<big> and <s>


the "HTML5" diff notes that <s> and <big> (among others)
are deprecated.  Both decisions are dubious from my POV:

With a rather old text mode browser (Lynx) nesting <big>
and <small> worked like a charme, and the same browser
ignored <font> and similar markup for obvious reasons.

Now it might make sense to deprecate <small> *and* <big>,
but then I don't get the point of tackling *only* <big>.

Similarly all old (pre HTML 4) browsers I've ever used
supported <s>, but not <del>.  IIRC at least one XHTML-
based specification doesn't include the "edit-module".
(Admittedly it also doesn't include the legacy-module)

Authors interested to create pages "visible with any
browser" need the <s>.  I recall my failing attempt to
find "diff marks" (with Netscape 3) in a W3C document
using <del> for this job.

Compare <http://purl.net/xyzzy/pub/strikedel.htm> with
screenshots when I tried to figure out what's going on
about five years ago.


Received on Thursday, 24 January 2008 14:13:57 UTC