Re: Image width specification in html5

Hi Mike:

In the subsequent exchange of emails on this topic no-one has taken up 
your particular point here.

If you have an image of (say) 4x3 configuration I(which is fairly 
common) and you subsequently enter both width and height attributes as 
="75%" as in your example you will get a cockup, as you point out. The 
trouble is that you will achieve exactly the same cockup if you enter 
both width and height attributes as ="600". In both cases, achieving 
correct rendering necessitates specification of only one attribute. In 
other words there is no difference between them so there is no 
justification for deprecating one and not the other. On the other hand, 
if you wish to justify deprecating one of them, there is a better 
rationale for keeping %s, because that does maintain correct rendering 
in all display sizes - absolute values don't.



On 21/11/2011 08:44, Michael[tm] Smith wrote:
> Arthur Clifford<>, 2011-11-21 00:16 -0800:
>> Anybody know why that particular decision was made? Given how long that
>> has been an industry standard it seems a weird thing to ditch.
> Because processing of percent values was never was specified properly in
> HTML4, and browsers never handled it interoperably (or at all), especially
> for the case where you have both width and height values specified.
> Try doing using width="75%" height = "75%" and compare the rendering in
> several different browsers.
>    --Mike

Received on Monday, 21 November 2011 14:59:57 UTC