html5/pubnotes Overview.src.html,1.239,1.240 specgen.xsl,1.31,1.32

Update of /sources/public/html5/pubnotes
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv11433

Modified Files:
	Overview.src.html specgen.xsl 
Log Message:
1.925 "bring a bunch of user interaction stuff into one section (whatwg r1736)"

Index: specgen.xsl
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/pubnotes/specgen.xsl,v
retrieving revision 1.31
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -u -d -r1.31 -r1.32
--- specgen.xsl	12 Jun 2008 13:31:16 -0000	1.31
+++ specgen.xsl	14 Jun 2008 07:48:53 -0000	1.32
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
     <xsl:if test="
       and not($myid = 'references')
-      and not(contains($myid,'wsiwyg'))
+      and not(contains($myid,'MOVED'))
         <xsl:when test="ancestor::*[@id = 'details_wd2']">

Index: Overview.src.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/pubnotes/Overview.src.html,v
retrieving revision 1.239
retrieving revision 1.240
diff -u -d -r1.239 -r1.240
--- Overview.src.html	12 Jun 2008 13:31:16 -0000	1.239
+++ Overview.src.html	14 Jun 2008 07:48:53 -0000	1.240
@@ -115,6 +115,13 @@
           documents) with “implementation conformance” or
           “user-agent conformance” requirements (to enable
           implementors to produce conformant HTML user agents).</p>
+          <section id=MOVED_interaction_wd2>
+            <h2>Section 3.5, Interaction</h2>
+            <p>This section, which defines conformance
+            requirements related to interactive DOM behavior in
+            user agents, was moved to form sections 5.3, 5.4, and
+            5.5.</p>
+          </section>
           <section id=embedded0_wd2>
             <h2>Section 3.12, Embedded content</h2>
             <p>This section concerns elements used to embed non-text
@@ -137,6 +144,43 @@
+        <section id=editing_wd2>
+          <h2>Section 5, Editing</h2>
+          <p>This section describes various features that allow
+          authors to enable users to interactively edit documents
+          and parts of documents.</p>
+          <section id=the-irrelevant_wd2>
+            <h2>Section 5.2 [NEW], The contenteditable attribute</h2>
+            <p>The content of this section was moved from its
+            former location in section 3, “Semantics and structure
+            of HTML elements”, to form a new section here.</p>
+          </section>
+          <section id=activation_wd2>
+            <h2>Section 5.3 [NEW], Activation</h2>
+            <p>The content of this section, which had formerly been
+            part of section 3.5, “Interaction”, was moved from its
+            former location to form a new section here.</p>
+          </section>
+          <section id=scrolling_wd2>
+            <h2>Section 5.4 [NEW], Scrolling elements into view</h2>
+            <p>The content of this section, which had formerly been
+            part of section 3.5, “Interaction”, was moved from its
+            former location to form a new section here.</p>
+          </section>
+          <section id=focus_wd2>
+            <h2>Section 5.5 [NEW], Focus</h2>
+            <p>The content of this section, which had formerly been
+            part of section 3.5, “Interaction”, was moved from its
+            former location to form a new section here.</p>
+          </section>
+          <section id=selection_wd2>
+            <h2>Section 5.6 [was 5.5], The text selection APIs</h2>
+            <p>The content of this section, which had been near
+            the end of “Editing” section in the previous draft, was
+            rearranged to appear in the sectioning order before
+            other subsections that it had previously followed.</p>
+          </section>
+        </section>
       <section id=summary_fpwd>
         <h2>2008-06-10: Summary list of selected changes</h2>
@@ -3428,7 +3472,7 @@
-        <section id=wsiwyg_fpwd>
+        <section id=REMOVED_wsiwyg_fpwd>
           <h2>Section 9 [now removed], WYSIWYG editors</h2>
           <p>The entire “WYSIWYG editors” section was removed from
           the specification. It had provided information that

Received on Saturday, 14 June 2008 07:49:31 UTC