Re: [html5-diff] Suggestion: include only changes since the last version

> > [1]
> Is there a specific reason you bring this up? Because it is not very long,
> you can just ignore it, and it seems more useful that if you want it you do
> not have to fetch a bunch of documents and concatenate them all together.

Well, the change logs constitute one third of the document already and
would only grow, possibly making up more than half of the document in
the near future.

The problem came up both over the perception you get when assessing
the length of the document over its scrollbars (a valid, well, the
only way of getting an idea about a web page’s length, and here it
seems a bit misleading) and also, more importantly, in print.

Assuming that only a minority of readers is actually paying attention
to the change logs I do believe the suggested solution means a
reasonable compromise: it offers users who follow the document’s
development to see what changed since the last revision, and would
still allow people who are even more interested a way to access
earlier revisions and respective change logs. (Given that the
suggestion applies to future revisions only I think the current
approach then avoids excessive “reverse-engineering” ;)

Since I know the document to be in great hands I don’t want to ride
this topic for much longer however :)

Thanks Anne.

Jens O. Meiert

Received on Friday, 21 January 2011 16:07:17 UTC