html5/spec-author-view Overview.html,1.34,1.35 browsers.html,1.35,1.36 comms.html,1.34,1.35 dom.html,1.35,1.36 embedded-content-0.html,1.34,1.35 history.html,1.35,1.36 infrastructure.html,1.35,1.36 introduction.html,1.35,1.36 named-character-references.html,1.35,1.36 no.html,1.34,1.35 obsolete.html,1.35,1.36 syntax.html,1.35,1.36 the-canvas-element.html,1.34,1.35 video.html,1.34,1.35

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv23785

Modified Files:
	Overview.html browsers.html comms.html dom.html 
	embedded-content-0.html history.html infrastructure.html 
	introduction.html named-character-references.html no.html 
	obsolete.html syntax.html the-canvas-element.html video.html 
Log Message:
make the link ui a 'may' instead of a 'should'. (whatwg r3721)

[updated by splitter]

Index: infrastructure.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/infrastructure.html,v
retrieving revision 1.35
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -d -r1.35 -r1.36
--- infrastructure.html	1 Sep 2009 04:47:20 -0000	1.35
+++ infrastructure.html	1 Sep 2009 05:52:55 -0000	1.36
@@ -1,1109 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
-<html lang="en-US-x-Hixie"><head><title>2 Common infrastructure &#8212; HTML 5</title><style type="text/css">
-   pre { margin-left: 2em; white-space: pre-wrap; }
-   h2 { margin: 3em 0 1em 0; }
-   h3 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em 0; }
-   h4 { margin: 2.5em 0 0.75em 0; }
-   h5, h6 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em; }
-   h1 + h2, h1 + h2 + h2 { margin: 0.75em 0 0.75em; }
-   h2 + h3, h3 + h4, h4 + h5, h5 + h6 { margin-top: 0.5em; }
-   p { margin: 1em 0; }
-   hr:not(.top) { display: block; background: none; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 2em 0; height: auto; }
[...1079 lines suppressed...]
-    <p>Throws a <code><a href="#syntax_err">SYNTAX_ERR</a></code> exception if <var title="">token</var> is empty.</p>
-    <p>Throws an <code><a href="#invalid_character_err">INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR</a></code> exception if <var title="">token</var> contains any spaces.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">tokenlist</var> . <code title="dom-tokenlist-add"><a href="#dom-tokenlist-add">add</a></code>(<var title="">token</var>)</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Adds <var title="">token</var>, unless it is already present.</p>
-    <p>Throws a <code><a href="#syntax_err">SYNTAX_ERR</a></code> exception if <var title="">token</var> is empty.</p>
-    <p>Throws an <code><a href="#invalid_character_err">INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR</a></code> exception if <var title="">token</var> contains any spaces.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">tokenlist</var> . <code title="dom-tokenlist-remove"><a href="#dom-tokenlist-remove">remove</a></code>(<var title="">token</var>)</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Removes <var title="">token</var> if it is present.</p>
-    <p>Throws a <code><a href="#syntax_err">SYNTAX_ERR</a></code> exception if <var title="">token</var> is empty.</p>
-    <p>Throws an <code><a href="#invalid_character_err">INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR</a></code> exception if <var title="">token</var> contains any spaces.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">hastoken</var> = <var title="">tokenlist</var> . <code title="dom-tokenlist-toggle"><a href="#dom-tokenlist-toggle">toggle</a></code>(<var title="">token</var>)</dt></dl></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

Index: history.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/history.html,v
retrieving revision 1.35
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -d -r1.35 -r1.36
--- history.html	1 Sep 2009 04:47:20 -0000	1.35
+++ history.html	1 Sep 2009 05:52:55 -0000	1.36
@@ -197,416 +197,4 @@
   <dfn id="session-history-entry">session history entry</dfn> consists of either a
   <a href="infrastructure.html#url">URL</a> or a <a href="#state-object">state object</a>, or both.</p><p>URLs without associated <a href="#state-object" title="state object">state
   objects</a> are added to the session history as the user (or
-  script) navigates from page to page.</p><p>A <dfn id="state-object">state object</dfn> is an object representing a user
-  interface state.</p><p>Pages can <a href="#dom-history-pushstate" title="dom-history-pushState">add</a> <a href="#state-object" title="state object">state objects</a> between their entry in the
-  session history and the next ("forward") entry. These are then <a href="#event-popstate" title="event-popstate">returned to the script</a> when the user
-  (or script) goes back in the history, thus enabling authors to use
-  the "navigation" metaphor even in one-page applications.</p><p>At any point, one of the entries in the session history is the
-  <dfn id="current-entry">current entry</dfn>. This is the entry representing the
-  <a href="browsers.html#active-document">active document</a> of the <a href="browsers.html#browsing-context">browsing
-  context</a>. The <a href="#current-entry">current entry</a> is usually an entry
-  for the <a href="#dom-location-href" title="dom-location-href">location</a> of the
-  <code>Document</code>. However, it can also be one of the entries
-  for <a href="#state-object" title="state object">state objects</a> added to the
-  history by that document.</p><p>Entries that consist of <a href="#state-object" title="state object">state
-  objects</a> share the same <code>Document</code> as the entry for
-  the page that was active when they were added.</p><p>Contiguous entries that differ just by fragment identifier also
-  share the same <code>Document</code>.</p><p class="note">All entries that share the same
-  <code>Document</code> (and that are therefore merely different
-  states of one particular document) are contiguous by definition.</p><h4 id="the-history-interface"><span class="secno">6.8.2 </span>The <code><a href="#history-0">History</a></code> interface</h4><pre class="idl">interface <dfn id="history-0">History</dfn> {
-  readonly attribute long <a href="#dom-history-length" title="dom-history-length">length</a>;
-  void <a href="#dom-history-go" title="dom-history-go">go</a>(optional in long delta);
-  void <a href="#dom-history-back" title="dom-history-back">back</a>();
-  void <a href="#dom-history-forward" title="dom-history-forward">forward</a>();
-  void <a href="#dom-history-pushstate" title="dom-history-pushState">pushState</a>(in any data, in DOMString title, optional in DOMString url);
-  void <a href="#dom-history-clearstate" title="dom-history-clearState">clearState</a>();
-};</pre><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">window</var> . <code title="dom-history"><a href="#dom-history">history</a></code> . <code title="dom-history-length"><a href="#dom-history-length">length</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the number of entries in the <a href="#joint-session-history">joint session history</a>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">window</var> . <code title="dom-history"><a href="#dom-history">history</a></code> . <code title="dom-history-go"><a href="#dom-history-go">go</a></code>( [ <var title="">delta</var> ] )</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Goes back or forward the specified number of steps in the <a href="#joint-session-history">joint session history</a>.</p>
-    <p>A zero delta will reload the current page.</p>
-    <p>If the delta is out of range, does nothing.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">window</var> . <code title="dom-history"><a href="#dom-history">history</a></code> . <code title="dom-history-back"><a href="#dom-history-back">back</a></code>()</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Goes back one step in the <a href="#joint-session-history">joint session history</a>.</p>
-    <p>If there is no previous page, does nothing.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">window</var> . <code title="dom-history"><a href="#dom-history">history</a></code> . <code title="dom-history-forward"><a href="#dom-history-forward">forward</a></code>()</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Goes forward one step in the <a href="#joint-session-history">joint session history</a>.</p>
-    <p>If there is no next page, does nothing.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">window</var> . <code title="dom-history"><a href="#dom-history">history</a></code> . <code title="dom-history-pushState"><a href="#dom-history-pushstate">pushState</a></code>(<var title="">data</var>, <var title="">title</var> [, <var title="">url</var> ] )</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Pushes the given data onto the session history, with the given title, and, if provided, the given URL.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">window</var> . <code title="dom-history"><a href="#dom-history">history</a></code> . <code title="dom-history-clearState"><a href="#dom-history-clearstate">clearState</a></code>()</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Removes all state objects for the current page from the session history.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><p>The <dfn id="joint-session-history">joint session history</dfn> of a <code><a href="#history-0">History</a></code>
-  object is the union of all the <a href="#session-history" title="session history">session
-  histories</a> of all <a href="browsers.html#browsing-context" title="browsing context">browsing
-  contexts</a> of all the <a href="browsers.html#fully-active">fully active</a>
-  <code>Document</code> objects that share the <code><a href="#history-0">History</a></code>
-  object's <a href="browsers.html#top-level-browsing-context">top-level browsing context</a>.</p><p>Entries in the <a href="#joint-session-history">joint session history</a> are ordered
-  chronologically by the time they were added to their respective
-  <a href="#session-history" title="session history">session histories</a>. (Since all
-  these <a href="browsers.html#browsing-context" title="browsing context">browsing contexts</a> by
-  definition share an <a href="#event-loop">event loop</a>, there is always a
-  well-defined sequential order in which their <a href="#session-history" title="session
-  history">session histories</a> had their entries added.) Each
-  entry has an index; the earliest entry has index 0, and the
-  subsequent entries are numbered with consecutively increasing
-  integers (1, 2, 3, etc).</p><p>The <dfn id="current-entry-of-the-joint-session-history">current entry of the joint session history</dfn> is the
-  entry that was the most recently became a <a href="#current-entry">current entry</a>
-  in its <a href="#session-history">session history</a>.</p><h4 id="activating-state-object-entries"><span class="secno">6.8.3 </span><dfn title="activate the state object">Activating state object entries</dfn></h4><pre class="idl">interface <dfn id="popstateevent">PopStateEvent</dfn> : Event {
-  readonly attribute any <a href="#dom-popstateevent-state" title="dom-PopStateEvent-state">state</a>;
-  void <a href="#dom-popstateevent-initpopstateevent" title="dom-PopStateEvent-initPopStateEvent">initPopStateEvent</a>(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in any stateArg);
-  void <a href="#dom-popstateevent-initpopstateeventns" title="dom-PopStateEvent-initPopStateEventNS">initPopStateEventNS</a>(in DOMString namespaceURIArg, in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in any stateArg);
-};</pre><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">event</var> . <code title="dom-PopStateEvent-state"><a href="#dom-popstateevent-state">state</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the information that was provided to <code title="dom-history-pushState"><a href="#dom-history-pushstate">pushState()</a></code>.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h4 id="the-location-interface"><span class="secno">6.8.4 </span>The <code><a href="#location">Location</a></code> interface</h4><p>Each <code>Document</code> object in a <a href="browsers.html#browsing-context">browsing
-  context</a>'s session history is associated with a unique
-  instance of a <code><a href="#location">Location</a></code> object.</p><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-location"><a href="#dom-document-location">location</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
-   <dt><var title="">window</var> . <code title="dom-location"><a href="#dom-location">location</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns a <code><a href="#location">Location</a></code> object with the current page's location.</p>
-    <p>Can be set, to navigate to another page.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><p><code><a href="#location">Location</a></code> objects provide a representation of <a href="dom.html#the-document-s-current-address" title="the document's current address">their document's current
-  address</a>, and allow the <a href="#current-entry">current entry</a> of the
-  <a href="browsers.html#browsing-context">browsing context</a>'s session history to be changed, by
-  adding or replacing entries in the <code title="dom-history"><a href="#dom-history">history</a></code> object.</p><pre class="idl">interface <dfn id="location">Location</dfn> {
-  stringifier readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-location-href" title="dom-location-href">href</a>;
-  void <a href="#dom-location-assign" title="dom-location-assign">assign</a>(in DOMString url);
-  void <a href="#dom-location-replace" title="dom-location-replace">replace</a>(in DOMString url);
-  void <a href="#dom-location-reload" title="dom-location-reload">reload</a>();
-  // <a href="infrastructure.html#url-decomposition-idl-attributes">URL decomposition IDL attributes</a> <!-- blame brendan for these "innovative" names -->
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-location-protocol" title="dom-location-protocol">protocol</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-location-host" title="dom-location-host">host</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-location-hostname" title="dom-location-hostname">hostname</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-location-port" title="dom-location-port">port</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-location-pathname" title="dom-location-pathname">pathname</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-location-search" title="dom-location-search">search</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-location-hash" title="dom-location-hash">hash</a>;
-  // resolving relative URLs
-  DOMString <a href="#dom-location-resolveurl" title="dom-location-resolveURL">resolveURL</a>(in DOMString url);
-};</pre><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">location</var> . <code title="dom-location-href"><a href="#dom-location-href">href</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the current page's location.</p>
-    <p>Can be set, to navigate to another page.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">location</var> . <code title="dom-location-assign"><a href="#dom-location-assign">assign</a></code>(<var title="">url</var>)</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Navigates to the given page.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">location</var> . <code title="dom-location-replace"><a href="#dom-location-replace">replace</a></code>(<var title="">url</var>)</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Removes the current page from the session history and navigates to the given page.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">location</var> . <code title="dom-location-reload"><a href="#dom-location-reload">reload</a></code>()</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Reloads the current page.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">url</var> = <var title="">location</var> . <code title="dom-location-resolveURL"><a href="#dom-location-resolveurl">resolveURL</a></code>(<var title="">url</var>)</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Resolves the given relative URL to an absolute URL.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><p>The <code><a href="#location">Location</a></code> interface also has the complement of
-  <a href="infrastructure.html#url-decomposition-idl-attributes">URL decomposition IDL attributes</a>, <dfn id="dom-location-protocol" title="dom-location-protocol"><code>protocol</code></dfn>, <dfn id="dom-location-host" title="dom-location-host"><code>host</code></dfn>, <dfn id="dom-location-port" title="dom-location-port"><code>port</code></dfn>, <dfn id="dom-location-hostname" title="dom-location-hostname"><code>hostname</code></dfn>, <dfn id="dom-location-pathname" title="dom-location-pathname"><code>pathname</code></dfn>, <dfn id="dom-location-search" title="dom-location-search"><code>search</code></dfn>, and <dfn id="dom-location-hash" title="dom-location-hash"><code>hash</code></dfn>. </p><h3 id="browsing-the-web"><span class="secno">6.9 </span>Browsing the Web</h3><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Last call for comments</i></p><h4 id="unloading-documents"><span class="secno">6.9.1 </span>Unloading documents</h4><pre class="idl">interface <dfn id="beforeunloadevent">BeforeUnloadEvent</dfn : Event {
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-beforeunloadevent-returnvalue" title="dom-BeforeUnloadEvent-returnValue">returnValue</a>;
-};</pre><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">event</var> . <code title="dom-BeforeUnloadEvent-returnValue"><a href="#dom-beforeunloadevent-returnvalue">returnValue</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the current return value of the event (the message to show the user).</p>
-    <p>Can be set, to update the message.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><p class="note">There are no <code><a href="#beforeunloadevent">BeforeUnloadEvent</a></code>-specific
-  initialization methods.</p><h3 id="links"><span class="secno">6.10 </span>Links</h3><h4 id="hyperlink-elements"><span class="secno">6.10.1 </span>Hyperlink elements</h4><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Controversial Working Draft</i></p><p>The <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element">a</a></code>, <code><a href="the-canvas-element.html#the-area-element">area</a></code>, and <code><a href="semantics.html#the-link-element">link</a></code>
-  elements can, in certain situations described in the definitions of
-  those elements, represent <dfn id="hyperlink" title="hyperlink">hyperlinks</dfn>.</p><p>The <dfn id="attr-hyperlink-href" title="attr-hyperlink-href"><code>href</code></dfn>
-  attribute on a hyperlink element must have a value that is a
-  <a href="infrastructure.html#valid-url">valid URL</a>. This URL is the <em>destination
-  resource</em> of the hyperlink.</p><div class="note">
-   <p>The <code title="attr-hyperlink-href"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-href">href</a></code> attribute on
-   <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element">a</a></code> and <code><a href="the-canvas-element.html#the-area-element">area</a></code> elements is not required; when
-   those elements do not have <code title="attr-hyperlink-href"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-href">href</a></code> attributes they do not
-   represent hyperlinks.</p>
-   <p>The <code title="attr-link-href"><a href="semantics.html#attr-link-href">href</a></code> attribute on the
-   <code><a href="semantics.html#the-link-element">link</a></code> element <em>is</em> required, but whether a
-   <code><a href="semantics.html#the-link-element">link</a></code> element represents a hyperlink or not depends on
-   the value of the <code title="attr-link-rel"><a href="semantics.html#attr-link-rel">rel</a></code> attribute
-   of that element.</p>
-  </div><p>The <dfn id="attr-hyperlink-target" title="attr-hyperlink-target"><code>target</code></dfn>
-  attribute, if present, must be a <a href="browsers.html#valid-browsing-context-name-or-keyword">valid browsing context name
-  or keyword</a>. It gives the name of the <a href="browsers.html#browsing-context">browsing
-  context</a> that will be used. </p><p>The <dfn id="ping" title="attr-hyperlink-ping"><code>ping</code></dfn> attribute, if
-  present, gives the URLs of the resources that are interested in
-  being notified if the user follows the hyperlink. The value must be
-  a space separated list of one or more <span>valid URLs</span>. </p><p>For <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element">a</a></code> and <code><a href="the-canvas-element.html#the-area-element">area</a></code> elements that represent
-  hyperlinks, the relationship between the document containing the
-  hyperlink and the destination resource indicated by the hyperlink is
-  given by the value of the element's <dfn id="attr-hyperlink-rel" title="attr-hyperlink-rel"><code>rel</code></dfn> attribute, which
-  must be a <a href="infrastructure.html#set-of-space-separated-tokens">set of space-separated tokens</a>. The <a href="#linkTypes">allowed values and their meanings</a> are defined
-  below. The <code title="attr-hyperlink-rel"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-rel">rel</a></code> attribute has
-  no default value. If the attribute is omitted or if none of the
-  values in the attribute are recognized by the user agent, then the
-  document has no particular relationship with the destination
-  resource other than there being a hyperlink between the two.</p><p>The <dfn id="attr-hyperlink-media" title="attr-hyperlink-media"><code>media</code></dfn>
-  attribute describes for which media the target document was
-  designed. It is purely advisory. The value must be a valid <a href="#mq">media query</a>. <a href="references.html#refsMQ">[MQ]</a> The default,
-  if the <code title="attr-hyperlink-media"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-media">media</a></code> attribute is
-  omitted, is <code>all</code>.</p><p>The <dfn id="attr-hyperlink-hreflang" title="attr-hyperlink-hreflang"><code>hreflang</code></dfn>
-  attribute on hyperlink elements, if present, gives the language of
-  the linked resource. It is purely advisory. The value must be a
-  valid BCP 47 language code. <a href="references.html#refsBCP47">[BCP47]</a>
-  </p><p>The <dfn id="attr-hyperlink-type" title="attr-hyperlink-type"><code>type</code></dfn>
-  attribute, if present, gives the <a href="infrastructure.html#mime-type">MIME type</a> of the linked
-  resource. It is purely advisory. The value must be a <a href="infrastructure.html#valid-mime-type">valid
-  MIME type</a>, optionally with parameters. </p><div class="note">
-   <p>The <code title="attr-hyperlink-ping"><a href="#ping">ping</a></code> attribute is redundant
-   with pre-existing technologies like HTTP redirects and JavaScript
-   in allowing Web pages to track which off-site links are most
-   popular or allowing advertisers to track click-through rates.</p>
-   <p>However, the <code title="attr-hyperlink-ping"><a href="#ping">ping</a></code> attribute
-   provides these advantages to the user over those alternatives:</p>
-   <ul><li>It allows the user to see the final target URL
-    unobscured.</li>
-    <li>It allows the UA to inform the user about the out-of-band
-    notifications.</li>
-    <li>It allows the paranoid user to disable the notifications
-    without losing the underlying link functionality.</li>
-    <li>It allows the UA to optimize the use of available network
-    bandwidth so that the target page loads faster.</li>
-   </ul><p>Thus, while it is possible to track users without this feature,
-   authors are encouraged to use the <code title="attr-hyperlink-ping"><a href="#ping">ping</a></code> attribute so that the user
-   agent can make the user experience more transparent.</p>
-  </div><!-- resolving ping urls happens at audit time, so base URL changes
-  affect the values of ping attributes --><h4 id="linkTypes"><span class="secno">6.10.2 </span>Link types</h4><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Last call for comments</i></p><p>The following table summarizes the link types that are defined by
-  this specification. This table is non-normative; the actual
-  definitions for the link types are given in the next few
-  sections.</p><p>In this section, the term <i>referenced document</i> refers to
-  the resource identified by the element representing the link, and
-  the term <i>current document</i> refers to the resource within
-  which the element representing the link finds itself.</p><p>Unless otherwise specified, a keyword must not be specified more
-  than once per <code title="attr-rel-hyperlink">rel</code>
-  attribute.</p><p>The link types are <a href="infrastructure.html#ascii-case-insensitive">ASCII case-insensitive</a>
-  values.</p><p class="example">Thus, <code title="">rel="next"</code> is the
-  same as <code title="">rel="NEXT"</code>.</p><table><thead><tr><th rowspan="2">Link type</th>
-     <th colspan="2">Effect on...</th>
-     <th rowspan="2">Brief description</th>
-    </tr><tr><th><code><a href="semantics.html#the-link-element">link</a></code></th>
-     <th><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element">a</a></code> and <code><a href="the-canvas-element.html#the-area-element">area</a></code></th>
-    </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><code title="rel-alternate"><a href="#link-type-alternate">alternate</a></code></td> <!-- second most used <link rel> value -->
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Gives alternate representations of the current document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-archives"><a href="#link-type-archives">archives</a></code></td>
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Provides a link to a collection of records, documents, or other materials of historical interest.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-author"><a href="#link-type-author">author</a></code></td>
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Gives a link to the current document's author.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-bookmark"><a href="#link-type-bookmark">bookmark</a></code></td> <!-- fourth most used <a rel> value -->
-     <td><em>not allowed</em></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Gives the permalink for the nearest ancestor section.</td>
-    </tr><!-- (commented out on the assumption that rel=contact is really XFN)
-    <tr>
-     <td><code title="rel-contact">contact</code></td> <!- 8th most used <a rel> value ->
-     <td><span title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</span></td>
-     <td><span>Hyperlink</span></td>
-     <td>Gives a link to contact information for the current document.</td>
-    </tr>
---><tr><td><code title="rel-external"><a href="#link-type-external">external</a></code></td> <!-- fifth and sixth most used <a rel> value (sixth is "external nofollow") -->
-     <td><em>not allowed</em></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Indicates that the referenced document is not part of the same site as the current document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-feed"><a href="#link-type-feed">feed</a></code></td>
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Gives the address of a syndication feed for the current document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-first"><a href="#link-type-first">first</a></code></td>
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Indicates that the current document is a part of a series, and that the first document in the series is the referenced document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-help"><a href="#link-type-help">help</a></code></td>
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Provides a link to context-sensitive help.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-icon"><a href="#rel-icon">icon</a></code></td> <!-- link rel="shortcut icon" and its ilk are the fourth, sixth, and ninth most used values -->
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#external-resource-link" title="external resource link">External Resource</a></td>
-     <td><em>not allowed</em></td>
-     <td>Imports an icon to represent the current document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-index"><a href="#link-type-index">index</a></code></td> <!-- used more than "top" and "contents" on <link> (though on <a>, "contents" wins) -->
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Gives a link to the document that provides a table of contents or index listing the current document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-last"><a href="#link-type-last">last</a></code></td>
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Indicates that the current document is a part of a series, and that the last document in the series is the referenced document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-license"><a href="#link-type-license">license</a></code></td> <!-- seventh most used <a rel> value -->
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Indicates that the main content of the current document is covered by the copyright license described by the referenced document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-next"><a href="#link-type-next">next</a></code></td>
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Indicates that the current document is a part of a series, and that the next document in the series is the referenced document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-nofollow"><a href="#link-type-nofollow">nofollow</a></code></td> <!-- most used <a rel> value (and sixth most used is "external nofollow") -->
-     <td><em>not allowed</em></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Indicates that the current document's original author or publisher does not endorse the referenced document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-noreferrer"><a href="#link-type-noreferrer">noreferrer</a></code></td>
-     <td><em>not allowed</em></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Requires that the user agent not send an HTTP <code title="">Referer</code> (sic) header if the user follows the hyperlink.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-pingback"><a href="#link-type-pingback">pingback</a></code></td>
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#external-resource-link" title="external resource link">External Resource</a></td>
-     <td><em>not allowed</em></td>
-     <td>Gives the address of the pingback server that handles pingbacks to the current document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-prefetch"><a href="#link-type-prefetch">prefetch</a></code></td>
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#external-resource-link" title="external resource link">External Resource</a></td>
-     <td><em>not allowed</em></td>
-     <td>Specifies that the target resource should be preemptively cached.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-prev"><a href="#link-type-prev">prev</a></code></td> <!-- prev is used more than previous -->
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Indicates that the current document is a part of a series, and that the previous document in the series is the referenced document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-search"><a href="#link-type-search">search</a></code></td> <!-- used quite a bit -->
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Gives a link to a resource that can be used to search through the current document and its related pages.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-stylesheet"><a href="#link-type-stylesheet">stylesheet</a></code></td> <!-- most commonly used <link rel> value, variants came in 7th, 8th, 12th, 17th... -->
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#external-resource-link" title="external resource link">External Resource</a></td>
-     <td><em>not allowed</em></td>
-     <td>Imports a stylesheet.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-sidebar"><a href="#link-type-sidebar">sidebar</a></code></td> <!-- used quite a bit -->
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Specifies that the referenced document, if retrieved, is intended to be shown in the browser's sidebar (if it has one).</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-tag"><a href="#link-type-tag">tag</a></code></td> <!-- second and third most used <a rel> value (third is technically "category tag"). -->
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Gives a tag (identified by the given address) that applies to the current document.</td>
-    </tr><tr><td><code title="rel-up"><a href="#link-type-up">up</a></code></td>
-     <td><a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td><a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a></td>
-     <td>Provides a link to a document giving the context for the current document.</td>
-    </tr></tbody></table><!-- v2 ideas:
-   * rel="script"
-   * rel="related" // see also
-   *
-  --><h5 id="link-type-alternate"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<dfn title="rel-alternate"><code>alternate</code></dfn>"</h5><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Last call for comments</i></p><p>The <code title="rel-alternate"><a href="#link-type-alternate">alternate</a></code> keyword may be
-  used with <code><a href="semantics.html#the-link-element">link</a></code>, <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="the-canvas-element.html#the-area-element">area</a></code>
-  elements. For <code><a href="semantics.html#the-link-element">link</a></code> elements, if the <code title="attr-link-rel"><a href="semantics.html#attr-link-rel">rel</a></code> attribute does not also contain the
-  keyword <code title="rel-stylesheet"><a href="#link-type-stylesheet">stylesheet</a></code>, it creates a
-  <a href="semantics.html#hyperlink-link" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>; but if it
-  <em>does</em> also contain the keyword <code title="rel-stylesheet"><a href="#link-type-stylesheet">stylesheet</a></code>, the <code title="rel-alternate"><a href="#link-type-alternate">alternate</a></code> keyword instead modifies the
-  meaning of the <code title="rel-stylesheet"><a href="#link-type-stylesheet">stylesheet</a></code>
-  keyword in the way described for that keyword, and the rest of this
-  subsection doesn't apply.</p><p>The <code title="rel-alternate"><a href="#link-type-alternate">alternate</a></code> keyword
-  indicates that the referenced document is an alternate
-  representation of the current document.</p><p>The nature of the referenced document is given by the <code title="attr-hyperlink-media"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-media">media</a></code>, <code title="attr-hyperlink-hreflang"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-hreflang">hreflang</a></code>, and <code title="attr-hyperlink-type"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-type">type</a></code> attributes.</p><p>If the <code title="rel-alternate"><a href="#link-type-alternate">alternate</a></code> keyword is
-  used with the <code title="attr-hyperlink-media"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-media">media</a></code>
-  attribute, it indicates that the referenced document is intended for
-  use with the media specified.</p><p>If the <code title="rel-alternate"><a href="#link-type-alternate">alternate</a></code> keyword is
-  used with the <code title="attr-hyperlink-hreflang"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-hreflang">hreflang</a></code>
-  attribute, and that attribute's value differs from the <a href="infrastructure.html#root-element">root
-  element</a>'s <a href="dom.html#language">language</a>, it indicates that the
-  referenced document is a translation.</p><p>If the <code title="rel-alternate"><a href="#link-type-alternate">alternate</a></code> keyword is
-  used with the <code title="attr-hyperlink-type"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-type">type</a></code>
-  attribute, it indicates that the referenced document is a
-  reformulation of the current document in the specified format.</p><p>The <code title="attr-hyperlink-media"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-media">media</a></code>, <code title="attr-hyperlink-hreflang"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-hreflang">hreflang</a></code>, and <code title="attr-hyperlink-type"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-type">type</a></code> attributes can be combined
-  when specified with the <code title="rel-alternate"><a href="#link-type-alternate">alternate</a></code>
-  keyword.</p><div class="example">
-   <p>For example, the following link is a French translation that
-   uses the PDF format:</p>
-   <pre>&lt;link rel=alter
\ No newline at end of file
+  script) navigates from page to page.</p><p>A <dfn id="state-object">state object</dfn> is an object representing a
\ No newline at end of file

