html5/spec Overview.html,1.2241,1.2242

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Finish off the microdata intro, and define the order and duplicate handling for property names. (whatwg r3084)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.2241
retrieving revision 1.2242
diff -u -d -r1.2241 -r1.2242
--- Overview.html	11 May 2009 09:06:10 -0000	1.2241
+++ Overview.html	11 May 2009 10:21:55 -0000	1.2242
@@ -5953,8 +5953,10 @@
   <p>The <dfn id="dom-htmlpropertycollection-names" title="dom-HTMLPropertyCollection-names"><code>names</code></dfn>
   attribute must return a live <code>DOMStringList</code> object
   giving the <a href="#property-names">property names</a> of all the elements
-  <a href="#represented-by-the-collection">represented by the collection</a>. The same object must be
-  returned each time.</p>
+  <a href="#represented-by-the-collection">represented by the collection</a>, listed in <a href="#tree-order">tree
+  order</a>, but with duplicates removed, leaving only the first
+  occurrence of each name. The same object must be returned each
+  time.</p>
   <p>The <dfn id="dom-htmlpropertycollection-item" title="dom-HTMLPropertyCollection-item"><code>item(<var title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <var title="">index</var>th node in the collection. If there is no <var title="">index</var>th node in the collection, then the method must
   return null.</p>
@@ -36428,7 +36430,8 @@
   expose information to the user, for example offering it in a form
   that can be used by other applications.<p>The <code title="dom-document-items"><a href="#dom-document-items">document.items</a></code> DOM
   attribute provides access to all the <a href="#top-level-microdata-items">top-level microdata
-  items</a>.<p>Each <a href="#concept-item" title="concept-item">item</a> is represented in the
+  items</a>. This attribute returns an <code><a href="#htmlcollection-0">HTMLCollection</a></code>,
+  which can be enumerated.<p>Each <a href="#concept-item" title="concept-item">item</a> is represented in the
   DOM by the element on which the relevant <code title="attr-item"><a href="#items:-the-item-attribute">item</a></code> attribute is found. The various types
   that the element has can be obtained using the <code title="dom-item"><a href="#dom-item">element.item</a></code> DOM attribute, which returns a
   <code><a href="#domsettabletokenlist-0">DOMSettableTokenList</a></code> object.<div class="example">
@@ -36450,7 +36453,83 @@
    <pre>var cats = getItems("com.example.feline");</pre>
-  </div><!-- XXX ... --><h3 id="encoding-microdata"><span class="secno">5.2 </span>Encoding microdata</h3><h4 id="the-microdata-model"><span class="secno">5.2.1 </span>The microdata model</h4><p>The microdata model consists of groups of name-value pairs known
+  </div><p>Once an element representing an <a href="#concept-item" title="concept-item">item</a> has been obtained, its properties
+  can be extracted using the <code title="dom-properties"><a href="#dom-properties">properties</a></code> DOM attribute. This
+  attribute returns an <code><a href="#htmlpropertycollection-0">HTMLPropertyCollection</a></code>, which can
+  be enumerated to go through each element that adds one or more
+  properties to the item. It can also be indexed by name, which will
+  return the property with that name (if there is just one).<p>Each element that adds a property also has a <code title="dom-content"><a href="#dom-content">content</a></code> DOM attribute that returns its
+  value.
