html5/spec Overview.html,1.1829,1.1830

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Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1829
retrieving revision 1.1830
diff -u -d -r1.1829 -r1.1830
--- Overview.html	14 Jan 2009 02:12:14 -0000	1.1829
+++ Overview.html	14 Jan 2009 02:38:33 -0000	1.1830
@@ -4653,7 +4653,7 @@
   attribute must return the number of <em>unique</em> tokens that
   result from <a href=#split-a-string-on-spaces title="split a string on spaces">splitting the
   underlying string on spaces</a>. This is the <var title=dom-tokenlist-length><a href=#dom-tokenlist-length>length</a></var>.<p>The object's <span>indices of the supported indexed
-  properties</span> are the numbers in the range zero to the <var title=dom-tokenlist-length><a href=#dom-tokenlist-length>length</a></var>-1, unless the <var title=dom-tokenlist-length><a href=#dom-tokenlist-length>length</a></var> is zero, in which case
+  properties</span> are the numbers in the range zero to <span><var title=dom-tokenlist-length><a href=#dom-tokenlist-length>length</a></var>-1</span>, unless the <var title=dom-tokenlist-length><a href=#dom-tokenlist-length>length</a></var> is zero, in which case
   there are no <span>supported indexed properties</span>.<p>The <dfn id=dom-tokenlist-item title=dom-tokenlist-item><code>item(<var title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must <a href=#split-a-string-on-spaces title="split a
   string on spaces">split the underlying string on spaces</a>, sort
   the resulting list of tokens by Unicode codepoint<!-- XXX that's
@@ -4814,7 +4814,7 @@
   instantiated, it is associated with three algorithms, one for
   getting getting the list of name-value pairs, one for setting names
   to certain values, and one for deleting names.<pre class=idl>[NameCreator, NameDeleter, NameGetter, NameSetter]
-interface <dfn id=domstringmap-0>DOMStringMap</dfn> {};</pre><p>The names of the supported named properties on a
+interface <dfn id=domstringmap-0>DOMStringMap</dfn> {};</pre><p>The <span>names of the supported named properties</span> on a
   <code><a href=#domstringmap-0>DOMStringMap</a></code> object at any instant are the names of
   each pair returned from the algorithm for getting the list of
   name-value pairs at that instant.<p>When a <code><a href=#domstringmap-0>DOMStringMap</a></code> object is indexed to retrieve a
@@ -25934,7 +25934,11 @@
   infinite depth, which would then require the selection to be
   infinite if every row, including every hidden row, was selected.<p>The <dfn id=dom-datagridselection-length title=dom-DataGridSelection-length><code>length</code></dfn>
   attribute must return the number of rows currently present in the
-  selection. The <dfn id=dom-datagridselection-item title=dom-DataGridSelection-item><code>item(<var title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <var title="">index</var>th row in the selection. If the argument is out
+  selection. This is the <var title=dom-DataGridSelection-length><a href=#dom-datagridselection-length>length</a></var>.<p>The object's <span>indices of the supported indexed
+  properties</span> are the numbers in the range zero to <span><var title=dom-DataGridSelection-length><a href=#dom-datagridselection-length>length</a></var>-1</span>, unless
+  the <var title=dom-DataGridSelection-length><a href=#dom-datagridselection-length>length</a></var> is zero,
+  in which case there are no <span>supported indexed
+  properties</span>.<p>The <dfn id=dom-datagridselection-item title=dom-DataGridSelection-item><code>item(<var title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <var title="">index</var>th row in the selection. If the argument is out
   of range (less than zero or greater than the number of selected rows
   minus one), then it must raise an <code><a href=#index_size_err>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</a></code>
   exception. <a href=#references>[DOM3CORE]</a><p>The <dfn id=dom-datagridselection-isselected title=dom-DataGridSelection-isSelected><code>isSelected()</code></dfn>
@@ -27292,11 +27296,10 @@
   contexts</a> of the <a href=#active-document title="active document">active</a>
   <code>Document</code>.<p>The <span>indices of the supported indexed properties</span> on
   the <code><a href=#window>Window</a></code> object at any instant are the numbers in the
-  range 0 .. <var title="">n</var>, where <var title="">n</var> is the
