Re: Image width specification in html5

Thanks to everyone for your inputs. Brilliant. I apologise for a 
badly-expressed statement re image sizes in html5.

The problem which I cannot seem to overcome (and this may well be simple 
idiocy on my part) can be seen here! <> The 
page source will show you that the slideshow is currently controlled in 
size by the width="50%" attribute in the <img> tag -

alt="pgs01" width="50%" />

This (along with all the other % values in the code) ensures that the 
page displays correctly whichever display size the viewer is using. 
Removing the % value from the width="50%" tag reverts the value to a 
fixed width, which then automatically destroys the rest of the page 
layout. Presumably the intention is that the % attribute is replaceable 
by a CSS3 layout command, but I cannot find a way to make a CSS 
structure to achieve this. Idiocy?

In the matter of the alt="pgs0x" attribute - Yes - a correction is required.

Regards to all


On 21/11/2011 11:03, T.J. Crowder wrote:
> On 20 November 2011 13:55, David Swindlehurst < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Although there is a mass of insignificant discussion in the
>     current Specification about the "alt" tag, there is no mention of
>     image sizing at all...
> Isn't there?
> Separately: Do you have a use-case for using percentage values for 
> `width` / `height` on `img` elements? I'm not immediately thinking of 
> one (well, not a good one), but that doesn't mean anything.
> --
> T.J. Crowder
> Independent Software Engineer
> tj / crowder software / com
> www / crowder software / com
> On 20 November 2011 13:55, David Swindlehurst < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi folks:
>     The W3C Validator for html5 (as with previous versions) accepts
>     element widths specified in percentages, through CSS, which
>     enables accurate page rendering for any size of display. EXCEPT
>     that it refuses to accept percentages for specifying width for the
>     img tag! For instance
>     <div class="?"><img src="image.png" alt="ancient grey-haired
>     awkward person" width="25%" /></div>
>     results in an error - the Validator expects an absolute number (of
>     pixels!). Fixing image width like this prevents correct rendering
>     of the page in any size of display different from the writer's
>     original. Although there is a mass of insignificant discussion in
>     the current Specification about the "alt" tag, there is no mention
>     of image sizing at all, which seems to me to be far more
>     important. Does the Spec need revising, or is the Validator wrong
>     in expecting an absolute number?
>     DMS

Received on Monday, 21 November 2011 11:54:57 UTC