[Bug 11221] Contradiction regarding isindex (the special form input field)
[Bug 11235] Mechanism to disable sending of cookies with requests for style sheets, background images, fonts, WebSockets, server-sent events, <video src>, <source>, <track>, <iframe>, <img>, etc
[Bug 11399] <canvas>: Locking individual color channels (e.g. drawing to alpha only)
[Bug 12271] forms: <input list=""> needs an event triggered on selection of suggestion
[Bug 12868] forms: Allow placeholder="" for color and date/time types
[Bug 12990] Nested <footer>s might make sense in some cases, but are currently disallowed
[Bug 13576] Extend accesskey="" to accept key names (e.g. accesskey="home")
[Bug 25233] Specify that "Optionally, a DOCTYPEā€¯ means that quirky doctypes must be ignored
[Bug 27306] Add sourcing for 708 captions in DASH/ISOBMFF
[Bug 29107] Security: window.open(url, name) is vulnerable to XSS with "name" collision
[Bug 29154] HTMLInputElement proposed getFilesAndDirectories() method
[Bug 29731] New: Add Attribute to Reset the viewport in specific context
[Bug 5755] <video>: Expose media resource metadata (e.g. movie name, release year)
[Bug 7253] <video>: Provide a way to let the browser know what's coming next, for gapless playback
[Bug 8278] <video>: video.currentTime variant that returns a frame number
[Bug 9280] forms: Add default button option/attribute for forms
Last message date: Friday, 29 July 2016 12:10:11 UTC