html5/spec Overview.html,1.1127,1.1128

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv29771

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Log Message:
Define order and case-sensitivity of getElementsByClassName(). (whatwg r1937)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1127
retrieving revision 1.1128
diff -u -d -r1.1127 -r1.1128
--- Overview.html	25 Jul 2008 09:26:38 -0000	1.1127
+++ Overview.html	25 Jul 2008 09:47:47 -0000	1.1128
@@ -7381,11 +7381,15 @@
    contains an <a href="#unordered">unordered set of unique space-separated
    tokens</a> representing classes. When called, the method must return a
    live <code>NodeList</code> object containing all the elements in the
-   document that have all the classes specified in that argument, having
-   obtained the classes by <a href="#split" title="split a string on
-   spaces">splitting a string on spaces</a>. If there are no tokens specified
-   in the argument, then the method must return an empty
-   <code>NodeList</code>.
+   document, in <a href="#tree-order">tree order</a>, that have all the
+   classes specified in that argument, having obtained the classes by <a
+   href="#split" title="split a string on spaces">splitting a string on
+   spaces</a>. If there are no tokens specified in the argument, then the
+   method must return an empty <code>NodeList</code>. If the document is in
+   <a href="#quirks">quirks mode</a>, then the comparisons for the classes
+   must be done in an <a href="#ascii">ASCII case-insensitive</a> manner,
+   otherwise, the comparisons must be done in a <a
+   href="#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> manner.
   <p>The <dfn id=getelementsbyclassname0
@@ -54354,21 +54358,21 @@
    Glazman, Daniel Peng, Daniel Sp&aring;ng, Daniel Steinberg, Danny
    Sullivan, Darin Adler, Darin Fisher, Dave Camp, Dave Singer, Dave
    Townsend<!-- Mossop on moz irc -->, David Baron, David Bloom, David
-   Carlisle, David Flanagan, David H&aring;s&auml;ther, David Hyatt, Dean
-   Edridge, Debi Orton, Derek Featherstone, DeWitt Clinton, Dimitri Glazkov,
-   dolphinling, Doron Rosenberg, Doug Kramer, Eira Monstad, Elliotte Harold,
-   Eric Law, Erik Arvidsson, Evan Martin, Evan Prodromou, fantasai, Felix
-   Sasaki, Franck 'Shift' Qu&eacute;lain, Garrett Smith, Geoffrey Garen,
-   Geoffrey Sneddon, H&aring;kon Wium Lie, Henri Sivonen, Henrik Lied, Henry
-   Mason, Hugh Winkler, Ignacio Javier, Ivo Emanuel Gon&ccedil;alves, J.
-   King, Jacques Distler, James Graham, James Justin Harrell, James M Snell,
-   James Perrett, Jan-Klaas Kollhof, Jason White, Jasper Bryant-Greene, Jeff
-   Cutsinger, Jeff Walden, Jens Bannmann, Jens Fendler, Jeroen van der Meer,
-   Jim Jewett, Jim Meehan, Joe Clark, Jjgod Jiang, Joel Spolsky, Johan
-   Herland, John Boyer, John Bussjaeger, John Harding, Johnny Stenback, Jon
-   Perlow, Jonathan Worent, Jorgen Horstink, Josh Levenberg, Joshua Randall,
-   Jukka K. Korpela, Julian Reschke, Kai Hendry,
-   <!-- Keryx Web, = Lars Gunther --> Kornel Lesinski,
+   Carlisle, David Flanagan, David H&aring;s&auml;ther, David Hyatt, David
+   Smith, Dean Edridge, Debi Orton, Derek Featherstone, DeWitt Clinton,
+   Dimitri Glazkov, dolphinling, Doron Rosenberg, Doug Kramer, Eira Monstad,
+   Elliotte Harold, Eric Law, Erik Arvidsson, Evan Martin, Evan Prodromou,
+   fantasai, Felix Sasaki, Franck 'Shift' Qu&eacute;lain, Garrett Smith,
+   Geoffrey Garen, Geoffrey Sneddon, H&aring;kon Wium Lie, Henri Sivonen,
+   Henrik Lied, Henry Mason, Hugh Winkler, Ignacio Javier, Ivo Emanuel
+   Gon&ccedil;alves, J. King, Jacques Distler, James Graham, James Justin
+   Harrell, James M Snell, James Perrett, Jan-Klaas Kollhof, Jason White,
+   Jasper Bryant-Greene, Jeff Cutsinger, Jeff Walden, Jens Bannmann, Jens
+   Fendler, Jeroen van der Meer, Jim Jewett, Jim Meehan, Joe Clark, Jjgod
+   Jiang, Joel Spolsky, Johan Herland, John Boyer, John Bussjaeger, John
+   Harding, Johnny Stenback, Jon Perlow, Jonathan Worent, Jorgen Horstink,
+   Josh Levenberg, Joshua Randall, Jukka K. Korpela, Julian Reschke, Kai
+   Hendry, <!-- Keryx Web, = Lars Gunther --> Kornel Lesinski,
    &#x9ed2;&#x6fa4;&#x525b;&#x5fd7; (KUROSAWA Takeshi), Kristof Zelechovski,
    Lachlan Hunt, Larry Page, Lars Gunther, Laura L. Carlson, Laura Wisewell,
    Laurens Holst, Lee Kowalkowski, Leif Halvard Silli, Lenny Domnitser,

Received on Friday, 25 July 2008 09:48:27 UTC