html5/spec Overview.html,1.1831,1.1832

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Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1831
retrieving revision 1.1832
diff -u -d -r1.1831 -r1.1832
--- Overview.html	14 Jan 2009 03:33:59 -0000	1.1831
+++ Overview.html	14 Jan 2009 08:47:01 -0000	1.1832
@@ -4947,11 +4947,8 @@
   // <a href=#dynamic-markup-insertion>dynamic markup insertion</a>
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-innerhtml title=dom-innerHTML>innerHTML</a>;
-  <a href=#htmldocument>HTMLDocument</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>();
-  <a href=#htmldocument>HTMLDocument</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString type);
-  <a href=#htmldocument>HTMLDocument</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString type, in DOMString replace);
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString name, in DOMString features);
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString name, in DOMString features, in boolean replace);
+  <a href=#htmldocument>HTMLDocument</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>([Optional] in DOMString type, in DOMString replace);
+  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString name, in DOMString features, [Optional] in boolean replace);
   void <a href=#dom-document-close title=dom-document-close>close</a>();
   void <a href=#dom-document-write title=dom-document-write>write</a>([Variadic] in DOMString text);
   void <a href=#dom-document-writeln title=dom-document-writeln>writeln</a>([Variadic] in DOMString text);
@@ -13624,7 +13621,7 @@
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-object-usemap title=dom-object-useMap>useMap</a>;
   readonly attribute <a href=#htmlformelement>HTMLFormElement</a> <a href=#dom-fae-form title=dom-fae-form>form</a>;
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-dim-width title=dom-dim-width>width</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-dim-height title=dom-dim-height>height</a>;<!--
+           attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-dim-height title=dom-dim-height>height</a>;<!-- XXX
   readonly attribute Document <span title="dom-object-contentDocument">contentDocument</span>;
   readonly attribute <span>Window</span> <span title="dom-object-contentWindow">contentWindow</span>;-->
@@ -15813,8 +15810,7 @@
            attribute unsigned long <a href=#dom-canvas-width title=dom-canvas-width>width</a>;
            attribute unsigned long <a href=#dom-canvas-height title=dom-canvas-height>height</a>;
-  DOMString <a href=#dom-canvas-todataurl title=dom-canvas-toDataURL>toDataURL</a>();
-  DOMString <a href=#dom-canvas-todataurl-type title=dom-canvas-toDataURL-type>toDataURL</a>(in DOMString type, [Variadic] in any args);
+  DOMString <a href=#dom-canvas-todataurl title=dom-canvas-toDataURL>toDataURL</a>([Optional] in DOMString type, [Variadic] in any args);
   any <a href=#dom-canvas-getcontext title=dom-canvas-getContext>getContext</a>(in DOMString contextId);
@@ -15891,12 +15887,12 @@
   comparisons must be <a href=#case-sensitive>case-sensitive</a>.<p>Arguments other than the <var title="">contextId</var> must be
   ignored.<p class=note>A future version of this specification will probably
   define a <code>3d</code> context (probably based on the OpenGL ES
-  API).<p>The <dfn id=dom-canvas-todataurl title=dom-canvas-toDataURL><code>toDataURL()</code></dfn> method
+  API).</p><hr><p>The <dfn id=dom-canvas-todataurl title=dom-canvas-toDataURL><code>toDataURL()</code></dfn> method
   must, when called with no arguments, return a <code title="">data:</code> URL containing a representation of the image
   as a PNG file. <a href=#references>[PNG]</a>.<p>If the canvas has no pixels (i.e. either its horizontal dimension
   or its vertical dimension is zero) then the method must return the
-  string "<code title="">data:,</code>". (This is the shortest <code title="">data:</code> URL; it represents the empty string in a <code title="">text/plain</code> resource.)<p>The <dfn id=dom-canvas-todataurl-type title=dom-canvas-toDataURL-type><code>toDataURL(<var title="">type</var>)</code></dfn> method (when called with one
-  <em>or more</em> arguments) must return a <code title="">data:</code> URL containing a representation of the image
+  string "<code title="">data:,</code>". (This is the shortest <code title="">data:</code> URL; it represents the empty string in a <code title="">text/plain</code> resource.)<p>When the <code title=dom-canvas-toDataURL><a href=#dom-canvas-todataurl>toDataURL(<var title="">type</var>)</a></code> method, when called with one
+  <em>or more</em> arguments, must return a <code title="">data:</code> URL containing a representation of the image
