html5/spec Overview.html,1.2475,1.2476

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Try to document the appcache model. (whatwg r3337)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.2475
retrieving revision 1.2476
diff -u -d -r1.2475 -r1.2476
--- Overview.html	29 Jun 2009 00:35:26 -0000	1.2475
+++ Overview.html	29 Jun 2009 09:59:09 -0000	1.2476
@@ -829,7 +829,9 @@
      <li><a href="#manually-releasing-the-storage-mutex"><span class="secno">6.8.3 </span>Manually releasing the storage mutex</a></ol></li>
    <li><a href="#offline"><span class="secno">6.9 </span>Offline Web applications</a>
-     <li><a href="#introduction-4"><span class="secno">6.9.1 </span>Introduction</a></li>
+     <li><a href="#introduction-4"><span class="secno">6.9.1 </span>Introduction</a>
+      <ol>
+       <li><a href="#event-summary"><span class="secno"> </span>Event summary</a></ol></li>
      <li><a href="#appcache"><span class="secno">6.9.2 </span>Application caches</a></li>
      <li><a href="#manifests"><span class="secno">6.9.3 </span>The cache manifest syntax</a>
@@ -43870,7 +43872,87 @@

-  --><h4 id="introduction-4"><span class="secno">6.9.1 </span>Introduction</h4><p><em>This section is non-normative.</em><p class="XXX">...<div class="impl">
+  --><h4 id="introduction-4"><span class="secno">6.9.1 </span>Introduction</h4><p><em>This section is non-normative.</em><p>In order to enable users to continue interacting with Web
+  applications and documents even when their network connection is
+  unavailable &mdash; for instance, because they are traveling outside
+  of their ISP's coverage area &mdash; authors can provide a manifest
+  which lists the files that are needed for the Web application to
+  work offline and which causes the user's browser to keep a copy of
+  the files for use offline.<p>To illustrate this, consider a simple clock applet consisting of
+  an HTML page "<code title="">clock.html</code>", a CSS style sheet
+  "<code title="">clock.css</code>", and a JavaScript script "<code title="">clock.js</code>".<p>Before adding the manifest, three three files might look like
+  this:<pre>&lt;!-- clock.html --&gt;
+&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML&gt;
+ &lt;head&gt;
+  &lt;title&gt;Clock&lt;/title&gt;
+  &lt;script src="clock.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
+  &lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="clock.css"&gt;
+ &lt;/head&gt;
+ &lt;body&gt;
+  &lt;p&gt;The time is: &lt;output id="clock"&gt;&lt;/output&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;/body&gt;
+&lt;/html&gt;</pre><pre>/* clock.css */
+output { font: 2em sans-serif; }</pre><pre>/* clock.js */
+setTimeout(function () {
+    document.getElementById('clock').value = new Date();
+}, 1000);</pre><p>If the user tries to open the "<code title="">clock.html</code>"
+  page while offline, though, the user agent (unless it happens to
+  have it still in the local cache) will fail with an error.<p>The author can instead provide a manifest of the three files:<pre>CACHE MANIFEST
+clock.js</pre><p>With a small change to the HTML file, the manifest (served as
+  <code title="">text/cache-manifest</code>) is linked to the
+  application:<pre>&lt;!-- clock.html --&gt;
+&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML&gt;
+&lt;html manifest="clock.manifest"&gt;
+ &lt;head&gt;
+  &lt;title&gt;Clock&lt;/title&gt;
+  &lt;script src="clock.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
+  &lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="clock.css"&gt;
+ &lt;/head&gt;
+ &lt;body&gt;
+  &lt;p&gt;The time is: &lt;output id="clock"&gt;&lt;/output&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;/body&gt;
+&lt;/html&gt;</pre><p>Now, if the user goes to the page, the browser will cache the
+  files and make them available even when the user is offline.<h5 id="event-summary"><span class="secno"> </span>Event summary</h5><p>When the user visits a page that declares a manifest, the browser
+  will try to update the cache. It does this by fetching a copy of the
+  manifest and, if the manifest has changed since the user agent last
+  saw it, redownloading all the resources it mentions and caching them
+  anew.<p>As this is going on, a number of events get fired to keep the
+  script updated as to the state of the cache update, so that the user
+  can be notified appropriately. The events are as follows:<table><thead><tr><th> Event name
+     <th> Occasion
+     <th> Next events
+   <tbody><tr><td> <dfn id="event-appcache-checking" title="event-appcache-checking"><code>checking</code></dfn>
+     <td> The user agent is checking for an update, or attempting to download the manifest for the first time.
