html5/spec-author-view/tools preprocess.xsl,1.84,1.85

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/tools
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv32670/tools

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Attempt to reorganise the rendering section to make it more usable for implementors (whatwg r6276)

[updated by splitter]

Index: preprocess.xsl
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/tools/preprocess.xsl,v
retrieving revision 1.84
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -u -d -r1.84 -r1.85
--- preprocess.xsl	2 Jul 2011 06:48:05 -0000	1.84
+++ preprocess.xsl	2 Jul 2011 07:08:24 -0000	1.85
@@ -475,12 +475,6 @@
       | p[child::dfn[@id = 'dom-input-indeterminate']]
       | p[child::dfn[@id = 'dom-media-startoffsettime']]
       | p[child::dfn[@id = 'dom-tokenlist-tostring']]
-      | p[child::dfn[starts-with(@id, 'dom-form-')]]
-          [not(@id = 'dom-form-elements')]
-          [not(@id = 'dom-form-length')]
-          [not(@id = 'dom-form-submit')]
-          [not(@id = 'dom-form-reset')]
-          [not(@id = 'dom-form-checkvalidity')]
       | p[child::dfn[starts-with(@id, 'dom-iframe-')]]
       | p[child::dfn[starts-with(@id, 'dom-image-')]]
       | p[child::dfn[starts-with(@id, 'dom-object-')]]
@@ -539,11 +533,6 @@
       <xsl:when test="not(preceding::dl[@class = 'domintro']/dt/code[@title = $title])
-        and not($title = 'dom-form-elements')
-        and not($title = 'dom-form-length')
-        and not($title = 'dom-form-submit')
-        and not($title = 'dom-form-reset')
-        and not($title = 'dom-form-checkvalidity')
         and not($title = 'dom-a-protocol')
         and not($title = 'dom-area-protocol')
         and not($title = 'dom-base-href')
@@ -566,7 +555,9 @@
         and not($title = 'dom-external' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-external'])
         and not($title = 'dom-history' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-history'])
         and not($title = 'dom-dir')
+        and not($title = 'dom-dir')
         and not($title = 'dom-hidden')
+        and not($title = 'dom-id')
         and not($title = 'dom-image')
         and not($title = 'dom-option')
         and not($title = 'dom-applicationCache' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-applicationCache'])
@@ -579,8 +570,8 @@
         and not($title = 'dom-innerHTML' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-innerHTML'])
         and not($title = 'dom-outerHTML' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-outerHTML'])
         and not($title = 'dom-media-textTracks' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-media-textTracks'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-navigator-registerContentHandler' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-navigator-registerContentHandler'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler' and preceding::*[@title = 'dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-navigator-registerContentHandler' and preceding::*[@title = 'dom-navigator-registerContentHandler'])
         and not($title = 'dom-navigator' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-navigator'])
         and not($title = 'dom-select-item' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-select-item'])
         and not($title = 'dom-HTMLAllCollection-namedItem' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-HTMLAllCollection-namedItem'])

Received on Saturday, 2 July 2011 07:08:27 UTC