Applet tag should not be obsoleted

It seems that the committee is being deliberately hostile to Java applets.  This is based on the fact that, with the proposed change, it will no longer be possible to include an applet in such a way as to be compatible with all browsers that support applets.  It is desirable to write HTML code that will work on all browsers that support the required features.  There are older browsers that recognize Java applets but predated any alternative to the <applet> tag.  Conforming to the proposed new standard requires breaking such browsers.  And the incompatibility is completely unnecessary.  There is no justification for breaking older browsers on that point.  The <object> syntax is messier (because it tries to handle more things than just applets.)  The original setup for applets had a simple, readable design.  The new proposal is convoluted and unreadable and will not work on some browsers.  Standards should increase compatibility, not restrict it. 		 	   		  

Received on Monday, 17 January 2011 08:07:43 UTC