Re: HTML / CSS conundrum

It’s a specificity issue. Inspect the element in your browser. The dev
tools will tell you what rules are applying to the element, and where they
come from.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2020 at 15:50 Marat Tanalin <> wrote:

> Some other styles on your page apparently have higher specificity than
> your class.
> Inline styles (`style="..."`) have highest specificity (except styles with
> `!important`), that's most likely why they work while class styles don't.
> 08.08.2020, 23:37, "Steve Comstock" <>:
> Well I've had a very unsettling experience, although
> I'm sure the keepers of the standards and the code
> can clarify what's happening.
> Basically, I had a paragraph in an HTML document that
> I wanted to have indented, less than full width, with
> a border around it, with rounded corners. Seems, well,
> not totally simple but, straightforward.
> But what occurred was:
> * If I created a class with the properties I want
>    (I called it "Rlinearound") and then coded a
>    <div class="Rlinearound"> element, it was ignored
> * If I changed the <div> element to use a style
>    attribute instead (with the exact same set of
>    properites), it worked
> I've attached some images of the various pieces
> * StyleDef.jpg shows the class defintion
> * UseClass.jpg shows the code using the <div class=
> * ResultUsingClass.jpg shows the result when I used
>    the <div class= version
> * UseStyle.jpg shows the code using <div style=
> * ResultUsingStyle.jpg shows the result when I used
>    the <div style= version
> So, I've ended up with the result I wanted, but I am
> totally baffled why using class= did not work, and I'd
> like to understand what's going on.
> Current Windows 10, current Firefox.
> Thanks in advance for any guidance / suggestions / answers
> you can give me. I'm more than willing to try some
> experiments, and I've tried quite a few so far, I just
> can't figure this out.
> Kind regards,
> -Steve Comstock

Received on Monday, 10 August 2020 16:01:40 UTC