html5/markup/src documents.html,NONE,1.1 syntax.html,1.56,1.57 html-xhtml.html,1.2,NONE

Update of /sources/public/html5/markup/src
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv1700/src

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Removed Files:
Log Message:
renamed the "HTML and XHTML documents" section to simply "Documents"

--- NEW FILE: documents.html ---
<section id="documents"
  <div class="toc"/>
  <p>The HTML vocabulary is an abstract language that applications
  can potentially represent in memory in any number of possible
  ways, and that can be transmitted using any number of possible
  concrete syntaxes. This specification makes reference to 
  two particular concrete syntaxes: One syntax which
  is referred to throughout this specification as
  <a href="#html-syntax">the HTML syntax</a>,
  and another syntax, which is referred to throughout this
  specification as
  <a href="#xml-syntax">the XML syntax</a>.</p>
  <p>Web browsers typically implement two separate parsers for
  processing documents: an
  <dfn id="html-parser">HTML parser</dfn>
  which is invoked when processing documents in the
  <a href="#html-syntax">HTML syntax</a>, and an
  <dfn id="xml-parser">XML parser</dfn>
  which is invoked when processing documents in the
  <a href="#xml-syntax">XML syntax</a>.</p>
  <p>The <dfn id="html-syntax"
    >HTML syntax</dfn>
  is the syntax described in the
  “HTML syntax” section of this specification.
  <dfn id="xml-syntax"
    >XML syntax</dfn>
  is defined by rules in the XML specification
  <a href="#refsXML">[XML]</a>.</p>
  <section id="mime-types">
    <h2>The HTML namespace and MIME types</h2>
      title="html-namespace">HTML namespace</dfn>
    is defined as <code></code>.
    The <a href="#html-namespace">HTML namespace</a> is the
    namespace both for 
    <a href="#syntax-document-html">documents in the HTML syntax</a>
    and for
    <a href="#syntax-document-xml">documents in the XML syntax</a>.</p>
    <p>Documents that are served with the
    <code>text/html</code> MIME type must conform to the rules in this
    specification for
    <a href="#syntax-document-html">documents in the HTML syntax</a>.</p>
    <p>Documents that have an
    <a href="#html-namespace">HTML namespace</a>
    declaration and that are served with an XML MIME type
    such as
    <code>application/xml</code>, or
    must conform to the rules in this specification for
    <a href="#syntax-document-xml">documents in the XML syntax</a>.</p>
  <section id="documents">
    <h2>Conformant documents</h2>
    <p>A conformant
    <dfn id="syntax-document-html"
      title="syntax-document-html">document in the HTML
      syntax</dfn> must consist of the following parts, in the
    following order:</p>
      <li>Optionally, a single U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK (BOM)
      <li>Any number of
      <a href="#syntax-comments">comments</a> and
      <a href="#space">space characters</a>.</li>
      <li>A <a href="#doctype">DOCTYPE</a>.</li>
      <li>Any number of
      <a href="#syntax-comments">comments</a> and
      <a href="#space">space characters</a>.</li>
      <li>The root element, in the form of an
      <a href="#html">html</a> element.</li>
      <li>Any number of
      <a href="#syntax-comments">comments</a> and
      <a href="#space">space characters</a>.</li>
    <p>A conformant
    <dfn id="syntax-document-xml"
      title="syntax-document-xml">document in the XML syntax</dfn>
    must consist of the following parts, in the following order:</p>
      <li>Optionally, a single U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK (BOM)
      <li>Any number of comments and space characters, as defined
      in the XML specification <a href="#refsXML">[XML]</a>.</li>
      <li>Optionally, a DOCTYPE, as defined
      in the XML specification <a href="#refsXML">[XML]</a>.</li>
      <li>Any number of comments and space characters, as defined
      in the XML specification <a href="#refsXML">[XML]</a>.</li>
      <li>The root element, in the form of an
      <a href="#html">html</a> element.</li>
      <li>Any number of comments and space characters, as defined
      in the XML specification <a href="#refsXML">[XML]</a>.</li>
    <p>Documents in the XML syntax must conform to XML constraints
    as defined in the XML specification <a
      href="#refsXML">[XML]</a> — including XML well-formedness
    constraints — and must not make use of any features of the <a
      href="#html-syntax">HTML syntax</a> that do not follow XML
    well-formedness constraints (for example, documents in the XML
    syntax must not use <a href="#syntax-attr-unquoted">unquoted attribute
      value syntax</a> and must not <a href="#omitted">omit tags</a>).</p>

--- html-xhtml.html DELETED ---

Index: syntax.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/src/syntax.html,v
retrieving revision 1.56
retrieving revision 1.57
diff -u -d -r1.56 -r1.57
--- syntax.html	10 Jul 2009 02:29:18 -0000	1.56
+++ syntax.html	14 Jul 2009 16:30:16 -0000	1.57
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     <div class="example">
     <p>The following are examples of some DOCTYPEs that match the
-    <a href="#doctype,legacy">doctype.legacy</a> pattern.</p>
+    <a href="#doctype.legacy">doctype.legacy</a> pattern.</p>
     <pre>&lt;!doctype html system 'about:legacy-compat'></pre>
     <pre>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML system "about:legacy-compat"></pre>

Received on Tuesday, 14 July 2009 16:30:28 UTC