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.34
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -d -r1.34 -r1.35
--- Overview.html	1 Sep 2009 04:47:20 -0000	1.34
+++ Overview.html	1 Sep 2009 05:52:55 -0000	1.35
@@ -494,292 +494,4 @@
          <li><a href="#a-group-of-images-that-form-a-single-larger-picture-with-links"><span class="secno"> </span>A group of images that form a single larger picture with links</a></li>
          <li><a href="#a-key-part-of-the-content"><span class="secno"> </span>A key part of the content</a></li>
          <li><a href="#an-image-not-intended-for-the-user"><span class="secno"> </span>An image not intended for the user</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#an-image-in-an-e-mail-or-private-document-intended-for-a-specific-person-who-is-known-to-be-able-to-view-images"><span class="secno"> </span>An image in an e-mail or private document intended for a specific person who is known to be able to view images</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#general-guidelines"><span class="secno"> </span>General guidelines</a></li></ol></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-iframe-element"><span class="secno">4.8.3 </span>The <code>iframe</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-embed-element"><span class="secno">4.8.4 </span>The <code>embed</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-object-element"><span class="secno">4.8.5 </span>The <code>object</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-param-element"><span class="secno">4.8.6 </span>The <code>param</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#video"><span class="secno">4.8.7 </span>The <code>video</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#audio"><span class="secno">4.8.8 </span>The <code>audio</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-source-element"><span class="secno">4.8.9 </span>The <code>source</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#media-elements"><span class="secno">4.8.10 </span>Media elements</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#error-codes"><span class="secno"> </span>Error codes</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#location-of-the-media-resource"><span class="secno"> </span>Location of the media resource</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#mime-types"><span class="secno"> </span>MIME types</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#network-states"><span class="secno"> </span>Network states</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#loading-the-media-resource"><span class="secno"> </span>Loading the media resource</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#offsets-into-the-media-resource"><span class="secno"> </span>Offsets into the media resource</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#the-ready-states"><span class="secno"> </span>The ready states</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#playing-the-media-resource"><span class="secno"> </span>Playing the media resource</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#seeking"><span class="secno"> </span>Seeking</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#user-interface"><span class="secno"> </span>User interface</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#time-ranges"><span class="secno"> </span>Time ranges</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#mediaevents"><span class="secno"> </span>Event summary</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-canvas-element"><span class="secno">4.8.11 </span>The <code>canvas</code> element</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#the-2d-context"><span class="secno"> </span>The 2D context</a>
-        <ol><li><a href="#the-canvas-state"><span class="secno"> </span>The canvas state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#transformations"><span class="secno"> </span>Transformations</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#compositing"><span class="secno"> </span>Compositing</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#colors-and-styles"><span class="secno"> </span>Colors and styles</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#line-styles"><span class="secno"> </span>Line styles</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#shadows"><span class="secno"> </span>Shadows</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#simple-shapes-rectangles"><span class="secno"> </span>Simple shapes (rectangles)</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#complex-shapes-paths"><span class="secno"> </span>Complex shapes (paths)</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#text"><span class="secno"> </span>Text</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#images"><span class="secno"> </span>Images</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#pixel-manipulation"><span class="secno"> </span>Pixel manipulation</a></li></ol></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-map-element"><span class="secno">4.8.12 </span>The <code>map</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-area-element"><span class="secno">4.8.13 </span>The <code>area</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#image-maps"><span class="secno">4.8.14 </span>Image maps</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#mathml"><span class="secno">4.8.15 </span>MathML</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#svg-0"><span class="secno">4.8.16 </span>SVG</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#dimension-attributes"><span class="secno">4.8.17 </span>Dimension attributes</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#tabular-data"><span class="secno">4.9 </span>Tabular data</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#the-table-element"><span class="secno">4.9.1 </span>The <code>table</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-caption-element"><span class="secno">4.9.2 </span>The <code>caption</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-colgroup-element"><span class="secno">4.9.3 </span>The <code>colgroup</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-col-element"><span class="secno">4.9.4 </span>The <code>col</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-tbody-element"><span class="secno">4.9.5 </span>The <code>tbody</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-thead-element"><span class="secno">4.9.6 </span>The <code>thead</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-tfoot-element"><span class="secno">4.9.7 </span>The <code>tfoot</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-tr-element"><span class="secno">4.9.8 </span>The <code>tr</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-td-element"><span class="secno">4.9.9 </span>The <code>td</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-th-element"><span class="secno">4.9.10 </span>The <code>th</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#attributes-common-to-td-and-th-elements"><span class="secno">4.9.11 </span>Attributes common to <code>td</code> and <code>th</code> elements</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#forms"><span class="secno">4.10 </span>Forms</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#the-form-element"><span class="secno">4.10.1 </span>The <code>form</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-fieldset-element"><span class="secno">4.10.2 </span>The <code>fieldset</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-label-element"><span class="secno">4.10.3 </span>The <code>label</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-input-element"><span class="secno">4.10.4 </span>The <code>input</code> element</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#states-of-the-type-attribute"><span class="secno"> </span>States of the <code title="attr-input-type">type</code> attribute</a>
-        <ol><li><a href="#hidden-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Hidden state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#text-state-and-search-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Text state and Search state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#telephone-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Telephone state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#url-state"><span class="secno"> </span>URL state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#e-mail-state"><span class="secno"> </span>E-mail state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#password-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Password state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#date-and-time-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Date and Time state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#date-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Date state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#month-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Month state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#week-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Week state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#time-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Time state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#local-date-and-time-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Local Date and Time state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#number-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Number state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#range-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Range state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#color-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Color state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#checkbox-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Checkbox state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#radio-button-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Radio Button state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#file-upload-state"><span class="secno"> </span>File Upload state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#submit-button-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Submit Button state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#image-button-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Image Button state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#reset-button-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Reset Button state</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#button-state"><span class="secno"> </span>Button state</a></li></ol></li>
-       <li><a href="#common-input-element-attributes"><span class="secno"> </span>Common <code>input</code> element attributes</a>
-        <ol><li><a href="#the-autocomplete-attribute"><span class="secno"> </span>The <code title="attr-input-autocomplete">autocomplete</code> attribute</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#the-list-attribute"><span class="secno"> </span>The <code title="attr-input-list">list</code> attribute</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#the-readonly-attribute"><span class="secno"> </span>The <code title="attr-input-readonly">readonly</code> attribute</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#the-size-attribute"><span class="secno"> </span>The <code title="attr-input-size">size</code> attribute</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#the-required-attribute"><span class="secno"> </span>The <code title="attr-input-required">required</code> attribute</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#the-multiple-attribute"><span class="secno"> </span>The <code title="attr-input-multiple">multiple</code> attribute</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#the-maxlength-attribute"><span class="secno"> </span>The <code title="attr-input-maxlength">maxlength</code> attribute</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#the-pattern-attribute"><span class="secno"> </span>The <code title="attr-input-pattern">pattern</code> attribute</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#the-min-and-max-attributes"><span class="secno"> </span>The <code title="attr-input-min">min</code> and <code title="attr-input-max">max</code> attributes</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#the-step-attribute"><span class="secno"> </span>The <code title="attr-input-step">step</code> attribute</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#the-placeholder-attribute"><span class="secno"> </span>The <code title="attr-input-placeholder">placeholder</code> attribute</a></li></ol></li>
-       <li><a href="#common-input-element-apis"><span class="secno"> </span>Common <code>input</code> element APIs</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-button-element"><span class="secno">4.10.5 </span>The <code>button</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-select-element"><span class="secno">4.10.6 </span>The <code>select</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-datalist-element"><span class="secno">4.10.7 </span>The <code>datalist</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-optgroup-element"><span class="secno">4.10.8 </span>The <code>optgroup</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-option-element"><span class="secno">4.10.9 </span>The <code>option</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-textarea-element"><span class="secno">4.10.10 </span>The <code>textarea</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-keygen-element"><span class="secno">4.10.11 </span>The <code>keygen</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-output-element"><span class="secno">4.10.12 </span>The <code>output</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#association-of-controls-and-forms"><span class="secno">4.10.13 </span>Association of controls and forms</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#attributes-common-to-form-controls"><span class="secno">4.10.14 </span>Attributes common to form controls</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#naming-form-controls"><span class="secno"> </span>Naming form controls</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#enabling-and-disabling-form-controls"><span class="secno"> </span>Enabling and disabling form controls</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#autofocusing-a-form-control"><span class="secno"> </span>Autofocusing a form control</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#limiting-user-input-length"><span class="secno"> </span>Limiting user input length</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#form-submission-0"><span class="secno"> </span>Form submission</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#constraints"><span class="secno">4.10.15 </span>Constraints</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#definitions"><span class="secno"> </span>Definitions</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#the-constraint-validation-api"><span class="secno"> </span>The constraint validation API</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#form-submission"><span class="secno">4.10.16 </span>Form submission</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#interactive-elements"><span class="secno">4.11 </span>Interactive elements</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#the-details-element"><span class="secno">4.11.1 </span>The <code>details</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-command"><span class="secno">4.11.2 </span>The <code>command</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#menus"><span class="secno">4.11.3 </span>The <code>menu</code> element</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#menus-intro"><span class="secno"> </span>Introduction</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#context-menus"><span class="secno"> </span>Context menus</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#commands"><span class="secno">4.11.4 </span>Commands</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#miscellaneous-elements"><span class="secno">4.12 </span>Miscellaneous elements</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#the-legend-element"><span class="secno">4.12.1 </span>The <code>legend</code> element</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-div-element"><span class="secno">4.12.2 </span>The <code>div</code> element</a></li></ol></li></ol></li>
- <li><a href="#microdata"><span class="secno">5 </span>Microdata</a>
-  <ol><li><a href="#introduction-1"><span class="secno">5.1 </span>Introduction</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#overview"><span class="secno">5.1.1 </span>Overview</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-basic-syntax"><span class="secno">5.1.2 </span>The basic syntax</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#typed-items"><span class="secno">5.1.3 </span>Typed items</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#selecting-names-when-defining-vocabularies"><span class="secno">5.1.4 </span>Selecting names when defining vocabularies</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#predefined-vocabularies"><span class="secno">5.1.5 </span>Predefined vocabularies</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#using-the-microdata-dom-api"><span class="secno">5.1.6 </span>Using the microdata DOM API</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#encoding-microdata"><span class="secno">5.2 </span>Encoding microdata</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#the-microdata-model"><span class="secno">5.2.1 </span>The microdata model</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#items:-the-item-attribute"><span class="secno">5.2.2 </span>Items: the <code>item</code> attribute</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#associating-names-with-items"><span class="secno">5.2.3 </span>Associating names with items</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#names:-the-itemprop-attribute"><span class="secno">5.2.4 </span>Names: the <code>itemprop</code> attribute</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#values"><span class="secno">5.2.5 </span>Values</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#microdata-dom-api"><span class="secno">5.3 </span>Microdata DOM API</a></li>
-   <li><a href="#predefined-vocabularies-0"><span class="secno">5.4 </span>Predefined vocabularies</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#general"><span class="secno">5.4.1 </span>General</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#vcard"><span class="secno">5.4.2 </span>vCard</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#examples"><span class="secno"> </span>Examples</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#vevent"><span class="secno">5.4.3 </span>vEvent</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#examples-0"><span class="secno"> </span>Examples</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#licensing-works"><span class="secno">5.4.4 </span>Licensing works</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#examples-1"><span class="secno"> </span>Examples</a></li></ol></li></ol></li></ol></li>
- <li><a href="#browsers"><span class="secno">6 </span>Web browsers</a>
-  <ol><li><a href="#windows"><span class="secno">6.1 </span>Browsing contexts</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#nested-browsing-contexts"><span class="secno">6.1.1 </span>Nested browsing contexts</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#navigating-nested-browsing-contexts-in-the-dom"><span class="secno"> </span>Navigating nested browsing contexts in the DOM</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#auxiliary-browsing-contexts"><span class="secno">6.1.2 </span>Auxiliary browsing contexts</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#navigating-auxiliary-browsing-contexts-in-the-dom"><span class="secno"> </span>Navigating auxiliary browsing contexts in the DOM</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#secondary-browsing-contexts"><span class="secno">6.1.3 </span>Secondary browsing contexts</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#browsing-context-names"><span class="secno">6.1.4 </span>Browsing context names</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#the-window-object"><span class="secno">6.2 </span>The <code>Window</code> object</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name"><span class="secno">6.2.1 </span>APIs for creating and navigating browsing contexts by name</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#accessing-other-browsing-contexts"><span class="secno">6.2.2 </span>Accessing other browsing contexts</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#named-access-on-the-window-object"><span class="secno">6.2.3 </span>Named access on the <code>Window</code> object</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#browser-interface-elements"><span class="secno">6.2.4 </span>Browser interface elements</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#relaxing-the-same-origin-restriction"><span class="secno">6.2.5 </span>Relaxing the same-origin restriction</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#scripting"><span class="secno">6.3 </span>Scripting</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#introduction-2"><span class="secno">6.3.1 </span>Introduction</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#events"><span class="secno">6.3.2 </span>Events</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#timers"><span class="secno">6.4 </span>Timers</a></li>
-   <li><a href="#user-prompts"><span class="secno">6.5 </span>User prompts</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#simple-dialogs"><span class="secno">6.5.1 </span>Simple dialogs</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#printing"><span class="secno">6.5.2 </span>Printing</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#dialogs-implemented-using-separate-documents"><span class="secno">6.5.3 </span>Dialogs implemented using separate documents</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#system-state-and-capabilities"><span class="secno">6.6 </span>System state and capabilities</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#client-identification"><span class="secno">6.6.1 </span>Client identification</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#custom-handlers"><span class="secno">6.6.2 </span>Custom scheme and content handlers</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#manually-releasing-the-storage-mutex"><span class="secno">6.6.3 </span>Manually releasing the storage mutex</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#offline"><span class="secno">6.7 </span>Offline Web applications</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#introduction-3"><span class="secno">6.7.1 </span>Introduction</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#event-summary"><span class="secno"> </span>Event summary</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#manifests"><span class="secno">6.7.2 </span>The cache manifest syntax</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#a-sample-manifest"><span class="secno"> </span>A sample manifest</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#writing-cache-manifests"><span class="secno"> </span>Writing cache manifests</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#expiring-application-caches"><span class="secno">6.7.3 </span>Expiring application caches</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#application-cache-api"><span class="secno">6.7.4 </span>Application cache API</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#browser-state"><span class="secno">6.7.5 </span>Browser state</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#history"><span class="secno">6.8 </span>Session history and navigation</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#the-session-history-of-browsing-contexts"><span class="secno">6.8.1 </span>The session history of browsing contexts</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-history-interface"><span class="secno">6.8.2 </span>The <code>History</code> interface</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#activating-state-object-entries"><span class="secno">6.8.3 </span>Activating state object entries</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-location-interface"><span class="secno">6.8.4 </span>The <code>Location</code> interface</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#browsing-the-web"><span class="secno">6.9 </span>Browsing the Web</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#unloading-documents"><span class="secno">6.9.1 </span>Unloading documents</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#links"><span class="secno">6.10 </span>Links</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#hyperlink-elements"><span class="secno">6.10.1 </span>Hyperlink elements</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#linkTypes"><span class="secno">6.10.2 </span>Link types</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#link-type-alternate"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>alternate</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-archives"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>archives</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-author"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>author</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-bookmark"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>bookmark</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-external"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>external</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-feed"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>feed</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-help"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>help</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#rel-icon"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>icon</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-license"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>license</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-nofollow"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>nofollow</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-noreferrer"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>noreferrer</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-pingback"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>pingback</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-prefetch"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>prefetch</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-search"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>search</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-stylesheet"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>stylesheet</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-sidebar"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>sidebar</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#link-type-tag"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>tag</code>"</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#hierarchical-link-types"><span class="secno"> </span>Hierarchical link types</a>
-        <ol><li><a href="#link-type-index"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>index</code>"</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#link-type-up"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>up</code>"</a></li></ol></li>
-       <li><a href="#sequential-link-types"><span class="secno"> </span>Sequential link types</a>
-        <ol><li><a href="#link-type-first"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>first</code>"</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#link-type-last"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>last</code>"</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#link-type-next"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>next</code>"</a></li>
-         <li><a href="#link-type-prev"><span class="secno"> </span>Link type "<code>prev</code>"</a></li></ol></li>
-       <li><a href="#other-link-types"><span class="secno"> </span>Other link types</a></li></ol></li></ol></li></ol></li>
- <li><a href="#editing"><span class="secno">7 </span>User Interaction</a>
-  <ol><li><a href="#the-hidden-attribute"><span class="secno">7.1 </span>The <code>hidden</code> attribute</a></li>
-   <li><a href="#activation"><span class="secno">7.2 </span>Activation</a></li>
-   <li><a href="#scrolling-elements-into-view"><span class="secno">7.3 </span>Scrolling elements into view</a></li>
-   <li><a href="#focus"><span class="secno">7.4 </span>Focus</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#sequential-focus-navigation"><span class="secno">7.4.1 </span>Sequential focus navigation</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#document-level-focus-apis"><span class="secno">7.4.2 </span>Document-level focus APIs</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#element-level-focus-apis"><span class="secno">7.4.3 </span>Element-level focus APIs</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#the-accesskey-attribute"><span class="secno">7.5 </span>The <code>accesskey</code> attribute</a></li>
-   <li><a href="#selection"><span class="secno">7.6 </span>The text selection APIs</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#documentSelection"><span class="secno">7.6.1 </span>APIs for the browsing context selection</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#textFieldSelection"><span class="secno">7.6.2 </span>APIs for the text field selections</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#contenteditable"><span class="secno">7.7 </span>The <code title="attr-contenteditable">contenteditable</code> attribute</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#making-entire-documents-editable"><span class="secno">7.7.1 </span>Making entire documents editable</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#spelling-and-grammar-checking"><span class="secno">7.8 </span>Spelling and grammar checking</a></li>
-   <li><a href="#dnd"><span class="secno">7.9 </span>Drag and drop</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#introduction-4"><span class="secno">7.9.1 </span>Introduction</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-dragevent-and-datatransfer-interfaces"><span class="secno">7.9.2 </span>The <code>DragEvent</code> and <code>DataTransfer</code> interfaces</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#events-fired-during-a-drag-and-drop-action"><span class="secno">7.9.3 </span>Events fired during a drag-and-drop action</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-draggable-attribute"><span class="secno">7.9.4 </span>The <code>draggable</code> attribute</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#copy-and-paste"><span class="secno">7.9.5 </span>Copy and paste</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#undo"><span class="secno">7.10 </span>Undo history</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#introduction-5"><span class="secno">7.10.1 </span>Introduction</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-undomanager-interface"><span class="secno">7.10.2 </span>The <code>UndoManager</code> interface</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#the-undomanagerevent-interface-and-the-undo-and-redo-events"><span class="secno">7.10.3 </span>The <code>UndoManagerEvent</code> interface and the <code title="event-undo">undo</code> and <code title="event-redo">redo</code> events</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#editing-apis"><span class="secno">7.11 </span>Editing APIs</a></li></ol></li>
- <li><a href="#comms"><span class="secno">8 </span>Communication</a>
-  <ol><li><a href="#event-definitions"><span class="secno">8.1 </span>Event definitions</a></li>
-   <li><a href="#crossDocumentMessages"><span class="secno">8.2 </span>Cross-document messaging</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#introduction-6"><span class="secno">8.2.1 </span>Introduction</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#security-4"><span class="secno">8.2.2 </span>Security</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#posting-messages"><span class="secno">8.2.3 </span>Posting messages</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#channel-messaging"><span class="secno">8.3 </span>Channel messaging</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#introduction-7"><span class="secno">8.3.1 </span>Introduction</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#message-channels"><span class="secno">8.3.2 </span>Message channels</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#message-ports"><span class="secno">8.3.3 </span>Message ports</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#ports-and-garbage-collection"><span class="secno"> </span>Ports and garbage collection</a></li></ol></li></ol></li></ol></li>
- <li><a href="#syntax"><span class="secno">9 </span>The HTML syntax</a>
-  <ol><li><a href="#writing"><span class="secno">9.1 </span>Writing HTML documents</a>
-    <ol><li><a href="#the-doctype"><span class="secno">9.1.1 </span>The DOCTYPE</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#elements-0"><span class="secno">9.1.2 </span>Elements</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#start-tags"><span class="secno"> </span>Start tags</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#end-tags"><span class="secno"> </span>End tags</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#attributes"><span class="secno"> </span>Attributes</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#optional-tags"><span class="secno"> </span>Optional tags</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#element-restrictions"><span class="secno"> </span>Restrictions on content models</a></li>
-       <li><a href="#cdata-rcdata-restrictions"><span class="secno"> </span>Restrictions on the contents of raw text and RCDATA elements</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#text-0"><span class="secno">9.1.3 </span>Text</a>
-      <ol><li><a href="#newlines"><span class="secno"> </span>Newlines</a></li></ol></li>
-     <li><a href="#character-references"><span class="secno">9.1.4 </span>Character references</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#cdata-sections"><span class="secno">9.1.5 </span>CDATA sections</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#comments"><span class="secno">9.1.6 </span>Comments</a></li></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#named-character-references"><span class="secno">9.2 </span>Named character references</a></li></ol></li>
- <li><a href="#the-xhtml-syntax"><span class="secno">10 </span>The XHTML syntax</a>
-  <ol><li><a href="#selectors"><span class="secno">10.1 </span>Selectors</a></li></ol></li>
- <li><a href="#obsolete"><span class="secno">11 </span>Obsolete features</a>
-  <ol><li><a href="#obsolete-but-conforming-features"><span class="secno">11.1 </span>Obsolete but conforming features</a></li>
-   <li><a href="#non-conforming-features"><span class="secno">11.2 </span>Non-conforming features</a></li></ol></li>
- <li><a href="#no"><span class="secno">12 </span>Things that you can't do with this specification because
-  they are better handled using other technologies that are further
-  described herein</a>
-  <ol><li><a href="#localization"><span class="secno">12.1 </span>Localization</a></li>
-   <li><a href="#declarative-3d-scenes"><span class="secno">12.2 </span>Declarative 3D scenes</a></li></ol></li>
- <li><a class="no-num" href="#iana-considerations">IANA considerations</a>
-  <ol><li><a href="#text-html"><span class="secno">12.1 </span><code>text/html</code></a></li>
-   <li><a href="#application-xhtml-xml"><span class="secno">12.2 </span><code>application/xhtml+xml</code></a></li>
-   <li><a href="#text-cache-manifest"><span class="secno">12.3 </span><code>text/cache-manifest</code></a></li>
-   <li><a href="#text-ping"><span class="secno">12.4 </span><code>text/ping</code></a></li>
-   <li><a href="#application-microdata-json"><span class="secno">12.5 </span><code>application/microdata+json</code></a></li></ol></li>
- <li><a class="no-num" href="#index">Index</a></li>
- <li><a class="no-num" href="#references">References</a></li>
- <li><a class="no-num" href="#acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a></li></ol><!--end-toc--></body></html>
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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
-<html lang="en-US-x-Hixie"><head><title> Embedded content &#8212; HTML 5</title><style type="text/css">
-   pre { margin-left: 2em; white-space: pre-wrap; }
-   h2 { margin: 3em 0 1em 0; }
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-   h2 + h3, h3 + h4, h4 + h5, h5 + h6 { margin-top: 0.5em; }
-   p { margin: 1em 0; }
-   hr:not(.top) { display: block; background: none; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 2em 0; height: auto; }
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-   dt { margin-top: 0.75em; margin-bottom: 0.25em; clear: left; }
-   dt + dt { margin-top: 0; }
-   dd dt { margin-top: 0.25em; margin-bottom: 0; }
-   dd p { margin-top: 0; }
-   dd dl + p { margin-top: 1em; }
-   dd table + p { margin-top: 1em; }
-   p + * > li, dd li { margin: 1em 0; }
-   dt, dfn { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; }
-   dt dfn { font-style: italic; }
-   pre, code { font-size: inherit; font-family: monospace; font-variant: normal; }
-   pre strong { color: black; font: inherit; font-weight: bold; background: yellow; }
-   pre em { font-weight: bolder; font-style: normal; }
-   @media screen { code { color: orangered; } code :link, code :visited { color: inherit; } }
-   var sub { vertical-align: bottom; font-size: smaller; position: relative; top: 0.1em; }
-   table { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden hidden none hidden; }
-   table thead { border-bottom: solid; }
-   table tbody th:first-child { border-left: solid; }
-   table td, table th { border-left: solid; border-right: solid; border-bottom: solid thin; vertical-align: top; padding: 0.2em; }
-   blockquote { margin: 0 0 0 2em; border: 0; padding: 0; font-style: italic; }
-   .bad, .bad *:not(.XXX) { color: gray; border-color: gray; background: transparent; }
-   .matrix, .matrix td { border: none; text-align: right; }
-   .matrix { margin-left: 2em; }
-   .dice-example { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden solid solid hidden; border-width: thin; margin-left: 3em; }
-   .dice-example caption { width: 30em; font-size: smaller; font-style: italic; padding: 0.75em 0; text-align: left; }
-   .dice-example td, .dice-example th { border: solid thin; width: 1.35em; height: 1.05em; text-align: center; padding: 0; }
-   .applies th > * { display: block; }
-   .applies thead code { display: block; }
-   .applies td { text-align: center; }
-   .applies .yes { background: yellow; }
-   .toc dfn, h1 dfn, h2 dfn, h3 dfn, h4 dfn, h5 dfn, h6 dfn { font: inherit; }
-   img.extra { float: right; }
-   pre.idl { border: solid thin; background: #EEEEEE; color: black; padding: 0.5em 1em; }
-   pre.idl :link, pre.idl :visited { color: inherit; background: transparent; }
-   pre.css { border: solid thin; background: #FFFFEE; color: black; padding: 0.5em 1em; }
-   pre.css:first-line { color: #AAAA50; }
-   dl.domintro { color: green; margin: 2em 0 2em 2em; padding: 0.5em 1em; border: none; background: #EEFFEE; }
-   hr + dl.domintro, div.impl + dl.domintro { margin-top: 2.5em; margin-bottom: 1.5em; }
-   dl.domintro dt, dl.domintro dt * { color: black; text-decoration: none; }
-   dl.domintro dd { margin: 0.5em 0 1em 2em; padding: 0; }
-   dl.domintro dd p { margin: 0.5em 0; }
-   dl.switch { padding-left: 2em; }
-   dl.switch > dt { text-indent: -1.5em; }
-   dl.switch > dt:before { content: '\21AA'; padding: 0 0.5em 0 0; display: inline-block; width: 1em; text-align: right; line-height: 0.5em; }
-   dl.triple { padding: 0 0 0 1em; }
-   dl.triple dt, dl.triple dd { margin: 0; display: inline }
-   dl.triple dt:after { content: ':'; }
-   dl.triple dd:after { content: '\A'; white-space: pre; }
-   .diff-old { text-decoration: line-through; color: silver; background: transparent; }
-   .diff-chg, .diff-new { text-decoration: underline; color: green; background: transparent; }
-   a .diff-new { border-bottom: 1px blue solid; }
-   h2 { page-break-before: always; }
-   h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { page-break-after: avoid; }
-   h1 + h2, hr + { page-break-before: auto; }
-   p > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]), li > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]) { border-bottom: solid #9999CC; }
-   div.head { margin: 0 0 1em; padding: 1em 0 0 0; }
-   div.head p { margin: 0; }
-   div.head h1 { margin: 0; }
-   div.head .logo { float: right; margin: 0 1em; }
-   div.head .logo img { border: none } /* remove border from top image */
-   div.head dl { margin: 1em 0; }
-   p.copyright { font-size: x-small; font-style: oblique; margin: 0; }
-   body > .toc > li { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; }
-   body > .toc.brief > li { margin-top: 0.35em; margin-bottom: 0.35em; }
-   body > .toc > li > * { margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
-   body > .toc > li > * > li > * { margin-bottom: 0.25em; }
-   .toc, .toc li { list-style: none; }
-   .brief { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.1; }
-   .brief li { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-   .brief li p { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-   .category-list { margin-top: -0.75em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.5; }
-   .category-list::before { content: '\21D2\A0'; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 900; }
-   .category-list li { display: inline; }
-   .category-list li:not(:last-child)::after { content: ', '; }
-   .category-list li > span, .category-list li > a { text-transform: lowercase; }
-   .category-list li * { text-transform: none; } /* don't affect <code> nested in <a> */
-   .XXX { color: #E50000; background: white; border: solid red; padding: 0.5em; margin: 1em 0; }
-   .XXX > :first-child { margin-top: 0; }
-   p .XXX { line-height: 3em; }
-   .annotation { border: solid thin black; background: #0C479D; color: white; position: relative; margin: 8px 0 20px 0; }
-   .annotation:before { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 6px -6px -6px 6px; background: #333333; z-index: -1; content: ''; }
-   .annotation :link, .annotation :visited { color: inherit; }
-   .annotation :link:hover, .annotation :visited:hover { background: transparent; }
-   .annotation span { border: none ! important; }
-   .note { color: green; background: transparent; font-family: sans-serif; }
-   .warning { color: red; background: transparent; }
-   .note, .warning { font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; }
-   p.note, div.note { padding: 0.5em 2em; }
-   span.note { padding: 0 2em; }
-   .note p:first-child, .warning p:first-child { margin-top: 0; }
-   .note p:last-child, .warning p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; }
-   .warning:before { font-style: normal; }
-   p.note:before { content: 'Note: '; }
-   p.warning:before { content: '\26A0 Warning! '; }
-   .bookkeeping:before { display: block; content: 'Bookkeeping details'; font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; }
-   .bookkeeping { font-size: 0.8em; margin: 2em 0; }
-   .bookkeeping p { margin: 0.5em 2em; display: list-item; list-style: square; }
-   h4 { position: relative; z-index: 3; }
-   h4 + .element, h4 + div + .element { margin-top: -2.5em; padding-top: 2em; }
-   .element {
-     background: #EEEEFF;
-     color: black;
-     margin: 0 0 1em 0.15em;
-     padding: 0 1em 0.25em 0.75em;
-     border-left: solid #9999FF 0.25em;
-     position: relative;
-     z-index: 1;
-   }
-   .element:before {
-     position: absolute;
-     z-index: 2;
-     top: 0;
-     left: -1.15em;
-     height: 2em;
-     width: 0.9em;
-     background: #EEEEFF;
-     content: ' ';
-     border-style: none none solid solid;
-     border-color: #9999FF;
-     border-width: 0.25em;
-   }
-   .example { display: block; color: #222222; background: #FCFCFC; border-left: double; margin-left: 2em; padding-left: 1em; }
-   td > .example:only-child { margin: 0 0 0 0.1em; }
-   .tall-and-narrow {
-     font-size: 0.6em;
-     column-width: 25em;
-     column-gap: 1em;
-     -moz-column-width: 25em;
-     -moz-column-gap: 1em;
-     -webkit-column-width: 25em;
-     -webkit-column-gap: 1em;
-   }
-   ul.domTree, ul.domTree ul { padding: 0 0 0 1em; margin: 0; }
-   ul.domTree li { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; position: relative; }
-   ul.domTree li li { list-style: none; }
-   ul.domTree li:first-child::before { position: absolute; top: 0; height: 0.6em; left: -0.75em; width: 0.5em; border-style: none none solid solid; content: ''; border-width: 0.1em; }
-   ul.domTree li:not(:last-child)::after { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: -0.6em; left: -0.75em; width: 0.5em; border-style: none none solid solid; content: ''; border-width: 0.1em; }
-   ul.domTree span { font-style: italic; font-family: serif; }
-   ul.domTree .t1 code { color: purple; font-weight: bold; }
-   ul.domTree .t2 { font-style: normal; font-family: monospace; }
-   ul.domTree .t2 .name { color: black; font-weight: bold; }
-   ul.domTree .t2 .value { color: blue; font-weight: normal; }
-   ul.domTree .t3 code, .domTree .t4 code, .domTree .t5 code { color: gray; }
-   ul.domTree .t7 code, .domTree .t8 code { color: green; }
-   ul.domTree .t10 code { color: teal; }
-  </style><link href="data:text/css," rel="stylesheet" title="Complete specification"><link href="data:text/css,.impl%20%7B%20display:%20none;%20%7D" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Author documentation only"><link href="data:text/css,.impl%20%7B%20background:%20%23FFEEEE;%20%7D" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Highlight implementation requirements"><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><!-- ZZZ ED vs WD --><link href="dom.html" title="3 Semantics, structure, and APIs of HTML documents" rel="prev">
-  <link href="Overview.html#contents" title="Table of contents" rel="index">
-  <link href="semantics.html" title="4 The elements of HTML" rel="next">
-  </head><body onload="fixBrokenLink(); fixBrokenLink()"><div class="head">
-   <p><a href=""><img alt="W3C" height="48" src="" width="72"></a></p>
-   <h1>HTML5</h1>
-   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="a-vocabulary-and-associated-apis-for-html-and-xhtml">A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML</h2>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-   </div><div>
-   <a href="dom.html">&#8592; 3 Semantics, structure, and APIs of HTML documents</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="Overview.html#contents">Table of contents</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="semantics.html">4 The elements of HTML &#8594;</a>
-  </div>
-  <h6 id="embedded-content-0"><span class="secno"> </span>Embedded content</h6><p><dfn id="embedded-content">Embedded content</dfn> is content that imports another
-  resource into the document, or content from another vocabulary that
-  is inserted into the document.</p><ul class="brief category-list"><li><code><a href="video.html#audio">audio</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="the-canvas-element.html#the-canvas-element">canvas</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-embed-element">embed</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-iframe-element">iframe</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-img-element">img</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="the-canvas-element.html#math">math</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-object-element">object</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="the-canvas-element.html#svg">svg</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="video.html#video">video</a></code></li>
-  </ul><p>Elements that are from namespaces other than the <a href="#html-namespace-0">HTML
-  namespace</a> and that convey content but not metadata, are
-  <a href="#embedded-content">embedded content</a> for the purposes of the content models
-  defined in this specification. (For example, MathML, or SVG.)</p><p>Some embedded content elements can have <dfn id="fallback-content">fallback
-  content</dfn>: content that is to be used when the external resource
-  cannot be used (e.g. because it is of an unsupported format). The
-  element definitions state what the fallback is, if any.</p><h6 id="interactive-content-0"><span class="secno"> </span>Interactive content</h6><!--
---><p><dfn id="interactive-content">Interactive content</dfn> is content that is specifically
-  intended for user interaction.</p><ul class="brief category-list"><li><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element">a</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="video.html#audio">audio</a></code> (if the <code title="attr-media-controls"><a href="video.html#attr-media-controls">controls</a></code> attribute is present)</li>
-   <li><code><a href="forms.html#the-button-element">button</a></code></li>
-<!-- v2DATAGRID   <li><code>datagrid</code></li> -->
-   <li><code><a href="interactive-elements.html#the-details-element">details</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-embed-element">embed</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-iframe-element">iframe</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-img-element">img</a></code> (if the <code title="attr-hyperlink-usemap"><a href="the-canvas-element.html#attr-hyperlink-usemap">usemap</a></code> attribute is present)</li>
-   <li><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> (if the <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute is <em>not</em> in the <a href="forms.html#hidden-state" title="attr-input-type-hidden">Hidden</a> state)</li>
-   <li><code><a href="forms.html#the-keygen-element">keygen</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="forms.html#the-label-element">label</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="interactive-elements.html#menus">menu</a></code> (if the <code title="attr-menu-type"><a href="interactive-elements.html#attr-menu-type">type</a></code> attribute is in the <a href="interactive-elements.html#tool-bar-state" title="tool bar state">tool bar</a> state)</li>
-   <li><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-object-element">object</a></code> (if the <code title="attr-hyperlink-usemap"><a href="the-canvas-element.html#attr-hyperlink-usemap">usemap</a></code> attribute is present)<!-- see also comment in <object> section --></li>
-   <li><code><a href="forms.html#the-select-element">select</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="forms.html#the-textarea-element">textarea</a></code></li>
-   <li><code><a href="video.html#video">video</a></code> (if the <code title="attr-media-controls"><a href="video.html#attr-media-controls">controls</a></code> attribute is present)</li>
-  </ul><p>Certain elements in HTML have an <a href="#activation-behavior">activation
-  behavior</a>, which means that the user can activate them. This
-  triggers a sequence of events dependent on the activation mechanism,
-  and normally culminating in a <code title="event-click">click</code>
-  event followed by a <code title="event-DOMActivate">DOMActivate</code> event.</p><h5 id="transparent-content-models"><span class="secno"> </span>Transparent content models</h5><p>Some elements are described as <dfn id="transparent">transparent</dfn>; they have
-  "transparent" in the description of their content model.</p><p>When a content model includes a part that is "transparent", those
-  parts must not contain content that would not be conformant if all
-  transparent elements in the tree were replaced, in their parent
-  element, by the children in the "transparent" part of their content
-  model, retaining order.</p><p>When a transparent element has no parent, then the part of its
-  content model that is "transparent" must instead be treated as
-  accepting any <a href="dom.html#flow-content">flow content</a>.</p><h5 id="paragraphs"><span class="secno"> </span>Paragraphs</h5><p class="note">The term <a href="#paragraph">paragraph</a> as defined in this
-  section is distinct from (though related to) the <code><a href="semantics.html#the-p-element">p</a></code>
-  element defined later. The <a href="#paragraph">paragraph</a> concept defined
-  here is used to describe how to interpret documents.</p><p>A <dfn id="paragraph">paragraph</dfn> is typically a run of <a href="dom.html#phrasing-content">phrasing
-  content</a> that forms a block of text with one or more sentences
-  that discuss a particular topic, as in typography, but can also be
-  used for more general thematic grouping. For instance, an address is
-  also a paragraph, as is a part of a form, a byline, or a stanza in a
-  poem.</p><div class="example">
-   <p>In the following example, there are two paragraphs in a
-   section. There is also a heading, which contains phrasing content
-   that is not a paragraph. Note how the comments and
-   <a href="dom.html#inter-element-whitespace">inter-element whitespace</a> do not form paragraphs.</p>
-   <pre>&lt;section&gt;
-  &lt;h1&gt;Example of paragraphs&lt;/h1&gt;
-  This is the &lt;em&gt;first&lt;/em&gt; paragraph in this example.
-  &lt;p&gt;This is the second.&lt;/p&gt;
-  &lt;!-- This is not a paragraph. --&gt;
-  </div><p>Paragraphs in <a href="dom.html#flow-content">flow content</a> are defined relative to
-  what the document looks like without the <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element">a</a></code>,
-  <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-ins-element">ins</a></code>, <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-del-element">del</a></code>, and <code><a href="the-canvas-element.html#the-map-element">map</a></code> elements
-  complicating matters, since those elements, with their hybrid
-  content models, can straddle paragraph boundaries, as shown in the
-  first two examples below.</p><p class="note">Generally, having elements straddle paragraph
-  boundaries is best avoided. Maintaining such markup can be
-  difficult.</p><div class="example">
-   <p>The following example takes the markup from the earlier example
-   and puts <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-ins-element">ins</a></code> and <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-del-element">del</a></code> elements around some
-   of the markup to show that the text was changed (though in this
-   case, the changes admittedly don't make much sense). Notice how
-   this example has exactly the same paragraphs as the previous one,
-   despite the <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-ins-element">ins</a></code> and <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-del-element">del</a></code> elements &#8212;
-   the <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-ins-element">ins</a></code> element straddles the heading and the first
-   paragraph, and the <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-del-element">del</a></code> element straddles the boundary
-   between the two paragraphs.</p>
-   <pre>&lt;section&gt;
-  &lt;ins&gt;&lt;h1&gt;Example of paragraphs&lt;/h1&gt;
-  This is the &lt;em&gt;first&lt;/em&gt; paragraph in&lt;/ins&gt; this example&lt;del&gt;.
-  &lt;p&gt;This is the second.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/del&gt;
-  &lt;!-- This is not a paragraph. --&gt;
-  </div><p>A <a href="#paragraph">paragraph</a> is also formed explicitly by
-  <code><a href="semantics.html#the-p-element">p</a></code> elements.</p><p class="note">The <code><a href="semantics.html#the-p-element">p</a></code> element can be used to wrap
-  individual paragraphs when there would otherwise not be any content
-  other than phrasing content to separate the paragraphs from each
-  other.</p><div class="example">
-   <p>In the following example, the link spans half of the first
-   paragraph, all of the heading separating the two paragraphs, and
-   half of the second paragraph. It straddles the paragraphs and the
-   heading.</p>
-   <pre>&lt;aside&gt;
- Welcome!
- &lt;a href="about.html"&gt;
-  This is home of...
-  &lt;h1&gt;The Falcons!&lt;/h1&gt;
-  The Lockheed Martin multirole jet fighter aircraft!
- &lt;/a&gt;
- This page discusses the F-16 Fighting Falcon's innermost secrets.
-   <p>Here is another way of marking this up, this time showing the
-   paragraphs explicitly, and splitting the one link element into
-   three:</p>
-   <pre>&lt;aside&gt;
- &lt;p&gt;Welcome! &lt;a href="about.html"&gt;This is home of...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
- &lt;h1&gt;&lt;a href="about.html"&gt;The Falcons!&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h1&gt;
- &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href="about.html"&gt;The Lockheed Martin multirole jet
- fighter aircraft!&lt;/a&gt; This page discusses the F-16 Fighting
- Falcon's innermost secrets.&lt;/p&gt;
-  </div><div class="example">
-   <!-- I don't know if there's a better way to deal with this, but if
-   there is, let me know... -->
-   <p>It is possible for paragraphs to overlap when using certain
-   elements that define fallback content. For example, in the
-   following section:</p>
-   <pre>&lt;section&gt;
- &lt;h1&gt;My Cats&lt;/h1&gt;
- You can play with my cat simulator.
- &lt;object data="cats.sim"&gt;
-  To see the cat simulator, use one of the following links:
-  &lt;ul&gt;
-   &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href="cats.sim"&gt;Download simulator file&lt;/a&gt;
-   &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;Use online simulator&lt;/a&gt;
-  &lt;/ul&gt;
-  Alternatively, upgrade to the Mellblom Browser.
- &lt;/object&gt;
- I'm quite proud of it.
-   <p>There are five paragraphs:</p>
-   <ol class="brief"><li>The paragraph that says "You can play with my cat
-    simulator. <i title="">object</i> I'm quite proud of it.", where
-    <i title="">object</i> is the <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-object-element">object</a></code> element.</li>
-    <li>The paragraph that says "To see the cat simulator, use one of
-    the following links:".</li>
-    <li>The paragraph that says "Download simulator file".</li>
-    <li>The paragraph that says "Use online simulator".</li>
-    <li>The paragraph that says "Alternatively, upgrade to the Mellblom Browser.".</li>
-   </ol><p>The first paragraph is overlapped by the other four. A user
-   agent that supports the "cats.sim" resource will only show the
-   first one, but a user agent that shows the fallback will
-   confusingly show the first sentence of the first paragraph as
-   if it was in the same paragraph as the second one, and will show
-   the last paragraph as if it was at the start of the second sentence
-   of the first paragraph.</p>
-   <p>To avoid this confusion, explicit <code><a href="semantics.html#the-p-element">p</a></code> elements can be
-   used.</p>
-  </div><h4 id="annotations-for-assistive-technology-products"><span class="secno">3.2.6 </span><dfn>Annotations for assistive technology products</dfn></h4><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>First draft. </i><span><a href="">ISSUE-14</a> (aria-role) and <a href="">ISSUE-35</a> (aria-processing) block progress to Last Call</span></p><p>Authors may use the ARIA <code title="attr-aria-role">role</code>
-  and <code title="attr-aria-*">aria-*</code> attributes on <a href="infrastructure.html#html-elements">HTML
-  elements</a>, in accordance with the requirements described in
-  the ARIA specifications, except where these conflict with the
-  <span>strong native semantics</span> described below. These
-  exceptions are intended to prevent authors from making assistive
-  technology products report nonsensical states that do not represent
-  the actual state of the document. <a href="references.html#refsARIA">[ARIA]</a></p><p>The following table defines the <span>strong native
-  semantics</span>  that apply to <a href="infrastructure.html#html-elements">HTML
-  elements</a>. Each language feature (element or attribute) in a
-  cell in the first column implies the ARIA semantics (role, states,
-  and/or properties) given in the cell in the second column of the
-  same row. Authors must not set the ARIA <code title="attr-aria-role">role</code> and <code title="attr-aria-*">aria-*</code> attributes in a manner that
-  conflicts with the semantics described in the following table. </p><table><thead><tr><th>Language feature
-     </th><th>Strong native semantics and implied ARIA semantics</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element">a</a></code> element that represents a <a href="history.html#hyperlink">hyperlink</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-link">link</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-address-element">address</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-contentinfo">contentinfo</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="the-canvas-element.html#the-area-element">area</a></code> element that represents a <a href="history.html#hyperlink">hyperlink</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-link">link</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-button-element">button</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-button">button</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-datalist-element">datalist</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-listbox">listbox</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-multiselectable">aria-multiselectable</code> property set to "false"
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-footer-element">footer</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-contentinfo">contentinfo</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-h1-h2-h3-h4-h5-and-h6-elements">h1</a></code> element that does not have an <code><a href="semantics.html#the-hgroup-element">hgroup</a></code> ancestor
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-heading">heading</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-h1-h2-h3-h4-h5-and-h6-elements">h2</a></code> element that does not have an <code><a href="semantics.html#the-hgroup-element">hgroup</a></code> ancestor
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-heading">heading</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-h1-h2-h3-h4-h5-and-h6-elements">h3</a></code> element that does not have an <code><a href="semantics.html#the-hgroup-element">hgroup</a></code> ancestor
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-heading">heading</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-h1-h2-h3-h4-h5-and-h6-elements">h4</a></code> element that does not have an <code><a href="semantics.html#the-hgroup-element">hgroup</a></code> ancestor
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-heading">heading</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-h1-h2-h3-h4-h5-and-h6-elements">h5</a></code> element that does not have an <code><a href="semantics.html#the-hgroup-element">hgroup</a></code> ancestor
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-heading">heading</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-h1-h2-h3-h4-h5-and-h6-elements">h6</a></code> element that does not have an <code><a href="semantics.html#the-hgroup-element">hgroup</a></code> ancestor
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-heading">heading</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-header-element">header</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-banner">banner</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-hgroup-element">hgroup</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-heading">heading</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-hr-element">hr</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-separator">separator</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-img-element">img</a></code> element whose <code title="attr-img-alt"><a href="text-level-semantics.html#attr-img-alt">alt</a></code> attribute's value is empty
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-presentation">presentation</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#button-state" title="attr-input-type-button">Button</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-button">button</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#checkbox-state" title="attr-input-type-checkbox">Checkbox</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-checkbox">checkbox</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-checked">aria-checked</code> state set to "mixed" if the element's <code title="dom-input-indeterminate"><a href="#dom-input-indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code> IDL attribute is true, or "true" if the element's <a href="#concept-fe-checked" title="concept-fe-checked">checkedness</a> is true, or "false" otherwise
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#color-state" title="attr-input-type-color">Color</a> state
-     </td><td>No role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#date-state" title="attr-input-type-date">Date</a> state
-     </td><td>No role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#date-and-time-state" title="attr-input-type-datetime">Date and Time</a> state
-     </td><td>No role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#local-date-and-time-state" title="attr-input-type-datetime-local">Local Date and Time</a> state
-     </td><td>No role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#e-mail-state" title="attr-input-type-email">E-mail</a> state with no <a href="#concept-input-list" title="concept-input-list">suggestions source element</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-textbox">textbox</code> role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#file-upload-state" title="attr-input-type-file">File Upload</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-button">button</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#hidden-state" title="attr-input-type-hidden">Hidden</a> state
-     </td><td>No role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#image-button-state" title="attr-input-type-image">Image Button</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-button">button</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#month-state" title="attr-input-type-month">Month</a> state
-     </td><td>No role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#number-state" title="attr-input-type-number">Number</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-spinbutton">spinbutton</code> role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute, the <code title="attr-aria-valuemax">aria-valuemax</code> property set to the element's <a href="#concept-input-max" title="concept-input-max">maximum</a>, the <code title="attr-aria-valuemin">aria-valuemin</code> property set to the element's <a href="#concept-input-min" title="concept-input-min">minimum</a>, and, if the result of applying the <a href="#rules-for-parsing-floating-point-number-values">rules for parsing floating point number values</a> to the element's <a href="#concept-fe-value" title="concept-fe-value">value</a> is a number, with the <code title="attr-aria-valuenow">aria-valuenow</code> property set to that number
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#password-state" title="attr-input-type-password">Password</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-textbox">textbox</code> role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#radio-button-state" title="attr-input-type-radio">Radio Button</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-radio">radio</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-checked">aria-checked</code> state set to "true" if the element's <a href="#concept-fe-checked" title="concept-fe-checked">checkedness</a> is true, or "false" otherwise
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#range-state" title="attr-input-type-range">Range</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-slider">slider</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-valuemax">aria-valuemax</code> property set to the element's <a href="#concept-input-max" title="concept-input-max">maximum</a>, the <code title="attr-aria-valuemin">aria-valuemin</code> property set to the element's <a href="#concept-input-min" title="concept-input-min">minimum</a>, and the <code title="attr-aria-valuenow">aria-valuenow</code> property set to the result of applying the <a href="#rules-for-parsing-floating-point-number-values">rules for parsing floating point number values</a> to the element's <a href="#concept-fe-value" title="concept-fe-value">value</a>, if that that results in a number, or the <a href="forms.html#concept-input-value-default-range" title="concept-input-value-default-range">default value</a> otherwise
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#reset-button-state" title="attr-input-type-reset">Reset Button</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-button">button</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#text-state-and-search-state" title="attr-input-type-search">Search</a> state with no <a href="#concept-input-list" title="concept-input-list">suggestions source element</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-textbox">textbox</code> role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#submit-button-state" title="attr-input-type-submit">Submit Button</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-button">button</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#telephone-state" title="attr-input-type-tel">Telephone</a> state with no <a href="#concept-input-list" title="concept-input-list">suggestions source element</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-textbox">textbox</code> role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#text-state-and-search-state" title="attr-input-type-text">Text</a> state with no <a href="#concept-input-list" title="concept-input-list">suggestions source element</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-textbox">textbox</code> role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#text-state-and-search-state" title="attr-input-type-text">Text</a>, <a href="forms.html#text-state-and-search-state" title="attr-input-type-search">Search</a>, <a href="forms.html#telephone-state" title="attr-input-type-tel">Telephone</a>, <a href="forms.html#url-state" title="attr-input-type-url">URL</a>, or <a href="forms.html#e-mail-state" title="attr-input-type-email">E-mail</a> states with a <a href="#concept-input-list" title="concept-input-list">suggestions source element</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-combobox">combobox</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-owns">aria-owns</code> property set to the same value as the <code title="attr-input-list"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-list">list</a></code> attribute, and the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#time-state" title="attr-input-type-time">Time</a> state
-     </td><td>No role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#url-state" title="attr-input-type-url">URL</a> state with no <a href="#concept-input-list" title="concept-input-list">suggestions source element</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-textbox">textbox</code> role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-input-element">input</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-input-type"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="forms.html#week-state" title="attr-input-type-week">Week</a> state
-     </td><td>No role, with the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-input-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-input-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-link-element">link</a></code> element that represents a <a href="history.html#hyperlink">hyperlink</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-link">link</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="interactive-elements.html#menus">menu</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-menu-type"><a href="interactive-elements.html#attr-menu-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="interactive-elements.html#context-menu-state" title="context menu state">context menu</a> state
-     </td><td>No role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="interactive-elements.html#menus">menu</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-menu-type"><a href="interactive-elements.html#attr-menu-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="interactive-elements.html#list-state" title="list state">list</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-menu">menu</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="interactive-elements.html#menus">menu</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-menu-type"><a href="interactive-elements.html#attr-menu-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="interactive-elements.html#tool-bar-state" title="tool bar state">tool bar</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-toolbar">toolbar</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-nav-element">nav</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-navigation">navigation</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-option-element">option</a></code> element that is in a <a href="forms.html#concept-select-option-list" title="concept-select-option-list">list of options</a> or that represents a suggestion in a <code><a href="forms.html#the-datalist-element">datalist</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-option">option</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-selected">aria-selected</code> state set to "true" if the element's <a href="#concept-option-selectedness" title="concept-option-selectedness">selectedness</a> is true, or "false" otherwise.
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-progress-element">progress</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-progressbar">progressbar</code> role, with, if the progress bar is determinate, the <code title="attr-aria-valuemax">aria-valuemax</code> property set to the maximum value of the progress bar, the <code title="attr-aria-valuemin">aria-valuemin</code> property set to zero, and the <code title="attr-aria-valuenow">aria-valuenow</code> property set to the current value of the progress bar
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-select-element">select</a></code> element with a <code title="attr-select-multiple"><a href="forms.html#attr-select-multiple">multiple</a></code> attribute
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-listbox">listbox</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-multiselectable">aria-multiselectable</code> property set to "true"
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-select-element">select</a></code> element with no <code title="attr-select-multiple"><a href="forms.html#attr-select-multiple">multiple</a></code> attribute
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-listbox">listbox</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-multiselectable">aria-multiselectable</code> property set to "false"
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="tabular-data.html#the-td-element">td</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-gridcell">gridcell</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-labelledby">aria-labelledby</code> property set to the value of the <code title="attr-tdth-headers"><a href="tabular-data.html#attr-tdth-headers">headers</a></code> attribute, if any
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-textarea-element">textarea</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-textbox">textbox</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-multiline">aria-multiline</code> property set to "true", and the <code title="title-aria-readonly">aria-readonly</code> state set to "true" if the element has a <code title="attr-textarea-readonly"><a href="forms.html#attr-textarea-readonly">readonly</a></code> attribute
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="tabular-data.html#the-th-element">th</a></code> elemen that is neither a <a href="#column-header">column header</a> nor a <a href="#row-header">row header</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-gridcell">gridcell</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-labelledby">aria-labelledby</code> property set to the value of the <code title="attr-tdth-headers"><a href="tabular-data.html#attr-tdth-headers">headers</a></code> attribute, if any
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="tabular-data.html#the-th-element">th</a></code> element that is a <a href="#column-header">column header</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-columnheader">columnheader</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-labelledby">aria-labelledby</code> property set to the value of the <code title="attr-tdth-headers"><a href="tabular-data.html#attr-tdth-headers">headers</a></code> attribute, if any
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="tabular-data.html#the-th-element">th</a></code> element that is a <a href="#row-header">row header</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-rowheader">rowheader</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-labelledby">aria-labelledby</code> property set to the value of the <code title="attr-tdth-headers"><a href="tabular-data.html#attr-tdth-headers">headers</a></code> attribute, if any
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="tabular-data.html#the-tr-element">tr</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-row">row</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td>An element that <a href="interactive-elements.html#concept-command" title="concept-command">defines a command</a>, whose <a href="interactive-elements.html#command-facet-type" title="command-facet-type">Type</a> facet is "checkbox", and that is a descendant of a <code><a href="interactive-elements.html#menus">menu</a></code> element whose <code title="attr-menu-type"><a href="interactive-elements.html#attr-menu-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="interactive-elements.html#list-state" title="list state">list</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-menuitemcheckbox">menuitemcheckbox</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-checked">aria-checked</code> state set to "true" if the command's <a href="interactive-elements.html#command-facet-checkedstate" title="command-facet-checkedstate">Checked State</a> facet is true, and "false" otherwise
-    </td></tr><tr><td>An element that <a href="interactive-elements.html#concept-command" title="concept-command">defines a command</a>, whose <a href="interactive-elements.html#command-facet-type" title="command-facet-type">Type</a> facet is "command", and that is a descendant of a <code><a href="interactive-elements.html#menus">menu</a></code> element whose <code title="attr-menu-type"><a href="interactive-elements.html#attr-menu-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="interactive-elements.html#list-state" title="list state">list</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-menuitem">menuitem</code> role
-    </td></tr><tr><td>An element that <a href="interactive-elements.html#concept-command" title="concept-command">defines a command</a>, whose <a href="interactive-elements.html#command-facet-type" title="command-facet-type">Type</a> facet is "radio", and that is a descendant of a <code><a href="interactive-elements.html#menus">menu</a></code> element whose <code title="attr-menu-type"><a href="interactive-elements.html#attr-menu-type">type</a></code> attribute in the <a href="interactive-elements.html#list-state" title="list state">list</a> state
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-menuitemradio">menuitemradio</code> role, with the <code title="attr-aria-checked">aria-checked</code> state set to "true" if the command's <a href="interactive-elements.html#command-facet-checkedstate" title="command-facet-checkedstate">Checked State</a> facet is true, and "false" otherwise
-    </td></tr><tr><td>Elements that are <a href="forms.html#concept-fe-disabled" title="concept-fe-disabled">disabled</a>
-     </td><td>The <code title="title-aria-disabled">aria-disabled</code> state set to "true"
-    </td></tr><tr><td>Elements that are <a href="forms.html#concept-input-required" title="concept-input-required">required</a>
-     </td><td>The <code title="title-aria-required">aria-required</code> state set to "true"
-  </td></tr></tbody></table><p>Some <a href="infrastructure.html#html-elements">HTML elements</a> have native semantics that can be
-  overridden. The following table lists these elements,
-  along with the restrictions that apply to those elements. Each
-  language feature (element or attribute) in a cell in the first
-  column implies, unless otherwise overriden, the ARIA semantic (role,
-  state, or property) given in the cell in the second column of the
-  same row, but this semantic may be overridden under the conditions
-  listed in the cell in the third column of that row.</p><table><thead><tr><th>Language feature
-     </th><th>Default implied ARIA semantic
-     </th><th>Restrictions
-   </th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-article-element">article</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-article">article</code> role
-     </td><td>Role must be either <code title="attr-aria-role-article">article</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-document">document</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-application">application</code>, or <code title="attr-aria-role-main">main</code>
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-aside-element">aside</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-note">note</code> role
-     </td><td>Role must be either <code title="attr-aria-role-note">note</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-complementary">complementary</code>, or <code title="attr-aria-role-search">search</code>
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-li-element">li</a></code> element whose parent is an <code><a href="semantics.html#the-ol-element">ol</a></code> or <code><a href="semantics.html#the-ul-element">ul</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-listitem">listitem</code> role
-     </td><td>Role must be either <code title="attr-aria-role-listitem">listitem</code> or <code title="attr-aria-role-treeitem">treeitem</code>
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-ol-element">ol</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-list">list</code> role
-     </td><td>Role must be either <code title="attr-aria-role-list">list</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-tree">tree</code>, or <code title="attr-aria-role-directory">directory</code>
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="forms.html#the-output-element">output</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-status">status</code> role
-     </td><td>No restrictions
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-section-element">section</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-region">region</code> role
-     </td><td>Role must be either <code title="attr-aria-role-region">region</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-document">document</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-application">application</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-contentinfo">contentinfo</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-main">main</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-search">search</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-alert">alert</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-dialog">dialog</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-alertdialog">alertdialog</code>, <code title="attr-aria-role-status">status</code>, or <code title="attr-aria-role-log">log</code>
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="tabular-data.html#the-table-element">table</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-grid">grid</code> role
-     </td><td>Role must be either <code title="attr-aria-role-grid">grid</code> or <code title="attr-aria-role-treegrid">treegrid</code>
-    </td></tr><tr><td><code><a href="semantics.html#the-ul-element">ul</a></code> element
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-list">list</code> role
-     </td><td>Role must be either <code title="attr-aria-role-list">list</code> or <code title="attr-aria-role-tree">tree</code>, or <code title="attr-aria-role-directory">directory</code>
-    </td></tr><tr><td><a href="dom.html#the-body-element">The body element</a>
-     </td><td><code title="attr-aria-role-document">document</code> role
-     </td><td>Role must be either <code title="attr-aria-role-document">document</code> or <code title="attr-aria-role-application">application</code>
-  </td></tr></tbody></table><h3 id="apis-in-html-documents"><span class="secno">3.3 </span>APIs in HTML documents</h3><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Awaiting implementation feedback</i></p><p>For <a href="dom.html#html-documents">HTML documents</a>, and for <a href="infrastructure.html#html-elements">HTML
-  elements</a> in <a href="dom.html#html-documents">HTML documents</a>, certain APIs defined
-  in DOM Core become case-insensitive or case-changing, as sometimes
-  defined in DOM Core, and as summarized  below. <a href="references.html#refsDOMCORE">[DOMCORE]</a></p><p>This does not apply to <a href="dom.html#xml-documents">XML documents</a> or to elements
-  that are not in the <a href="#html-namespace-0">HTML namespace</a> despite being in
-  <a href="dom.html#html-documents">HTML documents</a>.</p><dl><dt><code title="">Element.tagName</code> and <code title="">Node.nodeName</code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>These attributes must<a href="#converted-to-ascii-uppercase">converted to ASCII uppercase</a>, regardless of the case
-    with which they were created.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><code title="">Document.createElement()</code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>The canonical form of HTML markup is all-lowercase; thus, this
-    method will <a href="#converted-to-ascii-lowercase" title="converted to ASCII lowercase">lowercase</a>
-    the argument before creating the requisite element. .</p>
-    <p class="note">This doesn't apply to <code title="">Document.createElementNS()</code>. Thus, it is possible,
-    by passing this last method a tag name in the wrong case, to
-    create an element that claims to have the tag name of an element
-    defined in this specification, but doesn't support its interfaces,
-    because it really has another tag name not accessible from the DOM
-    APIs.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><code title="">Element.setAttribute()</code></dt>
-   <dt><code title="">Element.setAttributeNode()</code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Attribute names are <a href="#converted-to-ascii-lowercase">converted to ASCII lowercase</a>.</p>
-    <p class="note">This doesn't apply to <code title="">Document.setAttributeNS()</code> and <code title="">Document.setAttributeNodeNS()</code>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><code title="">Element.getAttribute()</code></dt>
-   <dt><code title="">Element.getAttributeNode()</code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Attribute names are <a href="#converted-to-ascii-lowercase">converted to ASCII lowercase</a>.</p>
-    <p class="note">This doesn't apply to <code title="">Document.getAttributeNS()</code> and <code title="">Document.getAttributeNodeNS()</code>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><code title="">Document.getElementsByTagName()</code></dt>
-   <dt><code title="">Element.getElementsByTagName()</code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>HTML elements match by lower-casing the argument before
-    comparison, elements from other namespaces are treated as in XML
-    (case-sensitively).</p>
-    <p class="note">Thus, in an <a href="dom.html#html-documents" title="HTML documents">HTML
-    document</a> with nodes in multiple namespaces, these methods
-    will effectively be both case-sensitive and case-insensitive at
-    the same time.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h3 id="dynamic-markup-insertion"><span class="secno">3.4 </span><dfn>Dynamic markup insertion</dfn></h3><p class="note">APIs for dynamically inserting markup into the
-  document interact with the parser, and thus their behavior, varies
-  depending on whether they are used with <a href="dom.html#html-documents">HTML documents</a>
-  (and the <a href="#html-parser">HTML parser</a>) or XHTML in <a href="dom.html#xml-documents">XML
-  documents</a> (and the <a href="#xml-parser">XML parser</a>).</p><h4 id="opening-the-input-stream"><span class="secno">3.4.1 </span>Opening the input stream</h4><p>The <dfn id="dom-document-open" title="dom-document-open"><code>open()</code></dfn>
-  method comes in several variants with different numbers of
-  arguments.</p><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> = <var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-open"><a href="#dom-document-open">open</a></code>( [ <var title="">type</var> [, <var title="">replace</var> ] ] )</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Causes the <code>Document</code> to be replaced in-place, as if
-    it was a new <code>Document</code> object, but reusing the
-    previous object, which is then returned.</p>
-    <p>If the <var title="">type</var> argument is omitted or has the
-    value "<code><a href="iana-considerations.html#text-html">text/html</a></code>", then the resulting
-    <code>Document</code> has an HTML parser associated with it, which
-    can be given data to parse using <code title="dom-document-write"><a href="#dom-document-write">document.write()</a></code>. Otherwise, all
-    content passed to <code title="dom-document-write"><a href="#dom-document-write">document.write()</a></code> will be parsed
-    as plain text.</p>
-    <p>If the <var title="">replace</var> argument is present and has
-    the value "<code title="">replace</code>", the existing entries in
-    the session history for the <code>Document</code> object are
-    removed.</p>
-    <p>The method has no effect if the <code>Document</code> is still
-    being parsed.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">window</var> = <var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-open"><a href="#dom-document-open">open</a></code>( <var title="">url</var>, <var title="">name</var>, <var title="">features</var> [, <var title="">replace</var> ] )</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Works like the <code title="dom-open"><a href="#dom-open"></a></code>
-    method.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h4 id="closing-the-input-stream"><span class="secno">3.4.2 </span>Closing the input stream</h4><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-close"><a href="#dom-document-close">close</a></code>()</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Closes the input stream that was opened by the <code title="dom-document-open"><a href="#dom-document-open"></a></code> method.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h4 id="document.write"><span class="secno">3.4.3 </span><code title="dom-document-write"><a href="#dom-document-write">document.write()</a></code></h4><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-write"><a href="#dom-document-write">write</a></code>(<var title="">text</var>...)</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Adds the given string(s) to the <code>Document</code>'s input
-    stream. If necessary, calls the <code title="dom-document-open"><a href="#dom-document-open">open()</a></code> method implicitly
-    first.</p>
-    <p>This method throws an <code><a href="infrastructure.html#invalid_access_err">INVALID_ACCESS_ERR</a></code> exception
-    when invoked on <a href="dom.html#xml-documents">XML documents</a>.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h4 id="document.writeln"><span class="secno">3.4.4 </span><code title="dom-document-writeln"><a href="#dom-document-writeln">document.writeln()</a></code></h4><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-writeln"><a href="#dom-document-writeln">writeln</a></code>(<var title="">text</var>...)</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Adds the given string(s) to the <code>Document</code>'s input
-    stream, followed by a newline character. If necessary, calls the
-    <code title="dom-document-open"><a href="#dom-document-open">open()</a></code> method implicitly
-    first.</p>
-    <p>This method throws an <code><a href="infrastructure.html#invalid_access_err">INVALID_ACCESS_ERR</a></code> exception
-    when invoked on <a href="dom.html#xml-documents">XML documents</a>.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h4 id="innerhtml"><span class="secno">3.4.5 </span><code title="dom-innerHTML"><a href="#dom-innerhtml">innerHTML</a></code></h4><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Implemented and widely deployed</i></p><p>The <dfn id="dom-innerhtml" title="dom-innerHTML"><code>innerHTML</code></dfn> IDL
-  attribute represents the markup of the node's contents.</p><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-innerHTML"><a href="#dom-innerhtml">innerHTML</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns a fragment of HTML or XML that represents the
-    <code>Document</code>.</p>
-    <p>Can be set, to replace the <code>Document</code>'s contents
-    with the result of parsing the given string.</p>
-    <p>In the case of <a href="dom.html#xml-documents">XML documents</a>, will throw an
-    <code><a href="infrastructure.html#invalid_state_err">INVALID_STATE_ERR</a></code> if the <code>Document</code> cannot
-    be serialized to XML, and a <code><a href="infrastructure.html#syntax_err">SYNTAX_ERR</a></code> if the given
-    string is not well-formed.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">element</var> . <code title="dom-innerHTML"><a href="#dom-innerhtml">innerHTML</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns a fragment of HTML or XML that represents the element's
-    contents.</p>
-    <p>Can be set, to replace the contents of the element with nodes
-    parsed from the given string.</p>
-    <p>In the case of <a href="dom.html#xml-documents">XML documents</a>, will throw an
-    <code><a href="infrastructure.html#invalid_state_err">INVALID_STATE_ERR</a></code> if the element cannot be serialized
-    to XML, and a <code><a href="infrastructure.html#syntax_err">SYNTAX_ERR</a></code> if the given string is not
-    well-formed.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h4 id="outerhtml"><span class="secno">3.4.6 </span><code title="dom-outerHTML"><a href="#dom-outerhtml">outerHTML</a></code></h4><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Last call for comments</i></p><p>The <dfn id="dom-outerhtml" title="dom-outerHTML"><code>outerHTML</code></dfn> IDL
-  attribute represents the markup of the element and its contents.</p><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">element</var> . <code title="dom-outerHTML"><a href="#dom-outerhtml">outerHTML</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns a fragment of HTML or XML that represents the element
-    and its contents.</p>
-    <p>Can be set, to replace the element with nodes parsed from the
-    given string.</p>
-    <p>In the case of <a href="dom.html#xml-documents">XML documents</a>, will throw an
-    <code><a href="infrastructure.html#invalid_state_err">INVALID_STATE_ERR</a></code> if the element cannot be serialized
-    to XML, and a <code><a href="infrastructure.html#syntax_err">SYNTAX_ERR</a></code> if the given string is not
-    well-formed.</p>
-    <p>Throws a <code><a href="infrastructure.html#no_modification_allowed_err">NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR</a></code> exception if
-    the parent of the element is the <code>Document</code>
-    node.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h4 id="insertadjacenthtml"><span class="secno">3.4.7 </span><code title="dom-insertAdjacentHTML"><a href="#dom-insertadjacenthtml">insertAdjacentHTML()</a></code></h4><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">element</var> . <code title="dom-insertAdjacentHTML"><a href="#dom-insertadjacenthtml">insertAdjacentHTML</a></code>(<var title="">position</var>, <var title="">text</var>)</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Parsed the given string <var title="">text</var> as HTML or XML
-    and inserts the resulting nodes into the tree in the position
-    given by the <var title="">position</var> argument, as
-    follows:</p>
-    <dl><dt>"beforebegin"</dt>
-     <dd>Before the element itself.</dd>
-     <dt>"afterbegin"</dt>
-     <dd>Just inside the element, before its first child.</dd>
-     <dt>"beforeend"</dt>
-     <dd>Just inside the element, after its last child.</dd>
-     <dt>"afterend"</dt>
-     <dd>After the element itself.</dd>
-    </dl><p>Throws a <code><a href="infrastructure.html#syntax_err">SYNTAX_ERR</a></code> exception the arguments have
-    invalid values (e.g., in the case of <a href="dom.html#xml-documents">XML documents</a>,
-    if the given string is not well-formed).</p>
-    <p>Throws a <code><a href="infrastructure.html#no_modification_allowed_err">NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR</a></code> exception if
-    the given position isn't possible (e.g. inserting elements after
-    the root element of a <code>Document</code>).</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

