html5/spec Overview.html,1.939,1.940

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Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.939
retrieving revision 1.940
diff -u -d -r1.939 -r1.940
--- Overview.html	12 Jun 2008 20:57:35 -0000	1.939
+++ Overview.html	12 Jun 2008 21:43:59 -0000	1.940
@@ -18449,8 +18449,8 @@
   // colors and styles
            attribute DOMObject <a href="#strokestyle" title=dom-context-2d-strokeStyle>strokeStyle</a>; // (default black)
            attribute DOMObject <a href="#fillstyle" title=dom-context-2d-fillStyle>fillStyle</a>; // (default black)
-  <a href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a> <a href="#createlineargradient" title=dom-context-2d-createLinearGradient>createLinearGradient</a>(in float x0, in float y0, in float x1, in float y1);
-  <a href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a> <a href="#createradialgradient" title=dom-context-2d-createRadialGradient>createRadialGradient</a>(in float x0, in float y0, in float r0, in float x1, in float y1, in float r1);
+  <a href="#canvasgradient">CanvasGradient</a> <a href="#createlineargradient" title=dom-context-2d-createLinearGradient>createLinearGradient</a>(in float x0, in float y0, in float x1, in float y1);
+  <a href="#canvasgradient">CanvasGradient</a> <a href="#createradialgradient" title=dom-context-2d-createRadialGradient>createRadialGradient</a>(in float x0, in float y0, in float r0, in float x1, in float y1, in float r1);
   <a href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a> <a href="#createpattern" title=dom-context-2d-createPattern>createPattern</a>(in <a href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a> image, in DOMString repetition);
   <a href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a> <a href="#createpattern" title=dom-context-2d-createPattern>createPattern</a>(in <a href="#htmlcanvaselement">HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, in DOMString repetition);
@@ -18865,21 +18865,21 @@
    represents the color or style to use inside the shapes.
   <p>Both attributes can be either strings, <code><a
-   href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code>s, or <code><a
+   href="#canvasgradient">CanvasGradient</a></code>s, or <code><a
    href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code>s. On setting, strings must
    be parsed as CSS &lt;color&gt; values and the color assigned, and <code><a
-   href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code> and <code><a
+   href="#canvasgradient">CanvasGradient</a></code> and <code><a
    href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code> objects must be assigned
    themselves. <a href="#references">[CSS3COLOR]</a> If the value is a
    string but is not a valid color, or is neither a string, a <code><a
-   href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code>, nor a <code><a
+   href="#canvasgradient">CanvasGradient</a></code>, nor a <code><a
    href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code>, then it must be ignored,
    and the attribute must retain its previous value.
   <p>On getting, if the value is a color, then the <a href="#serialization"
    title="serialization of a color">serialization of the color</a> must be
    returned. Otherwise, if it is not a color but a <code><a
-   href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code> or <code><a
+   href="#canvasgradient">CanvasGradient</a></code> or <code><a
    href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code>, then the respective
    object must be returned. (Such objects are opaque and therefore only
    useful for assigning to other attributes or for comparison to other
@@ -18912,8 +18912,8 @@
   <p>There are two types of gradients, linear gradients and radial gradients,
-   both represented by objects implementing the opaque <dfn
-   id=canvasgradient0><code>CanvasGradient</code></dfn> interface.
+   both represented by objects implementing the opaque <code><a
+   href="#canvasgradient">CanvasGradient</a></code> interface.
   <p>Once a gradient has been created (see below), stops are placed along it
    to define how the colors are distributed along the gradient. The color of
@@ -18928,7 +18928,7 @@
   <p>The <dfn id=addcolorstop
    title="">offset</var>, <var title="">color</var>)</code></dfn> method on
-   the <code><a href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code> interface
+   the <code><a href="#canvasgradient">CanvasGradient</a></code> interface
    adds a new stop to a gradient. If the <var title="">offset</var> is less
    than 0, greater than 1, infinite, or NaN, then an
    <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception must be raised. If the <var
@@ -18956,7 +18956,7 @@
    href="#createlineargradient">createLinearGradient()</a></code> are
    infinite or NaN, the method must raise an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code>
    exception. Otherwise, the method must return a linear <code><a
-   href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code> initialized with the
+   href="#canvasgradient">CanvasGradient</a></code> initialized with the
    specified line.
   <p>Linear gradients must be rendered such that at and before the starting
@@ -18987,7 +18987,7 @@
    title="">r1</var> are negative, or if any of the arguments are infinite or
    NaN, an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception must be raised. Otherwise,
    the method must return a radial <code><a
-   href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code> initialized with the two
+   href="#canvasgradient">CanvasGradient</a></code> initialized with the two
    specified circles, after transforming them according to the <a
    href="#transformations0" title=dom-context-2d-transformation>current
    transformation matrix</a>.

Received on Thursday, 12 June 2008 21:44:35 UTC