-  number of <a href=#child-browsing-context title="child browsing context">child browsing
-  contexts</a> of the <a href=#active-document title="active document">active</a>
-  <code>Document</code>. If <var title="">n</var> is zero then there
-  are no <span>supported indexed properties</span>.<p>When a <code><a href=#window>Window</a></code> object is <dfn id=dom-window-item title=dom-window-item>indexed to retrieve an indexed
+  range 0 .. <span><var title="">n</var>-1</span>, where <var title="">n</var> is the number of <a href=#child-browsing-context title="child browsing
+  context">child browsing contexts</a> of the <a href=#active-document title="active
+  document">active</a> <code>Document</code>. If <var title="">n</var> is zero then there are no <span>supported indexed
+  properties</span>.<p>When a <code><a href=#window>Window</a></code> object is <dfn id=dom-window-item title=dom-window-item>indexed to retrieve an indexed
   property</dfn> <var title="">index</var>, the value returned must be
   the <var title="">index</var>th <a href=#child-browsing-context>child browsing context</a>
   of the <a href=#active-document title="active document">active</a>
@@ -31836,7 +31839,11 @@
   the <code title=dom-sessionStorage><a href=#dom-sessionstorage>sessionStorage</a></code> and <code title=dom-localStorage><a href=#dom-localstorage>localStorage</a></code> attributes. Multiple
   separate objects implementing the <code><a href=#storage-0>Storage</a></code> interface can
   all be associated with the same list of key/value pairs
-  simultaneously.<p>The <dfn id=dom-storage-length title=dom-Storage-length><code>length</code></dfn>
+  simultaneously.<p>The object's <span>indices of the supported indexed
+  properties</span> are the numbers in the range zero to one less than
+  the number of key/value pairs currently present in the list
+  associated with the object. If the list is empty, then there are no
+  <span>supported indexed properties</span>.<p>The <dfn id=dom-storage-length title=dom-Storage-length><code>length</code></dfn>
   attribute must return the number of key/value pairs currently
   present in the list associated with the object.<p>The <dfn id=dom-storage-key title=dom-Storage-key><code>key(<var title="">n</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the name of the
   <var title="">n</var>th key in the list. The order of keys is
@@ -31849,7 +31856,9 @@
   spec.]--> If <var title="">n</var> is <!--less than zero or [can't,
   unsigned]--> greater than or equal to the number of key/value pairs
   in the object, then this method must raise an
-  <code><a href=#index_size_err>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</a></code> exception.<p>The <dfn id=dom-storage-getitem title=dom-Storage-getItem><code>getItem(<var title="">key</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the current
+  <code><a href=#index_size_err>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</a></code> exception.<p>The <span>names of the supported named properties</span> on a
+  <code><a href=#storage-0>Storage</a></code> object are the keys of each key/value pair
+  currently present in the list associated with the object.<p>The <dfn id=dom-storage-getitem title=dom-Storage-getItem><code>getItem(<var title="">key</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the current
   value associated with the given <var title="">key</var>. If the
   given <var title="">key</var> does not exist in the list associated
   with the object then this method must return null.<p>The <dfn id=dom-storage-setitem title=dom-Storage-setItem><code>setItem(<var title="">key</var>, <var title="">value</var>)</code></dfn> method
@@ -32230,7 +32239,11 @@
   [IndexGetter] <span>any</span> <a href=#dom-sqlresultsetrowlist-item title=dom-SQLResultSetRowList-item>item</a>(in unsigned long index);
 };</pre><p><code><a href=#sqlresultsetrowlist>SQLResultSetRowList</a></code> objects have a <dfn id=dom-sqlresultsetrowlist-length title=dom-SQLResultSetRowList-length><code>length</code></dfn>
   attribute that must return the number of rows it represents (the
-  number of rows returned by the database).<p>The <dfn id=dom-sqlresultsetrowlist-item title=dom-SQLResultSetRowList-item><code>item(<var title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> attribute must return the row
+  number of rows returned by the database). This is the <var title=dom-SQLResultSetRowList-length><a href=#dom-sqlresultsetrowlist-length>length</a></var>.<p>The object's <span>indices of the supported indexed