Index: dom.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/dom.html,v
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retrieving revision 1.36
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+++ dom.html	1 Sep 2009 05:52:55 -0000	1.36
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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
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-  </style><link href="data:text/css," rel="stylesheet" title="Complete specification"><link href="data:text/css,.impl%20%7B%20display:%20none;%20%7D" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Author documentation only"><link href="data:text/css,.impl%20%7B%20background:%20%23FFEEEE;%20%7D" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Highlight implementation requirements"><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><!-- ZZZ ED vs WD --><link href="infrastructure.html" title="2 Common infrastructure" rel="prev">
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-  </head><body onload="fixBrokenLink(); fixBrokenLink()"><div class="head">
-   <p><a href=""><img alt="W3C" height="48" src="" width="72"></a></p>
-   <h1>HTML5</h1>
-   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="a-vocabulary-and-associated-apis-for-html-and-xhtml">A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML</h2>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-   </div><div>
-   <a href="infrastructure.html">&#8592; 2 Common infrastructure</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="Overview.html#contents">Table of contents</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="embedded-content-0.html"> Embedded content &#8594;</a>
-  </div>
-  <h2 id="dom"><span class="secno">3 </span>Semantics, structure, and APIs of HTML documents</h2><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Working draft</i></p><h3 id="documents"><span class="secno">3.1 </span>Documents</h3><p>Every XML and HTML document in an HTML UA is represented by a
-  <code>Document</code> object. <a href="references.html#refsDOMCORE">[DOMCORE]</a></p><p><dfn id="the-document-s-address">The document's address</dfn> is an <a href="infrastructure.html#absolute-url">absolute URL</a>
-  that is set when the <code>Document</code> is created. <dfn id="the-document-s-current-address">The
-  document's current address</dfn> is an <a href="infrastructure.html#absolute-url">absolute URL</a>
-  that can change during the lifetime of the <code>Document</code>,
-  for example when the user <a href="#navigate" title="navigate">navigates</a> to
-  a <a href="#scroll-to-fragid" title="navigate-fragid">fragment identifier</a> on the
-  page. </p><p class="note">Interactive user agents typically expose <a href="#the-document-s-current-address">the
-  document's current address</a> in their user interface.</p><p>When a <code>Document</code> is created by a <a href="#concept-script" title="concept-script">script</a> using the <code title="">createDocument()</code> API, <a href="#the-document-s-address">the document's
-  address</a> is the same as <a href="#the-document-s-address">the document's address</a> of
-  the <a href="browsers.html#active-document">active document</a> of the <a href="#script-s-browsing-context">script's browsing
-  context</a>.</p><p><code>Document</code> objects are assumed to be <dfn id="xml-documents">XML
-  documents</dfn> unless they are flagged as being <dfn id="html-documents">HTML
-  documents</dfn> when they are created. Whether a document is an
-  <a href="#html-documents" title="HTML documents">HTML document</a> or an <a href="#xml-documents" title="XML documents">XML document</a> affects the behavior of
-  certain APIs, as well as a few CSS rendering rules. <a href="references.html#refsCSS">[CSS]</a></p><p class="note">A <code>Document</code> object created by the <code title="">createDocument()</code> API on the
-  <code>DOMImplementation</code> object is initially an <a href="#xml-documents" title="XML documents">XML document</a>, but can be made into an
-  <a href="#html-documents" title="HTML documents">HTML document</a> by calling <code title="dom-document-open"><a href="embedded-content-0.html#dom-document-open"></a></code> on it. A
-  <code>Document</code> object created by the <a href="#html-parser">HTML parser</a>
-  for a <code><a href="iana-considerations.html#text-html">text/html</a></code> resource will be flagged as an <a href="#html-documents" title="HTML documents">HTML document</a> also.</p><h4 id="documents-in-the-dom"><span class="secno">3.1.1 </span>Documents in the DOM</h4><p>All <code>Document</code> objects (in user agents implementing
-  this specification)  also implement
-  the <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> interface, available using
-  binding-specific methods. (This is the case whether or not the
-  document in question is an <a href="#html-documents" title="HTML documents">HTML
-  document</a> or indeed whether it contains any <a href="infrastructure.html#html-elements">HTML
-  elements</a> at all.) <code>Document</code> objects  also implement the document-level interface
-  of any other namespaces found in the document that the UA
-  supports.</p><p class="example">For example, if an HTML implementation also
-  supports SVG, then the <code>Document</code> object implements both
-  <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> and <code>SVGDocument</code>.</p><p class="note">Because the <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> interface is
-  now obtained using binding-specific casting methods instead of
-  simply being the primary interface of the document object, it is no
-  longer defined as inheriting from <code>Document</code>.</p><pre class="idl">[OverrideBuiltins]
-interface <dfn id="htmldocument">HTMLDocument</dfn> {
-  // <a href="#resource-metadata-management">resource metadata management</a>
-  [PutForwards=href] readonly attribute <a href="history.html#location">Location</a> <a href="#dom-document-location" title="dom-document-location">location</a>;
-  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-url" title="dom-document-URL">URL</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-domain" title="dom-document-domain">domain</a>;
-  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-referrer" title="dom-document-referrer">referrer</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-cookie" title="dom-document-cookie">cookie</a>;
-  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-lastmodified" title="dom-document-lastModified">lastModified</a>;
-  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-compatmode" title="dom-document-compatMode">compatMode</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-charset" title="dom-document-charset">charset</a>;
-  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-characterset" title="dom-document-characterSet">characterSet</a>;
-  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-defaultcharset" title="dom-document-defaultCharset">defaultCharset</a>;
-  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-readystate" title="dom-document-readyState">readyState</a>;
-  // <a href="#dom-tree-accessors">DOM tree accessors</a>
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#document.title" title="dom-document-title">title</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-document-dir" title="dom-document-dir">dir</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> <a href="#dom-document-body" title="dom-document-body">body</a>;
-  readonly attribute <a href="infrastructure.html#htmlcollection">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#dom-document-images" title="dom-document-images">images</a>;
-  readonly attribute <a href="infrastructure.html#htmlcollection">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#dom-document-embeds" title="dom-document-embeds">embeds</a>;
-  readonly attribute <a href="infrastructure.html#htmlcollection">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#dom-document-plugins" title="dom-document-plugins">plugins</a>;
-  readonly attribute <a href="infrastructure.html#htmlcollection">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#dom-document-links" title="dom-document-links">links</a>;
-  readonly attribute <a href="infrastructure.html#htmlcollection">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#dom-document-forms" title="dom-document-forms">forms</a>;
-  readonly attribute <a href="infrastructure.html#htmlcollection">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#dom-document-scripts" title="dom-document-scripts">scripts</a>;
-  NodeList <a href="#dom-document-getelementsbyname" title="dom-document-getElementsByName">getElementsByName</a>(in DOMString elementName);
-  NodeList <a href="#dom-document-getelementsbyclassname" title="dom-document-getElementsByClassName">getElementsByClassName</a>(in DOMString classNames);
-  NodeList <a href="#dom-document-getitems" title="dom-document-getItems">getItems</a>(optional in DOMString typeNames);
-  <a href="#dom-document-nameditem" title="dom-document-namedItem">getter</a> any (in DOMString name);
-  // <a href="embedded-content-0.html#dynamic-markup-insertion">dynamic markup insertion</a>
-           attribute DOMString <a href="embedded-content-0.html#dom-innerhtml" title="dom-innerHTML">innerHTML</a>;
-  <a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a> <a href="embedded-content-0.html#dom-document-open" title="dom-document-open">open</a>(optional in DOMString type, optional in DOMString replace);
-  <a href="#windowproxy">WindowProxy</a> <a href="embedded-content-0.html#dom-document-open" title="dom-document-open">open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString name, in DOMString features, optional in boolean replace);
-  void <a href="#dom-document-close" title="dom-document-close">close</a>();
-  void <a href="#dom-document-write" title="dom-document-write">write</a>(in DOMString... text);
-  void <a href="#dom-document-writeln" title="dom-document-writeln">writeln</a>(in DOMString... text);
-  // <a href="editing.html#editing">user interaction</a>
-  <a href="editing.html#selection-0">Selection</a> <a href="#dom-document-getselection" title="dom-document-getSelection">getSelection</a>();
-  readonly attribute <span>Element</span> <a href="#dom-document-activeelement" title="dom-document-activeElement">activeElement</a>;
-  boolean <a href="#dom-document-hasfocus" title="dom-document-hasFocus">hasFocus</a>();
-           attribute DOMString <a href="#designMode" title="dom-document-designMode">designMode</a>;
-  boolean <a href="#execCommand" title="dom-document-execCommand">execCommand</a>(in DOMString commandId);
-  boolean <a href="#execCommand" title="dom-document-execCommand">execCommand</a>(in DOMString commandId, in boolean showUI);
-  boolean <a href="#execCommand" title="dom-document-execCommand">execCommand</a>(in DOMString commandId, in boolean showUI, in DOMString value);
-  boolean <a href="#dom-document-querycommandenabled" title="dom-document-queryCommandEnabled">queryCommandEnabled</a>(in DOMString commandId);
-  boolean <a href="#dom-document-querycommandindeterm" title="dom-document-queryCommandIndeterm">queryCommandIndeterm</a>(in DOMString commandId);
-  boolean <a href="#dom-document-querycommandstate" title="dom-document-queryCommandState">queryCommandState</a>(in DOMString commandId);
-  boolean <a href="#dom-document-querycommandsupported" title="dom-document-queryCommandSupported">queryCommandSupported</a>(in DOMString commandId);
-  DOMString <a href="#dom-document-querycommandvalue" title="dom-document-queryCommandValue">queryCommandValue</a>(in DOMString commandId);
-  readonly attribute <a href="infrastructure.html#htmlcollection">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#dom-document-commands" title="dom-document-commands">commands</a>;
-  // <a href="#event-handler-idl-attributes">event handler IDL attributes</a>
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onabort" title="handler-onabort">onabort</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onblur" title="handler-onblur">onblur</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-oncanplay" title="handler-oncanplay">oncanplay</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-oncanplaythrough" title="handler-oncanplaythrough">oncanplaythrough</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onchange" title="handler-onchange">onchange</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onclick" title="handler-onclick">onclick</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-oncontextmenu" title="handler-oncontextmenu">oncontextmenu</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-ondblclick" title="handler-ondblclick">ondblclick</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-ondrag" title="handler-ondrag">ondrag</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-ondragend" title="handler-ondragend">ondragend</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-ondragenter" title="handler-ondragenter">ondragenter</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-ondragleave" title="handler-ondragleave">ondragleave</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-ondragover" title="handler-ondragover">ondragover</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-ondragstart" title="handler-ondragstart">ondragstart</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-ondrop" title="handler-ondrop">ondrop</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-ondurationchange" title="handler-ondurationchange">ondurationchange</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onemptied" title="handler-onemptied">onemptied</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onended" title="handler-onended">onended</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onerror" title="handler-onerror">onerror</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onfocus" title="handler-onfocus">onfocus</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onformchange" title="handler-onformchange">onformchange</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onforminput" title="handler-onforminput">onforminput</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-oninput" title="handler-oninput">oninput</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-oninvalid" title="handler-oninvalid">oninvalid</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onkeydown" title="handler-onkeydown">onkeydown</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onkeypress" title="handler-onkeypress">onkeypress</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onkeyup" title="handler-onkeyup">onkeyup</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onload" title="handler-onload">onload</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onloadeddata" title="handler-onloadeddata">onloadeddata</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onloadedmetadata" title="handler-onloadedmetadata">onloadedmetadata</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onloadstart" title="handler-onloadstart">onloadstart</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onmousedown" title="handler-onmousedown">onmousedown</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onmousemove" title="handler-onmousemove">onmousemove</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onmouseout" title="handler-onmouseout">onmouseout</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onmouseover" title="handler-onmouseover">onmouseover</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onmouseup" title="handler-onmouseup">onmouseup</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onmousewheel" title="handler-onmousewheel">onmousewheel</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onpause" title="handler-onpause">onpause</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onplay" title="handler-onplay">onplay</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onplaying" title="handler-onplaying">onplaying</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onprogress" title="handler-onprogress">onprogress</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onratechange" title="handler-onratechange">onratechange</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onreadystatechange" title="handler-onreadystatechange">onreadystatechange</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onscroll" title="handler-onscroll">onscroll</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onseeked" title="handler-onseeked">onseeked</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onseeking" title="handler-onseeking">onseeking</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onselect" title="handler-onselect">onselect</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onshow" title="handler-onshow">onshow</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onstalled" title="handler-onstalled">onstalled</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onsubmit" title="handler-onsubmit">onsubmit</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onsuspend" title="handler-onsuspend">onsuspend</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-ontimeupdate" title="handler-ontimeupdate">ontimeupdate</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onvolumechange" title="handler-onvolumechange">onvolumechange</a>;
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-onwaiting" title="handler-onwaiting">onwaiting</a>;
-<span>Document</span> implements <a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a>;
-</pre><p>Since the <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> interface holds methods and
-  attributes related to a number of disparate features, the members of
-  this interface are described in various different sections.</p><h4 id="security"><span class="secno">3.1.2 </span>Security</h4><p>User agents must<code><a href="infrastructure.html#security_err">SECURITY_ERR</a></code> exception whenever any of the members of
-  an <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> object are accessed by scripts whose
-  <a href="#effective-script-origin">effective script origin</a> is not the <a href="#same-origin" title="same
-  origin">same</a> as the <code>Document</code>'s <a href="#effective-script-origin">effective
-  script origin</a>.</p><h4 id="resource-metadata-management"><span class="secno">3.1.3 </span><dfn>Resource metadata management</dfn></h4><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Last call for comments</i></p><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-URL"><a href="#dom-document-url">URL</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns <a href="#the-document-s-address">the document's address</a>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-referrer"><a href="#dom-document-referrer">referrer</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns <a href="#the-document-s-current-address" title="the document's current address">the
-    address</a> of the <code>Document</code> from which the user
-    navigated to this one, unless it was blocked or there was no such
-    document, in which case it returns the empty string.</p>
-    <p>The <code title="rel-noreferrer"><a href="history.html#link-type-noreferrer">noreferrer</a></code> link
-    type can be used to block the referrer.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-cookie"><a href="#dom-document-cookie">cookie</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the HTTP cookies that apply to the
-    <code>Document</code>. If there are no cookies or cookies can't be
-    applied to this resource, the empty string will be returned.</p>
-    <p>Can be set, to add a new cookie to the element's set of HTTP
-    cookies.</p>
-    <p>If the <code>Document</code> has no <a href="browsers.html#browsing-context">browsing
-    context</a> an <code><a href="infrastructure.html#invalid_state_err">INVALID_STATE_ERR</a></code> exception will be
-    thrown. If the contents are <a href="#sandboxed-origin-browsing-context-flag" title="sandboxed origin browsing
-    context flag">sandboxed into a unique origin</a>, a
-    <code><a href="infrastructure.html#security_err">SECURITY_ERR</a></code> exception will be thrown.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-lastmodified"><a href="#dom-document-lastmodified">lastModified</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the date of the last modification to the document, as
-    reported by the server, in the form "<code title="">MM/DD/YYYY&#160;hh:mm:ss</code>".</p>
-    <p>If the last modification date is not known, the current time is
-    returned instead.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-compatmode"><a href="#dom-document-compatmode">compatMode</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>In a conforming document, returns the string "<code title="">CSS1Compat</code>". (In <a href="#quirks-mode">quirks mode</a>
-    documents, returns the string "<code title="">BackCompat</code>",
-    but a conforming document can never trigger <a href="#quirks-mode">quirks
-    mode</a>.)</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-charset"><a href="#dom-document-charset">charset</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the <a href="#document-s-character-encoding">document's character encoding</a>.</p>
-    <p>Can be set, to dynamically change the <a href="#document-s-character-encoding">document's
-    character encoding</a>.</p>
-    <p>New values that are not IANA-registered aliases supported by the user agent are ignored.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-characterSet"><a href="#dom-document-characterset">characterSet</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the <a href="#document-s-character-encoding">document's character encoding</a>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-defaultCharset"><a href="#dom-document-defaultcharset">defaultCharset</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns what might be the user agent's default character encoding.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-readyState"><a href="#dom-document-readystate">readyState</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns "loading" while the <code>Document</code> is loading, and "complete" once it has loaded.</p>
-    <p>The <code title="event-readystatechange">readystatechange</code> event fires on the <code>Document</code> object when this value changes.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h4 id="dom-tree-accessors"><span class="secno">3.1.4 </span><dfn>DOM tree accessors</dfn></h4><p><dfn id="the-html-element">The <code>html</code> element</dfn> of a document is the
-  document's root element, if there is one and it's an
-  <code><a href="semantics.html#the-html-element-0">html</a></code> element, or null otherwise.</p><p><dfn id="the-head-element">The <code>head</code> element</dfn> of a document is the
-  first <code><a href="semantics.html#the-head-element-0">head</a></code> element that is a child of <a href="#the-html-element">the
-  <code>html</code> element</a>, if there is one, or null
-  otherwise.</p><hr><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-title"><a href="#document.title">title</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the document's title, as given by <a href="#the-title-element">the
-    <code>title</code> element</a>.</p>
-    <p>Can be set, to update the document's title. If there is no
-    <a href="#the-head-element" title="the head element"><code>head</code> element</a>,
-    the new value is ignored.</p>
-    <p>In SVG documents, the <code>SVGDocument</code> interface's
-    <code title="dom-svg-title">title</code> attribute takes
-    precedence.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><p><dfn id="the-title-element">The <code>title</code> element</dfn> of a document is the
-  first <code><a href="semantics.html#the-title-element-0">title</a></code> element in the document (in tree order), if
-  there is one, or null otherwise.</p><hr><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-body"><a href="#dom-document-body">body</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns <a href="#the-body-element">the body element</a>.</p>
-    <p>Can be set, to replace <a href="#the-body-element">the body element</a>.</p>
-    <p>If the new value is not a <code><a href="semantics.html#the-body-element-0">body</a></code> or <code><a href="#frameset">frameset</a></code> element, this will throw a <code><a href="infrastructure.html#hierarchy_request_err">HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR</a></code> exception.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><p><dfn id="the-body-element">The body element</dfn> of a document is the first child of
-  <a href="#the-html-element">the <code>html</code> element</a> that is either a
-  <code><a href="semantics.html#the-body-element-0">body</a></code> element or a <code><a href="#frameset">frameset</a></code> element. If
-  there is no such element, it is null. </p><hr><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-images"><a href="#dom-document-images">images</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns an <code><a href="infrastructure.html#htmlcollection">HTMLCollection</a></code> of the <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-img-element">img</a></code> elements in the <code>Document</code>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-embeds"><a href="#dom-document-embeds">embeds</a></code></dt>
-   <dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-plugins"><a href="#dom-document-plugins">plugins</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Return an <code><a href="infrastructure.html#htmlcollection">HTMLCollection</a></code> of the <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-embed-element">embed</a></code> elements in the <code>Document</code>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-links"><a href="#dom-document-links">links</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns an <code><a href="infrastructure.html#htmlcollection">HTMLCollection</a></code> of the <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element">a</a></code> and <code><a href="the-canvas-element.html#the-area-element">area</a></code> elements in the <code>Document</code> that have <code title="attr-hyperlink-href"><a href="history.html#attr-hyperlink-href">href</a></code> attributes.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-forms"><a href="#dom-document-forms">forms</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Return an <code><a href="infrastructure.html#htmlcollection">HTMLCollection</a></code> of the <code><a href="forms.html#the-form-element">form</a></code> elements in the <code>Document</code>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-scripts"><a href="#dom-document-scripts">scripts</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Return an <code><a href="infrastructure.html#htmlcollection">HTMLCollection</a></code> of the <code><a href="semantics.html#script">script</a></code> elements in the <code>Document</code>.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">collection</var> = <var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-getElementsByName"><a href="#dom-document-getelementsbyname">getElementsByName</a></code>(<var title="">name</var>)</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns a <code>NodeList</code> of elements in the
-    <code>Document</code> that have a <code title="">name</code>
-    attribute with the value <var title="">name</var>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">collection</var> = <var title="">document</var> . <code title="dom-document-getElementsByClassName"><a href="#dom-document-getelementsbyclassname">getElementsByClassName(<var title="">classes</var>)</a></code></dt>
-   <dt><var title="">collection</var> = <var title="">element</var> . <code title="dom-getElementsByClassName"><a href="#dom-getelementsbyclassname">getElementsByClassName(<var title="">classes</var>)</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns a <code>NodeList</code> of the elements in the object
-    on which the method was invoked (a <code>Document</code> or an
-    <code>Element</code>) that have all the classes given by <var title="">classes</var>.</p>
-    <p>The <var title="">classes</var> argument is interpreted as a
-    space-separated list of classes.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><p>HTML, SVG, and MathML elements define which classes they are in
-  by having an attribute with no namespace with the name <code title="">class</code> containing a space-separated list of classes
-  to which the element belongs. Other specifications may also allow
-  elements in their namespaces to be labeled as being in specific
-  classes.</p><div class="example">
-   <p>Given the following XHTML fragment:</p>
-   <pre>&lt;div id="example"&gt;
- &lt;p id="p1" class="aaa bbb"/&gt;
- &lt;p id="p2" class="aaa ccc"/&gt;
- &lt;p id="p3" class="bbb ccc"/&gt;
-   <p>A call to
-   <code>document.getElementById('example').getElementsByClassName('aaa')</code>
-   would return a <code>NodeList</code> with the two paragraphs
-   <code>p1</code> and <code>p2</code> in it.</p>
-   <p>A call to <code>getElementsByClassName('ccc&#160;bbb')</code>
-   would only return one node, however, namely <code>p3</code>. A call
-   to
-   <code>document.getElementById('example').getElementsByClassName('bbb&#160;&#160;ccc&#160;')</code>
-   would return the same thing.</p>
-   <p>A call to <code>getElementsByClassName('aaa,bbb')</code> would
-   return no nodes; none of the elements above are in the "aaa,bbb"
-   class.</p>
-  </div><!-- v2:
->         * xGetParentElementByClassName(rootElement, className, tagName) -
-> Navigates upwards until we hit a parent element with the given class name and
-> optional tag name.
---><hr><p class="note">The <code title="dom-document-dir"><a href="#dom-document-dir">dir</a></code>
-  attribute on the <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> interface is defined
-  along with the <code title="attr-dir"><a href="#the-dir-attribute">dir</a></code> content
-  attribute.</p><h3 id="elements"><span class="secno">3.2 </span>Elements</h3><h4 id="semantics-0"><span class="secno">3.2.1 </span>Semantics</h4><p class="XXX annotation"><span><a href="">ISSUE-41</a> (Decentralized-extensibility) blocks progress to Last Call</span></p><p>Elements, attributes, and attribute values in HTML are defined
-  (by this specification) to have certain meanings (semantics). For
-  example, the <code><a href="semantics.html#the-ol-element">ol</a></code> element represents an ordered list, and
-  the <code title="attr-lang"><a href="#attr-lang">lang</a></code> attribute represents the
-  language of the content.</p><p>Authors must not use elements, attributes, and attribute values
-  for purposes other than their appropriate intended semantic
-  purpose. Authors must not use elements, attributes, and attribute
-  values that are not permitted by this specification or other
-  applicable specifications.</p><div class="example">
-   <p>For example, the following document is non-conforming, despite
-   being syntactically correct:</p>
-   <pre class="bad">&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML&gt;
-&lt;html lang="en-GB"&gt;
- &lt;head&gt; &lt;title&gt; Demonstration &lt;/title&gt; &lt;/head&gt;
- &lt;body&gt;
-  &lt;table&gt;
-   &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt; My favourite animal is the cat. &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt;
-   &lt;tr&gt;
-    &lt;td&gt;
-     &#8212;&lt;a href=""&gt;&lt;cite&gt;Ernest&lt;/cite&gt;&lt;/a&gt;,
-     in an essay from 1992
-    &lt;/td&gt;
-   &lt;/tr&gt;
-  &lt;/table&gt;
- &lt;/body&gt;
-   <p>...because the data placed in the cells is clearly not tabular
-   data (and the <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-cite-element">cite</a></code> element mis-used). A corrected
-   version of this document might be:</p>
-   <pre>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML&gt;
-&lt;html lang="en-GB"&gt;
- &lt;head&gt; &lt;title&gt; Demonstration &lt;/title&gt; &lt;/head&gt;
- &lt;body&gt;
-  &lt;blockquote&gt;
-   &lt;p&gt; My favourite animal is the cat. &lt;/p&gt;
-  &lt;/blockquote&gt;
-  &lt;p&gt;
-   &#8212;&lt;a href=""&gt;Ernest&lt;/a&gt;,
-   in an essay from 1992
-  &lt;/p&gt;
- &lt;/body&gt;
-   <p>This next document fragment, intended to represent the heading
-   of a corporate site, is similarly non-conforming because the second
-   line is not intended to be a heading of a subsection, but merely a
-   subheading or subtitle (a subordinate heading for the same
-   section).</p>
-   <pre class="bad">&lt;body&gt;
- &lt;h1&gt;ABC Company&lt;/h1&gt;
- &lt;h2&gt;Leading the way in widget design since 1432&lt;/h2&gt;
- ...</pre>
-   <p>The <code><a href="semantics.html#the-hgroup-element">hgroup</a></code> element should be used in these kinds of
-   situations:</p>
-   <pre>&lt;body&gt;
- &lt;hgroup&gt;
-  &lt;h1&gt;ABC Company&lt;/h1&gt;
-  &lt;h2&gt;Leading the way in widget design since 1432&lt;/h2&gt;
- &lt;/hgroup&gt;
- ...</pre>
-   <p>In the next example, there is a non-conforming attribute value
-   ("carpet") and a non-conforming attribute ("texture"), which
-   is not permitted by this specification:</p>
-   <pre class="bad">&lt;label&gt;Carpet: &lt;input type="carpet" name="c" texture="deep pile"&gt;&lt;/label&gt;</pre>
-   <p>Here would be an alternative and correct way to mark this up:</p>
-   <pre>&lt;label&gt;Carpet: &lt;input type="text" class="carpet" name="c" data-texture="deep pile"&gt;&lt;/label&gt;</pre>
-  </div><p>Through scripting and using other mechanisms, the values of
-  attributes, text, and indeed the entire structure of the document
-  may change dynamically while a user agent is processing it. The
-  semantics of a document at an instant in time are those represented
-  by the state of the document at that instant in time, and the
-  semantics of a document can therefore change over time. User agents
-  must</p><p class="example">HTML has a <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-progress-element">progress</a></code> element that
-  describes a progress bar. If its "value" attribute is dynamically
-  updated by a script, the UA would update the rendering to show the
-  progress changing.</p><h4 id="elements-in-the-dom"><span class="secno">3.2.2 </span>Elements in the DOM</h4><p>The nodes representing <a href="infrastructure.html#html-elements">HTML elements</a> in the DOM
-   implement, and expose to scripts, the
-  interfaces listed for them in the relevant sections of this
-  specification. This includes <a href="infrastructure.html#html-elements">HTML elements</a> in <a href="#xml-documents">XML
-  documents</a>, even when those documents are in another context
-  (e.g. inside an XSLT transform).</p><p>Elements in the DOM <a href="#represents" title="represents">represent</a>
-  things; that is, they have intrinsic <em>meaning</em>, also known as
-  semantics.</p><p class="example">For example, an <code><a href="semantics.html#the-ol-element">ol</a></code> element
-  rep
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Index: the-canvas-element.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/the-canvas-element.html,v
retrieving revision 1.34
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -d -r1.34 -r1.35
--- the-canvas-element.html	1 Sep 2009 04:46:32 -0000	1.34
+++ the-canvas-element.html	1 Sep 2009 05:52:55 -0000	1.35
@@ -1,1447 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
-<html lang="en-US-x-Hixie"><head><title>4.8.11 The canvas element &#8212; HTML 5</title><style type="text/css">
-   pre { margin-left: 2em; white-space: pre-wrap; }
-   h2 { margin: 3em 0 1em 0; }
-   h3 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em 0; }
-   h4 { margin: 2.5em 0 0.75em 0; }
-   h5, h6 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em; }
-   h1 + h2, h1 + h2 + h2 { margin: 0.75em 0 0.75em; }
-   h2 + h3, h3 + h4, h4 + h5, h5 + h6 { margin-top: 0.5em; }
-   p { margin: 1em 0; }
-   hr:not(.top) { display: block; background: none; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 2em 0; height: auto; }
[...1417 lines suppressed...]
-  CSS pixels have a resolution of 96ppi, but in general the CSS pixel
-  resolution depends on the reading distance.) If both attributes are
-  specified, then one of the following statements must be true:</p><ul><li><span title=""><var title="">specified width</var> - 0.5 &#8804;
-             <var title="">specified height</var> * <var title="">target ratio</var> &#8804;
-             <var title="">specified width</var> + 0.5</span></li>
-   <li><span title=""><var title="">specified height</var> - 0.5 &#8804;
-             <var title="">specified width</var> / <var title="">target ratio</var> &#8804;
-             <var title="">specified height</var> + 0.5</span></li>
-   <li><span title=""><var title="">specified height</var> = <var title="">specified width</var> = 0</span></li>
-  </ul><p>The <var title="">target ratio</var> is the ratio of the
-  intrinsic width to the intrinsic height in the resource. The <var title="">specified width</var> and <var title="">specified
-  height</var> are the values of the <code title="attr-dim-width"><a href="#attr-dim-width">width</a></code> and <code title="attr-dim-height"><a href="#attr-dim-height">height</a></code> attributes respectively.</p><p>The two attributes must be omitted if the resource in question
-  does not have both an intrinsic width and an intrinsic height.</p><p>If the two attributes are both zero, it indicates that the
-  element is not intended for the user (e.g. it might be a part of a
-  service to count page views).</p><p class="note">The dimension attributes are not intended to be used
-  to stretch the image.</p></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