+     <td> <code title="event-appcache-noupdate"><a href="#event-appcache-noupdate">noupdate</a></code>, <code title="event-appcache-downloading"><a href="#event-appcache-downloading">downloading</a></code>, <code title="event-appcache-obsolete"><a href="#event-appcache-obsolete">obsolete</a></code>, <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code>
+    <tr><td> <dfn id="event-appcache-noupdate" title="event-appcache-noupdate"><code>noupdate</code></dfn>
+     <td> The manifest hadn't changed.
+     <td> (Last event in sequence.)
+    <tr><td> <dfn id="event-appcache-downloading" title="event-appcache-downloading"><code>downloading</code></dfn>
+     <td> The user agent has found an update and is fetching it, or is downloading the resources listed by the manifest for the first time.
+     <td> <code title="event-appcache-progress"><a href="#event-appcache-progress">progress</a></code>, <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code>, <code title="event-appcache-cached"><a href="#event-appcache-cached">cached</a></code>, <code title="event-appcache-updateready"><a href="#event-appcache-updateready">updateready</a></code>
+    <tr><td> <dfn id="event-appcache-progress" title="event-appcache-progress"><code>progress</code></dfn>
+     <td> The user agent is downloading resources listed by the manifest.
+     <td> <code title="event-appcache-progress"><a href="#event-appcache-progress">progress</a></code>, <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code>, <code title="event-appcache-cached"><a href="#event-appcache-cached">cached</a></code>, <code title="event-appcache-updateready"><a href="#event-appcache-updateready">updateready</a></code>
+    <tr><td> <dfn id="event-appcache-cached" title="event-appcache-cached"><code>cached</code></dfn>
+     <td> The resources listed in the manifest have been downloaded, and the application is now cached.
+     <td> Last event in sequence.
+    <tr><td> <dfn id="event-appcache-updateready" title="event-appcache-updateready"><code>updateready</code></dfn>
+     <td> The resources listed in the manifest have been newly redownloaded, and the script can use <code title="dom-appcache-swapCache"><a href="#dom-appcache-swapcache">swapCache()</a></code> to switch to the new cache.
+     <td> Last event in sequence.
+    <tr><td> <dfn id="event-appcache-obsolete" title="event-appcache-obsolete"><code>obsolete</code></dfn>
+     <td> The manifest was found to have become a 404 or 410 page, so the application cache is being deleted.
+     <td> Last event in sequence.
+    <tr><td rowspan="4"> <dfn id="event-appcache-error" title="event-appcache-error"><code>error</code></dfn>
+     <td> The manifest was a 404 or 410 page, so the attempt to cache the application has been aborted.
+     <td rowspan="3"> Last event in sequence.
+    <tr><td> The manifest hadn't changed, but the page referencing the manifest failed to download properly.
+    <tr><td> A fatal error occured while fetching the resources listed in the manifest.
+    <tr><td> The manifest changed while the update was being run.
+     <td> The user agent will try fetching the files again momentarily.