   in the format given by <var title="">type</var>. The possible values
   are MIME types with no parameters, for example
   <code>image/png</code>, <code>image/jpeg</code>, or even maybe
@@ -15907,9 +15903,9 @@
   source-over operator, and the resulting image must be the one used
   to create the <code title="">data:</code> URL.<p>Only support for <code>image/png</code> is required. User agents
   may support other types. If the user agent does not support the
-  requested type, it must return the image using the PNG format.<p>User agents must convert the provided type to lower case before
-  establishing if they support that type and before creating the <code title="">data:</code> URL.</p><!-- XXX define "convert to lower
-  case" --><p class=note>When trying to use types other than
+  requested type, it must return the image using the PNG format.<p>User agents must <a href=#converted-to-lowercase title="converted to lowercase">convert the
+  provided type to lower case</a> before establishing if they
+  support that type and before creating the <code title="">data:</code> URL.<p class=note>When trying to use types other than
   <code>image/png</code>, authors can check if the image was really
   returned in the requested format by checking to see if the returned
   string starts with one the exact strings "<code title="">data:image/png,</code>" or "<code title="">data:image/png;</code>". If it does, the image is PNG, and
@@ -16004,29 +16000,22 @@
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-context-2d-font title=dom-context-2d-font>font</a>; // (default 10px sans-serif)
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-context-2d-textalign title=dom-context-2d-textAlign>textAlign</a>; // "start", "end", "left", "right", "center" (default: "start")
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-context-2d-textbaseline title=dom-context-2d-textBaseline>textBaseline</a>; // "top", "hanging", "middle", "alphabetic", "ideographic", "bottom" (default: "alphabetic")
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-filltext title=dom-context-2d-fillText>fillText</a>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-filltext title=dom-context-2d-fillText>fillText</a>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, in float maxWidth);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-stroketext title=dom-context-2d-strokeText>strokeText</a>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-stroketext title=dom-context-2d-strokeText>strokeText</a>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, in float maxWidth);<!-- XXXDVT
-  void <span title="dom-context-2d-fillVerticalText">fillVerticalText</span>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y);
-  void <span title="dom-context-2d-fillVerticalText">fillVerticalText</span>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, in float maxHeight);
-  void <span title="dom-context-2d-strokeVerticalText">strokeVerticalText</span>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y);
-  void <span title="dom-context-2d-strokeVerticalText">strokeVerticalText</span>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, in float maxHeight); -->
+  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-filltext title=dom-context-2d-fillText>fillText</a>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, [Optional] in float maxWidth);
+  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-stroketext title=dom-context-2d-strokeText>strokeText</a>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, [Optional] in float maxWidth);<!-- XXXDVT
+  void <span title="dom-context-2d-fillVerticalText">fillVerticalText</span>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, [Optional] in float maxHeight);
+  void <span title="dom-context-2d-strokeVerticalText">strokeVerticalText</span>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, [Optional] in float maxHeight); -->
   <a href=#textmetrics>TextMetrics</a> <a href=#dom-context-2d-measuretext title=dom-context-2d-measureText>measureText</a>(in DOMString text);
-  // drawing images
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlimageelement>HTMLImageElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlimageelement>HTMLImageElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);
+  // drawing images<!-- XXX add and define HTMLVideoElement variants -->
+  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlimageelement>HTMLImageElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy, [Optional] in float dw, in float dh);
   void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlimageelement>HTMLImageElement</a> image, in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlcanvaselement>HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlcanvaselement>HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);
