html5/webstorage Overview.html,1.101,1.102

Update of /sources/public/html5/webstorage
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv14397

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Update the issue marker regarding the storage mutex to include links to e-mails.

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/webstorage/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.101
retrieving revision 1.102
diff -u -d -r1.101 -r1.102
--- Overview.html	9 Dec 2009 15:52:47 -0000	1.101
+++ Overview.html	9 Dec 2009 16:02:56 -0000	1.102
@@ -253,16 +253,18 @@
   patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the
   individual believes contains <a href="">Essential
   Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance with <a href="">section
-  6 of the W3C Patent Policy</a>.<h2 class="no-num no-tock" id="issues">Issues</h2><p class="XXX">The use of the storage mutex to avoid race conditions
-  is currently considered by certain implementors to be too high a
+  6 of the W3C Patent Policy</a>.<h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="issues">Issues</h2><p>The use of the storage mutex to avoid race conditions is
+  currently considered by certain implementors to be too high a
   performance burden, to the point where allowing data corruption is
   considered preferable. Alternatives that do not require a
   user-agent-wide per-origin script lock are eagerly sought after. If
   reviewers have any suggestions, they are urged to send them to the
-  addresses given in the previous section.<h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="contents">Table of contents</h2>
+  addresses given in the previous section.<p>More details regarding this issue are available in these
+  e-mails (as well as <a href=";restrict=&amp;exclude=&amp;method=and&amp;format=short&amp;sort=revtime&amp;words=storage+mutex">numerous others</a>):<ul><li><a href=""></a></li>
+   <li><a href=""></a></li>
+  </ul><h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="contents">Table of contents</h2>
 <ol class="toc">
- <li><a class="no-num no-tock" href="#issues">Issues</a></li>
  <li><a href="#introduction"><span class="secno">1 </span>Introduction</a></li>
  <li><a href="#conformance-requirements"><span class="secno">2 </span>Conformance requirements</a>

Received on Wednesday, 9 December 2009 16:03:00 UTC