Cross Document Messaging Draft Question

Looking at the current draft for cross document messaging<>, I was wondering if there is any guidance on the scope for postMessage. Specifically, does the postMessage send data across tab/process boundaries? (If there is guidance here in an updated draft I apologize, can't seem to find it!)

Here are a few arguments/counter-arguments that come to mind...

*         Against allowing this: Limiting it to the same Tab would make it equivalent to IFRAM hack in IE functionality wise.(

o     It would drastically reduce our attack surface without reducing its usefulness too much.

*         For allowing this: Granted it would be even more powerful if we allow postMessage to go across thread/process boundary.  Ensuring this feature is consistent with other DOM reach-ability will be architecturally sound. If a web developer can set window.location on a given target, being able to post a message to it would make sense.
I'm excited to hear thoughts here!

Sunava Dutta
Program Manager (AJAX) - Developer Experience Team, Internet Explorer
One Microsoft Way, Redmond WA 98052
TEL# (425) 705-1418
FAX# (425) 936-7329

Received on Tuesday, 15 April 2008 22:36:17 UTC