html5/spec Overview.html,1.1887,1.1888

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Example for <section>. (whatwg r2718)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1887
retrieving revision 1.1888
diff -u -d -r1.1887 -r1.1888
--- Overview.html	28 Jan 2009 01:40:09 -0000	1.1887
+++ Overview.html	28 Jan 2009 07:07:56 -0000	1.1888
@@ -8698,7 +8698,30 @@
   footer.<p class=example>Examples of sections would be chapters, the
   various tabbed pages in a tabbed dialog box, or the numbered
   sections of a thesis. A Web site's home page could be split into
-  sections for an introduction, news items, contact information.<h4 id=the-nav-element><span class=secno>4.4.3 </span>The <dfn><code>nav</code></dfn> element</h4><dl class=element><dt>Categories</dt>
+  sections for an introduction, news items, contact information.<div class=example>
+   <p>In the following example, we see an article (part of a larger
+   Web page) about apples, containing two short sections.</p>
+   <pre>&lt;article&gt;
+ &lt;header&gt;
+  &lt;h1&gt;Apples&lt;/h1&gt;
+  &lt;p&gt;Tasty, delicious fruit!&lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;/header&gt;
+ &lt;p&gt;The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree.&lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;section&gt;
+  &lt;h1&gt;Red Delicious&lt;/h1&gt;
+  &lt;p&gt;These bright red apples are the most common found in many
+  supermarkets.&lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;/section&gt;
+ &lt;section&gt;
+  &lt;h1&gt;Granny Smith&lt;/h1&gt;
+  &lt;p&gt;These juicy, green apples and make a great filling for
+  apple pies.&lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;/section&gt;
+  </div><h4 id=the-nav-element><span class=secno>4.4.3 </span>The <dfn><code>nav</code></dfn> element</h4><dl class=element><dt>Categories</dt>
    <dd><a href=#flow-content-0>Flow content</a>.</dd>
    <dd><a href=#sectioning-content-0>Sectioning content</a>.</dd>
    <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:</dt>

Received on Wednesday, 28 January 2009 07:08:14 UTC