+  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlcanvaselement>HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy, [Optional] in float dw, in float dh);
   void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlcanvaselement>HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);
   // pixel manipulation
   <a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a> <a href=#dom-context-2d-createimagedata title=dom-context-2d-createImageData>createImageData</a>(in float sw, in float sh);
   <a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a> <a href=#dom-context-2d-getimagedata title=dom-context-2d-getImageData>getImageData</a>(in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-putimagedata title=dom-context-2d-putImageData>putImageData</a>(in <a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a> imagedata, in float dx, in float dy);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-putimagedata-dirty title=dom-context-2d-putImageData-dirty>putImageData</a>(in <a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a> imagedata, in float dx, in float dy, in float dirtyX, in float dirtyY, in float dirtyWidth, in float dirtyHeight);
+  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-putimagedata title=dom-context-2d-putImageData>putImageData</a>(in <a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a> imagedata, in float dx, in float dy, [Optional] in float dirtyX, in float dirtyY, in float dirtyWidth, in float dirtyHeight);
 interface <dfn id=canvasgradient>CanvasGradient</dfn> {
@@ -17189,7 +17178,7 @@
   <i>convertToIntegerTiesToEven</i> rounding mode. <a href=#references>[ECMA262]</a> <a href=#references>[IEEE754R]</a><p class=note>The width and height (<var title="">w</var> and <var title="">h</var>) might be different from the <var title="">sw</var>
   and <var title="">sh</var> arguments to the above methods, e.g. if
   the canvas is backed by a high-resolution bitmap, or if the <var title="">sw</var> and <var title="">sh</var> arguments are
-  negative.<p>The <dfn id=dom-context-2d-putimagedata title=dom-context-2d-putImageData><code>putImageData(<var title="">imagedata</var>, <var title="">dx</var>, <var title="">dy</var>)</code></dfn> and <dfn id=dom-context-2d-putimagedata-dirty title=dom-context-2d-putImageData-dirty><code>putImageData(<var title="">imagedata</var>, <var title="">dx</var>, <var title="">dy</var>, <var title="">dirtyX</var>, <var title="">dirtyY</var>, <var title="">dirtyWidth</var>, <var title="">dirtyHeight</var>)</code></dfn> methods write data from
+  negative.<p>The <dfn id=dom-context-2d-putimagedata title=dom-context-2d-putImageData><code>putImageData(<var title="">imagedata</var>, <var title="">dx</var>, <var title="">dy</var>, <var title="">dirtyX</var>, <var title="">dirtyY</var>, <var title="">dirtyWidth</var>, <var title="">dirtyHeight</var>)</code></dfn> method writes data from
   <code><a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a></code> structures back to the canvas.<p>If any of the arguments to the method are infinite or NaN, the
   method must raise a <code><a href=#not_supported_err>NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR</a></code> exception.<p>If the first argument to the method is null or not an
   <code><a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a></code> object then the <code title=dom-context-2d-putImageData><a href=#dom-context-2d-putimagedata>putImageData()</a></code> method
@@ -27139,11 +27128,7 @@
   [Replaceable] readonly attribute <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-opener title=dom-opener>opener</a>;
   readonly attribute <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-parent title=dom-parent>parent</a>;
   readonly attribute <span>Element</span> <a href=#dom-frameelement title=dom-frameElement>frameElement</a>;
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-open title=dom-open>open</a>();
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-open title=dom-open>open</a>(in DOMString url);
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-open title=dom-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString target);
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-open title=dom-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString target, in DOMString features);
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-open title=dom-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString target, in DOMString features, in DOMString replace);
+  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-open title=dom-open>open</a>([Optional] in DOMString url, [Optional] in DOMString target, [Optional] in DOMString features, [Optional] in DOMString replace);
