html5/spec offline.html,1.991,1.992 parsing.html,1.11,1.12 semantics.html,1.1010,1.1011 spec.html,1.1118,1.1119

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv30255

Modified Files:
	offline.html parsing.html semantics.html spec.html 
Log Message:
Clarify the order in which lists are added to the task list. (whatwg r5259)

[updated by splitter]

Index: parsing.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/parsing.html,v
retrieving revision 1.11
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -d -r1.11 -r1.12
--- parsing.html	9 Aug 2010 23:17:08 -0000	1.11
+++ parsing.html	10 Aug 2010 01:26:43 -0000	1.12
@@ -992,7 +992,7 @@
   <h5 id="character-encodings-0"><span class="secno"> </span>Character encodings</h5><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Last call for comments</i></p>
   <p>User agents must at a minimum support the UTF-8 and Windows-1252
-  encodings, but may support more.</p>
+  encodings, but may support more. <a href="references.html#refsRFC3629">[RFC3629]</a> <a href="references.html#refsWIN1252">[WIN1252]</a></p>
   <p class="note">It is not unusual for Web browsers to support dozens
   if not upwards of a hundred distinct character encodings.</p>

Index: offline.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/offline.html,v
retrieving revision 1.991
retrieving revision 1.992
diff -u -d -r1.991 -r1.992
--- offline.html	9 Aug 2010 23:17:08 -0000	1.991
+++ offline.html	10 Aug 2010 01:26:43 -0000	1.992
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@
   encoded using UTF-8. Data in application cache manifests is
   line-based. Newlines must be represented by U+000A LINE FEED (LF)
   characters, U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters, or U+000D
-  CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) U+000A LINE FEED (LF) pairs.</p><p class="note">This is a <a href="introduction.html#willful-violation">willful violation</a> of two
+  CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) U+000A LINE FEED (LF) pairs. <a href="references.html#refsRFC3629">[RFC3629]</a></p><p class="note">This is a <a href="introduction.html#willful-violation">willful violation</a> of two
   aspects of RFC 2046, which requires all <code title="">text/*</code>
   types to support an open-ended set of character encodings and only
   allows CRLF line breaks. These requirements, however, are outdated;
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@
    a U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER. <!--All U+0000 NULL characters must
    be replaced by U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTERs. (this isn't black-box
    testable since neither U+0000 nor U+FFFD are valid anywhere in the
-   syntax and thus both will be treated the same anyway)--></p></li>
+   syntax and thus both will be treated the same anyway)--> <a href="references.html#refsRFC3629">[RFC3629]</a></p></li>
    <li><p>Let <var title="">base URL</var> be the <a href="urls.html#absolute-url">absolute
    URL</a> representing the manifest.</p></li>
@@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@
      group</var>, create a <a href="webappapis.html#concept-task" title="concept-task">task</a> to
      <a href="webappapis.html#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple event</a> named <code title="event-appcache-obsolete"><a href="#event-appcache-obsolete">obsolete</a></code> that is
      cancelable at the <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the
-     <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a>, and add it to <var title="">task
+     <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a>, and append it to <var title="">task
      list</var>. The default action of these events must be, if the
      user agent <a href="#shows-caching-progress">shows caching progress</a>, the display of
      some sort of user interface indicating to the user that the
@@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@
      <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code> (not <code title="event-appcache-obsolete"><a href="#event-appcache-obsolete">obsolete</a></code>!) at the
      <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
      host</a> the <code><a href="infrastructure.html#document">Document</a></code> for this entry, if there
-     still is one, and add it to <var title="">task list</var>. The
+     still is one, and append it to <var title="">task list</var>. The
      default action of this event must be, if the user agent
      <a href="#shows-caching-progress">shows caching progress</a>, the display of some sort of
      user interface indicating to the user that the user agent failed
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
       event</a> that is cancelable named <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code> at the
       <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
       host</a> the <code><a href="infrastructure.html#document">Document</a></code> for this entry, if there
-      still is one, and add it to <var title="">task list</var>. The
+      still is one, and append it to <var title="">task list</var>. The
       default action of this event must be, if the user agent
       <a href="#shows-caching-progress">shows caching progress</a>, the display of some sort of
       user interface indicating to the user that the user agent failed
@@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@
      group</var>, create a <a href="webappapis.html#concept-task" title="concept-task">task</a> to
      <a href="webappapis.html#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple event</a> that is cancelable named <code title="event-appcache-noupdate"><a href="#event-appcache-noupdate">noupdate</a></code> at the
      <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
-     host</a>, and add it to <var title="">task list</var>. The
+     host</a>, and append it to <var title="">task list</var>. The
      default action of these events must be, if the user agent
      <a href="#shows-caching-progress">shows caching progress</a>, the display of some sort of
      user interface indicating to the user that the application is up
@@ -1681,7 +1681,7 @@
     group</var>, create a <a href="webappapis.html#concept-task" title="concept-task">task</a> to
     <a href="webappapis.html#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple event</a> that is cancelable named <code title="event-appcache-cached"><a href="#event-appcache-cached">cached</a></code> at the
     <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
-    host</a>, and add it to <var title="">task list</var>. The
+    host</a>, and append it to <var title="">task list</var>. The
     default action of these events must be, if the user agent
     <a href="#shows-caching-progress">shows caching progress</a>, the display of some sort of
     user interface indicating to the user that the application has
@@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@
     cache</a> in <var title="">cache group</var>, create a <a href="webappapis.html#concept-task" title="concept-task">task</a> to <a href="webappapis.html#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple
     event</a> that is cancelable named <code title="event-appcache-updateready"><a href="#event-appcache-updateready">updateready</a></code> at the
     <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
-    host</a>, and add it to <var title="">task list</var>. The
+    host</a>, and append it to <var title="">task list</var>. The
     default action of these events must be, if the user agent
     <a href="#shows-caching-progress">shows caching progress</a>, the display of some sort of
     user interface indicating to the user that a new version is
@@ -1730,7 +1730,7 @@
      <a href="webappapis.html#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple event</a> that is cancelable named <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code> at the
      <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the
      <code><a href="infrastructure.html#document">Document</a></code> for this entry, if there still is one, and
-     add it to <var title="">task list</var>. The default action of
+     append it to <var title="">task list</var>. The default action of
      these events must be, if the user agent <a href="#shows-caching-progress">shows caching
      progress</a>, the display of some sort of user interface
      indicating to the user that the user agent failed to save the
@@ -1743,7 +1743,7 @@
    create a <a href="webappapis.html#concept-task" title="concept-task">task</a> to <a href="webappapis.html#fire-a-simple-event">fire a
    simple event</a> that is cancelable named <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code> at the
    <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
-   host</a>, and add it to <var title="">task list</var>. The
+   host</a>, and append it to <var title="">task list</var>. The
    default action of these events must be, if the user agent
    <a href="#shows-caching-progress">shows caching progress</a>, the display of some sort of
    user interface indicating to the user that the user agent failed to