Index: video.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/video.html,v
retrieving revision 1.34
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -d -r1.34 -r1.35
--- video.html	1 Sep 2009 04:46:32 -0000	1.34
+++ video.html	1 Sep 2009 05:52:55 -0000	1.35
@@ -196,1059 +196,4 @@
    <dd>If the element does not have a <code title="attr-media-src"><a href="#attr-media-src">src</a></code> attribute: one or more <code><a href="#the-source-element">source</a></code> elements, then, <a href="embedded-content-0.html#transparent">transparent</a>, but with no <a href="#media-element">media element</a> descendants.</dd>
    <dt>Content attributes:</dt>
    <dd><a href="dom.html#global-attributes">Global attributes</a></dd>
-   <dd><code title="attr-media-src"><a href="#attr-media-src">src</a></code></dd>
-   <dd><code title="attr-video-poster"><a href="#attr-video-poster">poster</a></code></dd>
-   <dd><code title="attr-media-autobuffer"><a href="#attr-media-autobuffer">autobuffer</a></code></dd>
-   <dd><code title="attr-media-autoplay"><a href="#attr-media-autoplay">autoplay</a></code></dd>
-   <dd><code title="attr-media-loop"><a href="#attr-media-loop">loop</a></code></dd>
-   <dd><code title="attr-media-controls"><a href="#attr-media-controls">controls</a></code></dd>
-   <dd><code title="attr-dim-width"><a href="the-canvas-element.html#attr-dim-width">width</a></code></dd>
-   <dd><code title="attr-dim-height"><a href="the-canvas-element.html#attr-dim-height">height</a></code></dd>
[...1031 lines suppressed...]
-     </td><td><code>Event</code>
-     </td><td>Playback has stopped because the end of the <a href="#media-resource">media resource</a> was reached.
-     </td><td><code title="dom-media-currentTime"><a href="#dom-media-currenttime">currentTime</a></code> equals the end of the <a href="#media-resource">media resource</a>; <code title="dom-media-ended"><a href="#dom-media-ended">ended</a></code> is true.
-   </td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><td><dfn id="event-ratechange" title="event-ratechange"><code>ratechange</code></dfn>
-     </td><td><code>Event</code>
-     </td><td>Either the <code title="dom-media-defaultPlaybackRate"><a href="#dom-media-defaultplaybackrate">defaultPlaybackRate</a></code> or the <code title="dom-media-playbackRate"><a href="#dom-media-playbackrate">playbackRate</a></code> attribute has just been updated.
-     </td><td>
-    </td></tr><tr><td><dfn id="event-durationchange" title="event-durationchange"><code>durationchange</code></dfn>
-     </td><td><code>Event</code>
-     </td><td>The <code title="dom-media-duration"><a href="#dom-media-duration">duration</a></code> attribute has just been updated.
-     </td><td>
-    </td></tr><tr><td><dfn id="event-volumechange" title="event-volumechange"><code>volumechange</code></dfn>
-     </td><td><code>Event</code>
-     </td><td>Either the <code title="dom-media-volume"><a href="#dom-media-volume">volume</a></code> attribute or the <code title="dom-media-muted"><a href="#dom-media-muted">muted</a></code> attribute has changed. Fired after the relevant attribute's setter has returned.
-     </td><td>
-  </td></tr></tbody></table></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file
+   <dd><code title="attr-media-src"><a href="#attr-media-src">src</a></code></dd>
\ No newline at end of file