+  </table><div class="impl">
   <h4 id="appcache"><span class="secno">6.9.2 </span>Application caches</h4>
@@ -44430,7 +44512,7 @@
      <li><p>If these steps were invoked with a <a href="#cache-host">cache
      host</a>, and the <a href="#concept-appcache-status" title="concept-appcache-status">status</a> of <var title="">cache group</var> is <i>checking</i> or
      <i>downloading</i>, then <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire
-     a simple event</a> called <code title="event-checking">checking</code> at the
+     a simple event</a> called <code title="event-appcache-checking"><a href="#event-appcache-checking">checking</a></code> at the
      <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of that <a href="#cache-host">cache
      host</a>. The default action of this event should be the
      display of some sort of user interface indicating to the user
@@ -44440,7 +44522,7 @@
      <li><p>If these steps were invoked with a <a href="#cache-host">cache
      host</a>, and the <a href="#concept-appcache-status" title="concept-appcache-status">status</a> of <var title="">cache group</var> is <i>downloading</i>, then also
      <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple event</a>
-     called <code title="event-downloading">downloading</code> that is
+     called <code title="event-appcache-downloading"><a href="#event-appcache-downloading">downloading</a></code> that is
      cancelable at the <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of that
      <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a>. The default action of this event should
      be the display of some sort of user interface indicating to the
@@ -44456,7 +44538,7 @@
      <li><p>For each <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a> associated with an
      <a href="#application-cache">application cache</a> in <var title="">cache
      group</var>, <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple
-     event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-checking">checking</code> at the
+     event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-appcache-checking"><a href="#event-appcache-checking">checking</a></code> at the
      <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
      host</a>. The default action of these events should be the
      display of some sort of user interface indicating to the user
@@ -44475,7 +44557,7 @@
    <li><p>If this is a <a href="#concept-appcache-cache" title="concept-appcache-cache">cache
    attempt</a>, then this algorithm was invoked with a <a href="#cache-host">cache
    host</a>; <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple
-   event</a> called <code title="event-checking">checking</code>
+   event</a> called <code title="event-appcache-checking"><a href="#event-appcache-checking">checking</a></code>
    that is cancelable at the <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton
    of that <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a>. The default action of this event
    should be the display of some sort of user interface indicating to
@@ -44510,7 +44592,7 @@
      <li><p>For each <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a> associated with an
      <a href="#application-cache">application cache</a> in <var title="">cache
      group</var>, <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple
-     event</a> called <code title="event-obsolete">obsolete</code>
+     event</a> called <code title="event-appcache-obsolete"><a href="#event-appcache-obsolete">obsolete</a></code>
      that is cancelable at the <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton
      of the <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a>. The default action of these
      events should be the display of some sort of user interface
@@ -44519,7 +44601,7 @@
      <li><p>For each entry in <var title="">cache group</var>'s <a href="#concept-appcache-pending-masters" title="concept-appcache-pending-masters">list of pending master
      entries</a>, <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple
-     event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-error"><a href="#event-error">error</a></code> (not <code title="event-obsolete">obsolete</code>!) at the
+     event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code> (not <code title="event-appcache-obsolete"><a href="#event-appcache-obsolete">obsolete</a></code>!) at the
      <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
      host</a> the <code>Document</code> for this entry, if there
      still is one. The default action of this event should be the
@@ -44574,7 +44656,7 @@
       <p>If the download failed (e.g. the connection times out, or the
       user cancels the download), then <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to
-      <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-error"><a href="#event-error">error</a></code> at the
+      <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code> at the
       <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
       host</a> the <code>Document</code> for this entry, if there
       still is one. The default action of this event should be the
@@ -44596,7 +44678,7 @@
      <li><p>For each <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a> associated with an
      <a href="#application-cache">application cache</a> in <var title="">cache
      group</var>, <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple
-     event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-noupdate">noupdate</code> at the
+     event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-appcache-noupdate"><a href="#event-appcache-noupdate">noupdate</a></code> at the
      <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
      host</a>. The default action of these events should be the
      display of some sort of user interface indicating to the user
@@ -44629,7 +44711,7 @@
    <li><p>For each <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a> associated with an
    <a href="#application-cache">application cache</a> in <var title="">cache group</var>,
    <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple event</a> that
-   is cancelable called <code title="event-downloading">downloading</code> at the
+   is cancelable called <code title="event-appcache-downloading"><a href="#event-appcache-downloading">downloading</a></code> at the
    <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
    host</a>. The default action of these events should be the
    display of some sort of user interface indicating to the user that
@@ -44678,7 +44760,7 @@
      <li><p>For each <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a> associated with an
      <a href="#application-cache">application cache</a> in <var title="">cache
      group</var>, <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple
-     event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-progress"><a href="#event-progress">progress</a></code> at the
+     event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-appcache-progress"><a href="#event-appcache-progress">progress</a></code> at the
      <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
      host</a>. The default action of these events should be the
      display of some sort of user interface indicating to the user
@@ -44814,7 +44896,7 @@
      <var title="">new cache</var>.</li>
      <li><p><a href="#queue-a-task">Queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple
