HTML5 link relationships: @rel='tag'

I've got 2 questions about the interpretation of the HTML5 link relationship "tag".

1. controlled vs uncontrolled vocabularies

The current definition of tag [1] is "The tag keyword indicates that the tag 
that the referenced document represents applies to the current document."  Has 
there been any discussion within the WG about whether it is appropriate to use 
tag for both controlled and uncontrolled vocabularies?  The note after that 
definition mentions "tag clouds" which are generally for uncontrolled 
vocabularies.  Would it be worth it to clarify this in the spec?

2. scope of a[@rel='tag']

The definition of tag says it "applies to the current document"...which, to me, 
implies the whole document.  However, elsewhere in the spec are statements like 
the non-normative note in 4.2.4 [2]:

	Hyperlinks created with the link element and its rel attribute apply to
	the whole page. This contrasts with the rel attribute of a and area
	elements, which indicates the type of a link whose context is given by
	the link's location within the document.

4.4.4 [3] defines the article element as:

	The article element represents a self-contained composition in a
	document, page, application, or site and that is, in principle,
	independently distributable or reusable, e.g. in syndication. This
	could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a blog entry, a
	user-submitted comment, an interactive widget or gadget, or any other
	independent item of content.

Would it be worth it to clarify the definition of tag to say that it applies to 
the "self-contained composition..." (or something similar) in whose context it 

The background for these questions is how WordPress uses (or abuses?) @rel='tag' 
and the extension @rel='category' (see [4,5,6]).


Received on Monday, 2 April 2012 16:22:59 UTC