Index: browsers.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/browsers.html,v
retrieving revision 1.35
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -d -r1.35 -r1.36
--- browsers.html	1 Sep 2009 04:47:20 -0000	1.35
+++ browsers.html	1 Sep 2009 05:52:55 -0000	1.36
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
-<html lang="en-US-x-Hixie"><head><title>6 Web browsers &#8212; HTML 5</title><style type="text/css">
-   pre { margin-left: 2em; white-space: pre-wrap; }
-   h2 { margin: 3em 0 1em 0; }
-   h3 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em 0; }
-   h4 { margin: 2.5em 0 0.75em 0; }
-   h5, h6 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em; }
-   h1 + h2, h1 + h2 + h2 { margin: 0.75em 0 0.75em; }
-   h2 + h3, h3 + h4, h4 + h5, h5 + h6 { margin-top: 0.5em; }
-   p { margin: 1em 0; }
-   hr:not(.top) { display: block; background: none; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 2em 0; height: auto; }
-   dl, dd { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }
-   dt { margin-top: 0.75em; margin-bottom: 0.25em; clear: left; }
-   dt + dt { margin-top: 0; }
-   dd dt { margin-top: 0.25em; margin-bottom: 0; }
-   dd p { margin-top: 0; }
-   dd dl + p { margin-top: 1em; }
-   dd table + p { margin-top: 1em; }
-   p + * > li, dd li { margin: 1em 0; }
-   dt, dfn { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; }
-   dt dfn { font-style: italic; }
-   pre, code { font-size: inherit; font-family: monospace; font-variant: normal; }
-   pre strong { color: black; font: inherit; font-weight: bold; background: yellow; }
-   pre em { font-weight: bolder; font-style: normal; }
-   @media screen { code { color: orangered; } code :link, code :visited { color: inherit; } }
-   var sub { vertical-align: bottom; font-size: smaller; position: relative; top: 0.1em; }
-   table { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden hidden none hidden; }
-   table thead { border-bottom: solid; }
-   table tbody th:first-child { border-left: solid; }
-   table td, table th { border-left: solid; border-right: solid; border-bottom: solid thin; vertical-align: top; padding: 0.2em; }
-   blockquote { margin: 0 0 0 2em; border: 0; padding: 0; font-style: italic; }
-   .bad, .bad *:not(.XXX) { color: gray; border-color: gray; background: transparent; }
-   .matrix, .matrix td { border: none; text-align: right; }
-   .matrix { margin-left: 2em; }
-   .dice-example { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden solid solid hidden; border-width: thin; margin-left: 3em; }
-   .dice-example caption { width: 30em; font-size: smaller; font-style: italic; padding: 0.75em 0; text-align: left; }
-   .dice-example td, .dice-example th { border: solid thin; width: 1.35em; height: 1.05em; text-align: center; padding: 0; }
-   .applies th > * { display: block; }
-   .applies thead code { display: block; }
-   .applies td { text-align: center; }
-   .applies .yes { background: yellow; }
-   .toc dfn, h1 dfn, h2 dfn, h3 dfn, h4 dfn, h5 dfn, h6 dfn { font: inherit; }
-   img.extra { float: right; }
-   pre.idl { border: solid thin; background: #EEEEEE; color: black; padding: 0.5em 1em; }
-   pre.idl :link, pre.idl :visited { color: inherit; background: transparent; }
-   pre.css { border: solid thin; background: #FFFFEE; color: black; padding: 0.5em 1em; }
-   pre.css:first-line { color: #AAAA50; }
-   dl.domintro { color: green; margin: 2em 0 2em 2em; padding: 0.5em 1em; border: none; background: #EEFFEE; }
-   hr + dl.domintro, div.impl + dl.domintro { margin-top: 2.5em; margin-bottom: 1.5em; }
-   dl.domintro dt, dl.domintro dt * { color: black; text-decoration: none; }
-   dl.domintro dd { margin: 0.5em 0 1em 2em; padding: 0; }
-   dl.domintro dd p { margin: 0.5em 0; }
-   dl.switch { padding-left: 2em; }
-   dl.switch > dt { text-indent: -1.5em; }
-   dl.switch > dt:before { content: '\21AA'; padding: 0 0.5em 0 0; display: inline-block; width: 1em; text-align: right; line-height: 0.5em; }
-   dl.triple { padding: 0 0 0 1em; }
-   dl.triple dt, dl.triple dd { margin: 0; display: inline }
-   dl.triple dt:after { content: ':'; }
-   dl.triple dd:after { content: '\A'; white-space: pre; }
-   .diff-old { text-decoration: line-through; color: silver; background: transparent; }
-   .diff-chg, .diff-new { text-decoration: underline; color: green; background: transparent; }
-   a .diff-new { border-bottom: 1px blue solid; }
-   h2 { page-break-before: always; }
-   h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { page-break-after: avoid; }
-   h1 + h2, hr + { page-break-before: auto; }
-   p > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]), li > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]) { border-bottom: solid #9999CC; }
-   div.head { margin: 0 0 1em; padding: 1em 0 0 0; }
-   div.head p { margin: 0; }
-   div.head h1 { margin: 0; }
-   div.head .logo { float: right; margin: 0 1em; }
-   div.head .logo img { border: none } /* remove border from top image */
-   div.head dl { margin: 1em 0; }
-   p.copyright { font-size: x-small; font-style: oblique; margin: 0; }
-   body > .toc > li { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; }
-   body > .toc.brief > li { margin-top: 0.35em; margin-bottom: 0.35em; }
-   body > .toc > li > * { margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
-   body > .toc > li > * > li > * { margin-bottom: 0.25em; }
-   .toc, .toc li { list-style: none; }
-   .brief { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.1; }
-   .brief li { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-   .brief li p { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-   .category-list { margin-top: -0.75em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.5; }
-   .category-list::before { content: '\21D2\A0'; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 900; }
-   .category-list li { display: inline; }
-   .category-list li:not(:last-child)::after { content: ', '; }
-   .category-list li > span, .category-list li > a { text-transform: lowercase; }
-   .category-list li * { text-transform: none; } /* don't affect <code> nested in <a> */
-   .XXX { color: #E50000; background: white; border: solid red; padding: 0.5em; margin: 1em 0; }
-   .XXX > :first-child { margin-top: 0; }
-   p .XXX { line-height: 3em; }
-   .annotation { border: solid thin black; background: #0C479D; color: white; position: relative; margin: 8px 0 20px 0; }
-   .annotation:before { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 6px -6px -6px 6px; background: #333333; z-index: -1; content: ''; }
-   .annotation :link, .annotation :visited { color: inherit; }
-   .annotation :link:hover, .annotation :visited:hover { background: transparent; }
-   .annotation span { border: none ! important; }
-   .note { color: green; background: transparent; font-family: sans-serif; }
-   .warning { color: red; background: transparent; }
-   .note, .warning { font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; }
-   p.note, div.note { padding: 0.5em 2em; }
-   span.note { padding: 0 2em; }
-   .note p:first-child, .warning p:first-child { margin-top: 0; }
-   .note p:last-child, .warning p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; }
-   .warning:before { font-style: normal; }
-   p.note:before { content: 'Note: '; }
-   p.warning:before { content: '\26A0 Warning! '; }
-   .bookkeeping:before { display: block; content: 'Bookkeeping details'; font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; }
-   .bookkeeping { font-size: 0.8em; margin: 2em 0; }
-   .bookkeeping p { margin: 0.5em 2em; display: list-item; list-style: square; }
-   h4 { position: relative; z-index: 3; }
-   h4 + .element, h4 + div + .element { margin-top: -2.5em; padding-top: 2em; }
-   .element {
-     background: #EEEEFF;
-     color: black;
-     margin: 0 0 1em 0.15em;
-     padding: 0 1em 0.25em 0.75em;
-     border-left: solid #9999FF 0.25em;
-     position: relative;
-     z-index: 1;
-   }
-   .element:before {
-     position: absolute;
-     z-index: 2;
-     top: 0;
-     left: -1.15em;
-     height: 2em;
-     width: 0.9em;
-     background: #EEEEFF;
-     content: ' ';
-     border-style: none none solid solid;
-     border-color: #9999FF;
-     border-width: 0.25em;
-   }
-   .example { display: block; color: #222222; background: #FCFCFC; border-left: double; margin-left: 2em; padding-left: 1em; }
-   td > .example:only-child { margin: 0 0 0 0.1em; }
-   .tall-and-narrow {
-     font-size: 0.6em;
-     column-width: 25em;
-     column-gap: 1em;
-     -moz-column-width: 25em;
-     -moz-column-gap: 1em;
-     -webkit-column-width: 25em;
-     -webkit-column-gap: 1em;
-   }
-   ul.domTree, ul.domTree ul { padding: 0 0 0 1em; margin: 0; }
-   ul.domTree li { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; position: relative; }
-   ul.domTree li li { list-style: none; }
-   ul.domTree li:first-child::before { posit
\ No newline at end of file

