom-document-charset"><a href="#dom-document-charset">charset</a></code> setter. <a href="#refsIANACHARSET">[IANACHARSET]</a></p>
-  <p>The <dfn id="dom-document-charset" title="dom-document-charset"><code>charset</code></dfn>
-  IDL attribute must, on getting, return the <a href="#preferred-mime-name">preferred MIME
-  name</a> of the <a href="#document-s-character-encoding">document's character encoding</a>. On
-  setting, if the new value is an IANA-registered alias for a
-  character encoding supported by the user agent, the <a href="#document-s-character-encoding">document's
-  character encoding</a> must be set to that character
-  encoding. (Otherwise, nothing happens.)</p>
-  <p>The <dfn id="dom-document-characterset" title="dom-document-characterSet"><code>characterSet</code></dfn>
-  IDL attribute must, on getting, return the <a href="#preferred-mime-name">preferred MIME
-  name</a> of the <a href="#document-s-character-encoding">document's character encoding</a>.</p>
-  <p>The <dfn id="dom-document-defaultcharset" title="dom-document-defaultCharset"><code>defaultCharset</code></dfn>
-  IDL attribute must, on getting, return the <a href="#preferred-mime-name">preferred MIME
-  name</a> of a character encoding, possibly the user's default
-  encoding, or an encoding associated with the user's current
-  geographical location, or any arbitrary encoding name.</p>
   <hr></div><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-readyState"><a href="#dom-document-readystate">readyState</a></code></dt>
     <p>Returns "loading" while the <code><a href="#document">Document</a></code> is loading, "interactive" once it is finished parsing but still loading sub-resources, and "complete" once it has loaded.</p>

Received on Wednesday, 27 July 2011 00:01:08 UTC