html5/spec-author-view/tools preprocess.xsl,1.83,1.84

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/tools
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv31399/tools

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Attempt to reorganise the rendering section to make it more usable for implementors (whatwg r6276)

[updated by splitter]

Index: preprocess.xsl
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/tools/preprocess.xsl,v
retrieving revision 1.83
retrieving revision 1.84
diff -u -d -r1.83 -r1.84
--- preprocess.xsl	2 Jul 2011 06:26:42 -0000	1.83
+++ preprocess.xsl	2 Jul 2011 06:48:05 -0000	1.84
@@ -536,27 +536,14 @@
   <xsl:template match="dl[@class = 'domintro']/dt/*[@title[starts-with(.,'dom-')]]">
     <xsl:variable name="title" select="@title"/>
-        and not($title = 'dom-dir')
-        and not($title = 'dom-hidden')
-        and not($title = 'dom-image')
-        and not($title = 'dom-option')
-        and not($title = 'dom-BarProp-visible' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-BarProp-visible'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-id' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-id'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-title' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-title'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-innerHTML' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-innerHTML'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-outerHTML' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-outerHTML'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-media-textTracks' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-media-textTracks'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-navigator-registerContentHandler' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-navigator-registerContentHandler'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-navigator' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-navigator'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-select-item' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-select-item'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-HTMLCollection-item' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-HTMLCollection-item'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-HTMLCollection-length' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-HTMLCollection-length'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-document-open' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-document-open'])
-        and not($title = 'dom-document-nameditem')
       <xsl:when test="not(preceding::dl[@class = 'domintro']/dt/code[@title = $title])
+        and not($title = 'dom-form-elements')
+        and not($title = 'dom-form-length')
+        and not($title = 'dom-form-submit')
+        and not($title = 'dom-form-reset')
+        and not($title = 'dom-form-checkvalidity')
         and not($title = 'dom-a-protocol')
         and not($title = 'dom-area-protocol')
         and not($title = 'dom-base-href')
@@ -578,6 +565,31 @@
         and not($title = 'dom-cva-validity' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-cva-validity'])
         and not($title = 'dom-external' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-external'])
         and not($title = 'dom-history' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-history'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-dir')
+        and not($title = 'dom-hidden')
+        and not($title = 'dom-image')
+        and not($title = 'dom-option')
+        and not($title = 'dom-applicationCache' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-applicationCache'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-BarProp-visible' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-BarProp-visible'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-DataTransferItemList-add' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-DataTransferItemList-add'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-windowtimers-setInterval' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-windowtimers-setInterval'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-windowtimers-setTimeout' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-windowtimers-setTimeout'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-id' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-id'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-title' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-title'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-innerHTML' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-innerHTML'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-outerHTML' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-outerHTML'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-media-textTracks' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-media-textTracks'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-navigator-registerContentHandler' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-navigator-registerContentHandler'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-navigator' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-navigator'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-select-item' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-select-item'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-HTMLAllCollection-namedItem' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-HTMLAllCollection-namedItem'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-HTMLCollection-item' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-HTMLCollection-item'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-HTMLCollection-length' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-HTMLCollection-length'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-HTMLFormControlsCollection-namedItem' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-HTMLFormControlsCollection-namedItem'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-HTMLOptionsCollection-namedItem' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-HTMLOptionsCollection-namedItem'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-document-open' and preceding::code[@title = 'dom-document-open'])
+        and not($title = 'dom-document-nameditem')
           <xsl:when test="self::*[local-name() = 'code']">

Received on Saturday, 2 July 2011 06:48:11 UTC