Re: "paranoid user"

Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Jul 2008, Barclay, Daniel wrote:
>> Section says:
>>    It allows the paranoid user to disable the notifications without losing the
>>    underlying link functionality.
>> Shouldn't "paranoid user" be something like "privacy-conscious user"?
> No, because a privacy-conscious user would realise that this doesn't 
> actually do much for his privacy. 

No?  You seem to be referred to _sufficiently_informed_ privary-conscious users.
For others who care but aren't sufficiently informed, is it really appropriate
for the specification to call them paranoid?

 > It's a bit like turning off third-party
> cookies. It makes people feel good if they don't understand what's 
> actually going on, but it has very little impact on actual user privacy.

Could you provide a pointer?

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Received on Monday, 14 July 2008 16:45:35 UTC