Re: Semantic shortcomings and typographical errors in the specification

Thanks for the feedback!

On Sun, 19 Apr 2009, Lucas Larson wrote:
> There are a few typographical errors and semantic shortcomings in the 
> HTML 5 specification:
> 1. Uncommented instances of the word "versus" should be uniformly
> abbreviated and marked up thus:
> "<abbr title=versus>vs</abbr>." (In the 2009-04-19 edition, this would
> occur on lines 216, 1219, 14527 and 38168).

Why? It seems this abbreviation is well-known, so marking it up doesn't 
seem like it would gain us anything.

> 2. The word "judgment" is misspelled on line 1662.

This was fixed as part of the edits yesterday.

> 3. The word "Boolean" is an eponym and should be capitalized[1] where it
> is not part of an id or href attribute.
> [1]


While this does appear to be the pedantically correct thing to do, it 
doesn't appear to be commonly done in W3C specifications or in most of the 
literature I skimmed, so I'm going to leave it lowercase.

> 4. The word "the" is unnecessarily repeated on lines 3935, 4981, 8752
> and 8755, and repeated twice on line 11467.
> 5. The word "getting" is unnecessarily repeated on line 6536.
> 6. The word "so" is unnecessarily repeated on line 8346.

These were fixed as part of the edits in response to Nicolas Gallagher 
earlier today.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Sunday, 19 April 2009 21:05:58 UTC