Re: Spelling mistake found in HTML5 spec working draft


You can search for existing bugs in the spec, and log new bugs if they're
not there, using the bug tracker:

<>But note that "realising" is an
acceptable spelling. It's chiefly British (and more common here than the
American spelling). I don't know whether the specification is meant to be
spelt (!) in the American way, though it seems likely (even if HTML was
invented by an Englishman ;-) ).
T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Consultant
tj / crowder software / com

On 10 May 2010 15:39, Michael Rakowski <> wrote:

> I found a spelling mistake in the HTML5 spec working draft<>.
> It occurs in section 1.10.3 "Restrictions on content models and on attribute
> values" in subsection "Errors that waste authoring time".
> The word "realising" should be spelled "realizing".
> -Michael Rakowski

Received on Tuesday, 11 May 2010 06:24:47 UTC