   // the user agent
   readonly attribute <a href=#navigator>Navigator</a> <a href=#dom-navigator title=dom-navigator>navigator</a>; <!-- XXX IE6 also has window.clientInformation pointing to this same object -->
@@ -27154,14 +27139,10 @@
   // user prompts
   void <a href=#dom-alert title=dom-alert>alert</a>(in DOMString message);
   boolean <a href=#dom-confirm title=dom-confirm>confirm</a>(in DOMString message);
-  DOMString <a href=#dom-prompt title=dom-prompt>prompt</a>(in DOMString message);
-  DOMString <a href=#dom-prompt title=dom-prompt>prompt</a>(in DOMString message, in DOMString default);
+  DOMString <a href=#dom-prompt title=dom-prompt>prompt</a>(in DOMString message, [Optional] in DOMString default);
   void <a href=#dom-print title=dom-print>print</a>();
-  any <a href=#dom-showmodaldialog title=dom-showModalDialog>showModalDialog</a>(in DOMString url);
-  any <a href=#dom-showmodaldialog title=dom-showModalDialog>showModalDialog</a>(in DOMString url, in any arguments);<!--
-  any <span title="dom-showModalDialog">showModalDialog</span>(in DOMString url, in any arguments, in DOMString features);--><!-- XXX-NOTIFY
-  void <span title="dom-showNotification">showNotification</span>(in DOMString title, in DOMString subtitle, in DOMString description);
-  void <span title="dom-showNotification">showNotification</span>(in DOMString title, in DOMString subtitle, in DOMString description, in VoidCallback onclick);-->
+  any <a href=#dom-showmodaldialog title=dom-showModalDialog>showModalDialog</a>(in DOMString url, [Optional] in any arguments<!--, [Optional] in DOMString features-->);<!-- XXX-NOTIFY
+  void <span title="dom-showNotification">showNotification</span>(in DOMString title, in DOMString subtitle, in DOMString description, [Optional] in VoidCallback onclick);-->
   // <a href=#crossDocumentMessages>cross-document messaging</a>
   void <a href=#dom-window-postmessage-2 title=dom-window-postMessage-2>postMessage</a>(in any message, in DOMString targetOrigin);
@@ -28831,7 +28812,8 @@
     <p>Let the <a href=#dialog-arguments>dialog arguments</a> of the new browsing
-    context be set to the value of <var title="">arguments</var>.</p>
+    context be set to the value of <var title="">arguments</var>, or
+    the 'undefined' value if the argument was omitted.</p>
@@ -30844,23 +30826,21 @@
   are no state object entries for that <code>Document</code> object
   then no entries are removed.<h4 id=the-history-interface><span class=secno>5.8.2 </span>The <code><a href=#history-1>History</a></code> interface</h4><pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=history-1>History</dfn> {
   readonly attribute long <a href=#dom-history-length title=dom-history-length>length</a>;
-  void <a href=#dom-history-go title=dom-history-go>go</a>(in long delta);
-  void <a href=#dom-history-go-0 title=dom-history-go-0>go</a>();
+  void <a href=#dom-history-go title=dom-history-go>go</a>([Optional] in long delta);
   void <a href=#dom-history-back title=dom-history-back>back</a>();
   void <a href=#dom-history-forward title=dom-history-forward>forward</a>();
-  void <a href=#dom-history-pushstate title=dom-history-pushState>pushState</a>(in any data, in DOMString title);
-  void <a href=#dom-history-pushstate title=dom-history-pushState>pushState</a>(in any data, in DOMString title, in DOMString url);
+  void <a href=#dom-history-pushstate title=dom-history-pushState>pushState</a>(in any data, in DOMString title, [Optional] in DOMString url);
   void <a href=#dom-history-clearstate title=dom-history-clearState>clearState</a>();
 };</pre><p>The <dfn id=dom-history-length title=dom-history-length><code>length</code></dfn>
   attribute of the <code><a href=#history-1>History</a></code> interface must return the
-  number of entries in this <a href=#session-history>session history</a>.<p>The actual entries are not accessible from script.<p>The <dfn id=dom-history-go title=dom-history-go><code>go(<var title="">delta</var>)</code></dfn>
-  method causes the UA to move the number of steps specified by
-  <var title="">delta</var> in the session history.<p>If the index of the <a href=#current-entry>current entry</a> plus
-  <var title="">delta</var> is less than zero or greater than or equal to the
-  <a href=#dom-history-length title=dom-history-length>number of items in the session
-  history</a>, then the user agent must do nothing.<p>If the <var title="">delta</var> is zero, then the user agent must act as
-  if the <code title=dom-location-reload>location.reload()</code>
-  method was called instead.<p>Otherwise, the user agent must cause the current <a href=#browsing-context>browsing