Index: semantics.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/semantics.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1010
retrieving revision 1.1011
diff -u -d -r1.1010 -r1.1011
--- semantics.html	9 Aug 2010 23:17:08 -0000	1.1010
+++ semantics.html	10 Aug 2010 01:26:43 -0000	1.1011
@@ -1609,10 +1609,10 @@
   <a href="#attr-meta-http-equiv-content-type" title="attr-meta-http-equiv-content-type">Encoding declaration
   state</a>, then the character encoding used must be an
   <a href="infrastructure.html#ascii-compatible-character-encoding">ASCII-compatible character encoding</a>.</p><p>Authors are encouraged to use UTF-8. Conformance checkers may
-  advise authors against using legacy encodings.</p><div class="impl">
+  advise authors against using legacy encodings. <a href="references.html#refsRFC3629">[RFC3629]</a></p><div class="impl">
   <p>Authoring tools should default to using UTF-8 for newly-created
-  documents.</p>
+  documents. <a href="references.html#refsRFC3629">[RFC3629]</a></p>
   </div><p>Encodings in which a series of bytes in the range 0x20 to 0x7E
   can encode characters other than the corresponding characters in the

Index: spec.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/spec.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1118
retrieving revision 1.1119
diff -u -d -r1.1118 -r1.1119
--- spec.html	10 Aug 2010 01:06:48 -0000	1.1118
+++ spec.html	10 Aug 2010 01:26:43 -0000	1.1119
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
     <a href="Overview.html">single page HTML</a>,
     <a href="spec.html">multipage HTML</a>,
     <a href="author/">author edition</a>.
-This is revision 1.4186.
+This is revision 1.4188.
      <p class="copyright"><a href="">Copyright</a>
    &#169; 2010 <a href=""><abbr title="World Wide

Received on Tuesday, 10 August 2010 01:26:47 UTC