+  <div class="example">
+   <p>This sample uses the function above to get the first item of
+   type "net.example.user" and then pops up an alert using the
+   "" property from that item.</p>
+   <pre>var user = getItems('net.example.user')[0];
+alert('Hello ' +[''].content + '!');</pre>
+  </div><p>When an item has multiple properties with the same name, the
+  <code><a href="#htmlpropertycollection-0">HTMLPropertyCollection</a></code> returns a
+  <code><a href="#propertynodelist">PropertyNodeList</a></code> object with all those properties
+  instead of returning just one. The <code><a href="#propertynodelist">PropertyNodeList</a></code>
+  object can be used to obtained all the values at once using
+  <em>its</em> <code title="dom-PropertyNodeList-content"><a href="#dom-propertynodelist-content">content</a></code> attribute, which
+  returns an array of all the values.<div class="example">
+   <p>In an earlier example, a "com.example.feline" item had two
+   "com.example.color" values. This script looks up such items and
+   then lists all their values. Because it doesn't know ahead of time
+   if the item has zero, one, or more colors, it checks whether the
+   value returned from the <code><a href="#htmlpropertycollection-0">HTMLPropertyCollection</a></code> is a
+   <code><a href="#propertynodelist">PropertyNodeList</a></code> (multiple colors), just a regular
+   element (one color), or null (no colors) before using it.</p>
+   <pre>var cat = getItems('com.example.feline')[0];
+var colors =['com.example.color'];
+var result;
+if (!colors) {
+  result = 'Color unknown.';
+} else if (colors instanceof PropertyNodeList) {
+  result = 'Colors:';
+  for (var i = 0; i 
+  </pre></div><p>It's also possible to get a list of all the <a href="#property-names">property
+  names</a> using the object's <code title="dom-HTMLPropertyCollection-names"><a href="#dom-htmlpropertycollection-names">names</a></code> DOM
+  attribute.<div class="example">
+   <p>This example creates a big list with a nested list for each item
+   on the page, each with of all the property names used in that
+   item./p&gt;
+   <pre>var outer = document.createElement('ul');
+for (var item = 0; item 
+   <p>If faced with the following from an earlier example:</p>
+   <pre>&lt;section item=" com.example.feline"&gt;
+ &lt;h1 property=" com.example.fn"&gt;Hedral&lt;/h1&gt;
+ &lt;p property="org.example.desc"&gt;Hedral is a male american domestic
+ shorthair, with a fluffy &lt;span
+ property="com.example.color"&gt;black&lt;/span&gt; fur with &lt;span
+ property="com.example.color"&gt;white&lt;/span&gt; paws and belly.&lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;img property="org.example.img" src="hedral.jpeg" alt="" title="Hedral, age 18 months"&gt;
+   <p> would result in the following output:</p>
+   </pre><ul><li>
+     <ul><li></li>
+      <li>com.example.fn</li>
+      <li>org.example.desc</li>
+      <li>com.example.color</li>
+      <li>org.example.img</li>
+     </ul></li>
+   </ul><p>(The duplicate occurrence of "com.example.color" is not included
+   in the list.)</p>
+  </div><h3 id="encoding-microdata"><span class="secno">5.2 </span>Encoding microdata</h3><h4 id="the-microdata-model"><span class="secno">5.2.1 </span>The microdata model</h4><p>The microdata model consists of groups of name-value pairs known
   as <dfn id="concept-item" title="concept-item">items</dfn>.<p>Each group has zero or more types, each name has one or more
   values, and each value is either a string or another group of
   name-value pairs.<h4 id="items:-the-item-attribute"><span class="secno">5.2.2 </span>Items: the <dfn title="attr-item"><code>item</code></dfn> attribute</h4><p>Every <a href="#html-elements" title="HTML elements">HTML element</a> may have an
@@ -36531,7 +36610,9 @@
   </ul><p>The <dfn id="property-names">property names</dfn> of an element are the tokens that
   the element's <code title="attr-property"><a href="#names:-the-property-attribute">property</a></code> attribute
   is found to contain when its value is <a href="#split-a-string-on-spaces" title="split a string on
-  spaces">split on spaces</a>.<h4 id="values"><span class="secno">5.2.5 </span>Values</h4><p>The <dfn id="concept-property-value" title="concept-property-value">property value</dfn> of a
+  spaces">split on spaces</a>, with the order preserved but with
+  duplicates removed (leaving only the first occurrence of each
+  name).<h4 id="values"><span class="secno">5.2.5 </span>Values</h4><p>The <dfn id="concept-property-value" title="concept-property-value">property value</dfn> of a
   name-value pair added by an element with a <code title="attr-property"><a href="#names:-the-property-attribute">property</a></code> attribute depends on the
   element, as follows:<dl><dt>If the element also has an <code title="attr-item"><a href="#items:-the-item-attribute">item</a></code>

Received on Monday, 11 May 2009 10:22:08 UTC