html5/spec Overview.html,1.1710,1.1711

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec
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Add another example for <var>. (whatwg r2540)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1710
retrieving revision 1.1711
diff -u -d -r1.1710 -r1.1711
--- Overview.html	17 Dec 2008 00:30:50 -0000	1.1710
+++ Overview.html	17 Dec 2008 03:06:23 -0000	1.1711
@@ -11046,6 +11046,30 @@
    <pre>&lt;p&gt;If there are &lt;var&gt;n&lt;/var&gt; pipes leading to the ice
 cream factory then I expect at &lt;em&gt;least&lt;/em&gt; &lt;var&gt;n&lt;/var&gt;
 flavours of ice cream to be available for purchase!&lt;/p&gt;</pre>
+  </div><p>For mathematics, in particular for anything beyond the simplest
+  of expressions, MathML is more appropriate. However, the
+  <code><a href=#the-var-element>var</a></code> element can still be used to refer to specific
+  variables that are then mentioned in MathML expressions.<div class=example>
+   <p>In this example, Pythagoras' theorem is solved for the variable
+   <var title="">a</var>. The expression itself is marked up with
+   MathML, but the variable is mentioned in the figure's legend using
+   <code><a href=#the-var-element>var</a></code>.</p>
+   <pre>&lt;figure&gt;
+ &lt;math&gt;
+  &lt;mi&gt;a&lt;/mi&gt;
+  &lt;mo&gt;=&lt;/mo&gt;
+  &lt;msqrt&gt;
+   &lt;msup&gt;&lt;mi&gt;b&lt;/mi&gt;&lt;mn&gt;2&lt;/mn&gt;&lt;/msup&gt;
+   &lt;mi&gt;+&lt;/mi&gt;
+   &lt;msup&gt;&lt;mi&gt;c&lt;/mi&gt;&lt;mn&gt;2&lt;/mn&gt;&lt;/msup&gt;
+  &lt;/msqrt&gt;
+ &lt;/math&gt;
+ &lt;legend&gt; Pythagoras' theorem solved for &lt;var&gt;a&lt;/var&gt; &lt;/legend&gt;
   </div><h4 id=the-samp-element><span class=secno>4.6.15 </span>The <dfn><code>samp</code></dfn> element</h4><dl class=element><dt>Categories</dt>
    <dd><a href=#phrasing-content-0>Phrasing content</a>.</dd>
    <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:</dt>
@@ -16385,7 +16409,7 @@
   roughly at the top of the glyphs in a font, the hanging baseline is
   where some glyphs like &#2310; are anchored, the middle is half-way
   between the top of the em square and the bottom of the em square,
-  the alphabetic baseline is where characters like &Aacute;, &yuml;,
+  the alphabetic baseline is where characters like &amp;#x00C1;, &yuml;,
   f, and &Omega; are anchored, the ideographic baseline is
   where glyphs like &#31169; and &#36948; are anchored, and the bottom
   of the em square is roughly at the bottom of the glyphs in a
@@ -44751,13 +44775,13 @@
   van der Blonk, Mihai &#350;ucan<!-- from ROBO Design -->, Mike
   Brown, Mike Dierken<!-- S. Mike Dierken -->, Mike Dixon, Mike
   Schinkel, Mike Shaver, Mikko Rantalainen, Neil Deakin, Neil Soiffer,
-  Olaf Hoffmann, Olav Junker Kj&aelig;r, Oliver Hunt, Peter Karlsson,
-  Peter Kasting, Philip J&auml;genstedt, Philip Taylor, Philip
-  TAYLOR<!-- a different one -->, Rachid Finge, Rajas Moonka, Ralf
-  Stoltze, Ralph Giles, Raphael Champeimont, Rene Saarsoo, Richard
-  Ishida, Rimantas Liubertas, Robert Blaut, Robert O'Callahan, Robert
-  Sayre, Roman Ivanov, Ryan King, S. Mike Dierken, Sam Kuper, Sam
-  Ruby, Sam Weinig, Scott Hess, Sean Knapp, Shaun Inman, Silvia
+  Olaf Hoffmann, Olav Junker Kj&aelig;r, Oliver Hunt, Ozob, Peter
+  Karlsson, Peter Kasting, Philip J&auml;genstedt, Philip Taylor,
+  Philip TAYLOR<!-- a different one -->, Rachid Finge, Rajas Moonka,
+  Ralf Stoltze, Ralph Giles, Raphael Champeimont, Rene Saarsoo,
+  Richard Ishida, Rimantas Liubertas, Robert Blaut, Robert O'Callahan,
+  Robert Sayre, Roman Ivanov, Ryan King, S. Mike Dierken, Sam Kuper,
+  Sam Ruby, Sam Weinig, Scott Hess, Sean Knapp, Shaun Inman, Silvia
   Pfeiffer, Simon Pieters, Stefan Haustein, Steffen Meschkat, Stephen
   Ma, Steve Faulkner, Steve Runyon, Steven Garrity, Stewart Brodie,
   Stuart Parmenter, Sunava Dutta, Tantek &Ccedil;elik, Terrence Wood,

Received on Wednesday, 17 December 2008 03:06:35 UTC