Re: PUT and DELETE methods in 200 code

On 04.04.2011 19:03, Cameron Heavon-Jones wrote:
> Feedback on: Supporting PUT and DELETE with HTML FORMS @ 2011-04-04
> 1.2. Assumptions
> I think that DELETE requires the same support as PUT and POST. The requirement for this was posted to public-html-comments:
> I would suggest that DELETE uses the same URI encoding rules as for GET by default, with the option of also being allowed to be encoded in the same enctypes as for PUT and POST. This will allow for a DELETE request using query parameters to be constructed through a form or, for the other enctypes, for the DELETE request to be embedded with configurable attributes.
> For example, it would be great to be able to generate a DELETE request to a uri like:
> <form action=""” method=”delete” if-match="*">
>    <input name="hat-size" type="text" value="" />
>    <input type="submit" />
> </form>	
> DELETE user?hat-size=small HTTP/1.1
> Host:

What's the use case for the "other" encoding (form field in payload)???

> ...

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 4 April 2011 17:14:27 UTC