Re: Suggestions regarding creation of an "Authoring Specification" for HTML 5 wrote:
> Ian:  at breakfast this morning we discussed some ideas regarding the 
> creation of an authoring specification for HTML 5, and you encouraged me 
> to remind you of some of my suggestions with a note to the comments list. 
> Here 'tis.

In case you're unaware, I'm the editor of The Web Developer's Guide to 
HTML 5 [1].  It's intended to be an in depth authoring guide that will 
cover everything authors need to know.  However, rather than having it 
written  using conformance criteria like the spec uses, it's being 
written in much more reader friendly language, as it is inteded for 
people who probably aren't too good at reading specs.

I'm also at TPAC this week, so if you like, you can track me down and we 
can discuss some things about it if you like.


Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 21 October 2008 08:49:43 UTC