+  number of entries in this <a href=#session-history>session history</a>.<p>The actual entries are not accessible from script.<p>The <dfn id=dom-history-go title=dom-history-go><code>go(<var title="">delta</var>)</code></dfn> method causes the UA to move the
+  number of steps specified by <var title="">delta</var> in the
+  session history.<p>If the <var title="">delta</var> is zero, or if the argument is
+  omitted, then the user agent must act as if the <code title=dom-location-reload>location.reload()</code> method was
+  called instead.<p>Otherwise, if the index of the <a href=#current-entry>current entry</a> plus
+  <var title="">delta</var> is less than zero or greater than or equal
+  to the <a href=#dom-history-length title=dom-history-length>number of items in the
+  session history</a>, then the user agent must do nothing.<p>Otherwise, the user agent must cause the current <a href=#browsing-context>browsing
   context</a> to <a href=#traverse-the-history>traverse the history</a> to the specified
   entry. The <i>specified entry</i> is the one whose index equals the
   index of the <a href=#current-entry>current entry</a> plus <var title="">delta</var>.<p>When the user navigates through a <a href=#browsing-context>browsing context</a>,
@@ -30870,8 +30850,6 @@
   are defined in terms of the <code title=dom-history-go><a href=#dom-history-go>go()</a></code>
   method, as follows:<table><tr><th>Member</th>
-   <tr><td><dfn id=dom-history-go-0 title=dom-history-go-0><code>go()</code></dfn></td>
-    <td>Must do the same as <code title=dom-history-go><a href=#dom-history-go>go(0)</a></code></td>
    <tr><td><dfn id=dom-history-back title=dom-history-back><code>back()</code></dfn></td>
     <td>Must do the same as <code title=dom-history-go><a href=#dom-history-go>go(-1)</a></code></td>
    <tr><td><dfn id=dom-history-forward title=dom-history-forward><code>forward()</code></dfn></td>
@@ -32127,10 +32105,7 @@
   objects.<pre class=idl>typedef sequence&lt;any&gt; <dfn id=objectarray>ObjectArray</dfn>;
 interface <dfn id=sqltransaction>SQLTransaction</dfn> {
-  void <a href=#dom-sqltransaction-executesql title=dom-sqltransaction-executeSql>executeSql</a>(in DOMString sqlStatement);
-  void <a href=#dom-sqltransaction-executesql title=dom-sqltransaction-executeSql>executeSql</a>(in DOMString sqlStatement, in <a href=#objectarray>ObjectArray</a> arguments);
-  void <a href=#dom-sqltransaction-executesql title=dom-sqltransaction-executeSql>executeSql</a>(in DOMString sqlStatement, in <a href=#objectarray>ObjectArray</a> arguments, in <a href=#sqlstatementcallback>SQLStatementCallback</a> callback);
-  void <a href=#dom-sqltransaction-executesql title=dom-sqltransaction-executeSql>executeSql</a>(in DOMString sqlStatement, in <a href=#objectarray>ObjectArray</a> arguments, in <a href=#sqlstatementcallback>SQLStatementCallback</a> callback, in <a href=#sqlstatementerrorcallback>SQLStatementErrorCallback</a> errorCallback);
+  void <a href=#dom-sqltransaction-executesql title=dom-sqltransaction-executeSql>executeSql</a>(in DOMString sqlStatement, [Optional] in <a href=#objectarray>ObjectArray</a> arguments, [Optional] in <a href=#sqlstatementcallback>SQLStatementCallback</a> callback, [Optional] in <a href=#sqlstatementerrorcallback>SQLStatementErrorCallback</a> errorCallback);
 [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject]
@@ -32143,9 +32118,9 @@
   boolean <span title=dom-sqlstatementerrorcallback-handleEvent>handleEvent</span>(in <a href=#sqltransaction>SQLTransaction</a> transaction, in <a href=#sqlerror>SQLError</a> error);
 };</pre><p>When the <dfn id=dom-sqltransaction-executesql title=dom-sqltransaction-executeSql><code>executeSql(<var title="">sqlStatement</var>, <var title="">arguments</var>, <var title="">callback</var>, <var title="">errorCallback</var>)</code></dfn> method is invoked, the
   user agent must run the following algorithm. (This algorithm is
-  relatively simple and doesn't actually execute any SQL &mdash; the
-  bulk of the work is actually done as part of the <a href=#transaction-steps>transaction
-  steps</a>.)<ol><li><p>If the method was not invoked during the execution of a
+  relatively simple in that it doesn't actually execute any SQL
+  &mdash; the bulk of the work is actually done as part of the
+  <a href=#transaction-steps>transaction steps</a>.)<ol><li><p>If the method was not invoked during the execution of a
    <code><a href=#sqltransactioncallback>SQLTransactionCallback</a></code>,
    <code><a href=#sqlstatementcallback>SQLStatementCallback</a></code>, or
    <code><a href=#sqlstatementerrorcallback>SQLStatementErrorCallback</a></code> then raise an
@@ -34161,8 +34136,7 @@
