Re: Video DOM API

On Wed, 14 Oct 2009 12:11:27 +0200, Michael A. Puls II  
<> wrote:

>> What behavior do you expect when using <source>s instead of src?
> Well, you can insert, replace and remove a <source> element. You can  
> change @src and @type on each <source> that's present.

Also keep in mind that the parser inserts <source> elements.

> One easy way (thought-wise) to handle that is that whenever any of that  
> happens, the UA should stop, unload, reset states and figure out what  
> <source> to play.

The resource selection algorithm tries each <source> in turn. It seems bad  
to start over several times during parsing.

> On the other hand, you might want to change @src for multiple <source>s  
> without triggering a reevalutation until you explicitly call for one.


> Or, you might want a mix of the two that depends on whether there's just  
> one <source> or where you're inserting a <source> (before the one that's  
> currently being used for example) or which <source> you're removing (the  
> one being used or not).
> So, I mostly expect the first way. However, the second seems simpler and  
> would just cover everything.
> But, note that I haven't really dealt with the multiple type fallback  
> stuff yet, so I don't have a strong opinion on <source> yet.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 14 October 2009 10:51:25 UTC