Index: syntax.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/syntax.html,v
retrieving revision 1.35
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -d -r1.35 -r1.36
--- syntax.html	1 Sep 2009 04:47:20 -0000	1.35
+++ syntax.html	1 Sep 2009 05:52:55 -0000	1.36
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
-<html lang="en-US-x-Hixie"><head><title>9 The HTML syntax &#8212; HTML 5</title><style type="text/css">
-   pre { margin-left: 2em; white-space: pre-wrap; }
-   h2 { margin: 3em 0 1em 0; }
-   h3 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em 0; }
-   h4 { margin: 2.5em 0 0.75em 0; }
-   h5, h6 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em; }
-   h1 + h2, h1 + h2 + h2 { margin: 0.75em 0 0.75em; }
-   h2 + h3, h3 + h4, h4 + h5, h5 + h6 { margin-top: 0.5em; }
-   p { margin: 1em 0; }
-   hr:not(.top) { display: block; background: none; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 2em 0; height: auto; }
-   dl, dd { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }
-   dt { margin-top: 0.75em; margin-bottom: 0.25em; clear: left; }
-   dt + dt { margin-top: 0; }
-   dd dt { margin-top: 0.25em; margin-bottom: 0; }
-   dd p { margin-top: 0; }
-   dd dl + p { margin-top: 1em; }
-   dd table + p { margin-top: 1em; }
-   p + * > li, dd li { margin: 1em 0; }
-   dt, dfn { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; }
-   dt dfn { font-style: italic; }
-   pre, code { font-size: inherit; font-family: monospace; font-variant: normal; }
-   pre strong { color: black; font: inherit; font-weight: bold; background: yellow; }
-   pre em { font-weight: bolder; font-style: normal; }
-   @media screen { code { color: orangered; } code :link, code :visited { color: inherit; } }
-   var sub { vertical-align: bottom; font-size: smaller; position: relative; top: 0.1em; }
-   table { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden hidden none hidden; }
-   table thead { border-bottom: solid; }
-   table tbody th:first-child { border-left: solid; }
-   table td, table th { border-left: solid; border-right: solid; border-bottom: solid thin; vertical-align: top; padding: 0.2em; }
-   blockquote { margin: 0 0 0 2em; border: 0; padding: 0; font-style: italic; }
-   .bad, .bad *:not(.XXX) { color: gray; border-color: gray; background: transparent; }
-   .matrix, .matrix td { border: none; text-align: right; }
-   .matrix { margin-left: 2em; }
-   .dice-example { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden solid solid hidden; border-width: thin; margin-left: 3em; }
-   .dice-example caption { width: 30em; font-size: smaller; font-style: italic; padding: 0.75em 0; text-align: left; }
-   .dice-example td, .dice-example th { border: solid thin; width: 1.35em; height: 1.05em; text-align: center; padding: 0; }
-   .applies th > * { display: block; }
-   .applies thead code { display: block; }
-   .applies td { text-align: center; }
-   .applies .yes { background: yellow; }
-   .toc dfn, h1 dfn, h2 dfn, h3 dfn, h4 dfn, h5 dfn, h6 dfn { font: inherit; }
-   img.extra { float: right; }
-   pre.idl { border: solid thin; background: #EEEEEE; color: black; padding: 0.5em 1em; }
-   pre.idl :link, pre.idl :visited { color: inherit; background: transparent; }
-   pre.css { border: solid thin; background: #FFFFEE; color: black; padding: 0.5em 1em; }
-   pre.css:first-line { color: #AAAA50; }
-   dl.domintro { color: green; margin: 2em 0 2em 2em; padding: 0.5em 1em; border: none; background: #EEFFEE; }
-   hr + dl.domintro, div.impl + dl.domintro { margin-top: 2.5em; margin-bottom: 1.5em; }
-   dl.domintro dt, dl.domintro dt * { color: black; text-decoration: none; }
-   dl.domintro dd { margin: 0.5em 0 1em 2em; padding: 0; }
-   dl.domintro dd p { margin: 0.5em 0; }
-   dl.switch { padding-left: 2em; }
-   dl.switch > dt { text-indent: -1.5em; }
-   dl.switch > dt:before { content: '\21AA'; padding: 0 0.5em 0 0; display: inline-block; width: 1em; text-align: right; line-height: 0.5em; }
-   dl.triple { padding: 0 0 0 1em; }
-   dl.triple dt, dl.triple dd { margin: 0; display: inline }
-   dl.triple dt:after { content: ':'; }
-   dl.triple dd:after { content: '\A'; white-space: pre; }
-   .diff-old { text-decoration: line-through; color: silver; background: transparent; }
-   .diff-chg, .diff-new { text-decoration: underline; color: green; background: transparent; }
-   a .diff-new { border-bottom: 1px blue solid; }
-   h2 { page-break-before: always; }
-   h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { page-break-after: avoid; }
-   h1 + h2, hr + { page-break-before: auto; }
-   p > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]), li > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]) { border-bottom: solid #9999CC; }
-   div.head { margin: 0 0 1em; padding: 1em 0 0 0; }
-   div.head p { margin: 0; }
-   div.head h1 { margin: 0; }
-   div.head .logo { float: right; margin: 0 1em; }
-   div.head .logo img { border: none } /* remove border from top image */
-   div.head dl { margin: 1em 0; }
-   p.copyright { font-size: x-small; font-style: oblique; margin: 0; }
-   body > .toc > li { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; }
-   body > .toc.brief > li { margin-top: 0.35em; margin-bottom: 0.35em; }
-   body > .toc > li > * { margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
-   body > .toc > li > * > li > * { margin-bottom: 0.25em; }
-   .toc, .toc li { list-style: none; }
-   .brief { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.1; }
-   .brief li { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-   .brief li p { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-   .category-list { margin-top: -0.75em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.5; }
-   .category-list::before { content: '\21D2\A0'; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 900; }
-   .category-list li { display: inline; }
-   .category-list li:not(:last-child)::after { content: ', '; }
-   .category-list li > span, .category-list li > a { text-transform: lowercase; }
-   .category-list li * { text-transform: none; } /* don't affect <code> nested in <a> */
-   .XXX { color: #E50000; background: white; border: solid red; padding: 0.5em; margin: 1em 0; }
-   .XXX > :first-child { margin-top: 0; }
-   p .XXX { line-height: 3em; }
-   .annotation { border: solid thin black; background: #0C479D; color: white; position: relative; margin: 8px 0 20px 0; }
-   .annotation:before { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 6px -6px -6px 6px; background: #333333; z-index: -1; content: ''; }
-   .annotation :link, .annotation :visited { color: inherit; }
-   .annotation :link:hover, .annotation :visited:hover { background: transparent; }
-   .annotation span { border: none ! important; }
-   .note { color: green; background: transparent; font-family: sans-serif; }
-   .warning { color: red; background: transparent; }
-   .note, .warning { font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; }
-   p.note, div.note { padding: 0.5em 2em; }
-   span.note { padding: 0 2em; }
-   .note p:first-child, .warning p:first-child { margin-top: 0; }
-   .note p:last-child, .warning p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; }
-   .warning:before { font-style: normal; }
-   p.note:before { content: 'Note: '; }
-   p.warning:before { content: '\26A0 Warning! '; }
-   .bookkeeping:before { display: block; content: 'Bookkeeping details'; font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; }
-   .bookkeeping { font-size: 0.8em; margin: 2em 0; }
-   .bookkeeping p { margin: 0.5em 2em; display: list-item; list-style: square; }
-   h4 { position: relative; z-index: 3; }
-   h4 + .element, h4 + div + .element { margin-top: -2.5em; padding-top: 2em; }
-   .element {
-     background: #EEEEFF;
-     color: black;
-     margin: 0 0 1em 0.15em;
-     padding: 0 1em 0.25em 0.75em;
-     border-left: solid #9999FF 0.25em;
-     position: relative;
-     z-index: 1;
-   }
-   .element:before {
-     position: absolute;
-     z-index: 2;
-     top: 0;
-     left: -1.15em;
-     height: 2em;
-     width: 0.9em;
-     background: #EEEEFF;
-     content: ' ';
-     border-style: none none solid solid;
-     border-color: #9999FF;
-     border-width: 0.25em;
-   }
-   .example { display: block; color: #222222; background: #FCFCFC; border-left: double; margin-left: 2em; padding-left: 1em; }
-   td > .example:only-child { margin: 0 0 0 0.1em; }
-   .tall-and-narrow {
-     font-size: 0.6em;
-     column-width: 25em;
-     column-gap: 1em;
-     -moz-column-width: 25em;
-     -moz-column-gap: 1em;
-     -webkit-column-width: 25em;
-     -webkit-column-gap: 1em;
-   }
-   ul.domTree, ul.domTree ul { padding: 0 0 0 1em; margin: 0; }
-   ul.domTree li { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; position: relative; }
-   ul.domTree li li { list-style: none; }
-   ul.domTree li:first-child::before { position: absolute; top: 0; height: 0.6em; left: -0.75em; width: 0.5em; border-style: none none solid solid; content: ''; border-width: 0.1em; }
-   ul.domTree li:not(:last-child)::after { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: -0.6em; left: -0.75em; width: 0.5em; border-style: none none solid solid; content: ''; border-width: 0.1em; }
-   ul.domTree span { font-style: italic; font-family: serif; }
-   ul.domTree .t1 code { color: purple; font-weight: bold; }
-   ul.domTree .t2 { font-style: normal; font-family: monospace; }
-   ul.domTree .t2 .name { color: black; font-weight: bold; }
-   ul.domTree .t2 .value { color: blue; font-weight: normal; }
-   ul.domTree .t3 code, .domTree .t4 code, .domTree .t5 code { color: gray; }
-   ul.domTree .t7 code, .domTree .t8 code { color: green; }
-   ul.domTree .t10 code { color: teal; }
-  </style><link href="data:text/css," rel="stylesheet" title="Complete specification"><link href="data:text/css,.impl%20%7B%20display:%20none;%20%7D" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Author documentation only"><link href="data:text/css,.impl%20%7B%20background:%20%23FFEEEE;%20%7D" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Highlight implementation requirements"><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><!-- ZZZ ED vs WD --><link href="comms.html" title="8 Communication" rel="prev">
-  <link href="Overview.html#contents" title="Table of contents" rel="index">
-  <link href="named-character-references.html" title="9.2 Named character references" rel="next">
-  </head><body onload="fixBrokenLink(); fixBrokenLink()"><div class="head">
-   <p><a href=""><img alt="W3C" height="48" src="" width="72"></a></p>
-   <h1>HTML5</h1>
-   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="a-vocabulary-and-associated-apis-for-html-and-xhtml">A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML</h2>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-   </div><div>
-   <a href="comms.html">&#8592; 8 Communication</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="Overview.html#contents">Table of contents</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="named-character-references.html">9.2 Named character references &#8594;</a>
-  </div>
-  <h2 id="syntax"><span class="secno">9 </span><dfn>The HTML syntax</dfn></h2><p class="note">This section only describes the rules for
-  <code><a href="iana-considerations.html#text-html">text/html</a></code> resources. Rules for XML resources are
-  discussed in the section below entitled "<a href="the-xhtml-syntax.html#the-xhtml-syntax">The XHTML
-  syntax</a>".</p><h3 id="writing"><span class="secno">9.1 </span>Writing HTML documents</h3><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Working draft</i></p><p>Documents must consist of the following parts, in the given
-  order:</p><ol><li>Optionally, a single U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK (BOM) character.</li>
-   <li>Any number of <a href="#syntax-comments" title="syntax-comments">comments</a> and
-   <a href="#space-character" title="space character">space characters</a>.</li>
-   <li>A <a href="#syntax-doctype" title="syntax-doctype">DOCTYPE</a>.
-   </li><li>Any number of <a href="#syntax-comments" title="syntax-comments">comments</a> and
-   <a href="#space-character" title="space character">space characters</a>.</li>
-   <li>The root element, in the form of an <code><a href="semantics.html#the-html-element-0">html</a></code> <a href="#syntax-elements" title="syntax-elements">element</a>.</li>
-   <li>Any number of <a href="#syntax-comments" title="syntax-comments">comments</a> and
-   <a href="#space-character" title="space character">space characters</a>.</li>
-  </ol><p>The various types of content mentioned above are described in the
-  next few sections.</p><p>In addition, there are some restrictions on how <a href="semantics.html#character-encoding-declaration" title="character encoding declaration">character encoding
-  declarations</a> are to be serialized, as discussed in the
-  section on that topic.</p><div class="note">
-   <p>Space characters before the root <code><a href="semantics.html#the-html-element-0">html</a></code> elem
\ No newline at end of file

Index: obsolete.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/obsolete.html,v
retrieving revision 1.35
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -d -r1.35 -r1.36
--- obsolete.html	1 Sep 2009 04:47:20 -0000	1.35
+++ obsolete.html	1 Sep 2009 05:52:55 -0000	1.36
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
-<html lang="en-US-x-Hixie"><head><title>11 Obsolete features &#8212; HTML 5</title><style type="text/css">
-   pre { margin-left: 2em; white-space: pre-wrap; }
-   h2 { margin: 3em 0 1em 0; }
-   h3 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em 0; }
-   h4 { margin: 2.5em 0 0.75em 0; }
-   h5, h6 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em; }
-   h1 + h2, h1 + h2 + h2 { margin: 0.75em 0 0.75em; }
-   h2 + h3, h3 + h4, h4 + h5, h5 + h6 { margin-top: 0.5em; }
-   p { margin: 1em 0; }
-   hr:not(.top) { display: block; background: none; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 2em 0; height: auto; }
-   dl, dd { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }
-   dt { margin-top: 0.75em; margin-bottom: 0.25em; clear: left; }
-   dt + dt { margin-top: 0; }
-   dd dt { margin-top: 0.25em; margin-bottom: 0; }
-   dd p { margin-top: 0; }
-   dd dl + p { margin-top: 1em; }
-   dd table + p { margin-top: 1em; }
-   p + * > li, dd li { margin: 1em 0; }
-   dt, dfn { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; }
-   dt dfn { font-style: italic; }
-   pre, code { font-size: inherit; font-family: monospace; font-variant: normal; }
-   pre strong { color: black; font: inherit; font-weight: bold; background: yellow; }
-   pre em { font-weight: bolder; font-style: normal; }
-   @media screen { code { color: orangered; } code :link, code :visited { color: inherit; } }
-   var sub { vertical-align: bottom; font-size: smaller; position: relative; top: 0.1em; }
-   table { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden hidden none hidden; }
-   table thead { border-bottom: solid; }
-   table tbody th:first-child { border-left: solid; }
-   table td, table th { border-left: solid; border-right: solid; border-bottom: solid thin; vertical-align: top; padding: 0.2em; }
-   blockquote { margin: 0 0 0 2em; border: 0; padding: 0; font-style: italic; }
-   .bad, .bad *:not(.XXX) { color: gray; border-color: gray; background: transparent; }
-   .matrix, .matrix td { border: none; text-align: right; }
-   .matrix { margin-left: 2em; }
-   .dice-example { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden solid solid hidden; border-width: thin; margin-left: 3em; }
-   .dice-example caption { width: 30em; font-size: smaller; font-style: italic; padding: 0.75em 0; text-align: left; }
-   .dice-example td, .dice-example th { border: solid thin; width: 1.35em; height: 1.05em; text-align: center; padding: 0; }
-   .applies th > * { display: block; }
-   .applies thead code { display: block; }
-   .applies td { text-align: center; }
-   .applies .yes { background: yellow; }
-   .toc dfn, h1 dfn, h2 dfn, h3 dfn, h4 dfn, h5 dfn, h6 dfn { font: inherit; }
-   img.extra { float: right; }
-   pre.idl { border: solid thin; background: #EEEEEE; color: black; padding: 0.5em 1em; }
-   pre.idl :link, pre.idl :visited { color: inherit; background: transparent; }
-   pre.css { border: solid thin; background: #FFFFEE; color: black; padding: 0.5em 1em; }
-   pre.css:first-line { color: #AAAA50; }
-   dl.domintro { color: green; margin: 2em 0 2em 2em; padding: 0.5em 1em; border: none; background: #EEFFEE; }
-   hr + dl.domintro, div.impl + dl.domintro { margin-top: 2.5em; margin-bottom: 1.5em; }
-   dl.domintro dt, dl.domintro dt * { color: black; text-decoration: none; }
-   dl.domintro dd { margin: 0.5em 0 1em 2em; padding: 0; }
-   dl.domintro dd p { margin: 0.5em 0; }
-   dl.switch { padding-left: 2em; }
-   dl.switch > dt { text-indent: -1.5em; }
-   dl.switch > dt:before { content: '\21AA'; padding: 0 0.5em 0 0; display: inline-block; width: 1em; text-align: right; line-height: 0.5em; }
-   dl.triple { padding: 0 0 0 1em; }
-   dl.triple dt, dl.triple dd { margin: 0; display: inline }
-   dl.triple dt:after { content: ':'; }
-   dl.triple dd:after { content: '\A'; white-space: pre; }
-   .diff-old { text-decoration: line-through; color: silver; background: transparent; }
-   .diff-chg, .diff-new { text-decoration: underline; color: green; background: transparent; }
-   a .diff-new { border-bottom: 1px blue solid; }
-   h2 { page-break-before: always; }
-   h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { page-break-after: avoid; }
-   h1 + h2, hr + { page-break-before: auto; }
-   p > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]), li > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]) { border-bottom: solid #9999CC; }
-   div.head { margin: 0 0 1em; padding: 1em 0 0 0; }
-   div.head p { margin: 0; }
-   div.head h1 { margin: 0; }
-   div.head .logo { float: right; margin: 0 1em; }
-   div.head .logo img { border: none } /* remove border from top image */
-   div.head dl { margin: 1em 0; }
-   p.copyright { font-size: x-small; font-style: oblique; margin: 0; }
-   body > .toc > li { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; }
-   body > .toc.brief > li { margin-top: 0.35em; margin-bottom: 0.35em; }
-   body > .toc > li > * { margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
-   body > .toc > li > * > li > * { margin-bottom: 0.25em; }
-   .toc, .toc li { list-style: none; }
-   .brief { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.1; }
-   .brief li { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-   .brief li p { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-   .category-list { margin-top: -0.75em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.5; }
-   .category-list::before { content: '\21D2\A0'; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 900; }
-   .category-list li { display: inline; }
-   .category-list li:not(:last-child)::after { content: ', '; }
-   .category-list li > span, .category-list li > a { text-transform: lowercase; }
-   .category-list li * { text-transform: none; } /* don't affect <code> nested in <a> */
-   .XXX { color: #E50000; background: white; border: solid red; padding: 0.5em; margin: 1em 0; }
-   .XXX > :first-child { margin-top: 0; }
-   p .XXX { line-height: 3em; }
-   .annotation { border: solid thin black; background: #0C479D; color: white; position: relative; margin: 8px 0 20px 0; }
-   .annotation:before { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 6px -6px -6px 6px; background: #333333; z-index: -1; content: ''; }
-   .annotation :link, .annotation :visited { color: inherit; }
-   .annotation :link:hover, .annotation :visited:hover { background: transparent; }
-   .annotation span { border: none ! important; }
-   .note { color: green; background: transparent; font-family: sans-serif; }
-   .warning { color: red; background: transparent; }
-   .note, .warning { font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; }
-   p.note, div.note { padding: 0.5em 2em; }
-   span.note { padding: 0 2em; }
-   .note p:first-child, .warning p:first-child { margin-top: 0; }
-   .note p:last-child, .warning p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; }
-   .warning:before { font-style: normal; }
-   p.note:before { content: 'Note: '; }
-   p.warning:before { content: '\26A0 Warning! '; }
-   .bookkeeping:before { display: block; content: 'Bookkeeping details'; font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; }
-   .bookkeeping { font-size: 0.8em; margin: 2em 0; }
-   .bookkeeping p { margin: 0.5em 2em; display: list-item; list-style: square; }
-   h4 { position: relative; z-index: 3; }
-   h4 + .element, h4 + div + .element { margin-top: -2.5em; padding-top: 2em; }
-   .element {
-     background: #EEEEFF;
-     color: black;
-     margin: 0 0 1em 0.15em;
-     padding: 0 1em 0.25em 0.75em;
-     border-left: solid #9999FF 0.25em;
-     position: relative;
-     z-index: 1;
-   }
-   .element:before {
-     position: absolute;
-     z-index: 2;
-     top: 0;
-     left: -1.15em;
-     height: 2em;
-     width: 0.9em;
-     background: #EEEEFF;
-     content: ' ';
-     border-style: none none solid solid;
-     border-color: #9999FF;
-     border-width: 0.25em;
-   }
-   .example { display: block; color: #222222; background: #FCFCFC; border-left: double; margin-left: 2em; padding-left: 1em; }
-   td > .example:only-child { margin: 0 0 0 0.1em; }
-   .tall-and-narrow {
-     font-size: 0.6em;
-     column-width: 25em;
-     column-gap: 1em;
-     -moz-column-width: 25em;
-     -moz-column-gap: 1em;
-     -webkit-column-width: 25em;
-     -webkit-column-gap: 1em;
-   }
-   ul.domTree, ul.domTree ul { padding: 0 0 0 1em; margin: 0; }
-   ul.domTree li { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; position: relative; }
-   ul.domTree li li { list-style: none; }
-   ul.domTree li:first-child::before { position: absolute; top: 0; height: 0.6em; left: -0.75em; width: 0.5em; border-style: none none solid solid; content: ''; border-width: 0.1em; }
-   ul.domTree li:not(:last-child)::after { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: -0.6em; left: -0.75em; width: 0.5em; border-style: none none solid solid; content: ''; border-width: 0.1em; }
-   ul.domTree span { font-style: italic; font-family: serif; }
-   ul.domTree .t1 code { color: purple; font-weight: bold; }
-   ul.domTree .t2 { font-style: normal; font-family: monospace; }
-   ul.domTree .t2 .name { color: black; font-weight: bold; }
-   ul.domTree .t2 .value { color: blue; font-weight: normal; }
-   ul.domTree .t3 code, .domTree .t4 code, .domTree .t5 code { color: gray; }
-   ul.domTree .t7 code, .domTree .t8 code { color: green; }
-   ul.domTree .t10 code { color: teal; }
-  </style><link href="data:text/css," rel="stylesheet" title="Complete specification"><link href="data:text/css,.impl%20%7B%20display:%20none;%20%7D" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Author documentation only"><link href="data:text/css,.impl%20%7B%20background:%20%23FFEEEE;%20%7D" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Highlight implementation requirements"><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><!-- ZZZ ED vs WD --><link href="the-xhtml-syntax.html" title="10 The XHTML syntax" rel="prev">
-  <link href="Overview.html#contents" title="Table of contents" rel="index">
-  <link href="no.html" title="12 Things that you can't do with this specification because they are better handled using other technologies that are further described herein" rel="next">
-  </head><body onload="fixBrokenLink(); fixBrokenLink()"><div class="head">
-   <p><a href=""><img alt="W3C" height="48" src="" width="72"></a></p>
-   <h1>HTML5</h1>
-   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="a-vocabulary-and-associated-apis-for-html-and-xhtml">A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML</h2>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-   </div><div>
-   <a href="the-xhtml-syntax.html">&#8592; 10 The XHTML syntax</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="Overview.html#contents">Table of contents</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="no.html">12 Things that you can't do with this specification because they are better handled using other technologies that are further described herein &#8594;</a>
-  </div>
-  <h2 id="obsolete"><span class="secno">11 </span>Obsolete features</h2><h3 id="obsolete-but-conforming-features"><span class="secno">11.1 </span>Obsolete but conforming features</h3><p>Features listed in this section will trigger warnings in
-  conformance checkers.</p><p>In <a href="syntax.html#syntax">the HTML syntax</a>, authors should not specify <a href="syntax.html#syntax-doctype" title="syntax-DOCTYPE">DOCTYPE</a>s that get parsed as <a href="#obsolete-permitted-doctype" title="obsolete permitted DOCTYPE">obsolete permitted
-  DOCTYPEs</a>.</p><!-- this is poor form; we really should define
-  this in the syntax section somehow --><p>Authors should not specify an <code title="attr-meta-http-equiv"><a href="semantics.html#attr-meta-http-equiv">http-equiv</a></code> attribute in the
-  <a href="semantics.html#attr-meta-http-equiv-content-language" title="attr-meta-http-equiv-content-language">Content
-  Language</a> state on a <code><a href="semantics.html#meta">meta</a></code> element. The <code title="attr-lang"><a href="dom.html#attr-lang">lang</a></code> attribute should be used instead.</p><p>Authors should not specify a <code title="attr-img-border"><a href="#attr-img-border">border</a></code> attribute on an
-  <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-img-element">img</a></code> element. If the attribute is present, its value
-  must be the string "<code title="">0</code>". CSS should be used
-  instead.</p><p>Authors should not specify a <code title="attr-script-language"><a href="#attr-script-language">language</a></code> attribute on a
-  <code><a href="semantics.html#script">script</a></code> element. If the attribute is present, its value
-  must be an <a href="
\ No newline at end of file