-     event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-error"><a href="#event-error">error</a></code> at the
+     event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code> at the
      <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the
      <code>Document</code> for this entry, if there still is one. The
      default action of this event should be the display of some sort
@@ -44882,7 +44964,7 @@
     attempt</a>, then for each <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a> associated
     with an <a href="#application-cache">application cache</a> in <var title="">cache
     group</var>, <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple
-    event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-cached">cached</code> at the
+    event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-appcache-cached"><a href="#event-appcache-cached">cached</a></code> at the
     <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
     host</a>. The default action of these events should be the
     display of some sort of user interface indicating to the user that
@@ -44893,7 +44975,7 @@
     <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a> associated with an <a href="#application-cache">application
     cache</a> in <var title="">cache group</var>, <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a
     task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple event</a> that is cancelable
-    called <code title="event-updateready">updateready</code> at the
+    called <code title="event-appcache-updateready"><a href="#event-appcache-updateready">updateready</a></code> at the
     <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
     host</a>. The default action of these events should be the
     display of some sort of user interface indicating to the user that
@@ -44924,7 +45006,7 @@
      its <a href="#application-cache">application cache</a>, if it has one.</li>
      <li><p><a href="#queue-a-task">Queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple
-     event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-error"><a href="#event-error">error</a></code> at the
+     event</a> that is cancelable called <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code> at the
      <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the
      <code>Document</code> for this entry, if there still is one. The
      default action of these events should be the display of some sort
@@ -44936,7 +45018,7 @@
    <li><p>For each <a href="#cache-host">cache host</a> still associated with an
    <a href="#application-cache">application cache</a> in <var title="">cache group</var>,
    <a href="#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple event</a> that
-   is cancelable called <code title="event-error"><a href="#event-error">error</a></code> at the
+   is cancelable called <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code> at the
    <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> singleton of the <a href="#cache-host">cache
    host</a>. The default action of these events should be the
    display of some sort of user interface indicating to the user that
@@ -45339,14 +45421,14 @@
   <code><a href="#applicationcache">ApplicationCache</a></code> interface:</p>
   <table><thead><tr><th><a href="#event-handler-attributes-0" title="event handler attributes">event handler attribute</a> <th><a href="#event-handler-event-type">Event handler event type</a>
-   <tbody><tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-onchecking" title="handler-appcache-onchecking"><code>onchecking</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-checking">checking</code>
-    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-onerror" title="handler-appcache-onerror"><code>onerror</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-error"><a href="#event-error">error</a></code>
-    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-onnoupdate" title="handler-appcache-onnoupdate"><code>onnoupdate</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-noupdate">noupdate</code>
-    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-ondownloading" title="handler-appcache-ondownloading"><code>ondownloading</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-downloading">downloading</code>
-    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-onprogress" title="handler-appcache-onprogress"><code>onprogress</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-progress"><a href="#event-progress">progress</a></code>
-    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-onupdateready" title="handler-appcache-onupdateready"><code>onupdateready</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-updateready">updateready</code>
-    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-oncached" title="handler-appcache-oncached"><code>oncached</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-cached">cached</code>
-    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-onobsolete" title="handler-appcache-onobsolete"><code>onobsolete</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-obsolete">obsolete</code>
+   <tbody><tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-onchecking" title="handler-appcache-onchecking"><code>onchecking</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-appcache-checking"><a href="#event-appcache-checking">checking</a></code>
+    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-onerror" title="handler-appcache-onerror"><code>onerror</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-appcache-error"><a href="#event-appcache-error">error</a></code>
+    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-onnoupdate" title="handler-appcache-onnoupdate"><code>onnoupdate</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-appcache-noupdate"><a href="#event-appcache-noupdate">noupdate</a></code>
+    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-ondownloading" title="handler-appcache-ondownloading"><code>ondownloading</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-appcache-downloading"><a href="#event-appcache-downloading">downloading</a></code>
+    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-onprogress" title="handler-appcache-onprogress"><code>onprogress</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-appcache-progress"><a href="#event-appcache-progress">progress</a></code>
+    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-onupdateready" title="handler-appcache-onupdateready"><code>onupdateready</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-appcache-updateready"><a href="#event-appcache-updateready">updateready</a></code>
+    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-oncached" title="handler-appcache-oncached"><code>oncached</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-appcache-cached"><a href="#event-appcache-cached">cached</a></code>
+    <tr><td><dfn id="handler-appcache-onobsolete" title="handler-appcache-onobsolete"><code>onobsolete</code></dfn> <td> <code title="event-appcache-obsolete"><a href="#event-appcache-obsolete">obsolete</a></code>
   </table></div><h4 id="browser-state"><span class="secno">6.9.10 </span>Browser state</h4><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">window</var> . <code title="dom-navigator"><a href="#dom-navigator">navigator</a></code> . <code title="dom-navigator-onLine"><a href="#dom-navigator-online">onLine</a></code></dt>

Received on Monday, 29 June 2009 09:59:27 UTC