html5/html-xhtml-author-guide respec.js,NONE,1.1

Update of /sources/public/html5/html-xhtml-author-guide
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv30559

Added Files:
Log Message:
Resource file

--- NEW FILE: respec.js ---

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
//  ReSpec.js -- a specification-writing tool
//  Robin Berjon,
//  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
//  Documentation:
//  License:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

//  - move to the top of dev. hierarchy
//  - add autolinking to headers in the output (like WebIDL)
//  - better inline dependent CSS
//  - add typographical conventions section
//  - WebIDL
//      . make it so that extended attributes on members and attributes are only wrapped if needed
//      . make processor aware of some extended attributes (e.g. Constructor)
//      . support variadic params
//      . support arrays
[...1589 lines suppressed...]
    // XXX make this generally available (refactoring)
    _norm:    function (str) {
        str = str.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
        return str.split(/\s+/).join(" ");

// hackish, but who cares?
window.onload = function () {
    // (new berjon.respec()).run();
    (new berjon.respec()).loadAndRun();

function dbg (obj) {
    var str = "";
    for (var k in obj) str += k + "=" + obj[k] + "\n";
    alert("DUMP\n" + str);

Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2010 19:54:41 UTC