Index: named-character-references.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/named-character-references.html,v
retrieving revision 1.35
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -d -r1.35 -r1.36
--- named-character-references.html	1 Sep 2009 04:47:20 -0000	1.35
+++ named-character-references.html	1 Sep 2009 05:52:55 -0000	1.36
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
-<html lang="en-US-x-Hixie"><head><title>9.2 Named character references &#8212; HTML 5</title><style type="text/css">
-   pre { margin-left: 2em; white-space: pre-wrap; }
-   h2 { margin: 3em 0 1em 0; }
-   h3 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em 0; }
-   h4 { margin: 2.5em 0 0.75em 0; }
-   h5, h6 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em; }
-   h1 + h2, h1 + h2 + h2 { margin: 0.75em 0 0.75em; }
-   h2 + h3, h3 + h4, h4 + h5, h5 + h6 { margin-top: 0.5em; }
-   p { margin: 1em 0; }
-   hr:not(.top) { display: block; background: none; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 2em 0; height: auto; }
-   dl, dd { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }
-   dt { margin-top: 0.75em; margin-bottom: 0.25em; clear: left; }
-   dt + dt { margin-top: 0; }
-   dd dt { margin-top: 0.25em; margin-bottom: 0; }
-   dd p { margin-top: 0; }
-   dd dl + p { margin-top: 1em; }
-   dd table + p { margin-top: 1em; }
-   p + * > li, dd li { margin: 1em 0; }
-   dt, dfn { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; }
-   dt dfn { font-style: italic; }
-   pre, code { font-size: inherit; font-family: monospace; font-variant: normal; }
-   pre strong { color: black; font: inherit; font-weight: bold; background: yellow; }
-   pre em { font-weight: bolder; font-style: normal; }
-   @media screen { code { color: orangered; } code :link, code :visited { color: inherit; } }
-   var sub { vertical-align: bottom; font-size: smaller; position: relative; top: 0.1em; }
-   table { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden hidden none hidden; }
-   table thead { border-bottom: solid; }
-   table tbody th:first-child { border-left: solid; }
-   table td, table th { border-left: solid; border-right: solid; border-bottom: solid thin; vertical-align: top; padding: 0.2em; }
-   blockquote { margin: 0 0 0 2em; border: 0; padding: 0; font-style: italic; }
-   .bad, .bad *:not(.XXX) { color: gray; border-color: gray; background: transparent; }
-   .matrix, .matrix td { border: none; text-align: right; }
-   .matrix { margin-left: 2em; }
-   .dice-example { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden solid solid hidden; border-width: thin; margin-left: 3em; }
-   .dice-example caption { width: 30em; font-size: smaller; font-style: italic; padding: 0.75em 0; text-align: left; }
-   .dice-example td, .dice-example th { border: solid thin; width: 1.35em; height: 1.05em; text-align: center; padding: 0; }
-   .applies th > * { display: block; }
-   .applies thead code { display: block; }
-   .applies td { text-align: center; }
-   .applies .yes { background: yellow; }
-   .toc dfn, h1 dfn, h2 dfn, h3 dfn, h4 dfn, h5 dfn, h6 dfn { font: inherit; }
-   img.extra { float: right; }
-   pre.idl { border: solid thin; background: #EEEEEE; color: black; padding: 0.5em 1em; }
-   pre.idl :link, pre.idl :visited { color: inherit; background: transparent; }
-   pre.css { border: solid thin; background: #FFFFEE; color: black; padding: 0.5em 1em; }
-   pre.css:first-line { color: #AAAA50; }
-   dl.domintro { color: green; margin: 2em 0 2em 2em; padding: 0.5em 1em; border: none; background: #EEFFEE; }
-   hr + dl.domintro, div.impl + dl.domintro { margin-top: 2.5em; margin-bottom: 1.5em; }
-   dl.domintro dt, dl.domintro dt * { color: black; text-decoration: none; }
-   dl.domintro dd { margin: 0.5em 0 1em 2em; padding: 0; }
-   dl.domintro dd p { margin: 0.5em 0; }
-   dl.switch { padding-left: 2em; }
-   dl.switch > dt { text-indent: -1.5em; }
-   dl.switch > dt:before { content: '\21AA'; padding: 0 0.5em 0 0; display: inline-block; width: 1em; text-align: right; line-height: 0.5em; }
-   dl.triple { padding: 0 0 0 1em; }
-   dl.triple dt, dl.triple dd { margin: 0; display: inline }
-   dl.triple dt:after { content: ':'; }
-   dl.triple dd:after { content: '\A'; white-space: pre; }
-   .diff-old { text-decoration: line-through; color: silver; background: transparent; }
-   .diff-chg, .diff-new { text-decoration: underline; color: green; background: transparent; }
-   a .diff-new { border-bottom: 1px blue solid; }
-   h2 { page-break-before: always; }
-   h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { page-break-after: avoid; }
-   h1 + h2, hr + { page-break-before: auto; }
-   p > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]), li > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]) { border-bottom: solid #9999CC; }
-   div.head { margin: 0 0 1em; padding: 1em 0 0 0; }
-   div.head p { margin: 0; }
-   div.head h1 { margin: 0; }
-   div.head .logo { float: right; margin: 0 1em; }
-   div.head .logo img { border: none } /* remove border from top image */
-   div.head dl { margin: 1em 0; }
-   p.copyright { font-size: x-small; font-style: oblique; margin: 0; }
-   body > .toc > li { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; }
-   body > .toc.brief > li { margin-top: 0.35em; margin-bottom: 0.35em; }
-   body > .toc > li > * { margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
-   body > .toc > li > * > li > * { margin-bottom: 0.25em; }
-   .toc, .toc li { list-style: none; }
-   .brief { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.1; }
-   .brief li { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-   .brief li p { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-   .category-list { margin-top: -0.75em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.5; }
-   .category-list::before { content: '\21D2\A0'; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 900; }
-   .category-list li { display: inline; }
-   .category-list li:not(:last-child)::after { content: ', '; }
-   .category-list li > span, .category-list li > a { text-transform: lowercase; }
-   .category-list li * { text-transform: none; } /* don't affect <code> nested in <a> */
-   .XXX { color: #E50000; background: white; border: solid red; padding: 0.5em; margin: 1em 0; }
-   .XXX > :first-child { margin-top: 0; }
-   p .XXX { line-height: 3em; }
-   .annotation { border: solid thin black; background: #0C479D; color: white; position: relative; margin: 8px 0 20px 0; }
-   .annotation:before { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 6px -6px -6px 6px; background: #333333; z-index: -1; content: ''; }
-   .annotation :link, .annotation :visited { color: inherit; }
-   .annotation :link:hover, .annotation :visited:hover { background: transparent; }
-   .annotation span { border: none ! important; }
-   .note { color: green; background: transparent; font-family: sans-serif; }
-   .warning { color: red; background: transparent; }
-   .note, .warning { font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; }
-   p.note, div.note { padding: 0.5em 2em; }
-   span.note { padding: 0 2em; }
-   .note p:first-child, .warning p:first-child { margin-top: 0; }
-   .note p:last-child, .warning p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; }
-   .warning:before { font-style: normal; }
-   p.note:before { content: 'Note: '; }
-   p.warning:before { content: '\26A0 Warning! '; }
-   .bookkeeping:before { display: block; content: 'Bookkeeping details'; font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; }
-   .bookkeeping { font-size: 0.8em; margin: 2em 0; }
-   .bookkeeping p { margin: 0.5em 2em; display: list-item; list-style: square; }
-   h4 { position: relative; z-index: 3; }
-   h4 + .element, h4 + div + .element { margin-top: -2.5em; padding-top: 2em; }
-   .element {
-     background: #EEEEFF;
-     color: black;
-     margin: 0 0 1em 0.15em;
-     padding: 0 1em 0.25em 0.75em;
-     border-left: solid #9999FF 0.25em;
-     position: relative;
-     z-index: 1;
-   }
-   .element:before {
-     position: absolute;
-     z-index: 2;
-     top: 0;
-     left: -1.15em;
-     height: 2em;
-     width: 0.9em;
-     background: #EEEEFF;
-     content: ' ';
-     border-style: none none solid solid;
-     border-color: #9999FF;
-     border-width: 0.25em;
-   }
-   .example { display: block; color: #222222; background: #FCFCFC; border-left: double; margin-left: 2em; padding-left: 1em; }
-   td > .example:only-child { margin: 0 0 0 0.1em; }
-   .tall-and-narrow {
-     font-size: 0.6em;
-     column-width: 25em;
-     column-gap: 1em;
-     -moz-column-width: 25em;
-     -moz-column-gap: 1em;
-     -webkit-column-width: 25em;
-     -webkit-column-gap: 1em;
-   }
-   ul.domTree, ul.domTree ul { padding: 0 0 0 1em; margin: 0; }
-   ul.domTree li { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; position: relative; }
-   ul.domTree li li { list-style: none; }
-   ul.domTree li:first-child
\ No newline at end of file

Index: comms.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/comms.html,v
retrieving revision 1.34
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -d -r1.34 -r1.35
--- comms.html	1 Sep 2009 04:46:20 -0000	1.34
+++ comms.html	1 Sep 2009 05:52:55 -0000	1.35
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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
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-  </style><link href="data:text/css," rel="stylesheet" title="Complete specification"><link href="data:text/css,.impl%20%7B%20display:%20none;%20%7D" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Author documentation only"><link href="data:text/css,.impl%20%7B%20background:%20%23FFEEEE;%20%7D" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Highlight implementation requirements"><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><!-- ZZZ ED vs WD --><link href="editing.html" title="7 User Interaction" rel="prev">
-  <link href="Overview.html#contents" title="Table of contents" rel="index">
-  <link href="syntax.html" title="9 The HTML syntax" rel="next">
-  </head><body onload="fixBrokenLink(); fixBrokenLink()"><div class="head">
-   <p><a href=""><img alt="W3C" height="48" src="" width="72"></a></p>
-   <h1>HTML5</h1>
-   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="a-vocabulary-and-associated-apis-for-html-and-xhtml">A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML</h2>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-   </div><div>
-   <a href="editing.html">&#8592; 7 User Interaction</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="Overview.html#contents">Table of contents</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="syntax.html">9 The HTML syntax &#8594;</a>
-  </div>
-  <h2 id="comms"><span class="secno">8 </span>Communication</h2><h3 id="event-definitions"><span class="secno">8.1 </span>Event definitions</h3><!-- XXX cross-references for SSE and WS need fixing now that this is cross-spec --><p>Messages in <span>server-sent events</span>, <span>Web
-  sockets</span>, <a href="#crossDocumentMessages">cross-document messaging</a>, and
-  <a href="#channel-messaging">channel messaging</a> use the <dfn id="event-message" title="event-message"><code>message</code></dfn> event.</p><p>The following interface is defined for this event:</p><pre class="idl">interface <dfn id="messageevent">MessageEvent</dfn> : Event {
-  readonly attribute any <a href="#dom-messageevent-data" title="dom-MessageEvent-data">data</a>;
-  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-messageevent-origin" title="dom-MessageEvent-origin">origin</a>;
-  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-messageevent-lasteventid" title="dom-MessageEvent-lastEventId">lastEventId</a>;
-  readonly attribute <a href="#windowproxy">WindowProxy</a> <a href="#dom-messageevent-source" title="dom-MessageEvent-source">source</a>;
-  readonly attribute <a href="#messageportarray">MessagePortArray</a> <a href="#dom-messageevent-ports" title="dom-MessageEvent-ports">ports</a>;
-  void <a href="#dom-messageevent-initmessageevent" title="dom-MessageEvent-initMessageEvent">initMessageEvent</a>(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in any dataArg, in DOMString originArg, in DOMString lastEventIdArg, in <a href="#windowproxy">WindowProxy</a> sourceArg, in <a href="#messageportarray">MessagePortArray</a> portsArg);
-  void <a href="#dom-messageevent-initmessageeventns" title="dom-MessageEvent-initMessageEventNS">initMessageEventNS</a>(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in any dataArg, in DOMString originArg, in DOMString lastEventIdArg, in <a href="#windowproxy">WindowProxy</a> sourceArg, in <a href="#messageportarray">MessagePortArray</a> portsArg);
-};</pre><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">event</var> . <code title="dom-MessageEvent-data"><a href="#dom-messageevent-data">data</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the data of the message.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">event</var> . <code title="dom-MessageEvent-origin"><a href="#dom-messageevent-origin">origin</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the origin of the message, for <span>server-sent
-    events</span> and <a href="#crossDocumentMessages">cross-document messaging</a>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">event</var> . <code title="dom-MessageEvent-lastEventId"><a href="#dom-messageevent-lasteventid">lastEventId</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the last event ID, for <span>server-sent
-    events</span>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">event</var> . <code title="dom-MessageEvent-source"><a href="#dom-messageevent-source">source</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the <code><a href="#windowproxy">WindowProxy</a></code> of the source window, for
-    <a href="#crossDocumentMessages">cross-document messaging</a>.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">event</var> . <code title="dom-MessageEvent-ports"><a href="#dom-messageevent-ports">ports</a></code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the <code><a href="#messageportarray">MessagePortArray</a></code> sent with the
-    message, for <a href="#crossDocumentMessages">cross-document messaging</a> and
-    <a href="#channel-messaging">channel messaging</a>.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h3 id="crossDocumentMessages"><span class="secno">8.2 </span><dfn>Cross-document messaging</dfn></h3><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Awaiting implementation feedback</i></p><p>Web browsers, for security and privacy reasons, prevent documents
-  in different domains from affecting each other; that is, cross-site
-  scripting is disallowed.</p><p>While this is an important security feature, it prevents pages
-  from different domains from communicating even when those pages are
-  not hostile. This section introduces a messaging system that allows
-  documents to communicate with each other regardless of their source
-  domain, in a way designed to not enable cross-site scripting
-  attacks.</p><h4 id="introduction-6"><span class="secno">8.2.1 </span>Introduction</h4><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><div class="example">
-   <p>For example, if document A contains an <code><a href="text-level-semantics.html#the-iframe-element">iframe</a></code>
-   element that contains document B, and script in document A calls
-   <code title="dom-window-postMessage-2"><a href="#dom-window-postmessage-2">postMessage()</a></code> on the
-   <code><a href="browsers.html#window">Window</a></code> object of document B, then a message event will
-   be fired on that object, marked as originating from the
-   <code><a href="browsers.html#window">Window</a></code> of document A. The script in document A might
-   look like:</p>
-   <pre>var o = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];
-o.contentWindow.postMessage('Hello world', '');</pre>
-   <p>To register an event handler for incoming events, the script
-   would use <code title="">addEventListener()</code> (or similar
-   mechanisms). For example, the script in document B might look
-   like:</p>
-   <pre>window.addEventListener('message', receiver, false);
-function receiver(e) {
-  if (e.origin == '') {
-    if ( == 'Hello world') {
-      e.source.postMessage('Hello', e.origin);
-    } else {
-      alert(;
-    }
-  }
-   <p>This script first checks the domain is the expected domain, and
-   then looks at the message, which it either displays to the user, or
-   responds to by sending a message back to the document which sent
-   the message in the first place.</p>
-  </div><h4 id="security-4"><span class="secno">8.2.2 </span>Security</h4><p class="warning">Use of this API requires extra care to protect
-  users from hostile entities abusing a site for their own
-  purposes.</p><p>Authors should check the <code title="dom-MessageEvent-origin"><a href="#dom-messageevent-origin">origin</a></code> attribute to ensure
-  that messages are only accepted from domains that they expect to
-  receive messages from. Otherwise, bugs in the author's message
-  handling code could be exploited by hostile sites.</p><p>Furthermore, even after checking the <code title="dom-MessageEvent-origin"><a href="#dom-messageevent-origin">origin</a></code> attribute, authors
-  should also check that the data in question is of the expected
-  format. Otherwise, if the source of the event has been attacked
-  using a cross-site scripting flaw, further unchecked processing of
-  information sent using the <code title="dom-window-postMessage-2"><a href="#dom-window-postmessage-2">postMessage()</a></code> method could
-  result in the attack being propagated into the receiver.</p><p>Authors should not use the wildcard keyword ("*") in the <var title="">targetOrigin</var> argument in messages that contain any
-  confidential information, as otherwise there is no way to guarantee
-  that the message is only delivered to the recipient to which it was
-  intended.</p><h4 id="posting-messages"><span class="secno">8.2.3 </span>Posting messages</h4><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">window</var> . <code title="dom-window-postMessage-2"><a href="#dom-window-postmessage-2">postMessage</a></code>(<var title="">message</var>, [ <var title="">ports</var>, ] <var title="">targetOrigin</var>)</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Posts a message, optionally with an array of ports, to the
-    given window.</p>
-    <p>If the origin of the target window doesn't match the given
-    origin, the message is discarded, to avoid information leakage. To
-    send the message to the target regardless of origin, set the
-    target origin to "<code title="">*</code>".</p>
-    <p>Throws an <code><a href="infrastructure.html#invalid_state_err">INVALID_STATE_ERR</a></code> if the <var title="">ports</var> array is not null and it contains either null
-    entries or duplicate ports.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h3 id="channel-messaging"><span class="secno">8.3 </span><dfn>Channel messaging</dfn></h3><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Last call for comments</i></p><h4 id="introduction-7"><span class="secno">8.3.1 </span>Introduction</h4><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p class="XXX">An introduction to the channel and port
-  APIs.</p><h4 id="message-channels"><span class="secno">8.3.2 </span>Message channels</h4><pre class="idl">[<a href="#dom-messagechannel" title="dom-MessageChannel">Constructor</a>]
-interface <dfn id="messagechannel">MessageChannel</dfn> {
-  readonly attribute <a href="#messageport">MessagePort</a> <a href="#dom-channel-port1" title="dom-channel-port1">port1</a>;
-  readonly attribute <a href="#messageport">MessagePort</a> <a href="#dom-channel-port2" title="dom-channel-port2">port2</a>;
-};</pre><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">channel</var> = new <code title="dom-MessageChannel"><a href="#dom-messagechannel">MessageChannel</a></code>()</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns a new <code><a href="#messagechannel">MessageChannel</a></code> object with two new <code><a href="#messageport">MessagePort</a></code> objects.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">channel</var> . <code title="dom-MessageChannel-port1">port1</code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the first <code><a href="#messageport">MessagePort</a></code> object.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">channel</var> . <code title="dom-MessageChannel-port2">port2</code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns the second <code><a href="#messageport">MessagePort</a></code> object.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h4 id="message-ports"><span class="secno">8.3.3 </span>Message ports</h4><p>Each channel has two message ports. Data sent through one port is
-  received by the other port, and vice versa.</p><pre class="idl">typedef sequence&lt;MessagePort&gt; <dfn id="messageportarray">MessagePortArray</dfn>;
-interface <dfn id="messageport">MessagePort</dfn> {
-<!-- v2-onclose  readonly attribute boolean <span title="dom-MessagePort-active">active</span>;
--->  void <a href="#dom-messageport-postmessage" title="dom-MessagePort-postMessage">postMessage</a>(in any message, optional in <a href="#messageportarray">MessagePortArray</a> ports);<!--
-  <span>MessagePort</span> <span title="dom-MessagePort-startConversation">startConversation</span>(in any message);-->
-  void <a href="#dom-messageport-start" title="dom-MessagePort-start">start</a>();
-  void <a href="#dom-messageport-close" title="dom-MessagePort-close">close</a>();
-  // event handler attributes
-           attribute <a href="#function">Function</a> <a href="#handler-messageport-onmessage" title="handler-MessagePort-onmessage">onmessage</a>;
-};</pre><dl class="domintro"><!-- v2-onclose
-   <dt><var title="">port</var> . <code title="dom-MessagePort-active">active</code></dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Returns true if the port is still active; otherwise, returns false.</p>
-   </dd>
---><dt><var title="">port</var> . <code title="dom-MessagePort-poseMessage">postMessage</code>(<var title="">message</var> [, <var title="">ports</var>] )</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Posts a message through the channel, optionally with the given
-    ports.</p>
-    <p>Throws an <code><a href="infrastructure.html#invalid_state_err">INVALID_STATE_ERR</a></code> if the <var title="">ports</var> array is not null and it contains either null
-    entries, duplicate ports, or the source or target port.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">port</var> . <code title="dom-MessagePort-start"><a href="#dom-messageport-start">start</a></code>()</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Begins dispatching messages received on the port.</p>
-   </dd>
-   <dt><var title="">port</var> . <code title="dom-MessagePort-close"><a href="#dom-messageport-close">close</a></code>()</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>Disconnects the port, so that it is no longer active.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><h5 id="ports-and-garbage-collection"><span class="secno"> </span>Ports and garbage collection</h5><p class="note">Authors are strongly encouraged to explicitly close
-  <code><a href="#messageport">MessagePort</a></code> objects to disentangle them, so that their
-  resources can be recollected. Creating many <code><a href="#messageport">MessagePort</a></code>
-  objects and discarding them without closing them can lead to high
-  memory usage.</p></body></html>
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Index: introduction.html
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retrieving revision 1.35
retrieving revision 1.36
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-  <link href="infrastructure.html" title="2 Common infrastructure" rel="next">
-  </head><body onload="fixBrokenLink(); fixBrokenLink()"><div class="head">
-   <p><a href=""><img alt="W3C" height="48" src="" width="72"></a></p>
-   <h1>HTML5</h1>
-   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="a-vocabulary-and-associated-apis-for-html-and-xhtml">A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML</h2>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-   </div><div>
-   <a href="Overview.html#contents">Table of contents</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="infrastructure.html">2 Common infrastructure &#8594;</a>
-  </div>
-  <h2 id="introduction"><span class="secno">1 </span>Introduction</h2><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Working draft</i></p><h3 id="background"><span class="secno">1.1 </span>Background</h3><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>The World Wide Web's markup language has always been HTML. HTML
-  was primarily designed as a language for semantically describing
-  scientific documents, although its general design and adaptations
-  over the years have enabled it to be used to describe a number of
-  other types of documents.</p><p>The main area that has not been adequately addressed by HTML is a
-  vague subject referred to as Web Applications. This specification
-  attempts to rectify this, while at the same time updating the HTML
-  specifications to address issues raised in the past few years.</p><h3 id="audience"><span class="secno">1.2 </span>Audience</h3><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Working draft</i></p><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>This specification is intended for authors of documents and
-  scripts that use the features defined in this specification, implementors of tools that operate on pages that use
-  the features defined in this specification, and individuals wishing
-  to establish the correctness of documents or implementations with
-  respect to the requirements of this specification</p><p>This document is probably not suited to readers who do not
-  already have at least a passing familiarity with Web technologies,
-  as in places it sacrifices clarity for precision, and brevity for
-  completeness. More approachable tutorials and authoring guides can
-  provide a gentler introduction to the topic.</p><p>In particular, familiarity with the basics of DOM Core and DOM
-  Events is necessary for a complete understanding of some of the more
-  technical parts of this specification. An understanding of Web IDL,
-  HTTP, XML, Unicode, character encodings, JavaScript, and CSS will
-  also be helpful in places but is not essential.</p><h3 id="scope"><span class="secno">1.3 </span>Scope</h3><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>This specification is limited to providing a semantic-level
-  markup language and associated semantic-level scripting APIs for
-  authoring accessible pages on the Web ranging from static documents
-  to dynamic applications.</p><p>The scope of this specification does not include providing
-  mechanisms for media-specific customization of presentation
-  (although default rendering rules for Web browsers are included at
-  the end of this specification, and several mechanisms for hooking
-  into CSS are provided as part of the language).</p><p>The scope of this specification does not include documenting
-  every HTML or DOM feature supported by Web browsers. Browsers
-  support many features that are considered to be very bad for
-  accessibility or that are otherwise inappropriate. For example, the
-  <code><a href="#blink">blink</a></code> element is clearly presentational and authors
-  wishing to cause text to blink should instead use CSS.</p><p>The scope of this specification is not to describe an entire
-  operating system. In particular, hardware configuration software,
-  image manipulation tools, and applications that users would be
-  expected to use with high-end workstations on a daily basis are out
-  of scope. In terms of applications, this specification is targeted
-  specifically at applications that would be expected to be used by
-  users on an occasional basis, or regularly but from disparate
-  locations, with low CPU requirements. For instance online purchasing
-  systems, searching systems, games (especially multiplayer online
-  games), public telephone books or address books, communications
-  software (e-mail clients, instant messaging clients, discussion
-  software), document editing software, etc.</p><h3 id="history-1"><span class="secno">1.4 </span>History</h3><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>Work on HTML5 originally started in late 2003, as a proof of
-  concept to show that it was possible to extend HTML4's forms to
-  provide many of the features that XForms 1.0 introduced, without
-  requiring browsers to implement rendering engines that were
-  incompatible with existing HTML Web pages. At this early stage,
-  while the draft was already publicly available, and input was
-  already being solicited from all sources, the specification was only
-  under Opera Software's copyright.</p><p>In early 2004, some of the principles that underlie this effort,
-  as well as an early draft proposal covering just forms-related
-  features, were presented to the W3C jointly by Mozilla and Opera at
-  a workshop discussing the future of Web Applications on the Web. The
-  proposal was rejected on the grounds that the proposal conflicted
-  with the previously chosen direction for the Web's evolution.</p><p>Shortly thereafter, Apple, Mozilla, and Opera jointly announced
-  their intent to continue working on the effort. A public mailing
-  list was created, and the drafts were moved to the WHATWG site. The
-  copyright was subsequently amended to be jointly owned by all three
-  vendors, and to allow reuse of the specifications.</p><p>In 2006, the W3C expressed interest in the specification, and
-  created a working group chartered to work with the WHATWG on the
-  development of the HTML5 specifications. The working group opened in
-  2007. Apple, Mozilla, and Opera allowed the W3C to publish the
-  specifications under the W3C copyright, while keeping versions with
-  the less restrictive license on the WHATWG site.</p><p>Since then, both groups have been working together.</p><h3 id="design-notes"><span class="secno">1.5 </span>Design notes</h3><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>It must be admitted that many aspects of HTML appear at first
-  glance to be nonsensical and inconsistent.</p><p>HTML, its supporting DOM APIs, as well as many of its supporting
-  technologies, have been developed over a period of several decades
-  by a wide array of people with different priorities who, in many
-  cases, did not know of each other's existence.</p><p>Features have thus arisen from many sources, and have not always
-  been designed in especially consistent ways. Furthermore, because of
-  the unique characteristics of the Web, implementation bugs have
-  often become de-facto, and now de-jure, standards, as content is
-  often unintentionally written in ways that rely on them before they
-  can be fixed.</p><p>Despite all this, efforts have been made to adhere to certain
-  design goals. These are described in the next few subsections.</p><h4 id="serializability-of-script-execution"><span class="secno">1.5.1 </span>Serializability of script execution</h4><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>To avoid exposing Web authors to the complexities of
-  multithreading, the HTML and DOM APIs are designed such that no
-  script can ever detect the simultaneous execution of other
-  scripts. Even with <span title="Worker">workers</span>, the intent
-  is that the behavior of implementations can be thought of as
-  completely serializing the execution of all scripts in all <a href="#browsing-context" title="browsing context">browsing contexts</a>.</p><p class="note">The <code title="dom-navigator-yieldForStorageUpdates"><a href="#dom-navigator-yieldforstorageupdates">navigator.yieldForStorageUpdates()</a></code>
-  method, in this model, is equivalent to allowing other scripts to
-  run while the calling script is blocked.</p><h4 id="compliance-with-other-specifications"><span class="secno">1.5.2 </span>Compliance with other specifications</h4><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>This specification interacts with and relies on a wide variety of
-  other specifications. In certain circumstances, unfortunately, the
-  desire to be compatible with legacy content has led to this
-  specification violating the requirements of these other
-  specifications. Whenever this has occurred, the transgressions have
-  been noted as "<dfn id="willful-violation" title="willful violation">willful
-  violations</dfn>".</p><h3 id="relationships-to-other-specifications"><span class="secno">1.6 </span>Relationships to other specifications</h3><h4 id="relationship-to-html4-and-dom2-html"><span class="secno">1.6.1 </span>Relationship to HTML4 and DOM2 HTML</h4><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>This specification describes a new revision of the HTML language
-  and its associated DOM API.</p><p>The requirements in this specification for features that were
-  already in HTML4 and DOM2 HTML are based primarily on the
-  implementation and deployment experience collected over the past ten
-  years. Some features have been removed from the language, based on
-  best current practices; implementation requirements for some of
-  these, as well as for non-standard features that have nonetheless
-  garnered wide use, are still included in this specification to allow
-  implementations to continue supporting legacy content.  <a href="#refsHTML4">[HTML4]</a> <a href="#refsDOM2HTML">[DOM2HTML]</a></p><p>A separate document has been published by the W3C HTML working
-  group to provide a more detailed reference of the differences
-  between this specification and the language described in the HTML4
-  specification. <a href="#refsHTMLDIFF">[HTMLDIFF]</a></p><h4 id="relationship-to-xhtml1"><span class="secno">1.6.2 </span>Relationship to XHTML1</h4><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>This specification is intended to replace XHTML1 as the normative
-  definition of the XML serialization of the HTML vocabulary. <a href="#refsXHTML1">[XHTML1]</a></p><p>While this specification updates the semantics and requirements
-  of the vocabulary defined by XHTML Modularization 1.1, it does not
-  attempt to provide a replacement for the modularization scheme
-  defined and used by that specification and its companion
-  specifications. <a href="#refsXHTMLMOD">[XHTMLMOD]</a></p><p>Thus, authors and implementors who need such a modularization
-  scheme are encouraged to continue using the XHTML Modularization
-  line of specifications.</p><h3 id="html-vs-xhtml"><span class="secno">1.7 </span>HTML vs XHTML</h3><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Controversial Working Draft</i></p><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>This specification defines an abstract language for describing
-  documents and applications, and some APIs for interacting with
-  in-memory representations of resources that use this language.</p><p>The in-memory representation is known as "DOM HTML", or "the DOM"
-  for short. This specification defines version 5 of DOM HTML, known
-  as "DOM5 HTML".</p><p>There are various concrete syntaxes that can be used to transmit
-  resources that use this abstract language, two of which are defined
-  in this specification.</p><p>The first such concrete syntax is the HTML syntax. This is the
-  format recommended for most authors. It is compatible with most
-  legacy Web browsers. If a document is transmitted with the
-  <a href="infrastructure.html#mime-type">MIME type</a> <code><a href="#text-html">text/html</a></code>, then it will be
-  processed as an HTML document by Web browsers. This specification
-  defines version 5 of the HTML syntax, known as "HTML5".</p><p>The second concrete syntax is the XHTML syntax, which is an
-  application of XML. When a document is transmitted with an <a href="infrastructure.html#xml-mime-type">XML
-  MIME type</a>, such as <code><a href="#application-xhtml-xml">application/xhtml+xml</a></code>, then
-  it is treated as an XML document by Web browsers, to be parsed by an
-  XML processor. Authors are reminded that the processing for XML and
-  HTML differs; in particular, even minor syntax errors will prevent
-  an XML document from being rendered fully, whereas they would be
-  ignored in the HTML syntax. This specification defines version 5 of
-  the XHTML syntax, known as "XHTML5".</p><p>The DOM, the HTML syntax, and XML cannot all represent the same
-  content. For example, namespaces cannot be represented using the
-  HTML syntax, but they are supported in the DOM and in XML.
-  Similarly, documents that use the <code><a href="#the-noscript-element">noscript</a></code> feature can
-  be represented using the HTML syntax, but cannot be represented with
-  the DOM or in XML. Comments that contain the string "<code title="">--&gt;</code>" can be represented in the DOM but not in the
-  HTML syntax or in XML.</p><h3 id="structure-of-this-specification"><span class="secno">1.8 </span>Structure of this specification</h3><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>This specification is divided into the following major
-  sections:</p><dl><dt><a href="infrastructure.html#infrastructure">Common Infrastructure</a></dt>
-   <dd>The conformance classes, algorithms, definitions, and the
-   common underpinnings of the rest of the specification.</dd>
-   <dt><a href="#dom">Semantics, structure, and APIs of HTML documents</a></dt>
-   <dd>Documents are built from elements. These elements form a tree
-   using the DOM. This section defines the features of this DOM, as
-   well as introducing the features common to all elements, and the
-   concepts used in defining elements.</dd>
-   <dt><a href="#semantics">Elements</a></dt>
-   <dd>Each element has a predefined meaning, which is explained in
-   this section. Rules for authors on how to use the element, along with user agent requirements for how to handle
-   each element,</dd>
-   <dt><a href="#microdata">Microdata</a></dt>
-   <dd>This specification introduces a mechanism for adding
-   machine-readable annotations to documents, so that tools can
-   extract trees of name/value pairs from the document. This section
-   describes this mechanism and some algorithms
-   that can be used to convert HTML documents into other
-   formats</dd>
-   <dt><a href="#browsers">Web Browsers</a></dt>
-   <dd>HTML documents do not exist in a vacuum &#8212; this section
-   defines many of the features that affect environments that deal
-   with multiple pages, links between pages, and running scripts.</dd>
-   <dt><a href="#editing">User Interaction</a></dt>
-   <dd>HTML documents can provide a number of mechanisms for users to
-   interact with and modify content, which are described in this
-   section.</dd>
-   <dt><a href="#comms">The Communication APIs</a></dt>
-   <dd>This section describes some mechanisms that applications
-   written in HTML can use to communicate with other applications from
-   different domains running on the same client.</dd>
-   <dt><a href="#syntax">The HTML Syntax</a></dt>
-   <dt><a href="#xhtml">The XHTML Syntax</a></dt>
-   <dd>All of these features would be for naught if they couldn't be
-   represented in a serialized form and sent to other people, and so
-   these sections define the syntaxes of HTML, along with rules for
-   how to parse content using those syntaxes.</dd>
-  </dl><p>There are also a couple of appendices, defining <a href="#rendering">rendering rules</a> for Web browsers and listing
-  <a href="#obsolete">obsolete features</a> and <a href="#no">areas
-  that are out of scope</a> for this specification.</p><h4 id="how-to-read-this-specification"><span class="secno">1.8.1 </span>How to read this specification</h4><p>This specification should be read like all other specifications.
-  First, it should be read cover-to-cover, multiple times. Then, it
-  should be read backwards at least once. Then it should be read by
-  picking random sections from the contents list and following all the
-  cross-references.</p><h4 id="typographic-conventions"><span class="secno">1.8.2 </span>Typographic conventions</h4><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Implemented and widely deployed</i></p><p>This is a definition, requirement, or explanation.</p><p class="note">This is a note.</p><p class="example">This is an example.</p><p class="XXX">This is an open issue.</p><p class="warning">This is a warning.</p><pre class="idl extract">interface <dfn title="">Example</dfn> {
-  // this is an IDL definition
-};</pre><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">variable</var> = <var title="">object</var> . <code title="">method</code>( [ <var title="">optionalArgument</var> ] )</dt>
-   <dd>
-    <p>This is a note to authors describing the usage of an interface.</p>
-   </dd>
-  </dl><pre class="css">/* this is a CSS fragment */</pre><p>The defining instance of a term is marked up like <dfn id="x-this" title="x-this">this</dfn>. Uses of that term are marked up like
-  <a href="#x-this" title="x-this">this</a> or like <i title="x-this"><a href="#x-this">this</a></i>.</p><p>The defining instance of an element, attribute, or API is marked
-  up like <dfn id="x-that" title="x-that"><code>this</code></dfn>. References to
-  that element, attribute, or API are marked up like <code title="x-that"><a href="#x-that">this</a></code>.</p><p>Other code fragments are marked up <code title="">like
-  this</code>.</p><p>Variables are marked up like <var title="">this</var>.</p><h3 id="a-quick-introduction-to-html"><span class="secno">1.9 </span>A quick introduction to HTML</h3><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Last call for comments</i></p><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>A basic HTML document looks like this:</p><pre>&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
- &lt;head&gt;
-  &lt;title&gt;Sample page&lt;/title&gt;
- &lt;/head&gt;
- &lt;body&gt;
-  &lt;h1&gt;Sample page&lt;/h1&gt;
-  &lt;p&gt;This is a &lt;a href="demo.html"&gt;simple&lt;/a&gt; sample.&lt;/p&gt;
-  &lt;!-- this is a comment --&gt;
- &lt;/body&gt;
-&lt;/html&gt;</pre><p>HTML documents consist of a tree of elements and text. Each
-  element is denoted in the source by a <a href="#syntax-start-tag" title="syntax-start-tag">start tag</a>, such as "<code title="">&lt;body&gt;</code>", and an <a href="#syntax-end-tag" title="syntax-end-tag">end
-  tag</a>, such as "<code title="">&lt;/body&gt;</code>". (Certain
-  start tags and end tags can in certain cases be <a href="#syntax-tag-omission" title="syntax-tag-omission">omitted</a> and are implied by other
-  tags.)</p><p>Tags have to be nested such that elements are all completely
-  within each other, without overlapping:</p><pre class="bad">&lt;p&gt;This is &lt;em&gt;very &lt;strong&gt;wrong&lt;/em&gt;!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</pre><pre>&lt;p&gt;This &lt;em&gt;is &lt;strong&gt;correct&lt;/strong&gt;.&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</pre><p>This specification defines a set of elements that can be used in
-  HTML, along with rules about the ways in which the elements can be
-  nested.</p><p>Elements can have attributes, which control how the elements
-  work. In the example above, there is a <a href="#hyperlink">hyperlink</a>,
-  formed using the <code><a href="#the-a-element">a</a></code> element and its <code title="attr-hyperlink-href"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-href">href</a></code> attribute:</p><pre>&lt;a href="demo.html"&gt;simple&lt;/a&gt;</pre><p><a href="#syntax-attributes" title="syntax-attributes">Attributes</a> are placed
-  inside the start tag, and consist of a <a href="#syntax-attribute-name" title="syntax-attribute-name">name</a> and a <a href="#syntax-attribute-value" title="syntax-attribute-value">value</a>, separated by an "<code title="">=</code>" character. The attribute value can be <a href="#unquoted">left unquoted</a> if it doesn't contain any special
-  characters. Otherwise, it has to be quoted using either single or
-  double quotes. The value, along with the "<code title="">=</code>"
-  character, can be omitted altogether if the value is the empty
-  string.</p><pre>&lt;!-- empty attributes --&gt;
-&lt;input name=address disabled&gt;
-&lt;input name=address disabled=""&gt;
-&lt;!-- attributes with a value --&gt;
-&lt;input name=address maxlength=200&gt;
-&lt;input name=address maxlength='200'&gt;
-&lt;input name=address maxlength="200"&gt;</pre><p>HTML user agents (e.g. Web browsers) then <i>parse</i> this
-  markup, turning it into a DOM (Document Object Model) tree. A DOM
-  tree is an in-memory representation of a document.</p><p>DOM trees contain several kinds of nodes, in particular a DOCTYPE
-  node, elements, text nodes, and comment nodes.</p><p>The markup snippet at the top of this section would be turned
-  into the following DOM tree:</p><ul class="domTree"><li class="t10">DOCTYPE: <code><a href="#the-html-element-0">html</a></code></li><li class="t1"><code><a href="#the-html-element-0">html</a></code><ul><li class="t1"><code><a href="#the-head-element-0">head</a></code><ul><li class="t3"><code>#text</code>: <span title="">&#9166;&#9251;&#9251;</span></li><li class="t1"><code><a href="#the-title-element-0">title</a></code><ul><li class="t3"><code>#text</code>: <span title="">Sample page</span></li></ul></li><li class="t3"><code>#text</code>: <span title="">&#9166;&#9251;</span></li></ul></li><li class="t3"><code>#text</code>: <span title="">&#9166;&#9251;</span></li><li class="t1"><code><a href="#the-body-element-0">body</a></code><ul><li class="t3"><code>#text</code>: <span title="">&#9166;&#9251;&#9251;</span></li><li class="t1"><code><a href="#the-h1-h2-h3-h4-h5-and-h6-elements">h1</a></code><ul><li class="t3"><code>#text</code>: <span title="">Sample page</span></li></ul></li><li class="t3"><code>#text/code>: <span title="">&#9166;&#9251;&#9251;</span></li><li class="t1"><code><a href="#the-p-element">p</a></code><ul><li class="t3"><code>#text</code>: <span title="">This is a </span></li><li class="t1"><code><a href="#the-a-element">a</a></code> <span class="t2" title=""><code class="attribute name">href</code>="<code class="attribute value">demo.html</code>"</span><ul><li class="t3"><code>#text</code>: <span title="">simple</span></li></ul></li><li class="t3"><code>#text</code>: <span title=""> sample.</span></li></ul></li><li class="t3"><code>#text</code>: <span title="">&#9166;&#9251;&#9251;</span></li><li class="t8"><code>#comment</code>: <span title=""> this is a comment </span></li><li class="t3"><code>#text</code>: <span title="">&#9166;&#9251;&#9166;</span></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul><p>The <a href="infrastructure.html#root-element">root element</a> of this tree is the
-  <code><a href="#the-html-element-0">html</a></code> element, which is the element always found at the
-  root of HTML documents. It contains two elements, <code><a href="#the-head-element-0">head</a></code>
-  and <code><a href="#the-body-element-0">body</a></code>, as well as a text node between them.</p><p>There are many more text nodes in the DOM tree than one would
-  initially expect, because the source contains a number of spaces
-  (presented by "&#9251;") and line breaks ("&#9166;") that all end
-  up as text nodes in the DOM.</p><p>The <code><a href="#the-head-element-0">head</a></code> element contains a <code><a href="#the-title-element-0">title</a></code>
-  element, which itself contains a text node with the text "Sample
-  page". Similarly, the <code><a href="#the-body-element-0">body</a></code> element contains an
-  <code><a href="#the-h1-h2-h3-h4-h5-and-h6-elements">h1</a></code> element, a <code><a href="#the-p-element">p</a></code> element, and a
-  comment.</p><hr><p>This DOM tree can be manipulated from scripts in the
-  page. Scripts (typically in JavaScript) are small programs that can
-  be embedded using the <code><a href="#script">script</a></code> element or using
-  <a href="#event-handler-content-attributes">event handler content attributes</a>. For example, here is
-  a form with a script that sets the value of the form's
-  <code><a href="#the-output-element">output</a></code> element to say "Hello World":</p><pre>&lt;<a href="#the-form-element">form</a> <a href="#attr-form-name" title="attr-form-name">name</a>="main"&gt;
- Result: &lt;<a href="#the-output-element">output</a> <a href="#attr-fe-name" title="attr-fe-name">name</a>="result"&gt;&lt;/output&gt;
- &lt;<a href="#script">script</a>&gt;
-  <a href="#htmldocument" title="HTMLDocument">document</a>.<a href="#dom-document-forms" title="dom-document-forms">forms</a>.main.<a href="#dom-form-elements" title="dom-form-elements">elements</a>.result.<a href="#dom-output-value" title="dom-output-value">value</a> = 'Hello World';
- &lt;/script&gt;
-&lt;/form&gt;</pre><p>Each element in the DOM tree is represented by an object, and
-  these objects have APIs so that they can be manipulated. For
-  instance, a link (e.g. the <code><a href="#the-a-element">a</a></code> element in the tree above)
-  can have its "<code title="attr-hyperlink-href"><a href="#attr-hyperlink-href">href</a></code>"
-  attribute changed in several ways:</p><pre>var a = <a href="#htmldocument" title="HTMLDocument">document</a>.<a href="#dom-document-links" title="dom-document-links">links</a>[0]; // obtain the first link in the document
-a.<a href="#dom-a-href" title="dom-a-href">href</a> = 'sample.html'; // change the destination URL of the link
-a.<a href="#dom-uda-protocol" title="dom-uda-protocol">protocol</a> = 'https'; // change just the scheme part of the URL
-a.setAttribute('href', ''); // change the content attribute directly</pre><p>Since DOM trees are used as the way to represent HTML documents
-  when they are processed and presented by implementations (especially
-  interactive implementations like Web browsers), this specification
-  is mostly phrased in terms of DOM trees, instead of the markup
-  described above.</p><hr><p>HTML documents represent a media-independent description of
-  interactive content. HTML documents might be rendered to a screen,
-  or through a speech synthesizer, or on a braille display. To
-  influence exactly how such rendering takes place, authors can use a
-  styling language such as CSS.</p><p>In the following example, the page has been made yellow-on-blue
-  using CSS.</p><pre>&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
- &lt;head&gt;
-  &lt;title&gt;Sample styled page&lt;/title&gt;
-  &lt;style&gt;
-   body { background: navy; color: yellow; }
-  &lt;/style&gt;
- &lt;/head&gt;
- &lt;body&gt;
-  &lt;h1&gt;Sample styled page&lt;/h1&gt;
-  &lt;p&gt;This page is just a demo.&lt;/p&gt;
- &lt;/body&gt;
-&lt;/html&gt;</pre><p>For more details on how to use HTML, authors are encouraged to
-  consult tutorials and guides. Some of the examples included in this
-  specification might also be of use, but the novice author is
-  cautioned that this specification, by necessity, defines the
-  language with a level of detail that might be difficult to
-  understand at first.</p><h3 id="recommended-reading"><span class="secno">1.10 </span>Recommended reading</h3><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>The following documents might be of interest to readers of this
-  specification.</p><dl><dt><cite>Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Fundamentals</cite> <a href="#refsCHARMOD">[CHARMOD]</a></dt>
-   <dd><blockquote><p>This Architectural Specification provides
-   authors of specifications, software developers, and content
-   developers with a common reference for interoperable text
-   manipulation on the World Wide Web, building on the Universal
-   Character Set, defined jointly by the Unicode Standard and ISO/IEC
-   10646. Topics addressed include use of the terms 'character',
-   'encoding' and 'string', a reference processing model, choice and
-   identification of character encodings, character escaping, and
-   string indexing.</p></blockquote></dd>
-   <dt><cite>Unicode Security Considerations</cite> <a href="#refsUTR36">[UTR36]</a></dt>
-   <dd><blockquote><p>Because Unicode contains such a large number of
-   characters and incorporates the varied writing systems of the
-   world, incorrect usage can expose programs or systems to possible
-   security attacks. This is especially important as more and more
-   products are internationalized. This document describes some of the
-   security considerations that programmers, system analysts,
-   standards developers, and users should take into account, and
-   provides specific recommendations to reduce the risk of
-   problems.</p></blockquote></dd>
-   <dt><cite>Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0</cite> <a href="#refsWCAG">[WCAG]</a></dt>
-   <dd><blockquote><p>Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0
-   covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more
-   accessible. Following these guidelines will make content accessible
-   to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness
-   and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities,
-   cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities,
-   photosensitivity and combinations of these. Following these
-   guidelines will also often make your Web content more usable to
-   users in general.</p></blockquote></dd>
-  </dl></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

