Re: Suggested new tag/element

Disclaimer: This is not an official WG response.

On Mar 7, 2008, at 18:01, Nathan Sokalski wrote:

> An element that I have felt would make a good addition to HTML for a  
> long time is a multi-column list (sort of like a combination of the  
> SELECT and TABLE tags). I feel this would be very useful for  
> situation where more than a single piece of information needs to be  
> displayed in a list, such as when displaying a name, address, phone  
> and email together when selecting a member. With the common use of  
> databases and the increased use of online administration systems, I  
> feel situations such as this will become more common, and feel there  
> should be an easier way to allow users to select this type of data.  
> Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal, and I hope that  
> you will consider using it.

The <datagrid> elements seems to fit your description. Does it cover  
your use case?

Henri Sivonen

Received on Friday, 7 March 2008 21:58:52 UTC