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-datatransfer-dropeffect title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect>dropEffect</a>;
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-datatransfer-effectallowed title=dom-DataTransfer-effectAllowed>effectAllowed</a>;
   readonly attribute DOMStringList <a href=#dom-datatransfer-types title=dom-DataTransfer-types>types</a>;
-  void <a href=#dom-datatransfer-cleardata title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData>clearData</a>();
-  void <a href=#dom-datatransfer-cleardata-format title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData-format>clearData</a>(in DOMString format);
+  void <a href=#dom-datatransfer-cleardata title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData>clearData</a>([Optional] in DOMString format);
   void <a href=#dom-datatransfer-setdata title=dom-DataTransfer-setData>setData</a>(in DOMString format, in DOMString data);
   DOMString <a href=#dom-datatransfer-getdata title=dom-DataTransfer-getData>getData</a>(in DOMString format);
   void <a href=#dom-datatransfer-setdragimage title=dom-DataTransfer-setDragImage>setDragImage</a>(in Element image, in long x, in long y);
@@ -34195,8 +34169,8 @@
   purposes of this API, however, the format strings are opaque,
   <a href=#case-sensitive>case-sensitive</a>, strings, and the empty string is a
   valid format string.<p>The <dfn id=dom-datatransfer-cleardata title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData><code>clearData()</code></dfn>
-  method, with no arguments, must clear the <code><a href=#datatransfer>DataTransfer</a></code>
-  object of al data (for all formats).<p>The <dfn id=dom-datatransfer-cleardata-format title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData-format><code>clearData(<var title="">format</var>)</code></dfn> method must clear the
+  method, when called with no arguments, must clear the
+  <code><a href=#datatransfer>DataTransfer</a></code> object of al data (for all formats).<p>When called with an argument, the <code title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData><a href=#dom-datatransfer-cleardata>clearData(<var title="">format</var>)</a></code> method must clear the
   <code><a href=#datatransfer>DataTransfer</a></code> object of any data associated with the
   given <var title="">format</var>. If <var title="">format</var> is
   the value "<code title="">Text</code>", then it must be treated as
@@ -36708,8 +36682,7 @@
   <code><a href=#messagechannel>MessageChannel</a></code> object was created.<h4 id=message-ports><span class=secno>7.5.3 </span>Message ports</h4><p>Each channel has two message ports. Data sent through one port is
   received by the other port, and vice versa.<pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=messageport>MessagePort</dfn> {
   readonly attribute boolean <a href=#dom-messageport-active title=dom-MessagePort-active>active</a>;
-  void <a href=#dom-messageport-postmessage title=dom-MessagePort-postMessage>postMessage</a>(in any message);
-  void <a href=#dom-messageport-postmessage title=dom-MessagePort-postMessage>postMessage</a>(in any message, in <a href=#messageport>MessagePort</a> messagePort);<!--
+  void <a href=#dom-messageport-postmessage title=dom-MessagePort-postMessage>postMessage</a>(in any message, [Optional] in <a href=#messageport>MessagePort</a> messagePort);<!--
   <span>MessagePort</span> <span title="dom-MessagePort-startConversation">startConversation</span>(in DOMString message);-->
   void <a href=#dom-messageport-start title=dom-MessagePort-start>start</a>();
   void <a href=#dom-messageport-close title=dom-MessagePort-close>close</a>();
@@ -45556,7 +45529,7 @@
   specification in due course. It needs a lot of work to actually make
   it into a semi-decent spec.<p>Objects that implement the <code><a href=#window>Window</a></code> interface must
   also implement the <code><a href=#windowtimers>WindowTimers</a></code> interface:<pre class=idl>[NoInterfaceObject, ImplementedOn=<a href=#window>Window</a>] interface <dfn id=windowtimers>WindowTimers</dfn> {
-  // timers
+  // timers<!-- XXX use [Variadic], [Optional] from WebIDL -->
   long <a href=#dom-windowtimers-settimeout title=dom-windowtimers-setTimeout>setTimeout</a>(in <a href=#timeouthandler>TimeoutHandler</a> handler, in long timeout);
   long <a href=#dom-windowtimers-settimeout title=dom-windowtimers-setTimeout>setTimeout</a>(in <a href=#timeouthandler>TimeoutHandler</a> handler, in long timeout, <var title="">arguments...</var>);
   long <a href=#dom-windowtimers-settimeout title=dom-windowtimers-setTimeout>setTimeout</a>(in DOMString code, in long timeout);

Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2009 08:47:22 UTC