Index: no.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec-author-view/no.html,v
retrieving revision 1.34
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -d -r1.34 -r1.35
--- no.html	1 Sep 2009 04:46:24 -0000	1.34
+++ no.html	1 Sep 2009 05:52:55 -0000	1.35
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
-<html lang="en-US-x-Hixie"><head><title>12 Things that you can't do with this specification because they are better handled using other technologies that are further described herein &#8212; HTML 5</title><style type="text/css">
-   pre { margin-left: 2em; white-space: pre-wrap; }
-   h2 { margin: 3em 0 1em 0; }
-   h3 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em 0; }
-   h4 { margin: 2.5em 0 0.75em 0; }
-   h5, h6 { margin: 2.5em 0 1em; }
-   h1 + h2, h1 + h2 + h2 { margin: 0.75em 0 0.75em; }
-   h2 + h3, h3 + h4, h4 + h5, h5 + h6 { margin-top: 0.5em; }
-   p { margin: 1em 0; }
-   hr:not(.top) { display: block; background: none; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 2em 0; height: auto; }
-   dl, dd { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }
-   dt { margin-top: 0.75em; margin-bottom: 0.25em; clear: left; }
-   dt + dt { margin-top: 0; }
-   dd dt { margin-top: 0.25em; margin-bottom: 0; }
-   dd p { margin-top: 0; }
-   dd dl + p { margin-top: 1em; }
-   dd table + p { margin-top: 1em; }
-   p + * > li, dd li { margin: 1em 0; }
-   dt, dfn { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; }
-   dt dfn { font-style: italic; }
-   pre, code { font-size: inherit; font-family: monospace; font-variant: normal; }
-   pre strong { color: black; font: inherit; font-weight: bold; background: yellow; }
-   pre em { font-weight: bolder; font-style: normal; }
-   @media screen { code { color: orangered; } code :link, code :visited { color: inherit; } }
-   var sub { vertical-align: bottom; font-size: smaller; position: relative; top: 0.1em; }
-   table { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden hidden none hidden; }
-   table thead { border-bottom: solid; }
-   table tbody th:first-child { border-left: solid; }
-   table td, table th { border-left: solid; border-right: solid; border-bottom: solid thin; vertical-align: top; padding: 0.2em; }
-   blockquote { margin: 0 0 0 2em; border: 0; padding: 0; font-style: italic; }
-   .bad, .bad *:not(.XXX) { color: gray; border-color: gray; background: transparent; }
-   .matrix, .matrix td { border: none; text-align: right; }
-   .matrix { margin-left: 2em; }
-   .dice-example { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden solid solid hidden; border-width: thin; margin-left: 3em; }
-   .dice-example caption { width: 30em; font-size: smaller; font-style: italic; padding: 0.75em 0; text-align: left; }
-   .dice-example td, .dice-example th { border: solid thin; width: 1.35em; height: 1.05em; text-align: center; padding: 0; }
-   .applies th > * { display: block; }
-   .applies thead code { display: block; }
-   .applies td { text-align: center; }
-   .applies .yes { background: yellow; }
-   .toc dfn, h1 dfn, h2 dfn, h3 dfn, h4 dfn, h5 dfn, h6 dfn { font: inherit; }
-   img.extra { float: right; }
-   pre.idl { border: solid thin; background: #EEEEEE; color: black; padding: 0.5em 1em; }
-   pre.idl :link, pre.idl :visited { color: inherit; background: transparent; }
-   pre.css { border: solid thin; background: #FFFFEE; color: black; padding: 0.5em 1em; }
-   pre.css:first-line { color: #AAAA50; }
-   dl.domintro { color: green; margin: 2em 0 2em 2em; padding: 0.5em 1em; border: none; background: #EEFFEE; }
-   hr + dl.domintro, div.impl + dl.domintro { margin-top: 2.5em; margin-bottom: 1.5em; }
-   dl.domintro dt, dl.domintro dt * { color: black; text-decoration: none; }
-   dl.domintro dd { margin: 0.5em 0 1em 2em; padding: 0; }
-   dl.domintro dd p { margin: 0.5em 0; }
-   dl.switch { padding-left: 2em; }
-   dl.switch > dt { text-indent: -1.5em; }
-   dl.switch > dt:before { content: '\21AA'; padding: 0 0.5em 0 0; display: inline-block; width: 1em; text-align: right; line-height: 0.5em; }
-   dl.triple { padding: 0 0 0 1em; }
-   dl.triple dt, dl.triple dd { margin: 0; display: inline }
-   dl.triple dt:after { content: ':'; }
-   dl.triple dd:after { content: '\A'; white-space: pre; }
-   .diff-old { text-decoration: line-through; color: silver; background: transparent; }
-   .diff-chg, .diff-new { text-decoration: underline; color: green; background: transparent; }
-   a .diff-new { border-bottom: 1px blue solid; }
-   h2 { page-break-before: always; }
-   h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { page-break-after: avoid; }
-   h1 + h2, hr + { page-break-before: auto; }
-   p > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]), li > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]) { border-bottom: solid #9999CC; }
-   div.head { margin: 0 0 1em; padding: 1em 0 0 0; }
-   div.head p { margin: 0; }
-   div.head h1 { margin: 0; }
-   div.head .logo { float: right; margin: 0 1em; }
-   div.head .logo img { border: none } /* remove border from top image */
-   div.head dl { margin: 1em 0; }
-   p.copyright { font-size: x-small; font-style: oblique; margin: 0; }
-   body > .toc > li { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; }
-   body > .toc.brief > li { margin-top: 0.35em; margin-bottom: 0.35em; }
-   body > .toc > li > * { margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
-   body > .toc > li > * > li > * { margin-bottom: 0.25em; }
-   .toc, .toc li { list-style: none; }
-   .brief { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.1; }
-   .brief li { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-   .brief li p { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-   .category-list { margin-top: -0.75em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.5; }
-   .category-list::before { content: '\21D2\A0'; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 900; }
-   .category-list li { display: inline; }
-   .category-list li:not(:last-child)::after { content: ', '; }
-   .category-list li > span, .category-list li > a { text-transform: lowercase; }
-   .category-list li * { text-transform: none; } /* don't affect <code> nested in <a> */
-   .XXX { color: #E50000; background: white; border: solid red; padding: 0.5em; margin: 1em 0; }
-   .XXX > :first-child { margin-top: 0; }
-   p .XXX { line-height: 3em; }
-   .annotation { border: solid thin black; background: #0C479D; color: white; position: relative; margin: 8px 0 20px 0; }
-   .annotation:before { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 6px -6px -6px 6px; background: #333333; z-index: -1; content: ''; }
-   .annotation :link, .annotation :visited { color: inherit; }
-   .annotation :link:hover, .annotation :visited:hover { background: transparent; }
-   .annotation span { border: none ! important; }
-   .note { color: green; background: transparent; font-family: sans-serif; }
-   .warning { color: red; background: transparent; }
-   .note, .warning { font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; }
-   p.note, div.note { padding: 0.5em 2em; }
-   span.note { padding: 0 2em; }
-   .note p:first-child, .warning p:first-child { margin-top: 0; }
-   .note p:last-child, .warning p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; }
-   .warning:before { font-style: normal; }
-   p.note:before { content: 'Note: '; }
-   p.warning:before { content: '\26A0 Warning! '; }
-   .bookkeeping:before { display: block; content: 'Bookkeeping details'; font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; }
-   .bookkeeping { font-size: 0.8em; margin: 2em 0; }
-   .bookkeeping p { margin: 0.5em 2em; display: list-item; list-style: square; }
-   h4 { position: relative; z-index: 3; }
-   h4 + .element, h4 + div + .element { margin-top: -2.5em; padding-top: 2em; }
-   .element {
-     background: #EEEEFF;
-     color: black;
-     margin: 0 0 1em 0.15em;
-     padding: 0 1em 0.25em 0.75em;
-     border-left: solid #9999FF 0.25em;
-     position: relative;
-     z-index: 1;
-   }
-   .element:before {
-     position: absolute;
-     z-index: 2;
-     top: 0;
-     left: -1.15em;
-     height: 2em;
-     width: 0.9em;
-     background: #EEEEFF;
-     content: ' ';
-     border-style: none none solid solid;
-     border-color: #9999FF;
-     border-width: 0.25em;
-   }
-   .example { display: block; color: #222222; background: #FCFCFC; border-left: double; margin-left: 2em; padding-left: 1em; }
-   td > .example:only-child { margin: 0 0 0 0.1em; }
-   .tall-and-narrow {
-     font-size: 0.6em;
-     column-width: 25em;
-     column-gap: 1em;
-     -moz-column-width: 25em;
-     -moz-column-gap: 1em;
-     -webkit-column-width: 25em;
-     -webkit-column-gap: 1em;
-   }
-   ul.domTree, ul.domTree ul { padding: 0 0 0 1em; margin: 0; }
-   ul.domTree li { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; position: relative; }
-   ul.domTree li li { list-style: none; }
-   ul.domTree li:first-child::before { position: absolute; top: 0; height: 0.6em; left: -0.75em; width: 0.5em; border-style: none none solid solid; content: ''; border-width: 0.1em; }
-   ul.domTree li:not(:last-child)::after { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: -0.6em; left: -0.75em; width: 0.5em; border-style: none none solid solid; content: ''; border-width: 0.1em; }
-   ul.domTree span { font-style: italic; font-family: serif; }
-   ul.domTree .t1 code { color: purple; font-weight: bold; }
-   ul.domTree .t2 { font-style: normal; font-family: monospace; }
-   ul.domTree .t2 .name { color: black; font-weight: bold; }
-   ul.domTree .t2 .value { color: blue; font-weight: normal; }
-   ul.domTree .t3 code, .domTree .t4 code, .domTree .t5 code { color: gray; }
-   ul.domTree .t7 code, .domTree .t8 code { color: green; }
-   ul.domTree .t10 code { color: teal; }
-  </style><link href="data:text/css," rel="stylesheet" title="Complete specification"><link href="data:text/css,.impl%20%7B%20display:%20none;%20%7D" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Author documentation only"><link href="data:text/css,.impl%20%7B%20background:%20%23FFEEEE;%20%7D" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Highlight implementation requirements"><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><!-- ZZZ ED vs WD --><link href="obsolete.html" title="11 Obsolete features" rel="prev">
-  <link href="Overview.html#contents" title="Table of contents" rel="index">
-  <link href="iana-considerations.html" title="IANA considerations" rel="next">
-  </head><body onload="fixBrokenLink(); fixBrokenLink()"><div class="head">
-   <p><a href=""><img alt="W3C" height="48" src="" width="72"></a></p>
-   <h1>HTML5</h1>
-   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="a-vocabulary-and-associated-apis-for-html-and-xhtml">A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML</h2>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-<p>This is revision 1.2900.</p>
-   </div><div>
-   <a href="obsolete.html">&#8592; 11 Obsolete features</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="Overview.html#contents">Table of contents</a> &#8211;
-   <a href="iana-considerations.html">IANA considerations &#8594;</a>
-  </div>
-  <h2 id="no"><span class="secno">12 </span>Things that you can't do with this specification because
-  they are better handled using other technologies that are further
-  described herein</h2><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p><p>There are certain features that are not handled by this
-  specification because a client side markup language is not the right
-  level for them, or because the features exist in other languages
-  that can be integrated into this one. This section covers some of
-  the more common requests.</p><!-- There are also certain features that are not handled by this
-  specification or any other, but that SHOULD be handled by another
-  specification:
-    * find object at (x,y)
-    * find mouse position
-    * screen object: top left width height pixelDepth colorDepth
-      availWidth availHeight availLeft availTop
-    * methods/properties for managing scrolling, especially in <textarea>,
-      such as .scrollTop and .scrollHeight in Mozilla
-    * support access Array element via () instead of [] (IEism)
-    * Need to say that NodeList's items are enumerable, so that
-        for (var x in myNodeList) { }
- (ack Dethe Elza)
-    * a way to show icons for file types
-      e.g.
-      (this should probably be a function for the 'content',
-      'background-image' and 'list-style-image' properties in CSS)
-    * custom syntax highlighting in <textarea>, <pre> (ack Ryan Johnson)
-      (this would probably best be done as some sort of output filter
-      at the CSS level, rather than anything HTML-specific. It would
-      have to support both <textarea>, where the data isn't in the
-      DOM proper, and <pre>, where it is.)
-  XXX should ensure these are filed with the relevant people and groups
-  --><h3 id="localization"><span class="secno">12.1 </span>Localization</h3><p>If you wish to create localized versions of an HTML application,
-  the best solution is to preprocess the files on the server, and then
-  use HTTP content negotiation to serve the appropriate language.</p><!-- <p>XXX example here</p> --><h3 id="declarative-3d-scenes"><span class="secno">12.2 </span>Declarative 3D scenes</h3><p>Embedding 3D imagery into XHTML documents is the domain of X3D,
-  or technologies based on X3D that are namespace-aware.</p><!-- <p>XXX example here</p> --></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

Received on Tuesday, 1 September 2009 05:53:24 UTC