html5/spec Overview.html,1.942,1.943

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Clean up the security processing model for <canvas>. (whatwg r1753)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.942
retrieving revision 1.943
diff -u -d -r1.942 -r1.943
--- Overview.html	12 Jun 2008 22:54:10 -0000	1.942
+++ Overview.html	12 Jun 2008 23:00:54 -0000	1.943
@@ -20733,16 +20733,17 @@
      href="#fillstyle">fillStyle</a></code> attribute is set to a <code><a
      href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code> object that was created
      from an <code><a href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a></code>
-     whose <a href="#origin0">origin</a> is not the <a href="#same-origin"
+     whose <a href="#origin0">origin</a> was not the <a href="#same-origin"
      title="same origin">same</a> as that of the <code>Document</code> object
-     that owns the <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element.
+     that owns the <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element when the
+     pattern was created.
     <p>The element's 2D context's <code title=dom-context-2d-fillStyle><a
      href="#fillstyle">fillStyle</a></code> attribute is set to a <code><a
      href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code> object that was created
      from an <code><a href="#htmlcanvaselement">HTMLCanvasElement</a></code>
-     whose <i>origin-clean</i> flag is false.
+     whose <i>origin-clean</i> flag was false when the pattern was created.
     <p>The element's 2D context's <code title=dom-context-2d-strokeStyle><a
@@ -20750,9 +20751,10 @@
      <code><a href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code> object that was
      created from an <code><a
      href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a></code> whose <a
-     href="#origin0">origin</a> is not the <a href="#same-origin" title="same
-     origin">same</a> as that of the <code>Document</code> object that owns
-     the <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element.
+     href="#origin0">origin</a> was not the <a href="#same-origin"
+     title="same origin">same</a> as that of the <code>Document</code> object
+     that owns the <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element when the
+     pattern was created.
     <p>The element's 2D context's <code title=dom-context-2d-strokeStyle><a
@@ -20760,20 +20762,21 @@
      <code><a href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code> object that was
      created from an <code><a
      href="#htmlcanvaselement">HTMLCanvasElement</a></code> whose
-     <i>origin-clean</i> flag is false.
+     <i>origin-clean</i> flag was false when the pattern was created.
   <p>Whenever the <code title=dom-canvas-toDataURL><a
    href="#todataurl">toDataURL()</a></code> method of a <code><a
    href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element whose <i>origin-clean</i> flag is
-   set to false is called, the method must immediately raise a security
-   exception.
+   set to false is called, the method must raise a <a
+   href="#security9">security exception</a>.
   <p>Whenever the <code title=dom-context-2d-getImageData><a
    href="#getimagedata">getImageData()</a></code> method of the 2D context of
    a <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element whose
-   <i>origin-clean</i> flag is set to false is called, the method must
-   immediately raise a security exception.
+   <i>origin-clean</i> flag is set to false is called with otherwise correct
+   arguments, the method must raise a <a href="#security9">security
+   exception</a>.
   <h4 id=the-map><span class=secno>3.11.12 </span>The <dfn
    id=map><code>map</code></dfn> element</h4>

Received on Thursday, 12 June 2008 23:01:32 UTC