+  properties</span> are the numbers in the range zero to <span><var title=dom-SQLResultSetRowList-length><a href=#dom-sqlresultsetrowlist-length>length</a></var>-1</span>, unless
+  the <var title=dom-SQLResultSetRowList-length><a href=#dom-sqlresultsetrowlist-length>length</a></var> is
+  zero, in which case there are no <span>supported indexed
+  properties</span>.<p>The <dfn id=dom-sqlresultsetrowlist-item title=dom-SQLResultSetRowList-item><code>item(<var title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> attribute must return the row
   with the given index <var title="">index</var>. If there is no such
   row, then the method must raise an <code><a href=#index_size_err>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</a></code>
   exception.<p>Each row must be represented by a native ordered dictionary data
@@ -34798,13 +34811,13 @@
    </ul></div><p>To manage <a href=#undo-object>undo object</a> entries in the <a href=#undo-transaction-history>undo
   transaction history</a>, the <code><a href=#undomanager>UndoManager</a></code>
   interface can be used:<pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=undomanager>UndoManager</dfn> {
+  readonly attribute unsigned long <a href=#dom-undomanager-length title=dom-UndoManager-length>length</a>;
+  [IndexGetter] any <a href=#dom-undomanager-item title=dom-UndoManager-item>item</a>(in unsigned long index);
+  readonly attribute unsigned long <a href=#dom-undomanager-position title=dom-UndoManager-position>position</a>;
   unsigned long <a href=#dom-undomanager-add title=dom-UndoManager-add>add</a>(in any data, in DOMString title);
   void <a href=#dom-undomanager-remove title=dom-UndoManager-remove>remove</a>(in unsigned long index);
   void <a href=#dom-undomanager-clearundo title=dom-UndoManager-clearUndo>clearUndo</a>();
   void <a href=#dom-undomanager-clearredo title=dom-UndoManager-clearRedo>clearRedo</a>();
-  [IndexGetter] any <a href=#dom-undomanager-item title=dom-UndoManager-item>item</a>(in unsigned long index);
-  readonly attribute unsigned long <a href=#dom-undomanager-length title=dom-UndoManager-length>length</a>;
-  readonly attribute unsigned long <a href=#dom-undomanager-position title=dom-UndoManager-position>position</a>;
 };</pre><p>The <dfn id=dom-undomanager title=dom-undoManager><code>undoManager</code></dfn>
   attribute of the <code><a href=#window>Window</a></code> interface must return the
   object implementing the <code><a href=#undomanager>UndoManager</a></code> interface for that
@@ -34815,7 +34828,10 @@
   <a href=#dom-changes>DOM changes</a> entries are absent from the <a href=#undo-transaction-history>undo
   transaction history</a>.<p>The <dfn id=dom-undomanager-length title=dom-UndoManager-length><code>length</code></dfn>
   attribute must return the number of <a href=#undo-object>undo object</a> entries
-  in the <a href=#undo-transaction-history>undo transaction history</a>.<p>The <dfn id=dom-undomanager-item title=dom-UndoManager-item><code>item(<var title="">n</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <var title="">n</var>th <a href=#undo-object>undo object</a> entry in the <a href=#undo-transaction-history>undo
+  in the <a href=#undo-transaction-history>undo transaction history</a>. This is the <var title=dom-UndoManager-length><a href=#dom-undomanager-length>length</a></var>.<p>The object's <span>indices of the supported indexed
+  properties</span> are the numbers in the range zero to <span><var title=dom-UndoManager-length><a href=#dom-undomanager-length>length</a></var>-1</span>, unless the
+  <var title=dom-UndoManager-length><a href=#dom-undomanager-length>length</a></var> is zero, in which
+  case there are no <span>supported indexed properties</span>.<p>The <dfn id=dom-undomanager-item title=dom-UndoManager-item><code>item(<var title="">n</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <var title="">n</var>th <a href=#undo-object>undo object</a> entry in the <a href=#undo-transaction-history>undo
   transaction history</a>.<p>The <a href=#undo-transaction-history>undo transaction history</a> has a <dfn id=undo-position title="undo
   position">current position</dfn>. This is the position between two
   entries in the <a href=#undo-transaction-history>undo transaction history</a>'s list where

Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2009 02:38:46 UTC