HTML5: Animation Extension Suggestion

*Dear Reader*

I have a suggestions for a HTML5 extension which concerns animations.

*In my eyes, the current situation is like this:*
There is no good place to write animations for HTML5 currently. If you
define them in CSS, you cannot trigger them accurately with JavaScript.
If you define them with JavaScript (e.g. jQuery), you have the problem of
bad performance and they can get very complex if you combine them and make
them interactive.

*So, the ideal solution in my opinion would be:*
It is possible to write HTML animations separately (like CSS and
JavaScript), for example in external ANM files. It should be possible to
create Flash- or Mobile/Tablet-App-like experiences with ease.

*My idea of a possibel solution:*
CSS would only be used for static design presentation. JavaScript would be
used for logic, data and the interaction between CSS and ANM.
ANM would define animations separately and could be referenced either
within HTML (e.g. with <tagname animation="[name]">) or via JavaScript
(e.g. element.playAnimation('[name]')).

I hope my thoughts interest you and if you would have any questions, I
would be glad to answer.

All the best

Received on Thursday, 29 August 2013 06:40:08 UTC