html5/spec Overview.html,1.1797,1.1798

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv21352

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Further update ruby examples; add ruby introductory text. (whatwg r2628)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1797
retrieving revision 1.1798
diff -u -d -r1.1797 -r1.1798
--- Overview.html	30 Dec 2008 04:34:13 -0000	1.1797
+++ Overview.html	30 Dec 2008 04:52:36 -0000	1.1798
@@ -11472,7 +11472,11 @@
    <dt>DOM interface:</dt>
    <dd>Uses <code><a href=#htmlelement>HTMLElement</a></code>.</dd>
   </dl><p>The <code><a href=#the-ruby-element>ruby</a></code> element allows one or more spans of
-  phrasing content to be marked with ruby annotations.<p>A <code><a href=#the-ruby-element>ruby</a></code> element represents the spans of phrasing
+  phrasing content to be marked with ruby annotations. Ruby
+  annotations are short runs of text presented alongside base text,
+  primarily used in East Asian typography as a guide for
+  pronounciation or to include other annotations. In Japanese, this
+  form of typography is also known as <i>furigana</i>.<p>A <code><a href=#the-ruby-element>ruby</a></code> element represents the spans of phrasing
   content it contains, ignoring all the child <code><a href=#the-rt-element>rt</a></code> and
   <code><a href=#the-rp-element>rp</a></code> elements and their descendants. Those spans of
   phrasing content have associated annotations created using the
@@ -11523,7 +11527,7 @@
    <pre class=zh-CN>...
  &#27721; &lt;rt&gt; h&agrave;n &lt;/rt&gt;
- &#23383; &lt;rt&gt; z&igrave; &lt;/rt&gt;
+ &#23383; &lt;rt&gt; z&igrave;&nbsp; &lt;/rt&gt;
@@ -11531,7 +11535,7 @@
    <p><img alt="The two main ideographs, each with its pinyin annotation rendered in a smaller font next to it." src=images/sample-ruby-pinyin.png></p>
-  </div><h4 id=the-rt-element><span class=secno>4.6.23 </span>The <dfn><code>rt</code></dfn> element</h4><dl class=element><dt>Categories</dt>
+  </div><!-- Note: Examples are 32px/16px Stone Sans Sem ITC TT --><h4 id=the-rt-element><span class=secno>4.6.23 </span>The <dfn><code>rt</code></dfn> element</h4><dl class=element><dt>Categories</dt>
    <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:</dt>
    <dd>As a child of a <code><a href=#the-ruby-element>ruby</a></code> element.</dd>
@@ -11567,22 +11571,22 @@
   <code><a href=#the-ruby-element>ruby</a></code> element represents the same thing as its
   children.<div class=example>
-   <p>The example above, in which each ideograph in the text <span lang=ja>&#25998;&#34276;&#20449;&#30007;</span> is annotated with
-   its reading, could be expanded to use <code><a href=#the-rp-element>rp</a></code> so that in
-   legacy user agentthe readings are in parentheses:</p>
+   <p>The example above, in which each ideograph in the text <span lang=ja>&#28450;&#23383;</span> is annotated with its kanji
+   reading, could be expanded to use <code><a href=#the-rp-element>rp</a></code> so that in legacy
+   user agents the readings are in parentheses:</p>
-   <pre lang=ja>... &lt;ruby&gt;
- &#25998; &lt;rp&gt;(&lt;/rp&gt;&lt;rt&gt;&#12373;&#12356;&lt;/rt&gt;&lt;rp&gt;)&lt;/rp&gt;
- &#34276; &lt;rp&gt;(&lt;/rp&gt;&lt;rt&gt;&#12392;&#12358;&lt;/rt&gt;&lt;rp&gt;)&lt;/rp&gt;
- &#20449; &lt;rp&gt;(&lt;/rp&gt;&lt;rt&gt;&#12398;&#12406;&lt;/rt&gt;&lt;rp&gt;)&lt;/rp&gt;
- &#30007; &lt;rp&gt;(&lt;/rp&gt;&lt;rt&gt;&#12362;&lt;/rt&gt;&lt;rp&gt;)&lt;/rp&gt;
-&lt;/ruby&gt; ...</pre>
+   <pre lang=ja>... 
+ &#28450; &lt;rp&gt;(&lt;/rp&gt;&lt;rt&gt;&#12363;&#12435;&lt;/rt&gt;&lt;rp&gt;)&lt;/rp&gt;
+ &#23383; &lt;rp&gt;(&lt;/rp&gt;&lt;rt&gt;&#12376;&lt;/rt&gt;&lt;rp&gt;)&lt;/rp&gt;
    <p>In conforming user agents the rendering would be as above, but
    in user agents that do not support ruby, the rendering would
-   <pre lang=ja>... &#25998; (&#12373;&#12356;) &#34276; (&#12392;&#12358;) &#20449; (&#12398;&#12406;) &#30007; (&#12362;) ...</pre>
+   <pre lang=ja>... &#28450; (&#12363;&#12435;) &#23383; (&#12376;) ...</pre>
   </div><h4 id=usage-summary><span class=secno>4.6.25 </span>Usage summary</h4><p class=XXX>We need to summarize the various elements, in
   particular to distinguish b/i/em/strong/var/q/mark/cite.</p><!-- XXX when you do this, also reorder the elements in this section

Received on Tuesday, 30 December 2008 04:52:50 UTC