html5/spec Overview.html,1.1664,1.1665

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv28044

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Log Message:
Clarify that playbackRate, and allow it to be 0.0. (whatwg r2494)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1664
retrieving revision 1.1665
diff -u -d -r1.1664 -r1.1665
--- Overview.html	1 Dec 2008 10:15:19 -0000	1.1664
+++ Overview.html	1 Dec 2008 10:44:00 -0000	1.1665
@@ -14727,20 +14727,24 @@
   </ol><p>The <dfn id=dom-media-defaultplaybackrate title=dom-media-defaultPlaybackRate><code>defaultPlaybackRate</code></dfn>
   attribute gives the desired speed at which the <a href=#media-resource>media
   resource</a> is to play, as a multiple of its intrinsic
-  speed. The attribute is mutable, but on setting, if the new value is
-  0.0, a <code><a href=#not_supported_err>NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR</a></code> exception must be raised
-  instead of the value being changed. It must initially have the value
-  1.0.<p>The <dfn id=dom-media-playbackrate title=dom-media-playbackRate><code>playbackRate</code></dfn>
+  speed. The attribute is mutable: on getting it must return the last
+  value it was set to, or 1.0 if it hasn't yet been set; on setting
+  the attribute must be set to the new value.<p>The <dfn id=dom-media-playbackrate title=dom-media-playbackRate><code>playbackRate</code></dfn>
   attribute gives the speed at which the <a href=#media-resource>media resource</a>
   plays, as a multiple of its intrinsic speed. If it is not equal to
   the <code title=dom-media-defaultPlaybackRate><a href=#dom-media-defaultplaybackrate>defaultPlaybackRate</a></code>,
   then the implication is that the user is using a feature such as
-  fast forward or slow motion playback. The attribute is mutable, but
-  on setting, if the new value is 0.0, a
-  <code><a href=#not_supported_err>NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR</a></code> exception must be raised instead of
-  the value being changed. Otherwise, the playback must change speed
-  (if the element is <a href=#potentially-playing>potentially playing</a>). It must initially
-  have the value 1.0.<p id=rateUpdate>When the <code title=dom-media-defaultPlaybackRate><a href=#dom-media-defaultplaybackrate>defaultPlaybackRate</a></code> or
+  fast forward or slow motion playback. The attribute is mutable: on
+  getting it must return the last value it was set to, or 1.0 if it
+  hasn't yet been set; on setting the attribute must be set to the new
+  value, and the playback must change speed (if the element is
+  <a href=#potentially-playing>potentially playing</a>).<p>The "play" function in a user agent's interface must set the
+  <code title=dom-media-playbackRate><a href=#dom-media-playbackrate>playbackRate</a></code> attribute
+  to the value of the <code title=dom-media-defaultPlaybackRate><a href=#dom-media-defaultplaybackrate>defaultPlaybackRate</a></code>
+  attribute before invoking the <code title=dom-media-play><a href=#dom-media-play>play()</a></code> method's steps. Features such
+  as fast-forward or rewind must be implemented by only changing the
+  <code title=dom-media-playbackRate><a href=#dom-media-playbackrate>playbackRate</a></code>
+  attribute.<p id=rateUpdate>When the <code title=dom-media-defaultPlaybackRate><a href=#dom-media-defaultplaybackrate>defaultPlaybackRate</a></code> or
   <code title=dom-media-playbackRate><a href=#dom-media-playbackrate>playbackRate</a></code> attributes
   change value (either by being set by script or by being changed
   directly by the user agent, e.g. in response to user control) the
@@ -14824,16 +14828,19 @@
   high that the user agent cannot play audio usefully, the
   corresponding audio must also be muted. If the <code title=dom-media-playbackRate><a href=#dom-media-playbackrate>playbackRate</a></code> is not 1.0, the
   user agent may apply pitch adjustments to the audio as necessary to
-  render it faithfully.<p><a href=#media-element title="media element">Media elements</a> that are
+  render it faithfully.<p>The <code title=dom-media-playbackRate><a href=#dom-media-playbackrate>playbackRate</a></code> can
+  be 0.0, in which case the <a href=#current-playback-position>current playback position</a>
+  doesn't move, despite playback not being paused (<code title=dom-media-paused><a href=#dom-media-paused>paused</a></code> doesn't become true, and the
+  <code title=event-pause><a href=#event-pause>pause</a></code> event doesn't fire).<p><a href=#media-element title="media element">Media elements</a> that are
   <a href=#potentially-playing>potentially playing</a> while not <span>in a
   <code>Document</code></span><!-- XXX xref --> must not play any
   video, but should play any audio component. Media elements must not
   stop playing just because all references to them have been removed;
   only once a media element to which no references exist has reached a
   point where no further audio remains to be played for that element
-  (e.g. because the element is paused or because the end of the clip
-  has been reached) may the element be <span>garbage
-  collected</span><!-- XXX xref -->.</p><hr><p>When the <a href=#current-playback-position>current playback position</a> of a <a href=#media-element>media
+  (e.g. because the element is paused, or because the end of the clip
+  has been reached, or because its <code title=dom-media-playbackRate><a href=#dom-media-playbackrate>playbackRate</a></code> is 0.0) may the
+  element be <span>garbage collected</span><!-- XXX xref -->.</p><hr><p>When the <a href=#current-playback-position>current playback position</a> of a <a href=#media-element>media
   element</a> changes (e.g. due to playback or seeking), the user
   agent must run the following steps. If the <a href=#current-playback-position>current playback
   position</a> changes while the steps are running, then the user

Received on Monday, 1 December 2008 10:44:12 UTC