Re: Explanation on usage of 'td' vs 'th' within a thead

2009/7/22 Seth Call <>:
> Hey there,
> I know I'd personally benefit from an explanation of the usage of 'td'
> versus 'th' in a thead.
> Why would someone ever put a 'td' in a thead?  Related question... why would
> put in a mix of td's and th's within a thead?
> Maybe It's just a lack of creativity on my part, or a lack of experience
> with tables, but after reading the spec, I still don't understand why I'd
> use td vs a th in a thead; morever, I don't have a good reason why I'd mix
> the two in a single thead.
> Thanks!
> Seth

Uhm... Look at
| Month |   Incomes           |          Outcomes         |
|       | Salary |   Other    | Food  | Transp. | Entert. |
| Jan   |€  1500 | €       85 | € 720 | €   310 | €   150 |
| Feb   |€  1500 | €       85 | € 685 | €   380 | €   210 |

headings in the second row can be marked as <td> because they're
actually data (the reason for spending / earning money)

However, it is more realistic that <td> are allowed as descendant of
<thead> just because <tr> have always the same content model


Received on Wednesday, 22 July 2009 09:42:35 UTC