html5/spec Overview.html,1.3065,1.3066

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv11642

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Make rel=up text self-consistent. (whatwg r3904)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.3065
retrieving revision 1.3066
diff -u -d -r1.3065 -r1.3066
--- Overview.html	18 Sep 2009 09:09:43 -0000	1.3065
+++ Overview.html	18 Sep 2009 09:41:31 -0000	1.3066
@@ -50393,15 +50393,18 @@
   <code><a href="#the-link-element">link</a></code>, <code><a href="#the-a-element">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#the-area-element">area</a></code>
   elements. For <code><a href="#the-link-element">link</a></code> elements, it creates a <a href="#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.<p>The <code title="rel-up"><a href="#link-type-up">up</a></code> keyword indicates that the
   document is part of a hierarchical structure, and that the link is
-  leading to the document that is the parent of the current
+  leading to a document that is an ancestor of the current
   document.<p>The <code title="rel-up"><a href="#link-type-up">up</a></code> keyword may be repeated within
   a <code title="attr-hyperlink-rel"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-rel">rel</a></code> attribute to indicate
   the hierarchical distance from the current document to the
-  referenced document. Each occurrence of the keyword represents one
-  further level. If the <code title="rel-index"><a href="#link-type-index">index</a></code> keyword
-  is also present, then the number of <code title="rel-up"><a href="#link-type-up">up</a></code>
-  keywords is the depth of the current page relative to the top of the
-  hierarchy. Only one link is created for the set of one or more <code title="rel-up"><a href="#link-type-up">up</a></code> keywords and, if present, the <code title="rel-index"><a href="#link-type-index">index</a></code> keyword.<p>If the page is part of multiple hierarchies, then they should be
+  referenced document. If it occurs only once, then the link is
+  leading to the current document's parent; each additional occurrence
+  of the keyword represents one further level. If the <code title="rel-index"><a href="#link-type-index">index</a></code> keyword is also present, then the
+  number of <code title="rel-up"><a href="#link-type-up">up</a></code> keywords is the depth of
+  the current page relative to the top of the hierarchy. Only one link
+  is created for the set of one or more <code title="rel-up"><a href="#link-type-up">up</a></code>
+  keywords and, if present, the <code title="rel-index"><a href="#link-type-index">index</a></code>
+  keyword.<p>If the page is part of multiple hierarchies, then they should be
   described in different <a href="#paragraph" title="paragraph">paragraphs</a>. <span class="impl">User agents
   must scope any interpretation of the <code title="rel-up"><a href="#link-type-up">up</a></code>
   and <code title="rel-index"><a href="#link-type-index">index</a></code> keywords together

Received on Friday, 18 September 2009 09:41:48 UTC