Re: Proposal on html HEADING elements

Kaseluris, Nikos wrote:

> H0-element we need for the title of the document INSIDE the
> body-element. In html5 docs, inside the header-element.
> The H7-H9-elements we need only in very few cases, but they exist!!!

I support the idea of H7, H8, H9, because such elements are needed when 
extensive material, like a book, is presented as a single HTML document. At 
present, we need to resort to something like <div class="h7">. A 
single-document format for a large book problematic in many ways and hardly 
the best primary format, but as a secondary format, it may well serve people 
who wish to use search facilities, print the material, or convert it to 
other formats.

I don't understand the idea of an H0 element. I have always thought that H1 
is supposed to contain a heading for the entire document, and that's what it 
is typically used for. It is the first-level heading, so what would be the 
zeroth level?


Received on Sunday, 24 October 2010 19:29:08 UTC