Re: Fulscreen Tag Proposal

On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 12:58:29 -0600, Ron Reiter <>  

> I do think there is room for proposing tags for desktop applications
I am proposing this for HTML5, which is rendered by desktop applications.  
I cannot really understand what you are saying, if you don't want HTML5 to  
interact with the device, then that is quite contrary to things that are  
in drafts for HTML5. Today, HTML Media Capture went in a draft phase, that  
interacts with the device; that could be a security concern, too (you  
mentioned security as an issue for the tag, earlier).

"This puts HTML in direct competition with other technologies intended for  
applications deployed over the Web, in particular Flash and Silverlight."  
-Ian Hickson

As you can see, HTML5 is in competition with plug-ins, plug-ins can go in  
fullscreen. YouTube said HTML is not ready for YouTube, one of the reasons  
stated was: "HD video begs to be watched in full screen, but that has not  
historically been possible with pure HTML."

There is a need for Fullscreen, I believe the syntax I gave is simple  
enough to make it possible.

Daniel Hendrycks

Received on Tuesday, 20 July 2010 19:28:34 UTC