- From: Brown Derek <Derek.Brown@gps.eni.it>
- Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 09:03:08 +0100
- To: "Davis Peixoto" <davis.peixoto@gmail.com>, "T.J. Crowder" <tj@crowdersoftware.com>
- Cc: <public-html-comments@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <7BFF0A3F76D75C478E3063BF754503C5B97435@gpssv0005.saipemRF.res.prirf>
Davis / T.J. - Thank you for those answers ... For some reason, I was looking at it in a really confusing way - way too broad of a spectrum. If I am understanding right, you are simply modifying a 'document' per se according to the standards which have been set down (within the HTML framework) - then implementation depends on the specific browser language. Another quick question - who makes/made the 'standards'? And can they be changed or updated? I would assume so as computers are changing by the second it seems ... Thanks again. And thank you for your efforts to make the web a more fantastic place to roam. Regards, Derek ________________________________ From: Davis Peixoto [mailto:davis.peixoto@gmail.com] Sent: Donnerstag, 18. November 2010 18:50 To: T.J. Crowder Cc: Brown Derek; public-html-comments@w3.org Subject: Re: Question about HTML5 and how it is implemented worldwide Derek, for clarifying reasons I will use a few dummy examples. Hope you enjoy. Seasoned guys, don't take it so harsh. HTML is a standard for writing documents that can be shared over internet. Now, keep in mind that compatibility is a two sides matter. First, we need applications using those standards and technologies. I mean, we need sites written making use of those tags and interfaces. This is a web developers duty. You can make your part here. This isn't complicate. You implement what you need, based on what standards allows you to. Period. The complicate part is the another side: support from who makes browsers. Google, Opera, Mozilla, Microsoft, Apple, Nokia... You can use new tags and interfaces (program with javascript/dom to add cool drag and drop effects, dynamic drawing with canvas, use localStorage... ) but not every browser can recognize, render and display everything as you want. Go further. Not everyone use the same machine configuration, nor the same browser. One person would like to use IE8 upon Windows7, another person would use IE6 upon a Windows XP, and a third would browse using Safari Mobile on his iPhone4. That is the major problem from universe. Even if all people use the latest version of their preferred browser, note that browser vendors implement the standards they judge more important first, and let one or another feature for future releases (perhaps the future decade). And based on what is used/needed according to the current status of web development, sometimes there are extensions over the current standard, putting more things web developers and browser vendor need/want/desire. It's a circle. The solution? Best practices and more best practices. Google for "javascript feature detection". That's is a good point to start. On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 3:43 PM, T.J. Crowder <tj@crowdersoftware.com> wrote: Hello Derek, HTML5 is a specification, or a set of specifications, depending on your viewpoint. It is not an implementation. The specifications will be ( / are being / have been to some extent) implemented by vendors. In this case, the vendors will be folks providing web browsers, so we're talking about Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opera, Apple, etc., etc. Some parts of HTML5 "merely" standardize things that the vendors have already done; other parts of HTML5 are new and will need to be implemented.The extent to which aspects of HTML5 are actually implemented will vary by vendor.The good news is that the the vendors creating browsers are actively involved in the specification effort, which is a big change from some years ago. So answering your question: The W3C and the HTML5 working group don't/won't actually create implementations at all (although some of the people participating may alsowork for a vendor and may implement things for that vendor), vendors will/do. I hope that clarifies things a bit. Best, -- T.J. Crowder Independent Software Engineer www / crowdersoftware / com tj / crowdersoftware / com On 18 November 2010 14:16, Brown Derek <Derek.Brown@gps.eni.it> wrote: Good Afternoon A colleague of mine and I were wondering how you implement these HTML 5 changes across the world so everyone can benefit from the changes you think of? So, we have HTML v.1 and you can make borders and tables and fun stuff insert pictures and such. But then you decide that you want to drag and drop photos into websites here comes v.5. I can imagine you writing code on your computer and them making your personal computer do this magic but HOW the heck do you write the general worldwide language and make it so everyone across the universe can use it? Fascinating. I would perceive the answer being relatively simple, but at this point, my knowledge base is extremely minimal. I am still fighting with v.1 so to speak. Thanks for your answer and all your work. Regards, Derek ************************************************************************ ****************** CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail and any attachment are confidential and may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure. It is solely intended for the person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, any reading, use, disclosure, copying or distribution of all or parts of this e-mail or associated attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message or by telephone and delete this e-mail and any attachments permanently from your system. -- Um abrao, Perdigo. ****************************************************************************************** CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail and any attachment are confidential and may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure. It is solely intended for the person(s) named above. 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