Re: Heading and Subheading Elements


not a member of any W3C group as well, my understanding of
previous discussions is, that you should use h1 for such a heading -
not sure, what to use for a subheading, maybe div with styling - or
a span within the h1 with some styling.

I think, previous proposals for a more logical and understandable
choice like an element h were not successful due to the requirement
of HTML5 for some kind of backwards compatibility with what current
browsers do or how they interprete HTML tag soup.
An arbitrary element h will not be displayed as a heading by old
(current) user agents. 
A straight forward solution, that is simpler to specify and to understand 
than the current HTML5 draft, is a new language without taking into
account dead ends and bugs in the interpretation of HTML4. 
But to specify something new and simple is not in the view of the
HTML5 working group, their task is more or less to write down
what typical browsers currently do, including all historical bugs
and difficulties and meanders and to continue this approach 
called 'pave the cowpath' - even in case, that this is only related
to previously stupid bugs and typically not understandable for
new authors ;o)
This often limits the appearance of new elements to something,
that makes no big difference, if only the content of the element
is presented without specific styling or meaning - this is of cause
a problem for a heading.

Best wishes


Received on Monday, 30 August 2010 08:33:28 UTC